Talon's Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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"I have to say you're taking this rather calmly, for someone who almost lost it over the flowers." She gave me a suspicious look, which I ignored. What can I say, in the short time we'd had each other my girl had come to know me pretty well, but I still knew how to play the game. I gave a shrug of my shoulders, nothing to worry about here I'm mister cool. The fuck.


"No sense in going off the deep end until we know what the guy's after is there?" 

She was still looking at me like I had suddenly sprouted an extra head. I turned to Kevin and started talking football. My boy had my back and played along. This wasn't something you involved your woman in, this was some shit you handled yourself. Chicks tend to get all soft and sympathetic no matter what an asshole has done to them. Me, I’m gonna break his face, then ask what the fuck he was doing on my campus. Then I will deal with the two who I was becoming more and more convinced had something to do with my girl getting sick, not to mention being the ones to call that motherfucker up.




 "Your food's here babe, eat something okay." I pushed the plate closer to her after the server placed it on the table. What I really wanted to do was get the fuck out of there and go plan but she needed to eat. I will always put her first no matter what and right now my anger had to take a backseat to her needs.

 "How can I eat now with this mess on my mind?"

"Because my woman doesn't let some other guy steal her appetite, especially not when she's been sick and needs to build up her strength. Not if she doesn't want me to force feed her in front of the whole damn restaurant."
She rolled her eyes at me but ate what I ordered her. “Good girl.”

 I played with the ends of her hair as we continued to have polite conversation with our friends. I watched to make sure she ate enough while she teased me about being an old mother hen. She could say whatever she wanted; she wasn't the one that watched her loved one almost at death's door just a short while ago. I was keeping an eye on her no matter how much she protested, and now with that jackass coming here I was gonna be on her ass like white on rice.




 I didn't want him anywhere near her I didn't want her to ever lay eyes on him again in this lifetime. Pretty fucked up thinking I know but that's how I feel about her. She's mine, she's always going to be mine and no one was allowed to come between that, especially not an ex who had done her dirty.
I don't know what he was expecting to gain by coming here, but whatever it was he was going to get more than he bargained for, only not in a good way.

 If he was such an asshole to give up something as fucking phenomenal as my Skylar, then he must be a real first class ass. I had no doubt that he had realized his mistake and was coming here to ask her to take him back. I am going to see to it that he never gets the chance. Not because I didn't trust her, but because I'm not the kind of man who would ever allow another dude to approach his woman.

I kept up small talk with Kevin about inconsequential bullshit, which seemed to put her at ease. I hated deceiving her but I knew if she had any inkling of the thoughts going through my head she’d argue me to death. Some of the other guys came over as we sat there and the table soon became crowded. She relaxed even more as the evening went on and the guys teased us about hiding out for the past few days. By the time it was time to leave she seemed cool, I’m sure she didn’t forget the threat of his impending visit, but at least the tension was no longer there.



 I took her home and put her to bed after giving her her medicine, all the while I never brought him up. I could sense her following me around the room with her eyes but I played it like nothing was going on, just another day.
"Come here Talon." I gave her my under the lashes look, that shit always worked on mom. I had a pretty good idea what she wanted, I had to play this cool, couldn't have my girl worrying.

 I dropped down on the bed next to her drawing her in. She was in bed in one of my football jerseys that all but swallowed her small frame. I love seeing her in my stuff it was such a huge turn on. With my hand on her stomach I stole a kiss before releasing her to hear what she had to say.
"What's up angel face?" 

She loved it when I called her pet names, I loved calling her by them. When I called her Skylar she knew she was in trouble, she hated that shit.

 "What are you up to Avery?" 

I gave her my who me look, I had to be careful because like I said, she knew me pretty well already, I'm guessing that's a good thing though.
"Don't give me the innocent little boy look, you don't go anywhere near Robert when he shows up here, we don't need any trouble and he's so not worth it. Please just let me deal with it, he's my problem..."

 "You've lost your fucking mind, are you serious? Didn't you just get through telling me that you know me? then you should know there's no way in hell I'm letting you anywhere near him if he shows his face around here. I mean it Skye you go within two feet of him I'm likely to kill his ass, as it stands I might just stomp the fucker half to death. So unless you want to see the father of your future children arrested for murder you'll stay your ass away from him."

 "I'm calling your mother, you're out of control." Damn she was a huffy one, all piss and vinegar as nonna would say. Too bad it wasn’t going to change anything, I meant every word I said, if she went anywhere near him he was dust.


"Go ahead and call, it's not gonna change anything, trust me when she hears the story she'll be on my side, she understands the Avery men in a way that you'll learn with time. No one comes between us and what's ours, she knows that better than anyone, so go ahead and call her. You want me to dial the number?" She punched the bed in frustration; uh huh, that wasn't gonna work either.




 My baby had learnt pretty quickly how to bring me to heel, now she will learn that when it came to her all bets were off. She might be able to talk me out of pounding on one of my teammates for being an ass, but in a situation like this no dice.
"I told you not to worry about this shit didn't I? now leave it alone, I want you to rest, you're still not one hundred percent and I don't like it. And stop rolling your eyes at me." I kissed her to waylay her argument; my baby doesn't listen for shit.

 I knew she would gnaw away at his thing like a pup with a bone. 
As soon as she was asleep I’m gonna start my phone tree, get my boys on the job. I’d already formulated a plan in my head while we were at dinner I just needed time to set things in motion and I didn’t need her nosy ass knowing what I was up to. I couldn't be with her every minute of the day, we had different classes for part of the day, so when I wasn't with her, one of my teammates who shared a class with her would keep an eye out until after classes when I could take over.

No way the fucktard was getting to her, and if he did, I was giving my boys orders to take him down. The coach will pitch a fit if something went down, but that's his fucking problem not mine. He wouldn't want some douche sniffing around his wife either, not that I gave a fuck.

 Of course when I kissed her what usually happened did and we were soon getting in to some heavy petting.

I always held back because I knew she wasn't ready to go any farther, and the fuck of it is that I really liked that about her, about us. I know, it's a sick double standard me cherishing her virginity after playing the whore myself for so long, what can I say, it’s just who I am. Besides all that experience will be for her benefit in the end, since she was the only woman I would ever touch again in my life. A thought that would’ve broken me out in a cold sweat just a few short months ago was now my greatest solace. I took pleasure in knowing that this one beautiful amazing creature was all mine and I was hers.




 I kissed and petted her to my heart’s content until I sucked her into exhaustion. I’d finally talked her into letting me go down on her after about two weeks of begging, damn but she was a tough nut. She still hasn't returned the favor as yet, but it won't be long now. My baby was pretty shy about these things so I had to be patient and guide her along. For now I enjoyed torturing her with my mouth, I can take my time and learn all the little ways to drive her out of her mind. There was no rush because she wasn’t going anywhere ever.

As for actual intercourse it will happen when she was ready I wouldn't dream of pressuring her. It was actually kind of exciting, like unwrapping a Xmas present that you just knew was gonna be just what you’ve always wanted. I like a good present and if the way she makes me feel now was anything to go by, then when I do finally take her I have no doubt it will be beyond compare, without measure.

 I watched her sleep for a while afterwards before slipping from the bed, her taste still in my mouth. I could eat her for hours and still not have enough. In fact that sounded kind of good. After I get rid of this asshole that will be my reward to myself, a whole day of eating my girl out. Sounds good to me.
I headed for the living room and my phone to start operation Fuck Stark.


Chapter 10



 "You remember what I told you Skylar?" Without looking I knew she was rolling her eyes at me, that's okay, just as long as she minded me, because if she didn't it could make a big difference in the way things went down.

"Yes Talon I remember, I still don't understand why you're making such a big deal though, just let me tell him to go away once and for all..."

"No, you don't go anywhere near him, you have nothing to say to him, and if you just have a burning desire to tell the fuck to go fuck himself write a note. Now come on let's get you to class."

 We only had one class together today and that was later in the afternoon. How I'm supposed to concentrate on anything was beyond me because all I could focus on was the fact that this douche was on his way here. His picture had already been circulated to the necessary parties. My boys who had classes with her knew to stay close, they also knew to take that fucker down before he could even open his mouth to her, the fuck. I don't know what his purpose for coming here was, but I do know that any asshole who could do what he did to her was capable of anything.

 From what little I had gathered about my baby so far, she didn't use to have the greatest self-confidence; she seemed to just go where others told her to, that shit was dead. The Avery women were badass they had the money and the power behind them so it was almost impossible for them to be anything less. My girl didn't know it yet but she was going to be worth millions in the not too distant future. She was also now a member of one of the premier families in the country, all of that meant no two timing motherfucker was going to fuck with her.

 I held her close as I walked her to class, with all this bullshit I had almost forgotten that she was still sick, not as bad as she was, but she still had some lingering effects, and remembering that brought me to the other players in this game. Those two were playing it smart, they hadn't started bragging about their little sabotage as yet, or if they had it hadn't gotten back to the right ears. I’m a patient man I can wait, because I know it wouldn't be long before something gave. And when it did I’m gonna pounce and pounce hard.


 I made sure everything was being documented correctly, because my train of thought where those culprits were concerned was beyond a little cat and mouse game. I wanted them punished severely; in fact if what I thought was true I wanted them brought up on attempted murder charges, that shit almost killed her after all. It might not stick, but that shit will be on their permanent records at the very least. If that didn’t work I would find a way to crush them, something that would be long lasting so they’d never forget. She hadn’t done anything to deserve their wrath, I’m the one who fell in love with her and took myself out of the game.




 I understood why they thought they could get away with that shit, they didn't expect me to still be with my babygirl after all this time. They thought she would be just like the others; that I’d hit it and run as per my usual M.O; they miscalculated and now they were fucked. If it took me the next ten years I will find out who did that shit to her. And if they had anything to do with this asshole showing up here their asses were in for a world of hurt.


 At her class door I kissed her and gave my boy Tyler who was already seated inside a nod to let him know he was on the job. Ty had this class and Noah had the next. I had the whole day covered until I could get back to her. “I’ll see you later baby if you get sick you call me right away no exceptions.” I fixed her collar to make sure she was covered before kissing her forehead and setting her away from me.

 “Stop worrying Talon I’m fine, I took all the medicine and I have the rest for this afternoon. Now go on to class we’ve both got a lot of catching up to do.” She climbed to her toes and laid one on me before turning to walk into the room to her seat. I stood there for another minute feeling like a first time dad sending his little princess off to school for the first time. Shit she’d taken my balls.




 I couldn't concentrate worth a shit, I was almost tempted to go drag her out of class and take her home. I'm not quite sure what it was about the thought of those two coming face to face that I didn't like. Maybe it was the fact that she had once thought she loved him enough to want to marry him. Even though she had convinced me that it was an arrangement between their folks, I didn't care. She was about to marry him at one point, no way was he allowed to breathe the same air as her.

 “Hey Talon.” I felt the viper’s nails sink into my shoulder before I could evade her. I shrugged her off and kept walking. If I said anything to her right now I might give away more than I was ready to at this point, plus I had nothing to say to her. “So it’s like that is it? I can’t believe that you’d really prefer that little nobody to me. You know we make a great couple, we make sense together; you and her are just a joke. I did some digging and to say that she’s just a little dirt farmer’s daughter is being generous.” She’d run to keep up with me as she spoke. People were starting to watch us, whispering behind their hands like high school kids or some shit. I had all intentions on ignoring her but that last crack about doing some digging caught me off guard.

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