Taliban (42 page)

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Authors: James Fergusson

Tags: #History, #Asia, #General, #Modern, #20th Century

BOOK: Taliban
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in operation 89–91, 377, 378

sole aim of Taliban 242

Shi'as, apostasy 112, 114

Shinwar, grazing rights feud 340–3

Shinwari, Jalaluddin 333–43, 365

on Bamiyan Buddhas destruction 138

on bad elements 140

Shirzai, Gul Agha 328–9, 331, 332

Shomali plains 117, 147

Siddiqim, Mohammed Jakub 98–100

Simpson, John 75

Skrzypkowiak, Andy 307

Soviet Union

occupation 23, 26–7, 41, 63–4, 147, 200, 208, 261, 268, 367

resistance war 28, 30–1, 51–2, 63, 82, 124–5, 243, 244, 319, 320

Special Relationship (UK/US)

Arghandiwal on 299–300

Hotak on, 324–5

Spin Boldak attacks 35, 45, 82, 169, 177

Stanakzai, Sher Abbas, on women's rights 86

'strategic depth' 53–4

Sufi mysticism 98–9

suicide bomb campaign 182–4

Sun Tzu,
The Art of War

Sunday Express
37, 38

Sunni Islam, Deobandis 66–8


Gorbachev's 200

McChrystal's 200–12, 355

Taj Mahal hotel, bombed 198


and ANA 204

and National Directorate of Security (NDS) 267–74

and Transitional Authority 161

Dari-speaking 59, 60

Kabul 80

militias, revenge killings 150

mujahideen 110–11, 204, 264

wealth 260, 263–6


Abdullah Abdullah on 279–81, 367

and aid agencies 85–6

and field radios 363 and Karzai 254–5

and martyrdom 62–3, 365 and media 74–80

and mobile phones 363

and UK, Dubai 2009 meetings 323–4 and Western aid 16

and women 46–7, 54–6, 88, 89, 92–8,311

arms stockpiling 168

collapse 146–9

conflation with al-Qaida 121–31

escape from US 154–8

excluded from Bonn talks 161 excluded from Transitional Authority 161–2

expected back soon 266–7, 366

factions development 83

government 113

Hotak and 316–8

in Chak 354–82

minefield 357

on consensus 56

on repair 238

Hizb-i-Islami and 296–7

in Marjah 383–4

in Wardak 186–8

internet use 134, 141, 219

ISI and 46, 49, 50–4

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Rules for Mujahideen

Kandahar 2010 counter-offensive 384

Karzai and 254–5

Maldives conference 214, 287–92 negotiated settlement prospects 2010 213–16

Northern Alliance settlement, Khawasi on 286–7

office, Peshawar 47–54 origins 29–36

political wing 2002 310

Quetta shura 169–70, 183, 215–16

and suicide bomb campaign 182–3

deaths 234

Shinwari on 333–7

suicide bomb campaign 182–4

talks with, 2007–10 214–15

visit Texas 109

see also
specific persons; Omar, Mullah; Zaeef, Mullah

Tanzania, al-Qaida US embassy attacks 118

tanzeems 28

Tarab, Matiullah, on US aid 209–10

Tarar, Brigadier Amir Sultan 'Colonel Imam'

and Mullah Omar 52

kidnapped 54

Tehrik-i-Insaf 38

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) 52, 54,248

television, Taliban and 74–9

Tenet, George 146

Times, The

tourism, bin Laden and 127–8

Transitional Authority 161

Transparency International, Corruption

Perceptions Index 252

truck operators, and roadblocks 34–5

tuktuks, artwork 332–3

United Arab Emirates (UAE), recognizes Taliban government 113, 214

United Kingdom (UK)

and Taliban 123

Dubai 2009 meetings 323–4

and US policies, Arghandiwal on 299–300

attitudes unclear 323–5, 367–8

radios distribution 176

in Bagram 154

in Helmand 13, 173–82, 184, 190–1, 250, 273, 298, 345

see also
ISAF; Nato ul-Haq, Sami 312

ulema (religious scholars)

and British peace talks 325

and jihad 243–4

Hotak and 320–5

on bin Laden 127–30

on constitution 82–3

on Harakat 316, 320

Shinwari and 336, 337–8

UNESCO, and Bamiyan Buddhas 137–8

Unicef (United Nations Children's Fund), and Taliban and women 55

United Nations (UN)

compound, Kabul 63

Office of Drug Control 106

officials on Qala-i-Jangi prisoners 153

recognition, Taliban and 92 sanctions 1998–9 101, 132

Security Council, Consolidated List 219, 313–14, 315, 321, 333, 339

Tajiks working with 263

travel ban 225, 226

United States 368

air attacks 119, 130, 147–50 and al-Qaida escapes 154–7

and bin Laden trial negotiations 129–32

and Haqqani 171

and Pakistan post-9/11 156

and peace talks 215

and road building 355–6

and Taliban

1996–8 108–10

escapes 155

Taliban/al-Qaida conflation 121–31

Texas visit 109

'clear, hold and build' strategy 202–12

'decapitation' policy 228–35

embassy attacks, al-Qaida and 118, 128, 130

intelligence, and Quetta Taliban 166

Karzai's tirade against 253–4

military budget 16

mistrust/ misunderstandings 158–9, 205–11, 323, 367–8

policy failure, Khawasi on 285–6

prisoners' mistreatment 220–3

see also
Bagram air base jail; Guantanamo

Special Forces 370–1, 374 2009

operations increase 232

failure to protect prisoners 153–4

night raids 228–32, 319, 347, 349–51

Zaeef on 225–7, 242–3, 246–8

see also
ISAF; Nato; operations;
specific persons

University Town, Peshawar 41, 46

Unocal (US oil firm), and Taliban 108–10,118


2003 counter-attack 168

Dutch in 172

USAID, CIA/ Pentagon interference 159

, al-Qaida attack 142


militias, revenge killings 150

Turkic-speaking 59

underrepresented at Bonn talks 161

Vice and Virtue police 96–100

edicts 84–6

Hotak on 318

Vietnam comparison 348


Arabs 126, 386

idolatry fears 140

war orphans, madrasah system and 65–9

Wardak province, Taliban shadow administration 186–8, 355, 364

Wardaki village, night raid 230–1

Washington Post

Wazir Akhbar Khan district 260

Waziri fighter, on resurgence 158

weapons of mass destruction (WMD) 145–6

White Mosque, Sangisar 33

Whitehouse, Mary 75–6, 79

Wikileaks 377

Willoughby, Guy 92–3, 106

Wilson, Charlie, and Haqqani 171

Wolfowitz, Paul 149


Bollywood image 77–8

education, Taliban and 94–6, 311–12

Members of Parliament 283–4

Pashtun culture and 57–8, 61–2, 89, 92–8

rights, Taliban and 334

Taliban and 17, 46–7, 54–6, 88, 89, 92–8

World Food Programme 138

Worsley, Stuart, on Taliban governance 55–7, 58, 73

Yakaolang massacre 112

Yaqut (bandit) 35

Yar Mohammed, Mullah 98

Yeltsin, Boris, and Chechnya 24

Yusufzai, Rahimullah, on Mullah Omar 216–17

Zabed, Saman 263–7

Zabiullah Mujahid 255, 258

Zabul province 2003

counter-attack 168

elders 346–8

Zadran, Pacha Khan 284

Zaeef, Mullah Abdul Salam 27–35

and Mullah Omar 31–4, 51–2

in Kabul 2010 218, 223–7 on 9/11 143

on Dadullah 170

on ethnic power-sharing 239–42

on expelling al-Qaida 236

on Fahim 260–1

on Hazara issues 116–17

on 'High Peace Council' 386 on Karzai 257–8

on peace prospects 2010 225–7, 238–43

on repairing government 238–40

on Shomali plains 117

on US 225–7, 242–3, 246–8

political career 102–7

urges Bush to dialogue 163

US mistreatment 164, 218–23

Zahir, Abdul 202

Zahir Shah 161

Shinwari on 336–7

Zakir, Mullah (Mullah Abdul Qayyum) 247–8

in Kandahar 284

Zazi, Najibullah 345

Zoroastrianism 99

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Epub ISBN 9781407096346


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Copyright © James Fergusson 2010

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