Taste for Blood

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #Erotica

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Taste for Blood




Tilly Greene


People visit Whitby to enjoy an old English seaside town, eat fish and chips and possibly see a vampire or two.  Ella lives there and is hunting a fake vamp that uses a famous young adult book series to ruin many young girls’ lives.  One night a man she’s been watching shows his true colors and she puts her plan for revenge into action.  Everything was in place for an anonymous act until an unpredicted twist flips things on their head.  With only seconds to decide, she’s forced to make changes and ends up getting something she hadn’t bargained for—a sexy man who wants nothing except her body.

Revenge is sweet, but is a night of wild sex too high a price to pay for murder?

First Edition copyright 2012 by Tilly Greene

Edited by Kat Lively

Cover design by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.

Smashwords Edition

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portion thereof, in any form. This ebook may not be resold or uploaded for distribution to others.

This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Note from Author: Taste for Blood, a slightly gruesome contemporary erotica + blood lust and piercing, is 8,575 words and this is its first release.

Whitby, North Yorkshire


“Are you really a vampire?”  Ella placed dirty pint glasses into hot water and began cleaning them.  There was nothing glamorous about being a bartender, but it was a job in a town that claimed vampires were real.

She posed the question to her co-worker that night.  Josh was young with a massive ego due to good looks.  Actually, he was hot, which had the make-me, take-me, turn me into a vamp set seeking him out in hopes for a night of wicked sex.  She wasn’t one of them, but was curious about his claim to fame.

“Sure am, and well over a thousand years old.  Don’t I look fucking great for an old codger?”  His flexing arm muscle was hard to miss in the tight t-shirt he wore.  He placed a kiss on the bulging bicep while wiggling his eyebrows at her in invitation.  She couldn’t hold back her laughter his actions brought bursting from her lips.

“Sexy as sin and ready to claim a pet,” she said while returning cleaned glasses to the rack.  She’d dropped the pet reference nonchalantly to see how much he actually knew about vampires and he’d passed right over it.

“So, you’re ready to be my dinner tonight?  I have a collar waiting for you to wear.  You’ll look fucking hot with it on, and nothing else.  It’s leather and full of d-rings.  I’ll hook you to the wall and keep you steady for me to fuck and suck dry.”  Josh whispered how he wanted to possess her body as he slowly stroked a finger down her exposed neck.

Ella shivered at his touch and turned toward the shout from a delegate for the hen night crowd that had taken up the far corner of the pub.  There were about fifteen ladies, aged from eighteen to sixty, wearing matching t-shirts stating they were attending the bride’s Last Stand.  One had obviously come forward for another round.

“What can I get you?”  She wiped down the bar and waited to hear the order.

“Twelve Bloody shots, two with an added Barbed,” the woman shouted over the noise.  The pub was busy, but not so loud that she’d needed to holler.  Looking at her closely, Ella guessed she was somewhat sober and the eldest.

“How are the ladies holding up?” she asked while pulling out the required glasses and lining them up across the bar.  After filling them with ice cubes, she started measuring two ounces of cranberry vodka and a splash of both orange and lime juice.

“They’re drunk, so these are the last.  I can’t handle the modern day hen night.  Mine was a couple glasses of wine at our local the night before, not a weekend away spent getting wrecked.”  The customer laughed and then helped her put the glasses on a tray.

“I’ll carry the tray, if you wouldn’t mind taking these two so we can keep them separate,” Ella suggested while pouring an ounce of Absinthe in the two glasses she’d set aside.  Whoever ordered the two Barbed cocktails was in for a nasty headaches in the morning and, hopefully, nothing else.

The corner was raucously loud, full of talk about sex and the boyfriends, husbands, and a soon-to-be husband they were doing it with.  There were plenty of dirty details shared that Ella found hard to believe actually took place.  The ladies were probably more vanilla in the bedroom than kinky, which Ella personally preferred.

After handing out the drinks, she started back to the bar when one of the girls chased her down for a private word.  She thought the young woman was going to order another round of drinks and tried to think of a way to say no. Except for Grandma, the entire group was a drink beyond over served.

“The bloke behind the counter, is he available?  You see, my friend, the bride-to-be, is totally hot for him and, well, you know how it is.  She wants a last shag before the ring goes on for good.  We heard down in Leeds about a guy in Whitby who has a sexy bite that leaves you weak and a pierced willy that’s totally wicked to ride.  That’s fucking hot.”

Oh boy, that was not what she’d expected the other woman to say. It wasn’t going to happen.

“No, sorry, he’s with me,” she confided with a wink and went back to the bar.  She picked up glasses as she made her way through the room.  Stopping at a few tables, she chatted with the locals she’d befriended during her short time at the pub.

“Would you like another, Sean?  Last call is coming up.”

“Thank you, Ella.”  It was dark inside the pub and she tried to catch a glimpse of his face, but couldn’t see much.  The man was a mystery to her in many ways, which was odd since she could usually read anyone.  No, Sean was a slate wall of sorts.  Cool, hard and smooth, but everyone had a weak spot and he was hers.

There, she finally admitted it.  She wouldn’t mind getting to know him better, finding his weakness, but that would have to happen another night as she already had plans.  Smiling, she picked up his empty glass.

Making her way behind the bar, she started to clean the dirty glasses.  Intent on the job, she hadn’t noticed when Josh slipped behind her until he squeezed her hips and pressed his semi-hard cock between her legs.  Startled, she reacted on pure instinct.  Thrusting her elbow back hard against his belly, she quickly spun around and had her hand wrapped around his throat before she realized what she was doing.

“I’m so sorry,” she cried out, pulling her hand away to find his neck and white t-shirt covered in blood.  Ella grabbed a towel and dabbed his skin to see where he was cut.

“Your blood, baby girl, not mine,” he told her as he took the towel from her hands.  “You must’ve cut it on a glass you were washing in the sink.”  He lifted her hand and, with his eyes holding hers hostage, stretched out his tongue and licked the bleeding gash.  If he was really a vampire, her wound would close from the enzymes in his saliva.

The room had gone quiet and she looked around to see people watching them closely.  They were expecting something big to happen, something that proved Josh was a vampire.  She was not comfortable being the center of their attention and clenched her fist, hiding the cut in the palm of her hand.

“Last call, everyone.  I have a hot piece of prime flesh to heal and you’re all in the way,” he shouted, leering at her as he spoke.

She felt herself blush fiercely, something she hadn’t done in a very long time.  The evening was spiraling out of her control and she needed to get it back.  Pulling three pints locals had ordered, she walked them out to their tables.  The last drink went to Sean, who reached for the wounded hand she’d loosely wrapped in a paper towel.

“Are you all right?” he asked with a note of concern in his firm yet quiet voice.  In the couple of weeks she’d been working nights at the pub when he’d been there, the man had never asked her a personal question.  Looking hard, she still couldn’t see much of his face, but there was a tension about him that set off her warning bells.  She wasn’t afraid for herself, but clearly someone was in the man’s crosshairs and she had a feeling it was Josh.

There would be no more blood spilt in the pub that night.

“It’s just a scratch, nothing more.” She smiled and moved on to finish the last of her duties.  There were people already clearing out while she picked up glasses and wiped down tabletops.  The hen night ladies offered obnoxious giggles and a few crude suggestions for how she should take on her co-worker as they fell out of the pub’s front door.

“Thank you, dear, for taking such good care of us tonight.  Now you be careful, that young man is sexy, but the things I’ve heard the girls say about him are just wicked.”  The elder spokeswoman held back to offer a bit of motherly advice.  It was thoughtful, but definitely not necessary.

It took half an hour before the pub cleared out.

“We’re all alone, baby,” Josh laughed as he locked the door.  “Come out here and I’ll make your hand all better.  I know exactly what you need, and I’ve got a load just waiting for you to stroke.”

Thankfully she was in the back taking her bra off from under her shirt, which she stuffed in her coat pocket.  It was a cheap trick, but she’d do anything to keep his attention off what she was going to do.

“You have to swallow all of it or I’ll use a whip to slash your back raw before I fuck your ass.”

Putting her ring on, she was glad she missed the smug, self-assured look on his face.  His voice made it clear he believed she was a sure thing; if only he knew the truth.  A glance at the wound showed it still open.  Proof was in the pudding, they said, and it looked like he wasn’t a vampire after all, just giving them a bad name.

Once she put her coat on against the predawn chilled mist pouring across the streets of Whitby from the North Sea, she tucked her hands in the pockets and went back out front.

“Are you going to walk me home, Josh?”

“No, baby, we’re going to my place.  It has everything I need to give you the best fuck of your life.  Afterwards, if you’re a good little girl, I’ll turn you into a vamp as well.”  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side.

Ella had actually thought his muscles were for looks and not really all that useful.  How wrong she’d been.  They had some real power behind them and maybe she should rethink her plan.

Their footsteps echoed as they walked down an empty Church Street and turned down a passage that led to the small market square.  Without warning, he picked her up and held her against a stone column of the Old Town Hall.

“Stroke me, baby girl, and feast on my cum?” he whispered while using one hand to unbutton her coat.  Josh moved it out of his way and looked down to where their bodies met and thrust his hard-on against her mound.

“You keep calling me baby.  You know I’m an adult, right?”  She was disgusted by the thought, but tried to keep a curious tone to her query.

“Oh, little girl, you’re sexy as sin because you look illegal.  Your big tits are round balls of flesh, tight and high like a virgin’s.  Are you a virgin?  That would be even hotter if you were.  I can’t wait to put a collar around your neck, spank your ass until it’s bright red, and then fuck your tight pussy.”  He was panting, running wet kisses down her neck and squeezing her breast.

“Are you going to bite me?  Turn me into a vampire?” she asked, trying to show she was falling for his seduction, but it was proving to be the hardest thing she’d ever done.

“You have to earn that position, baby.  First you’ll feed me, blood and sex, and then we’ll see what other privileges you earn.”

She was sure he thought he sounded sexy, only it wasn’t working out that way.  Not to her ears, at least.

“Have you done this before?”  Pretending interest in his physical wants was becoming more difficult.

“Done what?”  He pulled her t-shirt up until it rested above her breasts.  The cold air teased the tips to tighten further, and the deep breaths she drew caused them to shake.  He swiped his tongue around an aureole while pinching the other.  The soft and hard treatment worked on her passion, but she wanted answers before they went any further.

“Have you fucked a teen, promising to make her a vamp afterwards?”

“Oh, yes, the last girl I fucked was fresh meat.  I wrapped my hand around her throat mid-scream and then took a bite when she refused to suck my friend’s cock while I fucked her ass.  Her blood was such a tasty treat, so clean and pure.”

The things he was saying were hard to hear, they turned her stomach.  She would do whatever it took to stick to the plan she’d devised, and it was about to get even worse.

“You’re going to call me daddy, right, baby?”

“Of course I will, but you have to give me a treat first.”  He’d given her what she needed to hear and couldn’t listen to another word.

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