Taste for Blood (2 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Taste for Blood
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“Then on your knees, baby, and suck on this cock of candy.”  Josh stepped back, unzipped his jeans, and pushed them and his underwear down, which allowed his rod to fall forward into the moonlight.

Kneeling on the limestone cobbles, she took his dick in hand and held it firmly.  There were no piercings decorating his hard-on.  Whitby was infested with wannabe blood suckers, but there was only one who pretended to be a vampire that indiscriminately defiled young girls and left them scarred for life.  This sick fuck was not pierced.  She had the right man.

Before she lost her nerve, she moved closer as if she was going to lick along his thigh.  She wanted to gag being so close to his erection, but her touch made him moan and call out his single demand.

“Suck me, little girl. Wrap those pretty red lips around my dick and I’ll give you something tasty to swallow.”

Success would be hers.  The touch he wanted was firm and not from her tongue, but her ring. It pierced his flesh.  He screamed and, before she could drag the sharp tip of the claw across his artery, she was picked up in strong arms.

To kill someone was not in her makeup, or she hadn’t thought it was until recently.  As a nurse whose day job was in the local emergency room, saving lives was what she always wanted to do, just like her mother.  The past few months she’d seen too many young girls pass through who had been lost in their search for a dream vamp and fell into the wrong hands.

Slicing Josh’s femoral artery and leaving him to bleed out was supposed to be an anonymous act.

“You bitch, what have you done to me?  That fucking hurt!  I’m going to—” he snarled from between clenched teeth.

“Shut up, asshole,” a deep voice offered on a growl.

Even though it was hushed, she knew the voice.  She’d heard it in her dreams and somewhere else.  Was it the man who seduced and fulfilled her fantasies while she slept, and left her to wake up with an orgasm that held her body hostage?


“I couldn’t stand there and say nothing while you dirtied yourself with this piece of shit.  You’re better than…hey, asshole, you’re not going anywhere but to meet your maker.”  It was not the quiet man she knew from the pub who grabbed Josh by the neck to keep him from running away.

While she liked him and wanted to spend more time with him in private, not just her dreams, she wanted no witnesses to what she was going to do.

“No, he’s mine!” Ella shouted and put her hand on the faux vamp’s neck, pressing the claw against his flesh.  She wasn’t sure where that claim came from, but it was for her to kill the beast who had fouled her niece so badly.

“Shit, don’t touch me with that thing again, you crazy bitch!”  The shrill cry encouraged her to push in the tip a little further.

“Where’d you get the ring from?”

She knew the unique piece of jewelry appeared pretty and elaborate, but it was a weapon.  The ring was her weapon of choice to take a life.  “I had a jeweler make it for me,” was all she wanted to confide.

“You are a surprise.  What happened that made you so bloodthirsty?”  The softly posed question was actually a tricky one to answer.

Could she share a part of her real life with a man she didn’t know because she fancied him?  He seemed good, but what if he wasn’t?  What if he used the information to turn her in to the authorities?  She was fine with the toll her plan would take, but really, was killing someone that important she’d risk her life to see it done personally?

“He seduces girls by telling them he’s a vampire.”  While there was more information she could offer, that was as close to the truth as she was willing to go.

“And you want to kill him to ensure he spreads his squalor no further?”  There may or may not have been a note of doubt in his voice, but she was convinced she’d heard one.

“Girls, Sean, as in thirteen and fourteen!  He rapes them, gives them drugs, and passes them onto others and leaves them riddled with STDs.  That isn’t the worst of what he’s done, but let me assure you, they’re damaged forever.”  She couldn’t hide any longer how she felt about the man squirming to get away.  There was no pretending how the anger and disgust he inspired affected her, it was there in her shaking voice.

Josh did not deserve to have anything as precious as blood rushing through his veins.  She dragged the sharp tip across the fake vamp’s cheek and watched the blood spill down his face with pleasure.  What was happening to her?  She wasn’t a violent person, but she was actually turned on as she watched blood paint his flesh red.

“You want him dead and gone?” her dream man asked and she responded without needing to think first.

“Yes, wiped out and forgotten.”

The solid silence between them carried something else along in waves.  Right then it was a tossup what she wanted more: to drain Josh of blood or fuck Sean.

“There’s a problem in that I also want to make him pay for damage he’s caused me,” Sean calmly offered.

“Oh no, was one of the girls a daughter or relative of yours?”  She stepped around the dangling man whose face she’d been carving and put a comforting hand on his arm.

“This idiot,” he stated while giving their moaning captive a good shake, “has caused me and others problems, big problems, and I’m done putting up with it.  I had my own plans to deal with him tonight, but then you were there and I couldn’t risk you getting hurt.  I like you, a lot, and hated seeing you deal with him at the pub.  By the way, how is your hand?”

Ella had forgotten about the gash in her hand and looked down at the wrapping.  Unwinding the folded paper towel, she found the wound barely oozed and no longer hurt.

“It’s fine,” she told him and gripped her hand around the towel.  Squinting, she tried to see him in the dark, but there was enough moonlight to know he was enthralled by her, as she was with him.  “I also like you, Sean, a lot.”

“Really?”  His lips spread into a gorgeous smile and he flashed a mouth full of white teeth.  “Then I suggest we take this psycho back to my place and share the punishment.  Once we finish throwing away the trash, shall we see where our mutual liking takes us?”

“Sounds like a plan.”  She was excited by the vague offer.  Sharing the punishment was weird, but it was the thought of what might happen afterwards that had her pussy pulsating with need.  Maybe one of her fantasies starring Sean would come true.  “Do you live nearby?”

“Down at the end of Arguments Yard.”  Her killing partner offered the information on a confident, almost happy note.  The tone seemed strange considering they were about to kill a man.  Then again, she had no qualms about ridding the world of Josh, either.

She had almost forgotten about the third person with them, but Sean hadn’t.  He set the other man’s feet on the ground and punched him in the nose.  Instantly he started to crumble and bent down to take the man over his shoulder.  From there it turned into a surreal date.  He held out a hand and she took hold of it.  Hand in hand, they walked through the square, down Sandgate, and turned left down a little passage.  They stopped before a black door with nothing more than a handle and they went inside.

“What a stunning view of the harbor,” she whispered in awe.  Ella was overwhelmed by where Sean lived.  The inside was dark and modern, kind of like him, but the wall to floor to ceiling windows held her attention.

“It’s been in the family for ages.  Come on, let’s go downstairs and get started.  Remember, at any time you can step back and I’ll finish him off, otherwise killing this piece of rubbish is in your hands.”  The confidence she heard in his voice gave her own a boost, but her nerves remained unsettled.  It wasn’t everyday she decided to kill someone, much less with a partner who turned her lust on high whenever he was near.

The walk to his place had taken the bloodlust she’d been feeling down a few notches, but it was still there like an itch she needed to scratch.

The cellar had no windows and smelled musty.  She couldn’t see anything, but heard Sean drop the other man on the floor with a thump.  A chain was tugged and a light bulb sputtered on.  The floor was cement and there was a metal table, a few cabinets, and a couple of wooden canoes and paddles stood against a wall.  There was also an old furnace in the back corner along with a large sink and countertops running along the side with shelves and drawers beneath.

“Were your family fishermen?  This place looks kitted out for bringing in fish and cleaning them for market.”  She pulled open a drawer and found a variety of knives, another held line, a third hooks, and the wall was covered with lengths and lengths of net.

“Pretty much,” he confirmed as he tied Josh’s wrists together, and stretched the unconscious man’s arms above his head to a beam stretching the width of the house.  It was a matter of fact process, leaving her with no reaction other than pleased to see him unable to move.

Ella wanted to feel disgusted or appalled, but there was nothing other than that hitch of excitement sitting at the back of her throat.

A startled scream jolted her back to the present.  She found Josh, hanging naked and dripping with water.  Sean dropped a bucket and walked over to drape an arm around her shoulders.

“Okay, flower, he’s all yours.”

She had no idea what to do, and looked up into the most beautiful grey eyes she’d ever seen.  They had flecks that resembled ice chips and the longest black lashes surrounding them.  He had a full head of lush black hair that was a little curly and hung down to his jawline.  He was taller than her with broad shoulders, slim hips, and long legs.  In the darkness of the pub, she’d thought the man handsome, but in the light he was beyond that, he was classically beautiful.

The man had her lust for him fighting with her need to kill Josh.  Oh boy, she was in big trouble.

“Do you want me to do it?”  Their captive screamed again and Sean stuffed his balled up underwear in his mouth and put a strip of duct tape to hold it in place.

She wasn’t sure what gave him away, but suddenly her eyes were opened to the fact he’d done this sort of thing before.  Maybe it was the ease in which he handled her need to see the end of Josh, or how he knew what needed to be done to see the task completed with little hassle.  The idea she was turned on by a killer didn’t intimidate her one bit, and that should have been a warning, but she ignored it as well.

“You’ve killed before, haven’t you?”  There was no pause before he answered, ensuring she believed he spoke the truth.

“Yes, although never for fun.  It isn’t an easy thing to do for anyone, but sometimes it’s a necessity.  Honestly, I don’t expect you to be comfortable taking on such a difficult task.  However you want to handle it, I’ll help, but don’t be mistaken in thinking he will walk away once we’re finished.  He’s a dead man standing, all that remains to be decided is how and who metes out the final stroke.”

While she was thinking, he took his shirt off and hung it on a hook in the door.  Like a gentleman, he helped take her coat off and hung it up as well.

“There’s no air down here and gets very hot, will you be offended if I strip down?”

“No, of course not,” she whispered and watched him take off his clothes.  The heat she felt seared her nerves upon seeing him naked.  Sweat trickled down between her breasts as she determined his ass was two delightful balls of taut flesh that begged to be stroked.  She couldn’t look away from them.  When he turned around, Ella was caught off guard, unprepared for the sight of his cock…his pierced cock.

Was he the man she’d heard about?  One who had a wickedly orgasmic bite to go along with a pierced cock?

“Sorry, it’s not something I can control when around a beautiful woman who excites me.”  Sean took his thick hard length in hand and stroked it as he walked over to stand at her side.  Taking the bloodied paper towel from her hand, he pressed a heated kiss to the wounded palm and gently folded it closed.  “Would you like me to put my pants back on?”

A negative shake of her head was the only answer she could give.  The male body was interesting, but none had managed to turn her on like a switch like he had.  She wanted him right then, and had to clench her fists to keep from reaching out to touch his silk-covered steel rod.  The piercing, two large silver balls on the top and bottom of the crown, looked intriguing.

“Would you like to touch it?”  He posed the question on a seductive note and she was ready to do just that.

Of course she wanted to touch him.  She wanted lick him, take his flesh in her hand and swirl her tongue around the head, tease the beads with the tip, and finally fuck him with her mouth.  To hear him moan while his hands were buried in her hair, trying hard not to control her speed, would surely make her cum.  She wanted all of it and the need for more from him rushed through her head while she tried to catch a breath of air.

She reached out and ran a fingertip over his cock until she reached the first bead.  Hearing him inhale sharply, she looked up to make sure she hadn’t hurt him.  Holding his sexy grey eyes hostage, she slowly circled the ball a few times before she moved her finger around the balls to treat the bead on the underside of his cock to the same teasing touch.  Watching his mouth open a little bit, she smiled and used her thumb to wipe a droplet of seed that had escaped.


Night after night Sean came into her dreams and took her as none other had before.  She was in no hurry to satisfy her curiosity about the real man now that she had him in hand.  While their gazes were still connected, she lifted her finger to her mouth and tasted him.

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