Talon's Heart (10 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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"Yes indeed, my great grand babies are going to be spectacular, I'm thinking a girl first though. I've been inundated with boys for the past fifty some odd years, we need some girls to break up the monotony. Don't think I'm a heartless old woman, those two decided to wait to have children." She said this to Skye while pointing her thumb over her shoulder at Bianca and Rye.


"You won't do that to a feeble old woman would you dear?"

"Mom please, they're not even married yet."

"Oh, Olivia please, like you don't know, how long you been in this family? you know how they work, the girl's as good as gone."

"Yes but we don't want to scare her off."

"If I know my grandson she won't be going anywhere." 
Everyone laughed at that, poor Skylar looked awe struck, I don't blame her, nonna was a lot to take in at once.


"So little sister welcome to the family."

 Ryder the lummox couldn't just shake hands like a normal person he had to pick my girl up and twirl her around.

"Dude, hands off."

"Calm your nerves lil bro, she belongs to us now, you gotta share."

"Oh yeah? how'd you like to share my foot up..." 

"Boys, boys, boys, behave yourselves. Now to the business at hand, Damien!" Dad turned to the ever stoic attorney who'd been watching the family byplay in silence. I guess after all these years he was accustomed to our nuttiness, he would have to be, he was the grandparent's personal attorney. I don't even think he had any other clients but the Avery family and Trust.





"Right! There will be no charges pressed against you, but if you decide you want to press charges against him that door is open. The young man came onto campus property, where you're a lawful student in search of you, and accosted you on your own private property according to eyewitnesses. It's pretty cut and dry. 

He's awake by the way, he suffered a broken jaw, cracked ribs and some other minor contusions, oh and a slight concussion."


"He'll be fine." I gave a fuck? 

Skylar pulled on my arm, I guess she felt I was being crass or inconsiderate; the fucker was alive, what more did she want from me? 

"So what do we need to do now?" I was over this bullshit already. I had better things to do with my time. Now that the legalities were squared away I needed to focus on my girl. I knew she was still shaken up by what had happened, not to mention she hadn't eaten anything in the last five hours or so and I had yet to see her take her pills, which meant she didn't have them with her. She could scoff all she wanted, but that almost dying shit was still real to me, just because I had to take time out to deal with that piece of shit didn't mean I’d forgotten my responsibilities. Which meant I had to get her out of here and taken care of ASAP.


"Nothing left to do really, just a talk with the Dean to be sure there're no repercussions on this end, but your parents can handle that."

"So we can go?" I took her hand and started for the door, I’d spent way too much time in this dump.

"You're free to go." 

Damn I hadn't even talked to the cops, oh well. 

I got my girl and followed the others out of the room. I knew it would go down something like this but it was good to get it out of the way. Now all I had to do was take care of those two bitches and all will be right in my world. 

I'd have to spend some time with the family first though since they'd come all this way, but as soon as they leave I'm gonna get that ball rolling.





"Dinner in one hour, the Ye Old tavern." Nonna dictated as we stepped outside the station. I had to say bye to my boys and coach who had all been hanging around waiting for the outcome. 

We split off with my family heading to their hotel while Skylar and I went home to get ready for dinner. 

At least she was so caught up in Nonna's antics that I didn't have to hear about the fucktard asshole ex.


"What should I wear, should I wear a dress or slacks, what do you think your mother and Bianca will be wearing...?" 

This diatribe started the minute we walked through the door, it took me a minute to realize she didn't actually expect me to answer her, I was just the sounding board. I cut her off mid stride as she was about to dive into her half of the closet in our room. 

"Come 'ere speedy Gonzalez, what's your hurry?" I pulled her into my arms for a nuzzle.


"Talon we don't have time, your family's waiting for us, I have to do my hair and my face."

"What the hell's wrong with your hair? it looks fine to me." 

She gave me the 'you're an ass' look. I was getting very acquainted with that look. 

"You're such a man." She insulted my manhood with a sneer. 

"What the hell am I supposed to be, a Mannequin?" 

I nibbled on her neck, felt like hours since I'd been alone with my baby. Too much shit has been going on around here lately for my liking shit’s getting in the way of my mac time. Besides she was feeling all kinds of fuckable in my arms.


"If you don't let me go I won't give you the surprise I have for later."

"What surprise?" I leaned back and looked at her smiling face.

"Can't tell you, but here's a hint, it's something Steph and I saw on the sex channel." 

I fucking gulped; oh shit, this could only be good. I released her slowly as I gave her a suspicious look. 

"You better not be dicking with me babe." I smacked her luscious ass as she walked away. 

My dick was already interested, fuck, now I’m going to be horny the whole night, with my whole family around. Jeans it is.





Twenty minutes later while I was dressed and ready for like the last ten minutes, Skylar was now getting dressed. I'd heard her chattering away on the phone with my mom and then Bianca, I never knew women coordinated their dress code and shit, huh.


She came out of the bedroom with her hair all twisted high on her head with a few strands hanging down around her face. Her eyes were surrounded by some type of glittery stuff that made her already magnificent eyes even more spectacular, heels that made her calves look amazing, and way too much leg showing under the skintight dress she was almost wearing.


"Uh, babe, no." I shook my head at her, was she trying to get me killed or get some poor dude fucked up? Because sure as shit if she wore that thing out in public some douche was gonna ogle her goods and I was gonna lose my shit. 
"What, what's wrong with it? I talked to your mom and Bianca and they’re both wearing something similar." She held out her arms as she looked down at herself and when she turned around her ass was displayed in all it's glory, hugged tight in the soft looking clinging material.


"Nope." Let Rye and dad worry about their own women, mine wasn't going out like that, fuck no. I started pulling her back towards the bedroom to change but she dug in her heels.


"Talon don't be silly, we're gonna be late, I don't have time to change now come on." 

She tugged me towards the door.

"Skye seriously, go put on some jeans or something, please, for me, you can't go out looking like that."

"What's wrong with the way I look?" She pouted like I'd insulted her.

"Nothing, I just don't want anyone else seeing you like this."

"Oh please, this dress is perfectly decent, now come on, besides I'm wearing my coat remember?"





 I forgot that she would have to discard the coat once we got there, and by the looks of it she thought it was cute that she got one over on me. It was evident in the smirk she gave me, and the way the three women got to whispering and giggling behind their hands while looking at my sorry ass. 

My own mother, damn. 

Grandpa had finally shown up and given my girl the once over and his stamp of approval. Nonna was being her tyrannical self as usual. 

"Talon dear I didn't get a chance to see Kevin, I have to see him and his Stephanie before we go, how is he by the way?"


"Kevin's good, he was with me at the station, in fact he was with me all day."

"Of course he was, he's a good boy, he would never leave you in a situation like that. Speaking of which, what ever happened to all those etiquette classes your poor mother sent you to, didn't they teach you about brawling in the street?"

"I never took any etiquette classes nonna." What am I a pansy ass, why was she trying to make me look bad in front of my girl?

"Sure you did I remember; didn't he Edgar?"


"Eloise stop embarrassing the boy, can't you see he's trying to impress his young lady? besides it wasn't etiquette classes, it was ballet, and that was Rye." 

My brother who had just taken a sip of his beer spewed it all over himself. 

"We have pictures of him in his tutu." 

Bianca and Skylar were laughing so hard they almost fell off their chairs while mom just smiled. 

Dad shook his head while the two old bats buttered their bread like they weren't lying out their ass.


"Nonna, Rye and I have decided to find you a nice retirement home in Arizona when the time comes.

"Ha, you wish, I happen to know my daughter in law is ready to take us in at such time as we decide we can no longer fend for ourselves."

"Lord help me." Dad shook his head.





They bantered about stories of our youth each one designed to make us look like even bigger saps than the last. I didn't mind too much though since my girl was laughing and having a good time, what I did mind was the way the fucking waiter and then the busboy were staring at my woman's tits. I looked around and noticed that most of the men in the room had their attention set on our table, and though some of them were checking out Bianca and mom, about a third of that attention was focused on what was mine. 

I put my hand behind her chair and glared around the room once, not realizing that my family was watching me with smirks.


"Boy how the mighty have fallen." This little tidbit was from dad the traitor.

"What?" I looked from one to the other in confusion, looking at Skye I saw that she was as much in the dark as I was.

"Who's pussy whipped now?"

"Ryder, language; oh Lord you would think you were raised by wolves, please excuse my sons' behavior, both of them." Mom smiled at Skye.


"Sorry mom." The big mope. Okay, so I may or may not have at some point in the past referred to him and dad in such terms, but I was nowhere near as bad as those two, they were Neanderthals. I was just a man in love with his girl.


Thank fuck the attention shifted to Skylar and when she was coming for a visit to the family home. Thanksgiving was coming up, that would be a good time. She was making some noise about going home for the holidays how her parents would be expecting it. Fuck that noise, as long as Stark was in the same state she wasn't going, at least not without me, she was coming home with me and that was that. Only problem was how to convince her since she didn't listen worth shit.


Oh well, we could compromise, either way she wasn't going without me, especially since I still didn't know about this agreement between their families that that asshole had thrown in my face. Fuck. I hated bringing it up with her because that’s how fucking twisted my head was. I didn’t want her to even think about him ever again, neither good nor bad. Last I heard through Damien he’d be slithering away back to his hometown a little worse for wear after his release from the hospital. I was thinking of planting someone on his ass to watch his every move but that seemed a bit much. I’ll just keep an eye on what’s mine and leave the rest of that shit alone. The next time we face off it will be on my terms, if that day ever came again.


Chapter 13




The family had given her their stamp of approval, which I’d had no doubts about but it was good for her to know at this point. I think mom and Bianca had filled her in a little on the family legend and what that meant for her on their girls day out while they were here. That was good too, now she won’t be looking at me like I had a screw loose when I did some out of the ordinary shit.

 I hadn’t found the time to talk with my dad or Ryder about the shit that was going on with me, partly because I didn’t want to hear I told you so and also because I had to man up and take the shit as it came. I will say that a lot of shit made sense now though. Like the way my dad and brother would sometimes get these looks on their faces when…shit better not go there that was just fucking gross.

Things have calmed down a little now since they left to go back home. The grans dealt with the Dean so I never even heard a peep out of him, and there were no charges pressed on either side. I didn’t want the hassle and besides, the sooner he was out of the picture the sooner my baby could heal and move on. All I’m interested in now is getting her better and making her happy.

Our lives were almost back to normal except for the two soon to be dealt with hoochies that had fucked with my girl. I've already got scary Damien on the job, trying to find a way to bring them up on charges as soon as I can prove that they planted that towel under her bed. The mold guy was pretty sure that there was really no way of finding that shit out but I was sure there was. There’s no way I was gonna let them get away with it, but just my say so wouldn’t stand up in a court of law so unless I wanted to just go vigilante on their ass I had to take my time and do this shit right.

They've pretty much been staying out of my way since the hangers on and the rest of the team had spread the word that they'd brought Stark here to start shit. Some of these girls might be upset they can’t be on my dick anymore, but they still didn't want anyone fucking with me. Plus it seemed most of them liked my girl because she wasn’t a snotty bitch like some. I knew they’d eased up on giving her a hard time though there were still whispers here and there from the diehards who refused to give up; too bad for them, she has me all locked down tight. I had no doubt that I hadn’t heard the last from Mackenzie but I’m keeping an eye out.

I had to play it cool for now though because I still didn’t have the proof I needed to nail their asses. So although they may know that I’m pissed at them I couldn’t burn the bridge completely so to speak. I have to leave a little opening somewhere so that when the time was right I could strike. I didn’t let Skye in on my plans though and had no plans to; she’d only nag my ass to death about leaving shit alone. Which was not a possibility at all.

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