Tangled Web (7 page)

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Authors: Lizzie James

BOOK: Tangled Web
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“I want to taste you so fucking much.
But right now, if I don’t get my cock inside
of you I’m going to burst.”
He stood up
and rolled a condom on his extremely large cock.
He bunched my skirt up so it was up around my
waist and placed his hands on my waist, lifting me up.
“Wrap your legs around me.”

As I did this, he dipped two fingers inside me and pumped
them in and out a few times.
I moaned
out loud and began kissing his neck.
As I did this he withdrew
his fingers and thrust his cock inside.

“Fuck.” I gasped, sinking my teeth into his neck.
He grunted as I did this and gripped my ass
He moved in and out a few times
“I thought you said you wanted
to fuck me,” I whispered, nibbling his earlobe.
“Harder, Nathan.”
With that, he
took my mouth in a punishing kiss and began to do as I asked.
He was fucking me so hard I’d be surprised
there weren’t cracks forming in the wall.

Tight.” He grunted, every time he pounded
into me.
He was pumping so hard I
started to worry the staff outside might hear us.
“Come for me,” he panted. “Come all over my

I was moaning against his mouth now, trying to be

“Now,” he said, slapping my ass cheek.

I came so hard the only thing I could do to stop from
screaming was to dig my teeth into his bottom lip.
He shoved me harder against the wall and came
inside me.
He kissed my lips and leaned
back to look at me.
I looked at his lip
and noticed a drop of blood where my teeth sank in.
I leaned up and licked it away.

He leaned forward and kissed me long and slow sliding his
hands to my ankles and uncrossing my legs, pulling out of me.
He placed my feet down on the floor and
pulled the condom off and tied a knot in the end.
He quickly pulled his trousers up and put the
condom in his pocket.

Nathan leaned down and held my knickers out for me to step
in to.

I was so embarrassed.
I placed my hand on his shoulder to lean on and stepped into my
As he pulled them up he
trailed his fingers all the way up my legs.
I could have come again just from that.
I quickly pulled my skirt down.
couldn’t look at him.
I quickly walked
past him and headed for the door.

What’s the
matter?” Nathan asked, running so that he was blocking the doorway.

“I’m going back to my office.”

He stepped back.
look of hurt flitting across his face.

“So, what?
Quick fuck
and you go back to work?” he asked coldly.

No,” I shouted.
“Come on, Nathan.
I’m not stupid.
I know this is just sex for you and I’m not
that sort.
So I’m going back to work
before this can become even more... screwed.
And before I end up hurt.”
pushed past him and swung the door open, making my way to the elevator.

Chapter Five


Anger filled me when I entered my office.
Angry that it was so easy for me to submit to
Angry I couldn’t stay
Disappointed I was so easy
just like every other woman that falls into Nathan’s lap.
I was also scared that my family would find
out and I’d lose my job.
I gave up
everything to move to London.
I don’t
know what I’d do if I lose this.

I sat at my desk and planned to throw myself into my
I grabbed my water bottle off the
desk and brought it to my lips.
I had to
use both hands because they wouldn’t stop shaking.
Why did I allow that to happen?
Why couldn’t I just end the meeting like a
Why did I allow Nathan in
so far?
He had gotten inside.
He saw more than members of my own family

My phone rang and I quickly grabbed it.
Please be a distraction.
“Johnson Architecture,” I said, in my most
professional phone voice.

“This is Louise.
have Nathan Walker on the line for you.”

Fucking kill me.
get it over with. “Okay,” I whispered.
Why did I come back to the office?
I heard a beep and then his voice was on the line.

“Why did you run out earlier?”
He sighed heavily down the line.
“I don’t understand what happened.”
He sounded honestly confused.

I don’t think he’s ever had a woman run out on him. “I told
you,” I quietly said.
“I’m not like

“Come and see me,” he whispered.
“I need to speak to you.”

His voice tempted me every time I spoke to him. “Nathan, you
and I have a professional working relationship,” I calmly explained.
“I am more than happy to make myself
available for any queries relating to specific projects but that is it.”
I had to be firm on this.
We couldn’t keep doing whatever it was we
were doing.

“Fine,” he snapped.
“If that’s what it takes.
I have
several payment certificates for you to collect.”

He wasn’t going to make this easy for me.

“Can’t your assist –” I tried.

“No,” he quickly cut me off.
“She can’t.
Louise has just
finished for the day.”

Damn it.

“And besides… I want you to come and get them.”

Hell, if he asked me again I was likely to give in. “I
I was struggling now.
It was so tempting to accept what he was
For once, turning off the
control and letting someone else make the decisions.
“Nathan, I have to go.”
I looked up and noticed a few members of
staff were looking at me.

“No, Chloe, don’t.”

I put the phone down and carried on with the filing.
All I could think of was Nathan, his lips on
mine, holding me close.
A short while
later before wrapping up for the day I decided to swing by and see Chase.
Before packing up I left myself a note, a
reminder to arrange a meeting with the accountants so I could find out who
would be working on what project and implement a smooth plan going forward.

Exiting the elevator onto the corporate section I noticed
the floor appeared empty.
Where my
father’s and Chase’s assistants should have been there was only silence.
That was strange.
Looks like my brother had a soft side in the
office after all.
I decided to check out
my father’s office first. It was completely deserted.

I quietly shut the door and made my way to Chase’s
Without knocking I pushed open
the door, hoping to sneak up on him and scare him.
Ever since we were teens we were always
trying to out-prank each other. I entered and noticed a young woman with long
dark hair leaning over my brother, smiling at him.
She was giggling and blushing.
Before I could let them know of my presence,
Chase reached up and pulled her onto him.
This was at the top of the list a girl shouldn’t have to watch her
brother do.
Suddenly I had this eureka
I’d seen this woman before.
It was Louise.
As in Nathan’s assistant Louise.
Nathan’s assistant and my brother.
This was very bad.

Louise was cute and all but as if things weren’t bad as they
were with me keeping secrets, now I would have to keep another one.
I was hoping to sneak out before they could
see me but Chase’s head quickly turned towards me.
They were both breathing heavily and his face
dropped as he saw me.
Louise let out a
squeak of surprise and quickly stood up, smoothing her skirt down.
By the colour of her cheeks she was extremely

Then I looked at Chase.
Grinning like the troublemaker he was.

“Hey, sis!”

I glared at him when he said this.
He just glared back at me.

Louise obviously felt the tension between me and Chase. “I
should go,” indicating to the door. “Call me later?” she asked Chase.

I wanted to roll my eyes but wouldn’t in front of her.
She felt bad enough as it was.

Chase nodded and leaned down swiftly and kissed her on the
cheek. “See you later, baby,” he whispered.

That time I did roll my eyes.
As she passed me I smiled politely at
She smiled back and basically ran
out of the office.

“What’s your problem?” he snapped.

I can’t believe he just asked me that with a straight
My face dropped and my body
immediately went to ice. “What the fuck do you mean, what’s my problem?” I
He went to reply but I quickly
“Forget that,” I said,
speaking over him.
“I don’t care.
What do you want?”
That caused him to frown.

“What do you mean?” He genuinely looked confused.
He may be able to fool some people but not

I spent my entire childhood watching everything he did and
wanting to be just like my big brother.
Chase was a little taller than me and he used his baby blue eyes to get
what he wanted.
He used this in business
and he had a reputation of being ruthless.
I knew him too well.

“Come on, Chase!” I snapped.
“What are you doing with that girl?”
He rolled his eyes when I said that.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” I basically growled.
He looked genuinely hurt.
“I know you too well.”

“So if I said that I genuinely liked her.
What would you say?”
Now he was trying to use his baby blues on

“I’m not stupid.” I crossed my arms.
He frowned at that.
“You’re trying to tell me that out of all the
women in London you could have developed an attraction to… you just happened to
choose a personal assistant at Walker Enterprises?” I sarcastically ranted.

“Yes!” he yelled.

I jumped when he did that.
We argue all the time but he never raised his voice at me.
He knows I don’t like people shouting at

“I’m sorry, sis,” he quickly apologised.
“I didn’t mean to shout.”
He threaded his fingers through his hair and
He tended to do that when he was
really stressed.

I hugged him.
matter how many arguments we had we’d always make up.
My entire life Chase has always been my best
I don’t think there’s anything I
haven’t been able to tell him over the years.
Well, perhaps there’s one thing.

“Just be careful,” I whispered, squeezing him.
I could see this blowing up in our
When I pulled back he placed his
hands on my shoulders.

“I never knew you were so judgemental,” he whispered

I frowned at this because I realised that my words had hurt

“Not everything is as it looks Chloe.”

I nodded as he said this.

“If you brought someone in that I didn’t like…
I would at least try to understand.”

Damn, he hit the nail on the head with that one.
I just hoped he meant it.

“Right, kids,” my father said from the doorway.
“Ready for dinner?”
Dad was taking us to dinner to an Italian
restaurant, Valentine’s.
It was the
restaurant most of the businesses frequented.


“Good evening, Mr. Johnson,” the maitre’d greeted us as we

“Good evening, Denise.” He grinned.
“My regular table set for three with a bottle
of your finest champagne.”
He put his
arms around me and Chase.
“I finally
have both of my kids back together and as my little girl couldn’t be at her
graduation we’re having our own celebrations.”

My face dropped as he said this.
It completely slipped my mind that today I
should have been graduating in Paris.
thoughts were broken by my father squeezing me to him, giving me a kiss on my

“Of course.” Denise smiled.
“Mr. Johnson, right this way.”

When she stepped out from behind the hostess desk, I
realized how nicely dressed she was.
had a figure-hugging red dress that hit just above her knee.
As I looked around I noticed that all the
staff were dressed fashionable but classy.
All the women were dressed the same and all the men were in trousers,
shirt and red tie.
Very classy place by
the looks of it.

“Here we are, Mr. Johnson,” Denise said, gesturing to the
reserved table.

It was a table for three tucked in on the left side.
Looking around I noticed that all the tables
were quite evenly spaced out giving a little privacy to all customers.
I also noticed that I was very under
All the men were in suits and
all the women were in gowns and high-fashioned clothes.
Not in their work outfits like me.
Except for the men.

After taking my seat Denise arranged for a bottle of
champagne on ice to be delivered to our table. Dad quickly poured us all a

“To Chloe.” My father smiled.

“Welcome to the business, baby sis.” Chase winked.

I giggled as we all clinked glasses.
By the time I’d taken my first sip, Chase had

“Dad, by the way, I had a meeting with Jennings –”

“Stop right there,” I said, holding my hand up.
“No business talk at the table.”
Chase went to open his mouth so I quickly
“I don’t care what it
Office hours are officially
This caused both men to
“This is family time,” I

Dad smiled when I said this. “It can wait Chase,” he
“Don’t upset your sister.” He
smirked, winking at me.

When Dad looked away, Chase and I both stuck our tongues out
at each other which caused us to laugh including Dad.
Some things never changed.
Suddenly Chase and my father began glaring at
something over my shoulder towards the front of the restaurant.

“Everywhere I go I see a fucking Walker.” Chase seethed.

Here we go. “Chase –” I started but he cut me off.

“Here’s a bit of advice, sis.
Stay away from them,” he said through
clenched teeth.

“I have to work with them technically,” I replied.
He knew this for the love of God.

“Technically,” he repeated, “you have to work with someone
that works for Walker that isn’t a Walker.”

Oh crap.
He didn’t
know Nathan was the Head of Finance.

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