Taken: Rough Devils MC Book 1 (BWWM Motorcycle Club Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Taken: Rough Devils MC Book 1 (BWWM Motorcycle Club Romance)
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really said that?”


I’m lying, I swear I’ll let him kick my ass into the dirt.”


small smile spread across my face.


there’s not much else to do to pass the time. We could just eat now if you


eyes met as we came to a silent agreement. The food could wait just a little
longer. I was almost sure he wanted me, but there was only one way to find out.
I walked across the kitchen to him and kissed him lightly on the mouth. His
lips tasted salty.


kissed me right back with a little more force, gently biting at my lower lip.
took my mouth by force, quickly attacking it with his
tongue. He swirled his tongue around my mouth as I felt my pussy throb with


slowly removed my clothes, drinking in the sight of my young, beautiful body
before quickly taking his own clothes off.


what a giant cock. My eyes snapped onto it instantly. It was quickly hardening,
responding to the sight of my naked body. I felt nothing but pure lust at this
point, my pussy growing wetter by the second.


tongue lashed out as he first sucked one nipple and then the other. I gasped as
my nipples hardened, responding to his touch. I glimpsed his cock and reached
out for it with a tentative hand.


stopped licking my breasts and gently pushed my head down, urging me to suck.
Wordlessly I obeyed, tickling the head with my tongue. I ran the tip of my
tongue all along the long shaft, teasing him. I felt him shudder as I teased


giggled and wrapped my lips around his member. He growled with pleasure and
gently pushed my head onto his cock once more. I took him as deep as he would
go, almost fitting the whole thing in my mouth. His cock was so big I could
barely fit him in.


filled my mouth again and again, each time taking care to run his cock across
my tongue. I felt like a totally different person, bobbing my head up and down
on his cock. I felt my pussy throb with pleasure as I took him in my mouth.


couldn’t take
it anymore. He gently pulled me up by my arms and attacked my body. He buried
his mouth in between my breasts, taking care to get both of my swollen, dark
nipples as wet as possible.


ran his tongue down my body until he got to my mound. His tongue slid over my
folds, making me bite my lip to keep from yelling out. I felt waves of pleasure
begin to rock through my body as he nibbled my folds, teasing me. I groaned as
his hot tongue moved quicker, flicking in and out of my sopping wet hole.


felt incredible, just as good as when Charlie fucked me. I saw bursts of fire
explode in front of my eyes as
continued to
pleasure me. I felt my orgasm slowly begin to build, growing with each pass of
his tongue onto my nub. I was ready to let myself drift away and get lost in my
pleasure, but
was impatient. He was ready to fuck


picked me up clean off the ground and held me there for a minute as I giggled.
I couldn’t believe someone was strong enough to lift me like that. He slowly
lowered me onto his cock as I screamed with pleasure.


total fullness made me feel amazing. He completely stretched me out just as
Charlie had done. I thought it would hurt, but all I felt was pure, raw


held my there in place for a minute, allowing my time to get used to the feel
of him. After a minute, he began to slowly slide my up and down his cock. I
couldn’t see anything except stars exploding in front of my eyes. I could feel
my orgasm growing and growing.


quickened his
pace, fucking me harder now, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through
the both of us. I felt him fill my with each thrust, hitting all the right
spots and causing my orgasm to grow more quickly. Just before I reached my
crest, he paused.


we go harder.”


barely had time to register what he had said before I felt myself flipped over,
now on all fours on the floor. He began to pound me with his cock with even
more ferocity than before. He ripped into me, now moving at speeds that rivaled
even Charlie. Harder and harder he pounded me, as white-hot pleasure coursed
through my body.


could hear his groans less measured as I realized he too was close to losing
control. I screamed as my orgasm suddenly peaked, making my whole body shake
with pleasure. I felt a white hot jet of liquid seep into my pussy as he came
into me, still thrusting. When all of his juices were released, I let myself
collapse on the floor as he pulled out of me.


was fucking amazing,
.” I said in a voice I barely
recognized as my own.


nodded and chuckled.


It was.”


when this mess is all over, I could have Charlie and you at the same time?”
asked I suddenly, the idea forming quickly in my head.


wouldn’t be the first time me and Charlie have shared a girl. If he would do
it, I definitely would.”


smiled. Even though another gang wanted me
for their own,
I knew I could count on
to help me. And maybe
when this was over, I could have a chance at the best three-way of my life.


think you can you go another round now?” I asked, challenging him.


grinned and led me towards the bedroom.




on for a special, bonus short story by Sasha Devine!


Rough With Me


By Sasha Devine


was my first day of work and I was nervous as hell. I was going in as a virgin.
I’d tried to take the American Pie route and lose my virginity before ending
high school, but that didn’t work out. None of the guys I tried to fuck were
able to turn me on at all.


hoped in Texas it would be easier to find guys that were more my taste. You
know those people who can only get turned on by whipped cream or hairy feet?
Well I can only get turned on by hot, burly white guys.
with tattoos or huge muscles.
I figured that in Texas, there would be a
ton of those kinds of guys.


was nervous though. I had moved all the way from New York and would now be
working as a bartender. Moving to a new state is supposed to be a time for
adventures and really finding out who you are. Why was I so nervous? I thought
I was pretty good looking (even though I was a little curvy) and I definitely
didn’t get embarrassed often.


guess I just didn’t know how many guys were out there. What if all those
stereotypes weren’t true? What if there were no bikers or cowboys or anything
and it was just a bunch of pussies?


just wanted someone mature, a real man. I didn’t just want some inexperienced
college stoner who didn’t know where to stick his cock. No, I wanted someone
with experience. A man who wouldn’t be afraid to get naughty with me, who
wouldn’t mind being rough.


sighed, pulled on a tight pair of jeans and a low-cut top and went out the
door. This week was also my first real experience living alone. It was kind of
weird living alone, but I was glad my mom wouldn’t be there to bother me if I
decided to bring a guy home.


got into my car and pulled out of the driveway, thinking about how this first
day was going to go. Would I get there on time? Would I meet any hot guys?


I stepped behind the bar my eyes instantly traveled around, searching for a hot
guy. It didn’t take long before I found what I was looking for. Sitting at a
table in the back of the room was a tanned, gorgeous, burly looking guy. He had
handsome, dark brown hair with muscles I could see from across the room. I knew
immediately I was entranced with him. He seemed to give off an aura of pure


soon found myself in my own world, slowly slipping away. I saw myself taking
his pants off as he massaged my pussy furiously, making me sopping wet. I saw
myself taking out his big cock and sucking him dry as he groaned, pushing my
head onto him. I thought of how fucking great it would feel to get fucked by a
real man, really punished.


I was jolted back into reality as I felt a strong hand gently shake my
shoulder. I’d fallen asleep and had been daydreaming without even realizing it.


babe, can I get another one of these?”


shit, it was my first day and already I’d fallen asleep. I looked at who was
speaking to me and groaned silently. Of course it was the hot white guy who’d
seen me sleeping on the job.


shifted on my bar stool, my eyes meeting his, his warm hand still touching my
bare shoulder. His warmth seemed to spread all over my body. Now would be the
perfect chance to ask him out!


tried to get the words out, but they wouldn’t come. What the hell was wrong
with me?


what was it you wanted?” I mumbled instead, embarrassed.


like another beer,” he repeated, giving me a strange look. His eyes traveled
down until they reached my tits. It took me a full minute to realize he was
staring at my tits. Blushing, I turned by back on him and got him the beer.


he said, but he didn’t leave.


tried to move to another spot in the bar, but he just kept staring at me.


know, you look pretty hot. How old are you, honey?” he asked me suddenly. I
looked around. The other bartender was on the other side,
it up with some other guy. I blushed. He could only be talking to


“Uh, 19.”


gave me a wicked grin.


perfect. Say, honey, you got time to help me out with something? I’ll pay you
if you want.”


wanted to say no, but this guy knew how to get what he wanted. He put just the
right amount of sexiness in his voice so that I couldn’t refuse him.


I found myself saying.


Is there a place we can go in private?”


felt my heart racing.


there’s a room in the back I think.”


work. Let’s go.”


got out from behind the bar and led him to the back room, hoping the other
bartender would cover for me. I was so flustered I forgot to ask her. I opened
the door and led him inside.


was a small room with a few big chairs in the center. I think it was a room for
employees to hang out or something. I had done my interview in here, and the
boss told me everyone was always working so no one ever came in here. But if I
was right about my hunches with this guy, then this would be a perfect room to
be alone in.


turned to him and sat down in one of the chairs.


what is it you needed help with?”


wicked grin was still on his face. His muscles shone in the dim light of the
room. I wanted nothing more than to fuck him right then and there.


are going to take your clothes off and you are going to get down on your knees
and suck me off. You have to prove yourself to me before we take this further.
If you prove yourself to me, there is a whole bunch of possibilities I can explore
with you.”


was shocked. I figured I needed to make the first move. But he wanted to dive
in headfirst.

BOOK: Taken: Rough Devils MC Book 1 (BWWM Motorcycle Club Romance)
11.67Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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