Tackled by Love (17 page)

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Authors: Rachael Duncan

BOOK: Tackled by Love
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“Yeah, I’m good.”

“So what do you say? Will you be my girl?” I know I sound cheesy, but that’s kind of the point. Hopefully I can lighten the mood and get her to let her guard down slightly and trust me.

Through her giggles, she replies, “Yeah, I’ll be your girl.” Grabbing the back of her neck, I crash my lips against hers, letting out a groan of satisfaction. A surprised squeak leaves her mouth, but I quickly swallow the sound with my mouth as our tongues collide together. Things start to get indecent as our hands roam over each other’s bodies and my cock stands at attention, ready for more. Reluctantly, I pull back to keep myself from consuming her right here on the pier. Her eyes are half-lidded, lips are red and swollen, and she’s breathing fast. Knowing that I have the same affect on her as she does on me makes me grin.

Grabbing her hand, I help her up. “What are you doing?”

I look out at the lake and then back at her, an idea forming in my head. “Let’s take a swim.”

Her jaw drops as she glances at the water. “Are you crazy?! That water is going to be freezing!” she shrieks.

“Where’s your sense of adventure? Live a little, babe. It won’t be that bad. We’ll jump in and jump out.” I tighten my hold on her hand, but she shakes her head and takes a few steps back.

“I don’t have a swimsuit.” She crosses her arms in a defiant way. This is going to be fun. I’m about to break that little shell of hers.

Shrugging my shoulders, I reach behind me and grab the collar of my shirt and pull it up and over my head. “We can jump in with our underwear. It’s pretty much the same thing as a bathing suit anyway.” Stepping closer to her and dropping my voice, I tease, “Unless you’re not wearing any.”

Looking up at me through her eyelashes, she says, “I’m not swimming in only my underwear, you perv.” She smacks me in the chest and I step away, rubbing my chest in mock injury.

“Why not?” I challenge.

“I’m just not, okay?” Her voice is hard as she snaps back at me. She’s folding her arms over her stomach in an act to cover herself. Then it dawns on me; she doesn’t want me to see her half naked. Too bad, because those clothes are coming off of that gorgeous body.

Taking my shoes and socks off, I ignore her little outburst. I lock eyes on her as I untie the string on my gym shorts and pull them down. I can hear her breath hitch as I step out of them, letting my hard cock free from its restraint. Autumn immediately shies away after taking all of me in.

“Look at me.” My voice is demanding, wanting her full attention. When she looks into my eyes I continue, “Really look at me, Autumn. You see this?” I gesture to my erection. “
do this to me. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”

She scoffs before replying. “Maybe
not really looking at
. I have crazy red hair, pale ass skin, a big ass that I can’t seem to work off, and boobs that could be bigger.” After tearing herself down, she looks away from me.

Approaching her again, I get as close as I can without touching her. She looks up at me with unshed tears, and the pain she’s harboring inside crushes me again. “Like I said, I wish you could see what I see. You’re hair isn’t just red; it’s a dark fire, radiating a red glow like the Phoenix. It’s one of the things that drew me to you. It perfectly sets off your amazing green eyes. The greenest eyes that see right into my soul and hold all your secrets. You see pale skin; I see flawless, porcelain skin that begs me to touch every inch of it. Your ass isn’t big. It’s tight, and firm, making me itch with the need to smack and grab it. And your tits are perfect, fitting in my hands just right. You see flaws; I see perfection.”

I can see her walls finally crumbling down. Her eyes squeeze shut as a few tears stream down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her to comfort her while she releases the pain. I hate to see her like this and the guilt consumes me for not being there for her in high school. Maybe if I had noticed her torment, I could have put a stop to it and she’d have more confidence to see herself for the goddess that she is. “Shhh, it’s okay, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” I kiss the top of her head and hold on tighter.

“God, what is wrong with me?” She pulls away slightly and wipes the tears from her face. “I’m sorry for crying all over you.”

“Stop, don’t ever apologize for being real with me. If you want to cry, then cry. I’ll hold you and wipe away your tears anytime you need it.” I cup her face and run my thumb under her eye, collecting the few remaining tears on her beautiful face.

“I know it sounds stupid, but that’s the first time anyone has actually made me
beautiful. I’ve spent so many years dissecting every part of my body, that it feels almost freeing to have someone tell me that they don’t see the imperfections. Like the burden of my flaws has somehow been lifted off my shoulders and it just made me really emotional. I know that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense, bu—“

“No, it makes perfect sense. I know there’s more to what happened to you in high school than what you told me. I can see it in your eyes and the little things you do that you think no one notices. Like the way you look around when I ask you out, or how you try to hide yourself from me at times. But I want you to know that I don’t see those things. I see you and you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. You’re caring, smart, funny, and the strongest person I know. So please, don’t ever put yourself down like that, okay? Because the shit you see, no one else does.” Releasing a breath, she closes her eyes, and nods. “So how about that swim?” I’m not about to let her off the hook just yet and I want to see if she’ll let me push her just a little more. It’s going to be my mission to make her forget the past and be self assured in the present.

“One problem, I’m not really wearing a bra. This shirt has a built in sports bra, so there’s nothing underneath.”

This hard on definitely isn’t going away any time soon. “Looks like today is my lucky day then.” I throw her my most salacious grin, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

“Ugh, you’re such a pig,” she teases.

“You love it. Now are you getting in or not? I’ll turn around if it makes you feel better.”
Please don’t make me turn around.
Looking into her eyes, I see the most amazing thing happen. She pulls her shoulders back and lifts her chin, and I watch as a wave of confidence rolls through her. I thought this woman was sexy before, but she blows that vision out of the fucking park. Watching her with a determined look on her face, refusing to let her insecurities get the best of her is a sight to see.

Keeping her eyes on me, she toes off her shoes and then slides off her socks. Her thumbs hook into the waistband of her workout shorts and she slowly slides them down her toned thighs and continues further until they hit the ground. My breathing accelerates as she steps out of them. With her pale green eyes still locked on mine, she grabs the hem of her shirt and pauses. I silently urge her on. Not because I want to see her tits—I mean, I do—but because I want her to feel comfortable in her skin. With a deep breath, she pulls her shirt up and over her head.

The air is knocked out of my lungs as I take in her body. Standing before me in nothing but some boy shorts, she’s a fucking vision. When people create sculptures of women, they do it with bodies like this in their mind. She’s toned, but soft in all the right places, making my dick throb uncomfortably. Her nipples are peaked from the brisk air and are pleading with me to warm them up with my mouth. My mouth waters just thinking about it. I’m at a loss for words as I stand there and stare at her. After a few moments, she starts to fidget under my stare.

“Sorry, but you’re way better than any of the fantasies I had about you and I can’t look away.” I hold my hand out to her again. “Come on, fall with me.” I mean that in more than one way and I hope she catches my meaning. I’m hoping she’s falling for me like I’m falling for her. The strength I see her exhibit when I’m with her is truly amazing, and today is no exception. I know it took a lot to bring that wall down and expose her vulnerable side to me.

Grabbing my hand in a firm grip, she looks at me with soft eyes and nods her head once. We take off and jump into the water. The water is fucking freezing and I immediately regret my idea to do this. It feels like pins and needles are poking my skin everywhere as I kick to the surface. We both come up for air at the same time, gasping from the shock of the cold.

“Holy shit! This is freezing! Why did I let you talk me into this?!” she shouts at me through chattering teeth.

“I don’t know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Come on, let’s get the hell out of here.” Pulling on her arm, I swim to the shore where we get out of the water and make a run for the car. “You go on, I’ll go grab our clothes and meet you there.” I run the other way to grab our stuff so we have something dry to change into. Right at that moment, I hear a little
whoop whoop
from behind me. Turning, I see a cop with his lights on getting out of his car.

Son of a bitch!

Autumn is trying to hide her chest as she shivers next to my car. Sprinting back to her after I gather our belongings, I hand Autumn her shirt and shorts and turn her so her back is facing the cop. I place myself between her and the officer to give her some privacy while she gets dressed. With a scowl on my face for looking at my girl, I ask, “What can I help you with, officer?”

“Just patrolling the area and I see this young lady prancing around topless. We have laws against that, you know? I’m gonna have to arrest her.”

“Arrest her?” I yell at the same time Autumn shouts, “What?”

“That’s right. I’m citing you for indecent exposure. You’re on public property and that is illegal.” The cop takes out his handcuffs and approaches her.

“Wait just a goddamn minute here. Can’t you just write her a fucking ticket or something? Is this really necessary?” I walk closer to the cop.

“I’m going to need you to step back, son. I know you think you’re ‘Mr. Hot Shot Football Player,’ but your status doesn’t mean anything here. Miss, turn around and place your hands behind your back.” She turns around and looks at me with nothing but fear in her eyes as she puts her hands behind her and I feel like the biggest prick alive. It’s my fault she’s getting arrested, since all of this was my stupid ass idea. Fuck!

I run my hands through my hair and pull the ends in frustration. “Is that what this is? A way to put me back in my place by arresting someone on a petty charge?”

“She was running through the parking lot half naked. There could have been children walking around. God knows what you two were doing back in there.” Autumn’s face turns bright red at his insinuation and I really want to slam my fist into his fucking face.

Searching frantically through the pockets of my shorts that are still in my hand, I say, “It’s going to be okay. I’ll call my attorney and get you out of there as soon as possible.” She only nods and looks down at the ground. The look on her face is one of pure fear and misery as she begins to sniffle and her lip quivers. I grit my teeth together to keep myself from doing something stupid and making the whole situation worse. After placing her in the backseat of his car, the officer closes the door and gets in on his side. A few seconds later, he pulls off.

“Motherfucker!” I yell up to the sky. This can’t be happening right now. Finally finding my phone, I search through the numbers and dial up my attorney.

Pacing back and forth, it begins to ring. On the second one, he picks up. Not letting him finish his greeting, I say, “I need your help and it’s important.”


Oh my God.

I’m going to jail.

The sickening feeling in my stomach intensifies the closer we get to the police station and I think I might throw up at any moment.

“Just because you’re Mr. Stone’s new play thing—or rebound, or whatever-- doesn’t give you the freedom to do whatever you want,” the officer says as he looks at me through the rearview mirror. I’m too nervous to reply. What’s going to happen to me in jail? Will they throw me in the drunk tank or will I go to general population? I push it out of my mind since it’s just making me feel worse and I’m on the verge of a panic attack.

All too soon, we pull up to the station. With great dread, I get out of the car when the cop opens the door for me. Leading me in through the front, we go down a couple hallways before ending up in the booking area.

“Have a seat over there.” The officer points to a few chairs up against the wall. Then my day gets a little worse when I see the next cop walk in.

“Well if it isn’t Autumn McCray. Never thought I’d see you in here.” The cop’s name is Chad and he’s the same guy from high school that asked me out as a prank to humiliate me in front of the whole school. I simply turn my head away, not wanting to look at him and think about that time in my life again.

“Seems she thinks she’s immune to our laws now that she’s seeing that Landon Stone guy,” the officer who brought me in says.

“Is that so? What are you booking her for?” I feel Chad’s eyes on me as he asks his question.

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