Systematic Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Systematic Seduction
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released the kiss long enough to reach in and turn on the water, then took her
hand and led her under the spray. He poured shampoo into his hand, and then
asked her to turn around, facing away from him. “Lean back against me.”

did, closing her eyes as he lathered her hair. He washed it so slowly the act
sent shivers down her spine. She couldn’t help the soft moans escaping her
throat. His dick was hard again, and it teased her ass cheeks, sending wetness
to her pussy once more.

backed her up under the spray and rinsed her hair, again moving so slowly that
the sensation was erotic and seductive. When her hair was free of shampoo, he
poured shower gel into his hands and began to wash her body, using his
fingertips. Blair was out of her mind with desire. He didn’t neglect even one
inch of her skin, and by the time he reached her feet, she knew she’d give this
man anything he wanted for the rest of his life.

turn,” she said, her voice coming out in a husky whisper.

grinned, handing her the shampoo bottle. “Be my guest.”

She had to stand on her tip toes to reach his
hair, but she worked as slowly as he had, enjoying his soft, sexy groans. When
she washed him with the shower gel, she also teased his body with her tongue
after rinsing the gel off each part. His cock twitched, and she was barely
hanging onto her self control.

… this is so damn sexy!”

love it, too.”

pulled her close and clamped his mouth on hers, shoving his tongue inside. His
hands moved down her back and over her ass, then up again to grasp her breasts.

I need you now. I can’t wait any longer.”

started to leave the shower, with the intention of grabbing a condom out of the
box, but he pulled her back, cupping her face. “We don’t need it. I trust you.
Even if you did get pregnant, I’d be happy about it.”

opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

mean it. I’ve waited for a woman like you all my adult life. I’m forty-three
years old, Blair. It’s time I stopped dicking around and took my love life


with you. Why not with you? You’re amazing. You’re everything I’ve ever

Oh my God
. She swallowed against the sudden
lump in her throat. “But … don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure I
want children right now.”

laughed, but it was more of a nervous sound than a humorous one. “Of course.
Right. I didn’t mean let’s throw caution to the wind and take huge chances.
You’re on the pill. You won’t get pregnant tonight.”


think I’m nuts, don’t you?”

smiled. “No, not even close. You’re very intense, and when you make up your
mind about something, it’s made up, period.”

Exactly. That’s it.”

that mean you’ve made up your mind about me already?”

have. That’s what I’ve been telling you.”

gazed into his eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

say anything.” He picked her up as if she weighed nothing. “Wrap your arms and
legs around me.”

did, and then he backed her up against the nearest wall, moved slightly, and
pushed his dick into her pussy.

fuck!” Blair clutched him tighter as he slammed into her. She had no clue how
he had the strength to hold her up and fuck her at the same time, but she
wasn’t going to question it. Her climax was quick and powerful, and she could
barely breathe as the contractions raced through her body.

it ended, he pulled out and gently lowered her feet to the floor, then turned
her around to face the wall. “Bend over, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”

glanced over her shoulder. When he stepped back into the shower, he was wearing
a condom and carried the bottle of lube. “Is this all right? I’ll be very, very

intention finally sank in. He wanted to fuck her in the ass. She’d had anal sex
before, but it had never felt good by any stretch of the imagination. She
desperately wanted to replace those memories with erotic ones. “Yes. Yes, I
want you to.”

turned around and bent over, determined to relax enough so that this was
pleasurable. She knew Oliver wouldn’t hurt her.

gasped as a warm, wet finger slid into her asshole. “How does that feel,

It feels good.”

breath was warm against her neck as he moved closer to her. She moaned when his
other hand reached underneath to caress her swollen clit. “I’ll make sure you
come again.”


you are so much fun.”

are you.”

let out a shaky breath, then removed his finger and slipped two inside. There
was no pain, only the most delicious, peaceful sensation. Her next orgasm was
close, but she wanted to hold it off until his cock was in her ass.

he removed his fingers, she heard the lube bottle again, and then he teased the
opening with his sheathed dick. “Are you ready?”


tensed at first, then relaxed once he softly stroked her back. It hurt at
first, but only because she was expecting it to. Once she realized he was in
and thrusting slowly, there was no pain, only fullness, and the most
surprising, erotic sensation. She had no idea it could feel this fucking

began to rub her clit again, and Blair pushed back against him, moaning loudly.

sweetheart.” His voice dripped with emotion. “Please tell me you like this. You
are so fucking tight!”

love it. Please don’t stop.”

until you come, baby.”

closed her eyes and concentrated on the climax. When it crashed over her, she
tried to clutch the wall and cried out loudly. His thrusting increased and then
he shuddered, his cries matching hers as he came, too.

he finished, he leaned against her, breathing heavily, and lazily played with
her breasts. “We might not be walking tomorrow.”

is overrated.”

made a soft, sexy, growling sound, then withdrew, pulling off the condom. When
he turned her to face him, he kissed her, backing them under the spray once
more. They kissed for long, luscious moments as the water cascaded over them,
and then Oliver turned off the shower and led her out.

dried her like one would dry a child, and then he picked her up again and
carried her to his bed. She couldn’t do anything but stare up at him. How did
he have the strength to lift her after what he’d just done?

lay down, and he snuggled up behind her, wrapping one arm tightly around her.

didn’t even think to ask if you need anything from your place to spend the

took his hand. “I have everything I need right here.” Blair smiled and closed
her eyes, letting the decadent memories from tonight chase her down into
dreams. She never wanted to leave this apartment again.

. He
her, in every way. She prayed this was real, because Oliver
was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She knew that as
sure as she knew her own name.


woke up to the sound of his phone, but he had no idea where it was. He didn’t
want to wake Blair, but when he tried to crawl out of bed quickly to find the
phone, he tripped over his shoes and landed on the carpet with a loud grunt.

wrong? What happened?”

. She was awake now. “My phone is
ringing, but I can’t find the fucking thing!”

turned on the light and helped him search, finally pulling it from inside his
jeans pocket.

sorry I woke you, baby.”

all right. Who called?”

glanced at the screen, then pushed the recall button. “Barclay.” Barclay
wouldn’t be calling him this early on a Saturday morning without a damn good
reason. When he answered, Oliver explained he hadn’t been able to find the
phone right away. “What’s going on?”

I woke you, but I thought you’d want to know this. Sam Preston is still one of
your IT team members, right?”

hair on the back of Oliver’s neck prickled. “Yes.” Sam had worked for him since
before the company moved underground. Before he came to work for Oliver, he had
worked at NSSL. Oliver sank onto the mattress, and Blair sat next to him, her
face full of worry. “Why are you asking me about Sam?”

know your IT team is monitoring everything from all your employees now, like
the rest of us have them doing, but is anyone monitoring the emails and private
messages from the IT team?”

would be my job.” Only he hadn’t been as diligent about it as he should have
been, because he’d known every single person on his IT team for at least seven

Mine, too, only I’ve been as haphazard about it as it sounds like you’ve been.
I don’t know, Oliver. Some days I think we’d all be better off if we fired
everyone and started over with new employees.”

ran his free hand through his hair. “Fuck.”

you near your laptop?”

but give me a second and I will be.” He put down the phone and pulled on his
jeans, then glanced toward Blair. “I’ll be right back.”

nodded, then he sprinted to his office downstairs and retrieved the machine. He
returned to his bedroom, and she handed him his phone. He took a seat at the
desk, motioning her over. He trusted her completely. She should hear this, too.

You trusted Sam, too.

shrugged on his shirt, which made him wish they were back in bed, snuggled up
together instead. As she pulled over a chair to sit next to him, Oliver opened
his laptop, refreshed the browser, then picked up his phone. “Okay. What am I
looking for?”

the database. Liane put the info in there already. She’s the one who called

database was on a separate system and was virtually impenetrable. It was now a
combination of two databases that used to be separate. The project had been
started by Liane, now married to Emmett, so all the Weathermen would have
access to the information gathered on suspected hackers. It also contained
information as they found it on former NSSL personnel who once had clearance to
information on servers stored in silos near what used to be Perryton, Texas.

information on those servers would have been necessary for the hackers to
change the code on The Madeline Project. The Weathermen had surmised that
people with access to this information had passed it along either willingly or
inadvertently to the hackers. The location and importance of the silos had
never been made public, so there was no other way the hackers could have known
where that information was stored.

I’m in.”

at the info on SmartGuy2102.”

Guy2102 was one of five usernames identified as the hackers that they’d found
on Rob Marin’s laptop. There were also thirteen other usernames they were
tracking down, because those people had likely given the hackers the necessary
information to do what they had done. At least two of those thirteen people had
worked on The Madeline Project, based on what they knew so far.

in the year, Liane had found the real names of five of the thirteen. They had
retrieved the usernames last year from a snippet of conversation on an old
weather satellite. She’d been able to uncover the five real names because
Valerie Garfield, now engaged to Grayson Jensen, had finally hacked into a
website called YDNNTST. The initials stood for YouDoNotNeedToSeeThis, and it
was run by one of the hackers, Clyde Medici.

Oliver accessed the data on SmartGuy2102, he had a strong urge to punch
something. “Son of a bitch. Where did she find this?”

was checking cross references for the thirteen usernames, plus the real names
for the ones we know, against the real names and usernames of the hackers we’ve
found so far. SmartGuy2102 and SDCowboy, AKA Dante Herrera, who still works for
me, worked together at NSSL, but that’s not all. They were in the same high
school graduating class and did their undergrad together.”

how did she find out SmartGuy2102 is really Sam Preston?” Oliver did not want
to believe it was true. He could not accept the fact that he’d been duped like

came across a letter they wrote to the editor of their online university
newspaper under their usernames. The letter was in response to an
administrative proposal banning the use of specific electronic devices in
class, and those two cited freedom of speech and a few other amendments to try
to make their point. The editor was so outraged she blasted them, but used
their real names in her response.”

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