Systematic Seduction (7 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Systematic Seduction
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moved up to her knees, and before she lost what little nerve she had, she
kissed Oliver right on the lips, parting hers so his tongue could slip inside.
He pulled away and cupped her face, the lust blazing in his eyes.

you sure about this? We can wait.”

don’t want to wait. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Make love
to me, Oliver.”

moaned loudly and smashed his lips against hers, shoving his tongue into her
mouth. She groaned deep in her throat, desire coursing through her at lightning
speed. Her pussy was soaked and her clit throbbed. She’d never been this turned
on, but she loved it. It was heady and exciting. It made her feel beautiful and
sexy, and the fact that the man kissing her like he might never be able to do
it again was Oliver, only made it better.

hands moved down her back to her ass, grasping her cheeks and then kneading
them roughly. He released her mouth and planted tiny kisses and bites along her
jaw, then down her neck. “Oh, Blair. I have dreamed of this for so fucking

He had?
“Me too.”

sat back, shaking his head slightly. “Condoms are upstairs. Shit. I’ll be right

she could say anything, he was sprinting up the elaborate wrought-iron
staircase. She listened to his shoes on the tile, and then waited, not allowing
the doubt or fear to creep in. This guy would not hurt her. She was going to
have an amazing time with him. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. He knew
the worst things about her and he
wanted her.

Oliver returned he was barefoot, and she moaned softly. There was something so
damn sexy about a barefoot man. He dumped a box of condoms and a bottle of lube
on the table next to the sofa, and then he grinned in a way that had her pussy
wet all over again.

I’m ready to make love to you.”

kissed her again, rougher this time, but she didn’t mind at all. He was so
fucking sexy in the way he moved his mouth over hers. When he released her
mouth and planted kisses along her neck again, she pushed her body against his,
desperate to be skin to skin.

pulled off her top, nuzzling his face between the cups in her bra. “This is
very pretty, but it needs to go.” He unhooked it with one hand, forcing another
soft moan from her at the expertise of his gesture, and then he pulled it off
her and tossed it onto the floor. “I knew you’d be fucking exquisite. I just
knew it.”

one had ever called her body exquisite. Fat, yes. Lush, definitely. Curvy and
full were both used alongside not so thinly veiled suggestions to lose a few
pounds so she’d be healthier. But exquisite? Never.

so damn sexy.”

grasped her breasts and teased the nipples with his teeth and tongue, taking
turns, making such satisfied noises in the back of his throat that she was sure
she’d cry from happiness. She’d never had this experience before. This
worshipping of her body as though it was meant to be treasured, not merely
taken and then made fun of, or picked apart and critiqued.

thank you.”

looked into her eyes tenderly. “For what?”

being like this. For making me feel so … so

brushed a finger along her face, sending shivers down her spine. “Oh, Blair. I
do want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time. You’re beautiful. I mean that.
It’s very hard right now to hold myself back. I’m dying here.”

swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. “So am I. In a good way, I mean.
I’ve never been this turned on.”

sweet, sexy smile sent fresh arousal racing through her. He licked her breasts
again, paying attention this time to the undersides, and then he pushed her
down until she was on her back, and peeled off her Capri pants, panties, and
sandals. He sat back on his heels, his gaze traveling lazily over her, the same
smile still on his face.

You’re more beautiful than I pictured.” He took his dick out of his jeans and
pulled on it. “I don’t know where to go first.”

mouth opened, but no sound came out. She watched him stroke his cock,
mesmerized by the length and width of it. Red, swollen, and glistening with
pre-cum already at the tip, it grew in his hand. She couldn’t stop staring at
it. Oliver pleasuring himself this way, like he did it all the time in front of
people, was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

he released his dick, he moved his hands over her thighs, up and down, then
gently spread her legs. He turned her torso toward the edge of the sofa and sat
on the coffee table, his cock still free, and licked her inner thighs.

cried out loudly, the desire climbing to crazy levels now. With each pass of
his tongue, he moved closer to her labia, until he licked them, too. She
whimpered softly as he teased the opening to her wetness with a finger, and
when he slid it inside her pussy, she clamped down on it, trying to make
herself come.

made soft noises in the back of his throat as he licked her clit, over and
over, while moving his finger in and out at the same time. “Oh, baby. You taste
like heaven.”

didn’t answer him. She couldn’t. Tears streamed down her face. No one had ever
done this to her so sweetly, so gently, with the obvious intention of making
her come. And come she did. Blair clutched his head and bucked her hips into
his face as the contractions ripped through her, strong and hard. She could
hardly breathe.

didn’t stop until the last one had died, and then he moved her so she was lying
lengthwise on the sofa again, and leaned over to kiss her. He pushed his tongue
inside her mouth and she tasted her own pussy juices, but she didn’t mind.

watched, fascinated again, while he slipped on a condom, and then he was
between her legs, teasing her soaking wet pussy with his sheathed dick. “I want
to fuck you, baby.”

she whispered. “I want that, too. Fuck me. Please.”

a load groan, Oliver sank his cock into her, and Blair cried out at the
fullness. He grasped her breasts and thrust slowly at first, watching her face
while he played with her nipples, his eyes filled with passion and such

man had ever looked at her that way. This entire experience was unlike anything
Blair had been through, and she knew that no man would ever take his place.
There was no one like Oliver. He was the man she’d dreamed of. The prince who
would come and rescue her from the frightening life she led. He was the man
she’d prayed for to make her feel whole again, and teach her how love was
supposed to feel.

was real, and he was inside her, making love to her in ways she’d only
fantasized about before this night.

thrusting increased, and he moved his hands to her hips, lifting them higher so
he could plunge deeper inside her. He rubbed her clit with his thumb now, a
smile on his face. “You’re going to come again, sweetheart. I can feel it.”

was all it took. Blair cried out as another orgasm crashed over her, this one
longer and less intense, but still amazing. He moaned loudly and fucked her
faster, his face red now. Droplets of sweat sprayed her, but she didn’t care.
She never wanted him to stop.

he came, it was loud and intense, and she rode the waves with him, wishing they
could do this all the time. She’d never imagined sex could be so much fun, and
so mutually satisfying. No one had bothered to work this hard to make sure she
also had a good time.

lay face down over her, breathing heavily, his sweat mixing with hers. When he
sat up, he winced as he pulled off the condom, tossing it onto the floor. Then
he gathered her in his arms and kissed her tenderly.

tell me you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms and legs around his body. “Oh my God.
Oliver, it was the best ever. I mean it.”

it was magnificent. More than I fantasized it could be.”

you really fantasize about me?”

pulled back to look at her. “Of course I did.”

fantasized about you, too.”

smile was brilliant. It lit up the entire room. “You have no idea how that makes
me feel.”


kissed her deeply. “Like I’m the fucking sexiest man on the planet.”

the fucking sexiest man on the

laugh almost sounded embarrassed. “Well, I don’t know about that, but I love
that you think so.”

hugged him tightly again. “I never want to leave this sofa.”

don’t have to. I’ll ask my staff to bring all our meals here. We can put them
on the table and simply reach over and eat in between our lovemaking.”

giggled, happier than she’d ever been in her life. “All right. I can do that.”

kissed her neck. “But they’re off tonight so we’re on our own until the

no. How will we manage?”

have no idea, but we must try.” He ran a hand down her side. “We’re all sweaty,

wonder why?”

clue. Maybe we should take a shower?”

grinned as shivers ran down her spine. “What a wonderfully wicked idea.”




could hardly believe this was real. He’d just had the best sex of his life with
the woman he’d fantasized about for years. Knowing she trusted him enough to
tell him that story put everything in perspective. This woman held a lot close
to her heart, and it explained so much about her. It also made him even more
determined to have her no matter what he had to do.

story of her teen years had torn his heart apart because he completely
understood her need to protect her mother at all costs. He’d done the same
thing with his brother, who had been in and out of trouble most of his life.

about Dalton always made him sad, and he didn’t want to feel that way right
now. Blair must have seen or sensed the change in him, because her beautiful
eyes filled with concern.

you all right? You look so sad all of a sudden.”

sat up and pulled her into his arms. “I’m fine. Well, okay. I’m really not
fine. Do you want to hear another story from my past?”

Of course.”

had a brother named Dalton who gave the term juvenile delinquent new meaning.
He was two years younger than me, and I can’t count the times I heard my father
ask my mother if she was sure they had given them the right baby. My parents
were convinced their second child was the spawn of the devil.”

hope he never heard them speak about him that way.”

wouldn’t have cared. I used to wonder it myself, but at the same time, I did
what you did for your mother. I protected him. My parents groomed me from day
one to be successful in business, so I had this sense of responsibility from an
early age. In my mind, that included being responsible for Dalton.”

kind of trouble would he get into?”

name it, Dalton did it. He was suspended from school more than once by the time
he was in third grade for beating up other kids on the playground. In fifth
grade, he almost set the school on fire because he was smoking in the bathroom,
and tossed a lit cigarette into the trash can when he heard someone coming down
the hall.”

there smoke detectors in the bathrooms?”

had disabled them in one of the least used bathrooms so he could smoke in
there. When he was twelve, he and some friends stole a car. Yes, he knew how to
drive. How or where he learned, we had no clue. He was tall for his age, so he
could reach the pedals and see over the windshield.”

hope they didn’t hurt anyone.”

no. But grand larceny was the tip of the iceberg. By the time he was in high
school, he had a record that included possession, burglary, and several DUIs.
Not to mention he had a driver’s license for all of six months before they took
it away.”


But I lied for him more than once, and I tried everything I could think of to
turn his life around. Took me a long time to understand that wasn’t my job to
try to do. He’d swear to me he was done and wanted to change, but of course
that was all bullshit. I was probably the only person who could stand up to him
and not end up with a black eye for my trouble. I was also the only person who
could make him feel any remorse for his actions, but it never lasted. I’m not
even sure it was real.”

might have been telling you what you wanted to hear. That’s what my mother

I’ve figured that out since then. That he was only saying it so I’d back off.”

you for sharing this with me, Oliver. It’s nice to know you understand this
from the point of view of someone who’s been there.”

pulled her close and held her, never wanting to let her go. “No one else really
can, Blair. You have to live through something like that and give until you’re
used up to really understand it.”

is Dalton now? Did he make it underground with you?”

sighed. “No. He died in one of the storms.”

I’m so sorry.”

be. If he hadn’t, he’d be in prison for the rest of his life by now. I know
that sounds cruel, but it’s the truth.”

held each other for a few moments, and then Oliver rose and took her hand. He
didn’t want to dwell on the past. He hoped she didn’t find him insensitive, but
there was nothing either of them could do. Dalton and her mother weren’t coming
back, and from what little she’d told him, Oliver imagined her mother was
better off not still living as much as Dalton was.

wanted to hold her under the water and make love to her again. He wanted to
drown out the past for both of them, and make their own memories together to
carry them into the future. Into
, if he had anything
to say about it.

led her up the stairs, through his bedroom, and into the bathroom before he
remembered he’d left his only box of condoms downstairs, along with their
clothes and the used condom from earlier. He didn’t give a shit what his
housekeeper would think because she’d certainly seen worse, but he didn’t want
Blair embarrassed.

right back.”

on the pill still.”

stopped and stared at her.

shrugged. “The condoms are still downstairs.”

when a woman he’d dated was using birth control, Oliver used condoms on general

I don’t have any STDs.”

do I, Blair, but I use them just the same.”

Just letting you know in case you didn’t want to go back down there.”

pulled her into his arms. “It’s a trust issue. In my position…”

understand, Oliver. I really do. Go and get the condoms. I’ll wait.”

he sprinted downstairs to retrieve the condoms and the lube, plus their clothes
and shoes, he realized didn’t deserve this woman. And he also knew she’d never
try to coerce him into a relationship he didn’t want by pretending to be
pregnant. Having that happen to him once had clouded his thinking. He was lucky
that fiasco had never made the media. One day, he’d tell Blair about that as
well. But not tonight. They’d wandered into their respective pasts enough for
one evening.


stared at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was a mess, her hair looked like
she hadn’t brushed it in a week, but there was a softness around her eyes she
hadn’t seen in a long time. She smiled. She looked fucked, and fucked well.

was the first time she’d enjoyed herself so much during sex, and that wasn’t an
exaggeration. She’d already told him that, hadn’t she? Didn’t matter. She wanted
to tell him again. She wanted to tell him how much all of this had meant to
her, and how different it was from every other intimate encounter she’d ever

also wanted to reassure him she didn’t care if he used a condom every single
time they had sex. That didn’t matter either. What mattered was that they were
here, now, and they didn’t have to let anyone or anything inside their little
world if they didn’t want to. They were allowed to have it all to themselves,
even if only for one night.

returned, his face showing agitation, so she took the box and the lube from
him, and placed them on the counter. Then she put her arms around him. “Oliver,
use a condom all the time. I won’t be upset, and I won’t take it as a sign you
don’t trust me.”

it is a sign of that.”

it’s not. It’s a choice. It’s
and I respect that. I only care that I’m here with you now, tonight, and
nothing else is allowed in. I won’t let my past, or my insecurities, or yours
for that matter ruin this for us.”

corners of his mouth turned up. “Is that so?”

it is. I’ve just had the best sex of my life and I am not lying about that. You
don’t understand what you’ve done for me tonight. Not only in the way you made
love to me, but by letting me get all that out about my mother and her

never told anyone about Dalton.”

I’ve never told anyone but the shrinks about what happened when I was

trust you, Blair.”

I trust you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

frowned slightly. “All right. I wasn’t going to risk ruining this night by
telling you this, and I hope it doesn’t, but you need to know.”

can tell me anything. It won’t ruin the night. I won’t allow it.”

love your conviction.”

given me courage.”

pulled her close and kissed her hair. “Thank you. Okay. Here goes. A woman I
dated several years ago convinced me not to use condoms for the few months we
dated. She said she was on the pill and hated the feel of condoms.”

It didn’t take a rocket scientist
to figure out where this was going.

she told me she was pregnant, and I believed her. I almost asked her to marry
me. It would have been all over the media if I had. I’m kind of surprised this
never made the tabloids as it was, and I’m only convinced it didn’t because my
attorneys threatened her with legal action.”

had a feeling something like that had happened. “I take it she wasn’t really

she wasn’t. I found out when I made her go to the doctor. She had to tell me
the truth, and said she’d only lied because she loved me so much and wanted to
marry me.”


am I. I mean that it happened at all, not that it ended the way it did. I
wasn’t in love with her. God. That makes me sound horrible.”

it doesn’t. You don’t have to be in love with someone to have sex with them.”

I found out she’d lied, I was livid.”

would have reacted the same way. It’s a terrible thing to do, and I can
understand why you wouldn’t want to chance it happening again.”

gave her a long, searching look. “You’d never do that.”

know that, but until you do, and I mean really know it, deep in your heart, I
would feel more comfortable with you doing what you have to do in order to
protect yourself.”

shook his head slightly. “How can you be this way? So understanding? So willing
to give without getting anything back?”

do you mean I haven’t gotten anything back? I have flowers. Beautiful flowers
you chose because of where they used to grow. I have a clever, sexy note. I
have memories of eating greasy, spicy, delicious food with you. I have a signed
script of a play I love. And I have tonight. I’m the lucky one here, not you.”

looked so conflicted, and she didn’t know how to take it away for him. “Oh my
God, Blair. I don’t deserve you.”

don’t say that. I’m not comfortable up on a pedestal.”

only because you’ve never been treated right.”

wished she could figure out what to say so he’d feel better about this issue.

I really don’t know what to say right now. I feel as if you trust me. I would
say so if I didn’t.”

nodded several times. “That’s true. You would.”

let’s take that shower. I’ll even help you get the condom on under the spray.”

laughed, and the sexy sound sent her heart soaring. “That’s not an easy thing
to do.”

sure it’s not, but we’ll figure it out.”

his facial muscles relaxed, and he kissed her. This was going to be the sexiest
shower she’d ever had.


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