Take (Need #2) (27 page)

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Authors: K.I. Lynn,N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Take (Need #2)
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I have no clue if I can forgive him enough to be good to him. If I can fix myself enough to stop mistreating him.

All I do know for a fact is that, yes, I still love him. And nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to stop me from being by his side.

Need part 3

Coming 2016















Also in 2016…



by N. Isabelle Blanco


ne night.

An agreement.

The obsession that ensues . . .




He told me he only wanted sex with me.

I’ve agreed to his terms.

Elijah will be my first lover—I’ll let him have my virginity.

But I won’t give him anything other than that.




She was supposed to be one of many.

My greatest conquest yet.

But she’s in my blood now. Inside my fucking soul.

It won’t end at just the sex with us.

I won’t let it.








My heart twists, right before it takes a skydive straight between my legs.

The lips pressed against mine are soft, wet—

God damn,
I can almost believe she’s been as desperate for this as I’ve been. Just as obsessed. I give into the pull, letting Paige’s tongue—
tongue—slide sensually along my own.




Paige pulls on my collar and we go stumbling, only stopping when her back hits the wall. She doesn’t seem to care, eating desperately at my mouth, making these perfect little sounds that leave my cock trembling.

Fine by me. If she doesn’t care, good. I sure as hell can’t bring myself to turn away.

Growling, I cup her face, her long strawberry blond hair tickling the back of my hands. I use my knees to push open her legs so I can get nice and comfortable between them. Once I have her right where I want her, I set in to eat her mouth with a vengeance.

I want her to understand exactly what I’m going to do to her once I get my mouth on her pussy.

It doesn’t even register in my mind that I’m actually thinking of eating a woman out. Something I never consider doing.

She moans loudly into my mouth, like she’s all game, gun-ho to let me have at it.

Fucking beautiful.

Sliding my hands down her back, I bring her flush against me, rolling my hips so she’ll feel every hard inch of me.

Paige meets my thrusts with one of her own, and I almost fall to my knees in gratitude.

She gives off cold, but I’d known that inside her there had to be nothing but hot. I sensed it. Fantasized about it.

Started foregoing sleep so I could stop fucking dreaming about it.

Eight months. That’s how long she’s been driving me wild. And now she’s in my arms, just as wild—sucking on my tongue and humming in a way that makes me want to fuck her right here. Just rip her panties off so I can thrust deep. Oh . . . so . . . fucking . . . deep.

I pull back, completely out of breath.

Paige is undeterred. Her little fingers tighten in my hair, yanking my head back, her mouth finding the pounding pulse on the side of my neck. She licks and sucks on my neck just as she had on my mouth, as if she’s fucking high on the taste of me.

My hips shoot up uncontrollably, grinding my aching cock into her. “Fuck, Paige. It’s going to be amazing between us. Can’t wait to be inside you.”

A small giggle escapes her, and I find even that sexy. She leans her head back against the wall and gives me a drunk, adorable smile that makes me want to bite her. “I can’t wait to finally feel what that’s like.” Undulating her hips, Paige bites her plump bottom lip, scrambling my thoughts.

Lust shoots through me so hard my vision almost blurs. Staring into her baby blue eyes, I grab her bare thigh, where her light pink dress ends, and lift her leg up onto my hip. “You’ve been thinking about it, too. Haven’t you baby?” With my other hand, I cup her chin and smooth my thumb over her lip.

Her lips part and she nods breathlessly.

I get so high on that confession. Straight up light-headed. “I’m going to be the best fuck of your life,” I swear to her, meaning every single word.

She giggles again. “You better be, considering you’ll be the first.”

Her warm, moist breath caresses my thumb as she speaks, sending more heat spiraling through me. God, I need her naked.
. I hitch her leg higher, screwing her through our clothes—


What the hell did she just say to me?

Paige tightens her leg around me, rocking into me like she’s trying to use my hard-on to get off. “Don’t stop, Elijah. Show me how it feels.”

Her heat bathes my entire length, making me hiss. Jesus. For her to feel like that? She has to be so wet for me, on fire for what I can give her . . .

I have to focus, have to make sense of what I heard her say. Reaching deep down into the pit of myself, I search for the will to get the sexy girl grinding on me to stop. It’s the equivalent of bench-pressing a semi; my body fights me the whole way.

She’s here, so close, utterly willing, seemingly desperate—more delicious than any woman I’ve tasted in a long time. How the hell am I supposed to let her go?

“You better be, considering you’ll be the first.”

Fuck. That’s how.

Grabbing her wrists, I step away from her. My dick literally screams at me with every inch I put between us.

Pouting, she whimpers, trying to get me close.

I grind my teeth and fight the urge to bite her again. Another few steps back; more space between us. Yet another fresh round of misery courses through my body. I haven’t had blueballs for a long, long time, but I’m definitely heading there now. And it just might kill me when it’s through with me.

Focus on the task at hand asshole.
“What did you mean by that?” I ask her, voice hoarse.


“What do you mean by ‘I’ll be the first’?”

Her cheeks, already rosy from all the drinks and the kiss we shared, darken even more. The flirty bold girl she’d been merely two seconds ago disappears. She chews on the corner of her lip, eyeing my mouth.

Then, she shrugs as if what she’s about to tell me is no big freaking deal, and says, “I’ve never had sex before.”

What. The. Fuck?




by K.I. Lynn


I had a one-night stand. It wasn’t my first, but it will be my last.

A gun to the head.

A trained killer.

A deadly conspiracy.

Kidnapped and on the run, my life and death is in the hands of a sadist captor who happens to be my one-night stand. Armed with countless weapons, money, and new identities, the man I call Six drags me around the world.

The manhunt is on and Six is the next target. Can we find out who is killing off the Cleaners before they find us?

Two down, seven to go.

When it’s all over he’ll finish the job that dropped him into my life, and end it.

Stockholm Syndrome meets bucket list, and the question of what would you do to live before you died. The questions aren’t always answered in black and white. Grey becomes the norm as my morals are tested.

Death is a tragedy, and I’ll do anything to stay alive.

Are you ready for the last ride of your life? Six has a gun to your head—what would you do?






Chapter 2

An hour later we hit unlucky thirteen people in our group. Micha’s voice was growing louder with each drink. His hands had already run Sandra off to hide behind Damon, who was in a surprisingly good mood and on his third beer. Dr. Mitchell was deep in conversation with Dr. Alma, as we affectionately called her. It was mainly due to the length of her hyphenated last name.

The glass in front of me was empty, putting me in desperate need for another if I was going to make it through another hour. Up at the bar, I found an empty seat of the now bustling establishment, and waited for the bartender to come my way.

When I had my new drink in hand, I didn’t head back to the table. Instead, I sat, checking the time on my phone along with my social media notifications. Of which I had none. Where were all my friends? After college, we’d all split off. I had a few friends around, but they weren’t people I hung out with a lot. Add to that how my best friend was busy with two-month-old twins, no man in my life, and a homebody was born.

“Anyone sitting here?”

I looked up from my drink, and almost choked on it as I saw the man before me. He was the cliché of tall, dark, and handsome—not the usual guy I attracted.

Not entirely true—Digby was tall, blond, and handsome.

“You.” The word popped out of my mouth, proving I’d reached the happy drunk stage. Marcy did remind me earlier of my loose lips when drinking.

His blue eyes sparkled and his mouth drew up into a smirk. The sharp angle of his jaw was accentuated by what appeared to be a few days worth of stubble. His black suit was not off the rack, and his dark brown hair was long and grab worthy.


He held out his hand and I slipped mine in. It was rougher than I expected for a man in a tailored suit. Heat flooded my cheeks as I thought of him touching me all over. Rough, strong hands…


He set his drink down, ordering another round for both of us, despite both of our glasses still being half full. Then again, they could be half empty, and he was just anticipating their eminent demise.

“What brings you here?” He took a sip of his vodka and tonic, lips pursed together as he swallowed.

The bob of his Adam’s apple caught my eye, and a strong desire to lean forward and lick it took hold.

Months and months with nothing but silicone between my thighs, coupled with the booze and the front zip dress, and I was a tipsy hussy ready to spread my legs for him. Apparently, I wanted to jump the first real cock that showed the slightest bit of interest.

Which is exactly what gets me into trouble.

Then again, it could just be that he was very good looking and seemed interested in having a good time.

“Business. You?”

Another sip of my vodka and cranberry to quench my thirst. “Work party.”



He chuckled. “The rowdy bunch in the corner?”

I peeked over, and sure enough, Micha was on the table doing a strip tease. I shook my head and turned back. Working with the dead, it was probably the first time any of them had lived in months. “I have no idea who those crazies are.”

“I’m better company.”

I quirked a brow at him and took another sip. “Awfully sure of yourself.”

“I have a lot of self-confidence.” He beamed at me.

And I had a lot of ways I was imagining mounting him on his bar stool. “Do you now? Cocky men are

“There’s a difference between confidence and cockiness.”

“Enlighten me.”

His finger traced the rim of his glass, his eyes locked on mine. “They both come from inside, but cockiness derives from a deep seated need for attention to cover up insecurities and secure validation. I have no need for any of those.”

I was stuck, transfixed or maybe hypnotized, by him, unable to look away. “That’s a pretty cocky statement.” Even my words were stunted, low.

The man had me practically panting for him.

A bitch in heat.

Fuck me.

His tongue swiped across his lips as the corner of mouth twitched up. “I suppose it is, but I assure you, there are no small parts of my anatomy I’m trying to compensate for.”

“So, it comes from having a big head?”

Somebody shut me up!

A huge grin grew across his face. “Forward, aren’t you? Talking about the size of my cock.”

“Well, I meant the one on top of your head, it is quite bulbous.”

His brow crinkled. “I don’t know how to take that.”

“An observation.”

Someone really needed to staple my lips shut. I was losing my best dick opportunity of the night.

“What is it that you do to make such an observation?” His smile dropped a little, no longer reaching his eyes or having that sexy edge.

“I’m a vampire.”

His brows shot up and he nodded. “Interesting and a little macabre.”

I wanted to slap myself. First guy in ages to flirt with me and I fucked it up. He was gone.


He leaned forward, surprising me, his interest seeming piqued by the almost excitement in his expression. “I didn’t realize being a vampire was a job.”

I nodded. “Not very lucrative though.”

“Do you have other talents besides being a master sucker?”

The way he enunciated the last word coupled with the heavy lidded look he gave me, had my pussy clenching.

My eyes widened.

And we’re back

“I…I…” I cleared my throat as my cheeks heated up. “What brings you to the great city of Cincinnati?”

He leaned back, but the sexy smirk thankfully stayed. “I travel a lot for work. For instance, I got off a plane from New York yesterday, and I’d been in Italy a few days before that.”

“Italy? I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“Can I persuade to you to keep me company?” He reached out, fingers trailing up my forearm. “Or do you need to return?”

“I don’t know,” I said with a glance to the table again.

He smirked. “You don’t?”

I bit my lip, and looked up at him from under my lashes. “I think it all depends on your method of persuasion.” It was official at that sentence that I’d reached my limit: I’d just offered myself up.

“I know many ways.” He leaned forward, his eyes on my lips before looking up. “I have words, I have touch.” I drew in a ragged breath as his hand moved down the column of my neck. “Where would you like me to start? With my mouth or my body?”

“I can’t have both?”

He chuckled as one hand moved to my waist, drawing me to him, while the other cupped my neck. When his lips touched mine a jolt of electricity zapped to my clit, making it twitch. I let out a little moan as he slipped his tongue inside, stroking it against my own. Then it wasn’t just him holding me to his body, it was also my hands knotting in his suit, pulling me up and closer as the electric pulses danced in my veins.

I wanted him. Right there, on the barstool.

I whimpered when he pulled back, my eyes heavy and cheeks hot.

His hips shifted, pushing his cock into my stomach.

“Can we try that again? Maybe somewhere with at least a little bit of privacy?”

He quirked his brow. “How much is a little bit?”

“At this point I don’t care if it’s in the men’s restroom.” There was no covering how breathy my voice was.

He smirked again and reached into his pocket, pulling out one of the hotel’s cardkeys. “I’d like a little more time with you than a quickie in a stall, no matter how hot that sounds.”

“Then how about we start there and work our way up?”

“Kinky.” He leaned forward, his tongue swiping across my lips. “I like it.”


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