Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) (5 page)

Read Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland,Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1)
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“Yes, Master Karn.” Even with her hands bound behind her back, Kalina easily straddled the blond’s tapered hips with the grace of a dancer.

Ty reclined in the grass with his hands behind his head, the muscles of his arms clearly defined. Alice shivered at the thought of grasping his muscles and feeling the power in those biceps and triceps.

“Rub yourself on him.” Karn lashed Kalina’s ass with the flogger, leaving bright pink trails across each cheek. “And do not climax without my permission.”

“Yes, Master.” Kalina gasped, and thrust her breasts up as she rubbed herself along Ty. Her lips parted and her skin flushed with arousal.

Karn knelt behind Kalina and lightly ran the flogger over her back. “Suck Darronn.”

With that, the third man, the one with the spade on his wrist, strode forward and grasped Kalina’s hair in one massive hand. None too gently he yanked her head up and thrust himself through her parted lips.

Kalina moaned as she sucked Darronn and Karn flogged her ass again.

“Ty will reward you for your good behavior in this demonstration by taking you,” Karn said. “And I am going to take you in your tight ass.”

Alice’s hand covered her mouth as she fought back her own moan of excitement while she watched Ty hold Kalina’s hips and thrust into her. The woman moaned around her mouthful of Darronn’s member.

Karn was stroking himself and it glistened as though he’d magically come up with some kind of lubricant. In the next moment he grabbed Kalina’s ass cheeks and placed his erection at her anus, slowly penetrated her, and then began pumping in and out.

“Very good,” Karn said in a virtual purr as he went back to flogging her ass and her back, never hitting the same spot twice. “Take us all as deep as you can.”

Three cocks thrust in and out of Kalina, three powerful men taking her at once.

And more than anything, Alice wanted what Kalina was getting.

Just as Alice thought she couldn’t take any more, a vibrant scent met her nose. Her body began to tremble violently. Her nipples tightened until they ached.
Oh, my god,
she needed a man inside her and she needed it

And then she realized Kalina was going crazy.

The woman’s calm mask of serenity vanished. She made guttural sounds as she sucked Darronn. He’d pulled her head back so her brilliant amber eyes were focused on him.

Kalina’s body trembled violently as Ty and Karn slid in and out of her core and her ass. If the men didn’t have Kalina so fiercely in their control and if her hands weren’t so tightly bound behind her and to her collar, Alice was sure the woman would have gone wild on them. That wildness was evident in her amber eyes, in the shaking of her body, in the way she thrashed with every thrust, and the moans rolling out from her throat.

The primal urges welling up inside Alice frightened her with their intensity. She wanted to rip off her blouse, yank off her skirt, and join the sexual frenzy. She’d never been so turned on.

Gentle prickling erupted in her consciousness, like someone was watching her. It took effort, but she forced her gaze away from the erotic scene before her. She almost forgot to breathe when she saw

A powerfully built man rested one hip against the massive trunk of a scallop-leaved tree on the other side of the foursome. He wore leather pants and held a red scarf in one hand. He had a muscular bare chest with broad shoulders. And those thighs—good lord but those had to be the most athletic thighs she’d ever had the pleasure of viewing. His sculpted body was sheer perfection, his clearly defined abs surely as hard as carved stone.

A tattoo of a heart design flexed across one arm—she’d been right, there was another man with the fourth suit tattooed on his body.

His gaze focused on something he held—it looked like a playing card, only the pattern on its back
While he studied the card, a feral smile curved the corner of his mouth. He had stubble on his jaw that made him even more devilishly handsome.

Strange sensations washed over Alice in waves that raised the hair at her nape. It was as if the man was aware of her, even though he wasn’t looking directly at her.

Heat poured through Alice’s veins like molten lava. She barely glimpsed the foursome as she slipped back behind the tree, praying she was wrong and that the man hadn’t noticed her.

Alice pressed her palms against the tree’s glossy bark, closed her eyes tight, and shivered at the thought of the man looking for her. Sounds became more acute as she braced herself against the tree and trembled, hoping she hadn’t been discovered. Was that the snap of a twig above the grunts and moans from the foursome? A splash in the fountain?

Then she heard Karn shout, “You may come, wench,” followed by Kalina’s scream of ecstasy.

Slowly Alice moved to again peek around the tree and saw Karn withdraw from Kalina’s ass that was still bright pink from being flogged.

The blue satin ribbon in Alice’s hair flopped into her eyes, and she pushed it away with trembling fingers. Her gaze moved to the tree where the stubble-jawed man had been standing—but he wasn’t there. A queer sensation settled in her belly. Where had he gone?

Something warm and soft nudged Alice’s ass and she froze. A low predator’s rumble surrounded her and she began to shake so badly she thought her knees would give out. Another nudge, this time harder, to one hip as though trying to force her to turn around.

Her heart pounded in her ears, her throat so dry she couldn’t even swallow. Very slowly, she turned.

An enormous white tiger stood behind her, his ice-green gaze fixed on her.

Horror rose through Alice so fast that her head seemed to become as light as air.

That tiger isn’t real. None of this is real,
was her last coherent thought as she slipped down the tree trunk to the soft, sweet-smelling grass and faded out of consciousness.


THE BRUSH OF FINE SILK TEASED ALICE from her sleep like the caress of a lover’s supple lips sliding down the line of her throat, over the curve of one breast and her taut nipple. She murmured and tried to move toward the sensation, but her arms and legs felt somehow weighted down. The luxurious sweep of silk over her skin continued its sweet torture, swirling over her belly and farther on.

Smells of sandalwood and spice embraced her, and something far more primal and earthy. Alice sighed with pleasure at the feel of the silk, and then disappointment when the caress moved away. She felt a sleepy smile curve the corner of her mouth as her eyelids fluttered open.

She frowned as confusion fogged her brain. She was lying flat on her back in a soft bed in the middle of a dimly lit room. Golden moonlight spilled through the window just beyond the foot of the bed and a breeze stirred the sheer curtains to either side of the opening. Candles glowed all around the room, perched on tables and chests. The breeze caused the flames to flicker and cast haunting shadows upon glittering walls.

One large and very dark shadow shifted beside the bed from above Alice’s range of sight. She turned her gaze from the candles, past tables and a large chair, toward the shadow. Her heart stuttered.

The stubble-jawed man, the one with the heart tattoo. Again only his chest was bare. He wore snug black leather pants, with a very obvious erection outlined behind the leather.

In a fiery rush, panic swept through Alice. “Who are—” she started to say as she tried to sit up, only to discover she couldn’t budge her arms or legs. She was spread-eagled, her wrists and ankles securely tied by red silk scarves.

And she was buck-naked.

Fear slammed into her, a hard slap against her chest, as she stared up at his feral eyes. Goose bumps pebbled her skin, causing her nipples to tighten more. The man’s nostrils flared as his gaze traveled in a slow perusal over her erect nipples to her mound and back again to her face. Candlelight reflected in his eyes—eyes dark with hunger, as if she was his prey and he was about to dine upon her body.

Starting with an intense prickling at her scalp, heat burned through Alice and rolled downward toward her toes. Conflicting feelings raged within her, tightening her chest. Fury at the man for binding her, and embarrassment at him viewing her naked, plump body. She wanted to hide herself from the man—to cover her wide thighs, her full hips, and the gentle swell of her tummy.

Yet the way he was looking at her… Like he

Just the desire in his eyes was enough to add more turmoil to her already-confused mind.


How could she want this man who had strapped her down completely naked and placed her at his mercy?

“Time to wake,” the man murmured. He had an unusual accent that she couldn’t place, and the sound of his voice sent a thrill straight through her. “You have slept the day through.”

Alice flicked her tongue along her lower lip and somehow managed to find her voice. “What the hell is going on?” She tried for Alexi’s attorney tone but failed miserably, definitely sounding a lot more like a scared little girl. She pulled against the scarves again. “Let me go, damn you.”

The man raised his hand as he stepped closer. A red silk scarf appeared in his palm, like magic. The scarf was similar to the one he’d held when she’d first watched him, like the ones binding her wrists and ankles. Slowly he trailed the cloth across one of her thighs, and she trembled.

“You spied on my subjects, did you not?” His voice was deep and resonant.

As hot as her face flushed, Alice was sure she must have turned redder than the scarf. No question about it, she knew he was referring to the three men and the woman she’d watched by the fountain in the midst of the unusual flowers and trees.

When she hesitated, he murmured, “Never think to lie to me, wench.”

She shivered at the way he said “wench.” Not like an insult. More like a sexy endearment.

He slid the scarf back up her belly and over her nipples. She couldn’t help but watch him move the silk over her body. Her gaze followed the scarf as it drifted, her skin looking flushed and somehow attractive in the warm candlelight. Even though she was concerned and thought she might have a heart attack from fear, unbelievably she was also very aroused. It was as if her deepest, darkest fantasy had come to life. Yet she was too confused to make sense of the feelings tangling like a thousand fine threads within her.

“Uh…” The words she’d intended to speak got caught up in a moan as he teased her nipples with the silk.

With a movement so unexpected it took her breath away, the man dipped his head and laved each of her nipples. To her surprise, his tongue was rough, like a cat’s, and it felt so good that Alice thought she would scream from the pleasure of it. Even as she arched her back and moaned, the man straightened and said in a low and firm voice, “Untruths and disobedience will result in punishment.”

“Punishment?” Alice’s eyes widened and she tore her attention from her now moist and very stimulated nipples. She swallowed hard as it finally dawned on her—he was a Dom, just like the one she’d watched by that fountain. A Dom like the one from her fantasies. Dark, virile, incredibly sexy, and in control of himself and ultimately her.

And now this guy was talking about punishing her for spying on the group.

He brought his face to hers and brushed his lips so lightly over her mouth that she trembled from the brief touch and the brush of his stubble.

When he rose, she wondered if she’d imagined it. His voice was a low, controlled growl. “Answer.”

She had never been in such a state of embarrassment, arousal, and confusion all at once. She didn’t know anything about this man, yet he had her so hot that she wanted him inside her more than anything at this moment. Deep inside she knew she should be more frightened than she was, yet somehow she instinctively knew this man would never harm her, would never force her to do anything she truly didn’t want to do.

How could she possibly think something like that? Of course he could hurt her or take her against her will. Nothing could stop him.

So why did she feel somehow safe?

Jeez, Alice. Get your head on straight.

She caught her breath as the man tossed the scarf across her belly. As he reached for one of her nipples, the heart tattoo on his powerful biceps flexed like a living symbol of his power. His callused fingers felt warm against the taut nub, but then he pinched her nipple, hard. Alice cried out at the brief burst of pain and then moaned at the following sensations of pleasure.

The man sniffed the air like a tiger scenting his prey and a rumble rose from his throat. Before she had time to be even more embarrassed, the man reached for her other breast and demanded, “Answer.”

A shiver ran through her. “I forgot the question.”

He looked at her, no patience whatsoever in his gaze. “You spied on my subjects.”

“Yes.” She arched her back and thrust her chest toward him as he pinched her nipple harder. “I did. I watched the three men with the woman.”

“Did you enjoy it?” He moved his hand over her belly and down to her mound.

Alice squirmed, pulling against her silk bindings, her body aching so badly that moisture formed in her eyes. He cupped her mound and she gasped.

“I tire of your reluctance to respond.” He slipped one finger into her. “Did you find it arousing to watch them?” A moan escaped her when he thrust his finger inside her core. “Did you wish to be the woman with three cocks to enjoy?” he added as he penetrated her with a second and third finger.

Alice’s desire had grown so great that tears flowed from her eyes, dampening her pillow. “Yes, damn it!” She thrashed her head and tried to press herself tighter against his hand. “I enjoyed it. I wanted to be taken like that.”

He slipped his fingers from out of her core and she almost cried aloud, she was so damn horny. “What is your birth name?” he asked as he moved closer to her.

She glared at him and thought about refusing to answer, but when he pinched her nipple again she gasped and said, “Alice! My name is Alice.”

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