Tainted Blood (64 page)

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Authors: Joann I. Martin Sowles

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult, #Paranormal & Fantasy

BOOK: Tainted Blood
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Another sigh rattled out of him. “I considered it, and if the blood transfusion had not worked, I would have tried.” I looked at him as he spoke but he wasn’t looking at me. “But honestly, Laney, I’m not sure if it would’ve worked or how things would’ve turned out if I did try.” He looked over at me and with a subtle smile he said, “Plus, I kind of like you just the way you are.”

I couldn’t help smiling at his comment but I still didn’t quite understand why my being a regular ol’ human was better than me being like him. I moved on and asked him what they did to him after he was taken away from me.

“Nothing I didn’t deserve,” he said as he shifted uncomfortably.

“Did you find out what happened? All Felix told me was that your blood bottles had been tampered with. I think he believes it was your brother.” I shuddered at the thought of Oscar, and Oliver noticed. He looked at me with great concern. I had to reassure him that I was okay before he’d continue.

“The blood had in fact been tampered with and I should’ve noticed…” He trailed off for a moment and then continued, his eyes meeting mine while I listened intently, happy to hear his voice. “The blood had been contaminated with an element I’m not allowed to divulge for safety reasons, but that wasn’t all. There was some witchcraft involved, and we think there may have been a bit of dark magic at work. We’re still trying to find the source.”

I wanted him to elaborate, but if I asked anything more it would just bring up Oscar, and Avery, and I had to just get what I really needed to know out of the way before I could move on to anything else.

We were silent for a few minutes while I enjoyed more of my delicious, chocolate shake and worked up my nerve. I set my empty cup aside and decided it was time to get serious. It was time to jump into the deep end.

“What happened between you and Avery?” I felt sick after the words came out of my mouth. Did I really want to know?

His eyes stayed fixed on our hands and I felt his fingers tighten on mine. I thought I might throw up or faint if he didn’t get on with it. I also figured whatever he did say would probably make me do just the same.

He took a deep breath, and in the steadiest voice I imagined he could muster, he said, “I was caught up in her feelings. It was lust and nothing more.” He wouldn’t look at me and a huge lump had formed in my throat.

I swallowed hard, and then, very quietly, I asked, “Did you…you know?” I couldn’t even say the words. I was terrified of what his answer was going to be and tears surfaced as I waited.

His gorgeous and pained green eyes found mine. “No, Laney. I did not have sex with Avery.”

I was so relieved, I almost cried happy tears. Almost.

“But,” he continued, and my heart sank. “I did feed from her. I bit her which means there is the possibility that we share a bite connection.”

I snorted, and he looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise. I couldn’t help laughing. I don’t know why I found the fact that Oliver and Avery were probably linked so humorous, or why I found it so funny that he had bitten her, but I did.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, and what I said next surprised even me. “She’s such a blood whore.”

He snickered before telling me that what I said wasn’t nice. He then explained that blood whores were real and that they were rather nasty, trashy, people and my response was, “Exactly!”

He had nothing to say, and I think he might have felt a little hurt, but it wasn’t like it was his fault, right? I told him, in between my fits of laughter, about what I’d seen between Avery and Oscar and he kind of confirmed that’s what blood whores do.

After my laughter died down, I wanted to get more details. “How did it happen?” His eyes questioned what I meant. “How did she lure you to the dark side?”

“It was the blood. Whatever my blood supply had been tampered with was also in Avery.” I was really confused and apparently it showed, and it was a high possibility that he’d felt my confusion. Having the ability to sense emotions and all. “Remember when she became my lab partner and I told you that she smelled funny?” he asked and I nodded. I remembered having a nice inner laugh over that comment back then. “Well, she was on something then and somehow the bottles of blood that I had here in the apartment ended up laced with that same substance.” Things were starting to click in my mind. “It became an addiction, just like with any drug; she was part of that addiction. Well, not her, her blood.”

“And now you’re okay?” He nodded lightly. “How?” I asked.

His eyes met mine. “You,” he said simply.

“Me? How?”

The hint of a smile played at the corner of his mouth. “There is something in your blood that somehow fixed me. I didn’t go through withdrawals, and there was no need for detox. After I left here, I felt completely normal.”

“I don’t understand. How is my blood any different?” I had a heavy Lucky Charms and Pop-Tarts addiction myself; I was sure my blood was riddled with sugar, not a mystery cure.

He lifted his free hand and trailed his finger along my cheek. “I think it’s because you are meant to be mine.” His voice was intoxicating and his words made my body tingle. “That is, if you’ll still have me.” His eyes, which had been watching his hand on my face, fell to my eyes and they made my heart flutter.

“You’re kidding, right?” I responded softly.

“Not at all. It kills me that I’ve hurt you and I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this. To fix us.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes, leaning into his lips and I whispered, “We don’t need fixing, Oliver. We just need time. Together.”

When he pulled away from me, I opened my eyes and looked up into his. “I’ve got all the time in the world,” he said. “I know I’ve let you down. This is not the life I want for us. I want to make things right.” His cool lips met mine, just a sweet, innocent kiss and then he rested his forehead to mine. My body was humming with pleasure. I felt right for the first time in weeks.

“I’d be lost without you,” he whispered. I grasped the front of his T-shirt with both hands and pulled myself against the side of him. I buried my head under his chin, in that spot between his chest and his shoulder. His arms circled me and I felt every worry fall away. I was where I belonged and I never wanted to leave.

I was tired and felt myself fading fast. “Please stay with me. I need you to hold me,” I said quietly.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he said against the top of my head.

“Promise me you won’t leave me again,” I said, just before I yawned.

“You know I won’t make promises. I won’t leave you, Laney. And I mean that.” He kissed the top of my head again. “I am nothing without you.” I smiled at his words and snuggled tight. I listened to the slow, heavy thud of his heartbeat.

“Your brother makes promises,” I said with another yawn following.

He let out a little chuckle. “I am fully aware of that. He also rarely follows through on any of them.”

“He promised me that he would come back and visit me every night unless you give him Julz.” I paused a moment and then finished. “And Hayden.”

I felt Oliver’s arms tighten around me. “He won’t get near you again.” He didn’t say anything about Julz and Hayden, I wondered why, but I was too tired to ask. When he spoke again, his tone had changed and he lowered his voice, “I fear that I am capable of that same evil that my brother possesses.”

I lifted my head so that I could look him straight in the eyes. “You would never be capable of the evil Oscar is capable of. How can you think that?”

“After what I’ve done, how can
think that?”

I pushed myself up a tiny bit. It took a lot of effort, but I needed to get my point across. “You and your brother may share DNA but you differ on all other things, especially what your hearts are capable of.”

Before I rested my head back onto his chest he caught my face. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Oliver, there is nothing to forgive.” The breathtaking smile that I’d missed so much touched his lips and then his lips were against mine. He kissed me slow and sweet, and if I hadn’t been so incredibly exhausted, I would have pushed for more.

Once I rested my head against his chest again, I said very softly, “I have missed you
much.” I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tight, like I’d never let go. His heart was beating a little faster but the steady rhythm lulled me to sleep. That, and the comfort of having him back and being held in his arms.

I woke to Oliver twisting a chunk of my hair. “Hi,” I whispered as I rolled onto my back. As much as I never wanted to be separated from him, I needed to stretch, badly. He smiled down at me. “Was I out long?” I asked.

“A few hours.”

“Sorry,” I told him.

“For what?” He suddenly looked concerned.

“For trapping you here.”

He shifted so that he was partially over me and looking down into my eyes. “Nothing will
take me away from you again. Understand?” I nodded. His voice was serious and passionate. “From here on out, it’s you and me, Laney. No secrets, no distance.” He kissed me again, and this time he put more force into it. Had we been alone, I think I would have let him take us to the next level, but I could hear Felix and Carter in the other room and I knew that if Oliver closed my bedroom door they’d protest.

My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it. “Oliver,” I breathed, “I have to tell you something.” He pulled away from me, concern in his eyes. He’d said no secrets. I figured there wasn’t a better time to come clean. I told him about Julz and Oscar being married and that I had found out when she’d shared her memories with me, I told him that when Julz had disappeared she’d been with Oscar.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” He sat back after he helped prop me against my pillows.

“I don’t know.” I really didn’t. “Please don’t say anything,” I begged. “Let her have this one private moment. Please.”

His expression changed and an amazing smirk appeared. “How can I resist that?”

I couldn’t help smiling back. “Plus, she trusts me and might tell me more if she thinks I still haven’t told you.”

He gave a little shake of his head but said, “You are a clever one, Laney. I will let her have this.” His lips brushed mine and then he whispered, “I have something to tell you.”

It was my turn to look concerned. “Due to what happened with the blood addiction and me biting you against your will, I am on probation until further notice.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, it means that I will be supervised on all of my assignments.” I raised an eyebrow. “There’s a silver lining,” he added. I gave him a look that clearly suggested he continue. “I will be on light duty, which means I won’t be away from you very often.” He smiled slightly then added, “Also, I’m on leave for a month. So, for the next four weeks it’s just you and me. No work interrupting me from my time with you.” He kissed me again and Oh. My. God! It was a good kiss! When he pulled away, he added, “Well, us and Felix or Carter until they agree that it’s safe for us to be alone.”

“Oh, really?” I said. “Felix and Carter have a say as to when I can be alone with my boyfriend?”

He laughed at my comment and added, “You should’ve seen them the first couple of days. I think one of them stayed within ten feet of you at all times. They’re like some weird vampire-watch tag team.” He told me more and we had a good laugh. It was the best feeling in the world to have
Oliver back. To see him smile, to touch him, to smell him, to kiss him.

Once we were talked out for a while, I said, “What now?”

His emerald eyes searched mine. “What do you mean?” he questioned.

“What do we do now? Do we just go back to school and carry on like all is normal, or what?” It seemed too weird. I couldn’t imagine going back to school and it didn’t seem appealing at all.

“Well, for now, we just keep going.” That didn’t really answer my question, but I let it go. For now.

I rested my head on his chest again and his arms slipped around me. Tracing the faint pattern on the front of his shirt I asked, “If we had been bonded, would that have happened? The blood thing with Avery?” I hated saying her name. I hated her.

“Probably not to that severity… Actually, no, no it wouldn’t have.” He paused for a moment then continued at a lower volume. “It wouldn’t have, because bonded males feed from their mates. Your blood would have cleansed me long before that could have happened.”

My stomach dropped as the next words slipped from my lips in a very quiet voice, “Then let’s do it.” I could feel my cheeks burning.

He kissed the top of my head. “Laney, as much as I would love to make our bond complete, I know neither of us is strong enough for that right now.”

I knew he was right, especially on my part, but I didn’t want to take any chances. We’d delayed long enough and I wanted to complete our bond before something else came between us. And, well, because I just wanted to be with him.
be with him.

“I love you,” he said against my hair.

“Prove it, give me what I want,” I said with a mischievous grin. I figured I’d push him just a little more, but I knew he wouldn’t give in.

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