Tangled Web (4 page)

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Authors: Lizzie James

BOOK: Tangled Web
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I crawled down between his legs and began pumping him with
my hand.
The more I pumped him the
harder and longer he seemed to grow.
leaned down and slipped the head of his cock into my mouth.
I felt Nathan’s hands slip into my hair.

“Fuck, Chloe.
mouth is fucking amazing.” He grunted.

I slipped my mouth further down until I could feel him
hitting the back of my throat.
He was
nowhere near all the way in my mouth.
brought my mouth back up and swirled my tongue around the head of his cock.

“Shit, Chloe.
stop, baby.
You’re gonna make me come.” He

“I thought that was the point.” I smirked.

“Fuck no.
I want that
Come here.
It’s time for me to keep my promise.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s time for me to fuck that good girl out of you.” He
grabbed my hand.
“I want you to ride my

I crawled up his body, putting my hands on his chest.
He reached into the stand by the bed and
grabbed a condom, uncoiling it over his cock.
It was so hot watching him struggle to put the condom on.
It made me feel really sexy.
I was throwing off his game.
I began rocking back and forth, rubbing
myself against his leg.

“Fuck, baby, you need to stop.”
He got the condom fully on and grabbed both
of my hands to lead me forward.
kneeled over him and grabbed his cock, inserting him inside me ever so slowly.

“Ooh, shit.” I moaned out loud.

He froze as I did this. “Are you too sore?” he asked, gently
rubbing the outside of my thigh.

I was a little sore but I wanted him too much.
I knew this was the last time I would have
him and I wasn’t going to give it up.
shook my head quickly and began gently rocking on top of him.
He grabbed my breasts and squeezed as if
kneading dough.
I threw my head back and
moaned louder, thrusting my breasts further into his hands.

“That’s it, baby.
you like that?
Like fucking me like

I rocked faster and harder, digging my nails into his

“Fuck, Chloe.”
grabbed my ass cheeks, squeezed and helped rock me harder into him.

“Kiss me,” he demanded.

I leaned down and thrust my tongue into his mouth.
He ripped the slides out of my hair and
grabbed my hair in handfuls as my locks fell around us like a curtain. His left
hand then held the back of my neck so he could fuck my mouth with his tongue
while his other hand grabbed the cheek of my ass.
He began thrusting up hard and fast now.

“Nathan, I, fuck.
Fuck me harder.” I moaned
out loud.

“That’s it, baby, fuck yes.
Come for me.
Come all over my
cock.” He moaned, digging his nails into my ass.

“Fuck,” I screamed out loud.
I came around him so hard and fast that he came a few seconds
I couldn’t speak I was panting so
He smoothed my hair away and
kissed my forehead.

“That was a nice surprise.” He chuckled.

“Sorry.” I laughed.
“You were looking way too tempting to pass up,” I said, kissing his

“I’m not complaining.” He laughed, pulling out of me gently
and tugged the blanket over us with me still lying on top of him.
It wasn’t long before sleep took me once

Chapter Three


I woke up wrapped around my pillow.
At least I thought it was my pillow.
I was in that moment where you’re awake but
sleep still has its claws in you.
I was
snuggling back into my pillow when I felt fingers trail up my spine.
It was quickly followed by someone planting
open-mouthed kisses across the back of my shoulders.
I froze as everything came flooding back from
last night.
I shot up clutching the
blanket to my chest.
I looked under the
Fuck, that really
I pulled the sheet back and
swung my legs over the side.
Nathan quickly
came around the bed and knelt down in front of me.
I noticed he was wearing boxers and he looked
just as sexy in the daylight as he did last night.
Fuck, I was in trouble.

He placed his
hand on my sheet-covered leg and squeezed my knee.
“Chloe, there’s no need to feel ashamed.
Last night was amazing.
I’m not ashamed.”
He had that sexy smirk on his face.
Of course he wasn’t ashamed.
This was a normal routine to him.

“I don’t usually do things like that,” I admitted.
“It’s just...”

“Chloe,” Nathan chided.
He placed his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was
looking at him.
“You’re killing my
He smiled at me giggling.
“Here I was, thinking my charms and good
looks won you over.”
He winked when he
said this.

“They definitely did the trick.” I leaned down to kiss him
on the lips.
He frowned as I leaned back
to look at him.
“But you’re a
And Chase will...”

He shook his head as I said this.
“I couldn’t give a toss about Chase
Let’s not spoil it.
He cocked his eyebrow.

To the casual observer he sounded angry.
However, knowing Chase like I did, I’ve come
to realize that’s how Chase talks about Walkers.
No surprise it would be the same for
I nodded and smiled at him. He
leaned over and grabbed my hand.

“Have breakfast with me?”

I nodded my head.

“I’ll leave you to use the bathroom.”
He leaned forward and gave me a slow kiss on
the cheek.

I quickly ducked my head, blushing.
This is why I don’t do things like this.
It’s awkward as fuck.

He sighed and stood up.
“I’ll sort breakfast.” He left the room.

I looked around and noticed my dress and jacket were folded
neatly on the chair in the corner of the room with my underwear.
My shoes were tucked by the side of the chair.
He must have folded them sometime in the
I didn’t know how to feel about
It was sweet of him.
Which didn’t go with the Walker name or a
one-night stand.

I quickly got dressed and sat down to slip my shoes on.
I slipped in to Nathan’s adjoining bathroom
and splashed some water on my face.
Reality was setting in and I was starting to realise how much I had
screwed up.
Sleeping with a Walker?
Chase must never find out.
I have to get home.

I exited the bathroom and grabbed my purse and jacket from
the chair leaving the bedroom and walked swiftly down the passage.
I came down the stairs slowly, holding onto
the bannister due to my heels.
As I came
down to the lobby, my mouth watered at the stunning smells coming from the
I walked quietly, following my
nose to the kitchen.
Nathan was dressed
in a pair of navy blue pyjama bottoms and had set two plates at the breakfast
He had laid out a selection of
bacon, eggs, cereal, orange juice and a pot of coffee was standing.
He really could be sweet.
Shame it’s not for me.

I turned around and quietly walked to the front door,
sneaking out.
I pressed the button for
the elevator and thankfully the doors opened straight away.
I quickly entered the elevator and pressed
the button for the ground floor.

As I pressed it, I heard footsteps squeaking against the
marble floor and looked up just in time to see Nathan come running into

“Chloe!” He looked so confused and hurt.

“Goodbye Nathan,” I whispered, holding my hand up in
After a quick ride down to the
ground floor I exited through the doors and speed walked past the visitation
desk and out the building.

After flagging down a taxi I directed the driver to my
address and finally released a sigh of relief.
I knew going out with Chase last night was a bad idea.
Thinking back to last night I couldn’t bring
myself to regret it.
I couldn’t regret
something amazing like that.
Nathan was
I wouldn’t regret it come Monday.

Now however it was time to move on.
Start my new job, stay a sister to Chase and
enjoy my life.
Without hurting my family
or getting hurt in return.

I had barely entered the apartment when Chase came out of
his bedroom.

“Where the hell have you been?”

I cringed when he shouted this.
I shut the front door and hung my jacket up
on the hook behind the door.
I quickly
toed my shoes off and placed them neatly by Chase’s.
Did you hear me?”

That caused me to sigh loudly. “Yes, Chase.
I heard you.”
I turned and saw him standing there, arms folded, with a scowl on his
“For God’s sake, Chase, I don’t
need a babysitter. I’m a big girl.”
rolled my eyes as I passed him and sat down on the settee.
I had resigned myself to taking a gruelling.

“Okay.” He sat down next to me, leaning back against the
“So where were you?”

“None of your business.
Let’s just say I stayed with a friend and now I’m home.
This conversation was
making me cringe.
The cheek of him.
He leaves me to go home with one of his ‘friends’
and then decides to grill me about who I spend the night with.

“Don’t give me that ‘I can take care of myself’ crap.
Tell me who you stayed with and don’t say
He already rang to make sure you
made it home.”

I went to open my mouth and tell him to back off but he
continued talking.

“Chloe,” he whispered, wrapping his arm around my
“I’m not doing this to be a
controlling pain in the ass.”
We both
laughed when he said this.
“I’m doing
this because I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He rested his cheek on the top of my head.

“I won’t get hurt.”
wrapped my arm around his ribs and rested my head on his chest.
“I’m not going to see him again.”
He tensed when I said this.
I squeezed him and felt him kiss the top of
my head.

“Why not?”

I shook my head and leaned back to look at him. “No reason.”
I stared straight at him hoping that he’d believe me.
“He just wasn’t right for me.
I just want to concentrate on my life here
and my new job.”

“Okay,” he whispered, nodding.
“Speaking of your life here, have you given
any thought to how you’re going to deal with Dad?”
I went to reply but Chase quickly
“I mean, you don’t have to
see him yet, but sooner or later... you’re going to have to deal with him.”

“I’ll deal with it when it happens, okay?” I sighed deeply.
“Just not right now.”

“That’s fine, Chloe. You can deal with it whenever you
He unwrapped his arm from around
me and he grasped my hand in his.
“Speaking of things to deal with, I have work to do in the office and you
have unpacking to do, I believe.”

“Do I have to?” I complained.
“I hate packing...” I whined.

Chase tapped my leg and got up.
“See you later, sis,” he called as he left
the apartment.

This coming week I had interviews scheduled with every
company I could find.
I had at least ten
interviews scheduled and I was feeling positive that I could find a place in
one of them.
If none of them worked out
I would have no choice but to go to my father for a job at Johnson
It was a last resort but
if I wanted to be able to have my own place I’d do whatever it takes.
I loved my brother dearly but no way was I
going to stay living with him forever.

As each interview came and went I was left feeling very
I had the feeling they all
knew exactly who I was and who I should be working for.
When my last interview on Thursday came my
doubts were confirmed.

“So Miss Johnson.”
The grey-headed gentleman in a very nice funeral suit frowned.
“No relation to Johnson Architecture?”

That was it.
Over the
last four days I’d been asked that question ten different times.
I stood up, shook his hand and just walked
out the door.

What was the point in me even trying?
My father had obviously black-listed me.
By 2pm I was walking into Johnson Architecture.
Chase was already there in the middle of the
crowded lobby with a gloating smile on his face.
I’d kill him if I wasn’t related to him.

As we entered the elevator I glared at Chase.
He could have at least pretended to look
He was openly grinning at
the fact that my interviews had failed.

“Aw, come on, sis.
Don’t be like that.” He grinned, throwing his arm around my

I shrugged his arm off and crossed my arms. “Did you
blacklist me?” I demanded, cocking an eyebrow at him.

He looked horrified at that. “What?!
No way!”

I was relieved at that.

“I’m insulted that you thought I would do that to you.”

Now I felt bad. “I’m sorry, Chase.”
I felt him slide his arm around my shoulders
and pull me in for a hug.

“I may have convinced them not to employ you but I’d never
make you unemployable.”

I looked up quickly ready to hit him and he sniggered. “Chase!”
I yelled, slapping him on the arm.
laughed out loud as I did this.
As the
doors opened I followed Chase straight past the personal assistants.

“Ladies,” Chase greeted them as we passed.
This was followed by high-pitched

I rolled my eyes as I passed and entered my father’s office.

“There she is,” my father greeted me, beaming from ear to
Andrew Johnson was in his early
fifties with dark grey hair.

My father had a reputation of being a brutal businessman
like his son but I had many fond memories of him.
Helping me with my homework.
Playing with me and my dolls.
Lullabies at bedtime.
He may be tough but he was a wonderful
Not easy for him being a single
parent and having a corporation to run.
It was a fact of life growing up in our home that it was his dream to one
day run Johnson Architecture with me and Chase by his side.

“How are you enjoying being back home in London?” he asked,
squeezing me to him.

“It’d be a lot better if I had a job,” I said, narrowing my
eyes at Chase.
This caused Chase to poke
his tongue out at me.
I tapped my dad on
his back as I pulled back.

“Now, Chloe, be a good girl,” he admonished.

Dad could never tell when we were teasing.

“Anyway,” he said, going back to his desk, “you should be
working here.
With family.”

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