Taken (5 page)

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Authors: H.M. McQueen

BOOK: Taken
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Chapter Eight


Erections made it hard as hell to concentrate on what happened.  Isen leaned forward in the chair and rubbed his forearm between his legs hoping none of the guys noticed.  He had it bad. 

Sleeping with Baby had to be the worst decision of his life.  If she didn't care for him and only wanted sex he wasn't sure he was cool with that.

Sure he could mate with her, females after all didn't get a choice in the matter, but he wasn't about to do so with someone who didn't at least care for him as a person, didn’t want to know more about him than the fact he loved to fuck.

The chemistry between them was off the charts that part was true. But what else did they have in common?  Did she know anything about him?

Sure he'd been around her for five years, but that didn't mean they knew shit about each other that mattered.  No, that was a false statement.  In actuality, he knew quite a bit about Baby. 

She loved coffee with too much sugar, her favorite flavor cake was strawberry and her color of choice was pink.  Her birthday was...

"Isen, want to join us?  We are talking about a trivial thing, you know pack turf war." Taden lifted both eyebrows at him while the rest of the pack looked to him as if his reply would ensure the world continued to spin.

"Yeah, sorry." He glared at Vane who pressed his lips together to keep from laughing.

"As I was saying," Taden continued, "our friend Clark refused to concede defeat.  Although he did say they plan to return to Panama City, he claims it’s only to regroup."

Raythe shook his head.  "The drugs are not keeping him sharp.  Why didn't he just draw a map and tell us where they plan to attack and when?"

The other wolves chuckled.

Finally after another half hour of blah-blah, four wolves went to get Clark.  They were going to drive him an hour away and let him go.  If they killed him, a turf war could be inevitable.

Letting him go meant the fucker could come back, but it would take him a while to get a hold of his pack members and get reorganized.  It was more of a move to annoy rather than hurt. There was no telling if the guy would ever gain his pack's respect again. For all they knew, the others may have left since none of them tried to see about their leader.

Taden caught up with Isen just as he was about to enter the club and search out Baby.  "You smell interesting." The wolf sniffed.

The whole situation was getting out of hand.  It was time to man up. If Baby didn't love him so the fuck what.  He'd mate with her and that was that.  "Yeah, when you get a minute we need to talk."

"I think we do." Taden's hand gripped his shoulder none to gently.  "Give me a couple hours to get things in order and then come to my place."

Taden knew.  Shit.  Isen wasn't prepared to deal with this right now.  He'd yet to figure out what he needed to do first.  Talk to Baby or to her brother.

But he'd not back down against the Alpha.  He'd ask for permission to mate Baby, and hope for the best.  If Taden didn't kill him, he'd mate her.  Of course then hopefully Baby wouldn't beat the shit out of him with that staff she'd been training to fight with, if she found out he asked Taden first.

He looked toward the bar.  She was not there.  Vane was gone too, which meant she and her BFF had probably vamoosed right after the alpha pow-wow in the back rooms ended.

He knew where to find them so he hoofed it the half block to the local coffee shop. The two looked up with identical "Oh, shit" expressions, which meant they were talking about him. 

He neared the table and glanced at Vane.  "Give me a minute with Baby, will ya?"

"I have to work anyway.”  Vane got up and left without a backward glance.

"Hey, Kristen." Baby drank some sort of frozen drink and held up her hand to get the barista's attention.  When the young woman neared, she lifted a knowing eyebrow at him. Had Baby talked to her about him too?

"An American coffee with an extra shot of espresso," Baby rattled off his usual drink and turned to him.  "What's up?"

"How do you know my drink of choice?" He sat in the chair Vane had vacated.

She shrugged.  "I know a lot about you. 

"Prove it." He narrowed his eyes waiting for her to accept she'd misspoken.

“You don't like to dance. But you can.  You prefer burgers to hot dogs but if you have a hot dog, you're a mustard only guy."

There was lightness in his chest, but he stumbled over the words he wanted to say. How to tell her he loved her? He'd never said those words to anyone before.  "I l..."

"I know you like catsup on your fries and you're allergic to onions.  Oh, and you've read every book in the Game of Thrones series. Plus you're a bed hog."

He looked up and thanked the woman who brought his coffee then turned to Baby.  "I've never been told I'm a bed hog before."

Her lips curved and he leaned across the table to kiss the corner of her mouth.  "Your brother wants to talk to me.  I think he suspects what happened between us."

"Hmm," Baby took another drink.  "I'll deal with him. I'll let him know it's just a thing. I plan to talk to him about not kicking you out of the pack too."

"What if it isn't just a thing?" He watched several expressions flicker in her face before she met his gaze.

"What do you mean?"

Just then Jace and another wolf walked in and headed to their table.  "Is this a private party?"

Isen leaned back.  "Since when do you two hang out at a café?"

Jace's smile did not reach his eyes.  "Since the boss says we do."


_ _ _ _ _


In the woods in front of Taden's cabin, Isen faced his Alpha.

The male shook with rage.  His icy blue eyes shiny with fury.  "What the fuck do you mean, you want to mate with Baby. I know your urges. You like that weird shit. I won't have you near her.  You'll kill her. She's a tiny thing.  My answer is hell the fuck no."

Blood trickled down the side of his face from the last two punches he'd not been able to block.  Even if Taden was the Alpha, the male needed to learn anger management.

"I won't back down, Taden.  You can kill me, but I will mate with her."

"The fuck you will." Isen saw the fist flying toward him, but he wasn't able to keep from it sinking into his gut.  With a loud humpf, he bent over the wind punched out of him.

"Stop it." Baby ran in and stood in front of him.  "You stop right now, Taden, or I'll knock you upside your hard-ass head."

Isen swept her aside only to stumble back when she rapped him across the chest with the staff she wielded effortlessly.  It hurt like a mother.

"Get out of here, Baby," Taden ordered, his voice guttural.  "This is male business."

The crack of the staff against Taden's head almost made Isen laugh.  If it weren't for the lack of oxygen, he probably would have.

Baby looked to both of them and held her hands up, her staff against her side.  "You," she pointed at Taden, "will let me mate with whoever the fuck I want.  I'm tired of you scaring off any potential mate."

"And you," she told him, "will ask me first, before getting your ass kicked and not knowing if I'll say yes."

She let out an annoyed breath.  "Dumbasses."

Taden narrowed his eyes.  "So, you don't want to mate with him?" He gave Isen a triumphant look.  "If you don't then it's over, Isen, get the hell off my property and go home to lick your wounds."

Isen glared at his pack leader and then looked to Baby. "I want you as my mate.  I've never heard of a wolf asking a woman for their consent..." Baby lifted an eyebrow at him and he sighed.  "Baby will you mate with me?"

Her pouty lips curved up at the corners, reminding him of the naughty things she could do with them.  "I accept."

Taden growled and quick as light, Baby hit him again.  "Ouch.  Stop that." The Alpha rubbed his head.

"Stop growling at my future mate." Baby went to stand next to Isen.  "I've made my choice.  You'll have to accept it."

Taden took his sister by the arm and shoved her behind him before he or Baby could do anything.  The Alpha stalked to him.  Isen prepared to defend himself.

"I am the Alpha of this pack.  As such I deny this union.  If you don't leave right now, you're out."

Isen met Baby's eyes.  They were shiny, but locked on her brother. If Taden did not relent, she'd not leave with him.

"Every day we live side-by-side, I have always been loyal to you." Isen refused to look away from Taden's glare.  "I love your sister and am willing to give my life for her.  You know damn well she won't leave you.  What do I have to do for you to change your mind?"

"My mind is made up." Taden hands curled into fists.

"What about what I want?" A tear trailed down Baby's cheek. "I will not leave you, Taden, but if Isen leaves, I will never forgive you."

The Alpha let out a breath and finally turned to his sister and lifted his arm.  Baby went to him and he held her close.  Finally he held out a hand to Isen. "If you hurt her..." Taden didn't have to finish the sentence.

Suddenly nervous, Isen neared his pack master and lowered to the ground, his head bent in submission.  "I give you my word I will care for Baby and treat her well always."

"Baby is pretty good with the staff, if you upset her,
beat the shit out of you." The alpha placed his hand on Isen's shoulder in acceptance and gave a heavy sigh.



Chapter Nine


The salty air breezed through Baby's house.  She looked around the room ensuring everything was just right.  Isen was coming over and she felt a nervous excitement. 

Once they were mated, they'd have to choose one of their houses to live in.  She'd rather live at Isen's house, it was larger and closer to the ocean.  Of course, she'd miss her little garden and her quaint neighbors.

Music played through speakers, mostly jazzy numbers she preferred when hanging out at home.  The rumble of his bike sent chills down her arms.  Nervous she took a swig of wine and put her empty glass down.  A second one was probably a good idea.

Without knocking, Isen pulled her storm door open and walked in, his amber eyes pinpointing her.  "Looks nice."

It was hard not to smile.  "You didn't even look around."

He performed a functional scan and looked back to her, his eyes darkened immediately.  His large form made her front room seem to shrink. Baby took a breath. "Wine?"

"Got any beer?"

"Yeah, sure." She motioned to the refrigerator.

With drinks in hand, they went out the side door to her deck.  He looked across the sand, the wind blowing back the hair from the chiseled beauty of his face.  "I was thinking about where we'd live.  You attached to this place?  ‘Cause if you are, it doesn't matter to me where I live.  I know women are choosy about closets and all that stuff."

He was nervous.  Just as shaken as she was, at the sudden decision to mate.  Baby put her glass down, came up behind him and hugged him. Laying her head on his back, she inhaled his masculine fragrance.  "You'd do that for me?  How sweet."

The large body expanded with his breathing.  "I want you to be happy."

"I want to move to your house.  But I want to get some new furniture.  Maybe take my favorite pieces from here and integrate them with your stuff.  I'm not sure about the modern art, but it might grow on me."

He turned and looked down at her.  "I see you haven't thought about this one bit in the two hours since I proposed."  When his lips curved into a crooked smile, she wanted to yank his clothes off and do him right then and there.

A flush rose to her cheeks.  "What do you think?”

"It's fine with me.  We can work on it this weekend." His eyebrows rose when Baby began unfastening his pants.  He looked to both neighbor's houses.  "You like performing for others?"

“They're old folks, early to bed. I think I'm addicted to you,” Baby admitted. He kept his gaze on hers as she tugged his pants down.  He didn't wear anything under and she loved it.  He sprung free, hard, thick and huge.  Baby kneeled and licked the underside, her tongue flat.  From the base to the head.

She lifted his balls and took them into her mouth suckling at them.  Isen hissed and his beer bottle fell from his grasp and hit the wooden boards.  His hands gripped the wooden railing and his hips bucked forward.

Her fingers wrapped around his length, Baby stroked him while kissing and sucking his balls, one at a time, she gently pulled them into her mouth and pushing them up to the roof of her mouth with her tongue and then allowing them to slide out of between her lips.

"You're so damn good," Isen groaned and held on to the railing so tightly, his knuckles whitened.

She nibbled the space between his ball sac and shaft, and then took the length with both hands, wrapping her palms around it.  She held him tight and sucked it into her mouth.  Lips pressed together, she pushed down on the head while pushing her tongue up against it.

Harder and harder she sucked at it until he grabbed her hair signaling it was time for her to let him take over.

He held her head in place with both hands and thrust in as far as he could.  The head of his cock hitting the back of her throat and Baby relaxed her gag reflex, allowing him to set the tempo.

"You know how to make me cum hard." His voice was harsh and stilted, as if he could barely breathe.

He slid in and out between her lips with long even strokes. Baby grabbed his butt and worked her fingers to between his cheeks.  She pushed at his back entry with her knuckle massaging the sensitive area.

"Ahhhhh!" Isen exploded into her mouth, his seed spilling down her throat.

They stumbled inside, he finished pulling off his clothes, while Baby unzipped her jeans and pushed them past her hips and kicked them off.  He stopped her from doing much else. He bent her across the back of the couch and pulled her ass apart. "Lube?"

"Side table." She'd left it there planning to use it on him.

Baby bucked back into his fingers when he began massaging lube into her.  "Now, hurry." She urged him needing to be joined.

"I will try not to hurt you, I know it hasn't been long enough since last time.  But I have to do this."

He slipped the tip of his dick into her and she dug her hands into the fabric of the couch.  Inch after inch, he entered her, his thickness almost too much to bear.  When he was halfway in, Isen reached between her legs and began caressing her clit.   His magical fingers did the trick, Baby began to lose control, she pushed back to take him in deeper. 

Baby's body convulsed at the deep penetration. She scratched and screamed, her body and mind taken over by Isen.  "That's it, Baby, come for me."

Everything was gone, all but the sounds of lovers’ grunts and exclamations and the wonderful sensations of everything he did to her.  She felt his weight over her as he came.

Baby cried out and then burst into flames, her entire vision red, her body on fire.  She felt as if falling and flying at the same time, then darkness.


They lay in bed and Baby’s hand slid down the length Isen's amazing body.  She would never tire of his beauty.

He looked at her with the hooded look of a satisfied man.  "I love you, Baby."

She startled at the words.  "Really?"

"Of course." He grinned and she beamed back at him.

Happiness filled her belly and she wanted nothing more than to finish the mating process.  But he'd not bitten her yet.  "Are you hungry?" She reached for her cell phone from the nightstand.

"Chinese?" Isen was already pushing up to sit.  "You like it, don't you?  I got to know the people at China Palace pretty good picking up your Singapore noodles and eggrolls every time it was your turn to pick what we had for lunch."

"We actually know a lot about each other, don't we?" Baby asked after placing the order.  "But do we have a lot in common.  Interests..."

"I think so." Isen's expression became serious.

"We both like to watch scary movies," Baby said and giggled.  "You get more scared than I do, though."

Isen frowned.  "Not true.  We like to eat cereal.  Fruit Loops."

"I prefer Captain Crunch." Baby kissed him. "We have Sanctum in common and Taden. We both love him."

He didn't reply, but smiled.

The doorbell rang and baby jumped up wrapping a robe around her. "Don't go anywhere."

Minutes later they ate, cross-legged on the bed.  Feeding each other and laughing over memories of the past years.  It shocked her how much Isen had actually noticed about her.  Yet now he prolonged mating with her.  What if he changed his mind like he'd done with Regina?  Baby wasn't sure what she'd do.

"Isen, are we mating tonight?"

A smile curved his lips. He looked at her with the hooded look of a satisfied man.  Go figure, a blowjob and food. "Come here."

Isen pushed her back on the bed, his hand sliding between her legs, his mouth at her neck.

Baby opened her legs welcoming him into her body.  Isen pushed into her already wet and ready body, his eyes locked with hers.  He straightened his arms and hovered over her, his hair falling over his brow.  "Mine."

Smooth even strokes in and out, his muscles bunching with the exertion; he was the sexiest thing Baby had ever seen.

She grabbed his butt pulling him deeper when her orgasm threatened.  It was not like him to be so gentle.  Isen did it for her, made love to her with gentle movement, lowering and brushing soft kissed to her neck and shoulders.  "You're mine, Baby. I can't wait to spend my life with you."

Before she could reply, he sunk his elongated canines into the soft skin of her throat, bonding them forever. 

Her world exploded and Baby cried out his name.

Isen chuckled.  "Music to my ears."


The End

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