Swept Off Her Feet (6 page)

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Authors: Camille Anthony

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Swept Off Her Feet
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“Fem, that hurt!”

Two grinding orgasms had weakened her legs and left them shaking. She managed only a few steps before he easily recaptured her. He quickly relieved her of the shattered mirror, growling a string of imprecations under his breath. He caught her hands from behind and looped them across her chest, using her own arms to shackle her. With each of her frantic breaths, his muscled forearms rubbed the up-tilted, painfully erect tips of her breasts.

“Ooohh!” The moan escaped her parted lips against her will.

He grinned, baring his teeth in a mocking smile. He deliberately brushed her sensitized crests again and again. His cock, solid and huge, pressed threateningly against the swell of her buttocks.

“You want to play rough?” His raspy whisper tickled her ear.

It wasn’t laughter that shivered down her spine. She gasped, shaking her head no. He lifted her in his arms anyway.

Relentless, he walked over to the bed. Brushing aside her half-hearted attempts to deter his will, he forced her down onto the mattress, throwing a muscled leg over her thighs. He secured her with his greater weight. His engorged penis nudged her belly and thigh, its distended length heavy on her sensitive flesh.

Holding her gaze, he sent his hands roving over and under her terry-cloth cover, seeking the closure. His fingers snagged on the opening, and, undeterred by her defiant glare, ripped the towel away.

Chapter Five

“Chyya! Hoden bra’qu…? Malau ne macinee?”

A man sporting an immense weapon stood in the open doorway, his head bent to clear the bedroom’s eight-foot ceiling. A frantic spate of words tripped from his well-shaped lips. The hilt of his wicked-looking sword familiarly clasped in one gigantic hand, the warrior appeared alert and ready for any contingency.

Over the loud thundering of her heart, Nnora hadn’t heard the newcomer’s entry nor did she understand the questions he asked the prince, since he spoke them in his native language. When he first came in, she’d been grateful for the interruption. Now, having recalled the predicament she was in, she found herself wondering whether this new intruder would prove to be friend or foe, one of her father’s soldiers or one of the prince’s warriors.

From his garb, he did not appear to be one of her father’s men. Since her father’s warriors tended to blend in with Earthlings as much as possible, they wore clothes that were the norm for the locale they guarded in. In other words, Levis and tee shirts, covered by trench coats to conceal their weapons.

This man’s loose, belted tunic resembled those once worn by ancient Roman soldiers. The short skirt cut full to accommodate ease of fighting, ended well above his knees, exposed miles of hair-roughened legs and thighs.

Why was he here?
And what had he asked the prince, something along the line of, “Is it my turn yet?”

She shuddered.

The man’s unearthly neon-green gaze swept the dim corners of the room as if searching for an intruder. He turned, taking in every aspect of the disruption caused by her tussle with Devtorvas. She cringed—he’d probably heard everything that had occurred earlier, too.

Abruptly, the big man stiffened. Nostrils quivering, he swung his massive head about and turned sharply toward her, zeroing in. He shuddered, eyelids drifting to half-mast as he inhaled deeply.

Her face flamed as the man’s cock jerked erect, rising hard and fast to tent the loose skirt of his tunic.

Oh, my god! She ogled the thick lengthy pole rearing against the thin material. If that’s his cock, the thing is astronomical in proportion! No one has dicks that big…do they?

Frightened, she curled into a small ball of cowering flesh beneath the prince’s bulk.

As her struggles against the prince had brought home to her, these homegrown
men were strong enough to force her against her will…to hurt her badly. The possibility stole her breath.

Does the prince intend sharing me with this behemoth and the other soldiers I hear milling about in my living room? I know he said he wanted me for himself, but after he finishes with me…what then?

“Stand down, GanR’dari. As you can see, there is no intruder here.”

She sighed with relief when the prince shifted his body, gallantly shielding her nakedness from his man’s interested gaze. She also gave him silent thanks for speaking in English, clearly intended to alleviate her anxiety. He had to be aware of her fear as she had tucked herself under him so tightly her body practically melted into his.

“You may leave. I have the situation…
well in hand.” His gently mocking glance dared her to contradict his statement as his thumb insolently brushed her beaded nipple.

Though she had to grit her teeth to do it, she remained silent. The pompous ass rewarded her with a softening of his predatory smile and another flick of his marauding thumb.

“Contact the surgeon for the injection I ordered.” His autocratic voice sounded over her head. “If it is ready, have it brought to me. Here.”

His massive cock boldly erect and swinging beneath his skirt with every step, the giant nodded his head curtly, and then eased from the room. The sound of raucous male laughter told her the other warriors had noticed their captain’s lost control. She glanced over to find Devtorvas smiling in what looked like rueful sympathy. Was his sympathy for her or for his man?

“Excuse the intrusion of my warrior, Nnora, it was not intentional. Also, forgive GanR’dari’s…condition. My followers and I have been without a
easing for far too long. We cannot prevent our bodies’ natural response to the sweet smell of
-flowering. You need never fear they would harm you, or that I would ever allow you to be harmed.”

“It is you I fear, not them.” Her uneven breathing sounded loud in the quiet room. “And do not think I wi—will allow you to cart me off or rape me without a fight!”

A tear slipped down her cheek. “Why won’t you let me speak with my father?” Hiccoughing, she fought to contain the sobs rising against her will.

The prince caught the fallen tear on the tip of his tongue, delicately lapped at the others that followed. “Let there be no more talk of rape. When I take you—and I will—it will be with your full consent. With your eager participation. As for speaking with your father, I cannot…that is not possible right now. Perhaps later, when we are in route—”

“I want to speak with him now! How much later will it be?”

He sighed. “Nnora, when you make contact with your father, who contacts first?”

“He does.”

“Yes, because any attempt at communication is not easy this close to Earth transmissions. Always there is a danger the communication will be captured.


“There is danger of interception—thank you for supplying the correct word—if I try to bring communications with your father’s colony now. It would be the worst course of action I could take. My ship and my people might come in danger and that I will not do. Not even for you.”

Before she could ask another question, a knock sounded on the bedroom door and the same hulking warrior stuck his head round the portal. He was very careful not to look in her direction as a flow of liquid syllables cascaded from his mouth. He opened his hand, and she caught a fleeting glimpse of an ampoule glistening on his outstretched palm.

With a relieved sounding comment, Devtorvas eased away from her, rose and went to the door.

As soon as he turned his back on her, she hurriedly snatched up her towel, retreating back to the bed where she sat down, clutching it over her heaving breasts with both hands.

He took the ampoule from his captain and closed the door behind him, then proceeded to engage the lock with a deliberateness that started her pulse pounding and her cunt juicing. He turned. When he saw what she had done his lips twitched up in an amused smile.

She straightened her back and firmed her jaw. Her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and dread as she watched him approach, his bold eyes drilling into hers, silently challenging her to admit the mutual desire sparking between them.

His face was arrantly beautiful, his body a graceful rhapsody in motion. Though massively built, he moved lightly, silently on nimble feet. The defined ridges of his muscular chest, unmarred by hair, rippled and contracted under his smooth dark skin with his every movement. For the first time, she noticed a slight indentation about three or four inches below each flat, wide masculine nipple. The circular, smooth depressions looked like scar tissue, a little darker than the skin around them. What could have caused the circular scarring?

His voice interrupted her musing. “Nnora, tis no disgrace to be bested by a more able foe. The fighting ends now. Or…” he grinned, “…must I have my men in here to assist your surrender?”

Even as he spoke the threat, she knew he did not mean it. The locked door testified against him. She was convinced she need not worry on that account.

“You will remove your covering and submit to me, now.”

She knew he would brook no further resistance.

The growing heat in her loins compelled her to admit she wanted, no
what the prince offered. Her curiosity grown enormous, she desperately wanted to explore this erotic landscape with the prince—the most intriguing man she had ever met. Still, she had questions regarding her father’s plans and his involvement in this situation.

Silently, provocatively, hoping her tremors of fearful lust were not visible to him, she let the towel pool about her waist. Her skin pinkened under his focused gaze. Her nipples crested in blatant arousal and she fought back the urge to shelter her breasts behind her hands. She wanted him to see her, to desire her. She wanted him to find her breasts alluring and irresistible. She had one more question, however.

“Surely you do not intend to mate me with your men listening in the next room?”

He came up to her, smoothed his hands over her bare arms. He ran his fingers across the top of her chest, skimming the yearning flesh of her swollen breasts. “Were our situation different, I would consider waiting until after the Acceptance Ceremony on
for full mating, however—”

“Will you wait if I promise to accept this marriage?” She would bargain, willingly offer anything that would buy her some much-needed time to think. To plan.

“No, Nnora, I will not.” He shook his head. “You bargain falsely. You mean to placate me now, while you plot your later escape. I admire your tenacity,
, as it will serve you well in your new role as my mate and consort.” He sighed.

“I know you are as attracted to me as I am to you. The flowering does not lie. I truly regret having to snatch you away against your will. If only I could spend more time courting you, if only I were not so desperately needed back home—” He shook his head again.

“I do not care to see you unhappy, my
. I vow I will make everything up to you. I will shower you with the gift of my affections and will grant you whatsoever else you desire, up to the half of my kingdom.” He smoothed back her hair, gaze lingering on her face.

What was he looking for? What did he want from her?
She tipped her head back to lock gazes with his fascinating eyes and felt him capture her left arm in a firm grip. He pressed something into her forearm.

The ampoule he had received from his henchman—she had forgotten in her fear and scheming. It dissolved quickly and painlessly into her skin. She recoiled away from him in terror, staring at her arm.

God, was she poisoned? Had he drugged her to ease his kidnapping plans?

“What did you do to me? What did you give me?”

Dare I trust your answer?

“Be calm,
It is merely a nanotech learning device.” He sought to soothe her by allowing her to place distance between them. “It is a miniature translator which will not only allow us to communicate more effectively with each other by attaching a node to your cerebral cortex—it will gradually give you a complete database of the emotional context of the words and phrases, as well as the grammatical usage. You will soon be speaking and understanding our language as if you were born to it, which, in fact, you were.

She rubbed at her arm, frowning. She narrowed her eyes, glared at him. “I don’t like that you did that without asking me. I have a right to make my own decisions, Glendevtorvas.”

I will give you all the choices I can—all but the choice to deny me, now.”

“That is no choice, at all,” she snapped.

“I realize this situation is not fair to you, Nnora. Again, I regret I do not have the time or the self-control to withhold myself from you, to court you as I wish to. It has been many years since my
have softened for a
. I had thought myself resigned, used to the lack, and then I peeked into your cleansing room. I saw you touch yourself, smelled the flowering of your sweet pussy. I tell you…” He gathered her close as he stared into her eyes. “You will never know how close you came to being taken against the reflecting wall. I have yet to regain that lost control, and for that I give you my apologies. I make no apologies for anything else.”

He bent to press a soft kiss against her lips.

Nnora turned her head away.

His fingers snagged her chin, turned her face up to his.

“Resign yourself,
. As sure as the stars burn, we shall share sex…and
. I dare not allow you to remain unmated the length of the journey home. My men are as cruelly deprived as myself, and you present a heady temptation. I will not chance having to kill a friend over you. I want you too desperately to delay for long, but I will give you the choice of when and where we seal our bond…here and now? Or tomorrow, on board the ship?”

“I choose tomorrow,” she said quickly, thankful for any reprieve, marveling at how open he was being with her.

“You do truly mean me for yourself? You do not plan to share me with your men?”

Share a life-mate?
” He drew back, his face contorted in a horrified scowl. “By the stars,
, where came you by this blasphemy? What perversions have been spawned on this
-forsaken planet?”

His shock seemed so unfeigned and deep, it convinced her of his sincerity. She slumped in relief. “It is not the practice among my father’s people, as far as I know, though it has been known to happen here on Earth. I was unsure of your intentions.”

“My intentions, this day, are to influence your
and flowering towards me. I will
your nipples, and if you are cooperative with that, I will grant you the day’s delay of our full joining.” He shrugged. “More than that I cannot do.”

…not just sitting down. I seem to know that it is something sexual, something important to do with a couple becoming mates.” Her gaze went without thought to the circular indentions in the prince’s chest. “What does
have to do with your scars?”

His thick brows drew together. “I was told you were raised among Humans, but I cannot believe you were allowed to grow to maturity uneducated about your own sexuality and biological legacy.”

She didn’t especially care for that note of pity she heard in his voice. “I wasn’t found until after my first
. But since you seem to enjoy using
to threaten me, I’ll let
do the explaining, Prince.”

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