Read Sympathy for the Devil Online

Authors: Billy London

Tags: #Romance

Sympathy for the Devil (16 page)

BOOK: Sympathy for the Devil
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       “Oh, fuck, Pierce!” she gasped, her thighs tightening on my head. I winced as I rolled onto myself. I adjusted my cock against my stomach, trying to make myself a little more comfortable, but I had the taste of her on my tongue. I took her clit again and slid one finger into her. Christ, she felt tight on just my finger.

       I felt her trembling around my hand, so I gently pulled on her clit again with my lips, while it throbbed, while I pushed deeper inside her until I found that little kiss of raised flesh. Cari yelled out, and I felt a flush of wetness on my chin, her thighs closing near painfully around my head. Her whole body was tense as she shuddered from orgasm. I stroked a hand over her belly, damp with sweat. She eventually was still and her eyes, slumberous, caught mine.

       “Hi,” I said softly, before giving her clit one last kiss. She trembled again, before grabbing me by the hair.

       “Get up here,” she ordered. I was welcomed onto her body. It felt utterly right, feeling her skin pressed to mine from breast to hip, her foot trailing up and down my left leg.

       “You’ve made a mess,” she laughed, wiping my face with the tips of her fingers. I caught her hand and pressed my mouth to her palm.

       She started rocking her naked hips against mine, leaning up to kiss me. The taste of her mouth swirled with the taste of her pussy. My body couldn’t take it; I pulled back and pressed my forehead to hers.

       “Pierce?” she asked.

       “You,” I explained on a laugh, “are going to make me embarrass myself.”

       She eased a cheeky hand into my boxers, edging the elastic downwards. “We’ve had public arguments, isn’t that more embarrassing?”

       “No,” I grumbled, my breath catching as her fingers brushed over my cock. “I didn’t give a shit.”

       “Why don’t you fuck with me then?” she whispered, her fingers closing around me and tugging my length with a firm stroke. I removed her hand and leaned over to the bedside table for condoms.

       “Now who’s asking who nicely?”

       She arched into me, her hands slipping over my damp back. “No hot coals.”

       I ripped the foil with my teeth and tugged the latex onto my cock. With any other girl, I’d have flipped her over and fucked her from behind. This was Cari —I wanted to see her face when I slid my cock into her. I wanted to watch every curve of her beautiful face when she came for me.

       I stroked a hand from her breast down to her hips, leaning down to kiss her again, so she could feel just how much I wanted her. With my hands gripping at her hips, I drove into her deeply. Her mouth opened on a wide O and she gave an absolute howl of need. Her eyes were closed. She was my girl, my beautiful Cari. She was so tight, I thought she’d squeeze my cock right off. I breathed against her neck, starting to withdraw when I felt her hands at my buttocks.

       “No, no, don’t go,” she panted. “Just stay in me a little.”

       I could barely resist her, but her pussy was dancing all over my dick, drawing me in deeper.

       “Cari,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around her as I started to rock inside her, not withdrawing, loving the little gasps that came from her each time I hit a certain spot. She felt incredible, every millimetre of her pussy gripping me, her body rolling under mine, her fingernails scratching at me, until she scratched so hard over my back it started to sting. “Little cat,” I muttered.

       She gave a little laugh and tightened her legs around me, whispering, “Oh, please…”

       I rubbed my thumb over her lips and she bit me. I trailed my hand to the apex of her thighs, where we were joined, my pale cock enveloped by her liquid dark folds. I traced over her swollen clit. I stopped using my hand and withdrew my cock altogether, only to rub the underside over her.

       “You sodding tease!” she wailed in frustration.

       I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t quite bear to be away from her. I used my hand to guide myself into her, her tightness slowly giving way to me. I started thrusting into her hard, my cock slipping into her with growing ease, her juices drenching me to the balls. I pumped her even harder, leaning to grab my headboard so I could lever into her with more force. I could feel my cock swelling, my balls tingling with the onslaught of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. Cari jerked beneath me, her body convulsing as she came, my thighs sticky with her juices. I groaned, the sound near wrenched from me as I came, filling the condom, the tip of my cock burning with the force of it. I involuntarily thrust into her as the last edges of the orgasm curled outwards. It was a few minutes before I could even form the command for my muscles to move. I was covered in sweat, and Cari’s chest was heaving with the effort of breathing.

       She caught my expression and grinned. “Well, that wasn’t at all futuristic.”

       We both started laughing as I slid out of her and once I dealt with the condom, I curled her into my arms. “You are a fast whore though. So maybe we caught up with each other.”

       “No, you were the whore,” she reminded me, nipping my ear with her teeth. “Five-dollar whore.” She yawned.

       “We should have done this a long time ago.”

       “What? Sex, or behaving like reasonable people?”

       “Both,” I answered honestly. “Lot of things I’d have done differently… or not at all…” I told myself to shut up. She gazed at me, as if she knew something was going on with me.

       “Well, as lovely as you making me walk cowboy for the next twenty-four hours was, don’t you need to be somewhere?”

       I frowned down at her disapprovingly. “You want to get your next bloke in?”

       “No!” She laughed. “You idiot. You pop your head in, do the dutiful son thing, come back, and we get more adventurous.”

       My brows nearly flew off my face. “Such as?”

       “Your bathtub, your kitchen counter,” she ticked her fingers with each point, “that fabulous rug in your living room. Is that some poor dead animal?”

       I caught her into a hard kiss, silencing her, framing her face with both hands trying to stem the horrific knowledge that this would probably be the last time she would ever let me anywhere near her, let alone touch her. Something shifted in my chest. I think it was my heart shattering.

       She untangled herself from my embrace. “I’ll just have a shower then I’ll let you get away.”

       “Take your time,” I insisted. “I’ll give you a lift back.”

       She shook her head. “The faster you go, the faster you come back.”

       I leaned over and kissed her once more, before she disappeared into the bathroom. I rubbed a hand over my eyes, sarcastically telling myself that I enjoyed complications too much. She was the first person I’d ever truly been in love with.

       I froze for about ten minutes after I thought that. What the hell was I doing? I called my shocked father to tell him I’d be in Edinburgh by the afternoon. I then booked a return flight from City Airport and pulled on some clothes. I went and sat still in the living room, not daring to move. I couldn’t bear to be near her right now. I was so close to cracking up and telling her everything, beg her to forgive me. I didn’t. I held it together and stared at the four walls sightlessly, trying not to think about the sounds she made when she came, or how it felt to be inside her.

       Cari emerged from the bedroom, that slip of a dress back on and wrapping a creamy pashmina around herself. She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled awkwardly as I realised I was gawping at her. She smelled incredible.

       “I was wearing this last night.”

       “Last night I didn’t think you gave a shit about me,” I said slowly.
Last night I didn’t realise just how much this plot was going to cost me.

“But I do,” she replied with a smile. “Aren’t you blessed?”

       She picked up her bag, and I took her hand, grabbing my keys and shoving them into my pocket. I kissed her in the lift all the way down, and I would stop every other step just for another taste. When we emerged, I hailed a taxi, and despite her protests, I shoved a twenty at the cabbie and told him to get her home safely. I turned to her and cupped her cheeks, memorising her face, from the smooth, glossy skin to her curling lips, those huge, dark eyes.

       “Stop this, you’re making me nervous,” she told me through bruised lips. “You’re not jetting off to Assyria and not telling me, right?”

       “No,” I said softly. I kissed her once more, then forced myself to let go of her.

       “Call me when you get back,” she commanded, stepping into the cab, and leaned her head out of the window to blow me a kiss. I ground the heels of my palms into my eyes and swore loudly at the sky, much to the disconcertion of an old lady passing by.

       When I arrived in Edinburgh three hours later, I ignored my father to sit in my room and watch Sky the whole day. I barely ate anything, waving away my father, who told me warily that he had to leave for a work engagement. I spent the evening alone, with a bottle of Jack Daniels, mobile in one hand, staring at the message Cari had sent me:
Yoo-hoo whore!

       The hole I’d dug for myself was wide and deep, and given the relationship suicide I was about to commit, it was a good thing I was ready prepared. I glanced down at Cari’s message again, my throat tightening so painfully I could barely swallow the whisky. I couldn’t think of anything to say back. I pulled up her number on the phone so many times, wanting to call her. Whatever Cari said, she was still a girl, and I didn’t want to freak her out that I was doing my usual shag and dump.

       I sent her eventually:
I miss you too.
About one in the morning, I turned off the phone altogether and threw it across the room. My father came in and picked up the empty bottle.

       “What the bloody hell is wrong with you?” he snapped. “What’s this all about?”

       I lifted heavy, gritty eyes to his and said in a dull tone, “Don’t you mean, what the hell am I doing here?”

       His concern served only to irritate me. “Talk to me, Pierce.”

       “What else could this be about? A girl.”

       My father rolled his eyes, blue like mine. “Boy, I thought I’ve only ever taught you two things: never rent, always buy and never, ever play women. They’ll make you pay for it in the end.”

       “You stupid bastard,” I groaned, slouching onto the floor. “That’s exactly why I’m here.”

       He yanked me up by the armpits and dragged me back onto the bed. Funny he could, as I’d always seen him as weak. “Drinking yourself into a coma will not help. It’ll only hurt more in the morning.”

       I laughed emptily. “It couldn’t. It really couldn’t get any worse than this. I love her so much and I’m going to make her hate me. Have you ever done that? Oh, yeah, Mum.”

       He winced at the comment, but still placed a great paw on my head.

       “It’ll pass,” he said softly. “At your age, it always does.”

       “I don’t need your patronisation,” I snapped, shoving his hand away.

       “Son…” he began.

       “Fuck off!” I thundered, knowing full well I didn’t deserve any sympathy from anyone. Helpless, my father closed the door behind him. I stared up at the ceiling, then picked up the phone. Another text from

You sure you’re all right, whore

       I found a reply in me.
Yes Mother Superior. Minus is you’re not here.

Trust me
, she sent back
. I’m rubbish with parents.

BOOK: Sympathy for the Devil
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