Swept Off Her Feet (4 page)

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Authors: Camille Anthony

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Swept Off Her Feet
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Deep down, she knew she would eventually return to her father’s kingdom to take her rightful place as his heir. The Brewsters had instilled a deep sense of duty in both their daughters and she knew her duty as well as the next woman. Much as they might wish her to stay with them, her foster family would never voice that plea. They expected her to do her duty and take up her role as a leader to her people.

And she would…eventually. But this year, she fully intended returning to Earth in time for the fall school session. This trip, much as her father might wish he could order differently, was a fact-finding visit during which she hoped to learn more of her true culture and heritage.

Sighing, she clicked off the whirring exhaust fan, gave a final swipe to the shower stall and finished tidying up the bathroom. Tossing her washcloth and hair towel over the appropriate rail and applying the Velcro fastening of her bath sheet under her arms, she flung open the bathroom door—

And plowed into the massive chest of the most gorgeous male she had ever seen.

Chapter Two

His iridescent eyes declared him to be
. And Glennora was sure this glorious specimen before her—taller and more broadly formed than any
warrior she had ever seen—outclassed them all. He literally stole her breath away, left her gasping in instant awe and lust.

The male towered over her, his head just clearing the eight-foot ceiling. Her neck arched as her head tilted, her disbelieving eyes tracking up and up his imposing body, over long firm legs, lingering on the junction of powerful thighs that nestled a masculine bulge graphically molded by constricting jeans. Her eyes skimmed across the broad chest straining the material of a tight black tee shirt, then roved over a face covered by darkly tanned skin that stretched without wrinkle over a pair of blade-sharp cheekbones. His lips were wide and square, the bottom one fuller than the top, and his eyelashes and brows were thick and heavy, dark as a moonless night.

Stunned by the visual feast before her, she lifted her awed gaze again to the man’s golden-bronze eyes, finding them as alien as her own when not disguised by the hated contacts…and hotly returning her frank perusal with a heated male stare that reminded her she was covered only by a skimpy towel.

She clutched the terry wrap against her chest with nervous fingers, accidentally scraping the rough material across her jutting nipples. In spite of her recent orgasm, need sparked along her nerve endings and she fought an involuntary shiver as prickling, tingling sensations rushed over her greedy flesh. In the strained stillness of the room, she became acutely aware of the man’s pointed attention, felt his stare zeroing in on her stiffening crests.

She twitched her towel higher, her dry throat working to swallow the lump of lust threatening to choke her. Against her will, her gaze flicked down towards—then quickly away from—the stranger’s jeans-covered groin where the thickening evidence of his maleness proved the sexual interest she was feeling to be mutual.

For an endless moment, she basked in a fantasy world where this huge male found her attractive, perhaps as attractive as she was finding him. Then her euphoria was shattered as she abruptly realized there was a
mature male
standing in her bedroom.

An uninvited man, a very
man, who had invaded her private space…and she had no way of knowing if he was friend or foe.

Backing away from the intruder, she assumed her haughty look—the one Lori called her “Royal Princess expression”. Her voice not quite steady, she asked, “How dare you violate my privacy and enter my chambers without permission?”

Her question seemed to go right over the man’s head. She wasn’t even sure he had heard her. He was too busy growling something in his dark, husky voice, his eyelids slowly closing as his nostrils flared, chest rising on a deeply inhaled breath.

Good Lord! Was he sniffing at her?

He continued to speak and she found herself ensorcelled by the sheer loveliness of the sounds pouring from that beautiful mouth. Even his gruff, masculine tone could not detract from the splendor of the otherworldly cadence of—

A momentary panic dumped ice water upon her enchantment with the liquid, musical language pouring from the stranger. My father’s edicts expressly forbid our language—Rb’qarmli—to be spoken anywhere but on the colony world, and his commands have the force of law, binding on all loyal Rb’qarmshi. Who is this stranger? Why does he flaunt his king’s command?

Her mouth tightened as she shook off her unusual bemusement, her eyes angrily narrowing at his daring affront. “Who are you and how dare you insult and dishonor your
by ignoring his laws?”

The man’s mobile lips stretched into a slight smile while his eyes twinkled. His coloring was very like hers. Dark hair and softly glowing tangerine eyes proclaimed their distant blood connection. A flushed heat warmed her cheeks when she noted his gaze, riveted on her mouth. The heat moved lower, brushing her nipples and pussy with a tingling warmth when he licked his lips. His broad tongue smoothed over his full bottom lip then made the reverse journey on the curved highway of his top lip.

She experienced an almost uncontrollable urge to feel those intriguing lips crushing her own…a burning desire to taste more than his damp lips. There were, literally, miles of skin she could explore and sample, given more time than she had available now.

She gave her head a quick, thought-clearing shake and sternly reined in her lust. She strove to keep her outward stance towards him cold—frigid as Ron had often accused her of being, though she wagered this male could heat her quickly enough, if she gave him leave.

“Forgive, Princess, the unavoidable intrusion of your privacy.” The male’s stiffly formal phrasing sounded as if he struggled with an unfamiliar language. “Assured be, I mean to
Glenbrevchanka, no disrespect. Your father, Lady, is not
sovereign. His edicts are not my rule.” He frowned. “Do you speak no
at all?”

She shook her head. “Nope, I only understand fragments from before the crash, a baby’s vocabulary. I do remember the word for ‘mama’, though.”

The stranger made a disapproving noise and his frown deepened, darkening his handsome face when he heard her nonchalant statement. “That is a…shame, yet, fixable. You will learn quickly. We have medicines that will assist. Until then, I continue to say words in this planet’s barbaric tongue. You would understand my words of greeting to you?”

She was sure her expressive face informed her uninvited visitor how unhappy his choice of words made her. She didn’t much care for the way he disparaged her adoptive planet, not to mention his matter-of-fact assumption that she would be learning the language just to converse with him.
Not living likely!

“Well, don’t make me wait all day,” she snapped irritably. “If you have something to say, spit it out.”

Even before his brows drew together in a look of reprimand, she modified her words, appalled at her rudeness. She’d been taught better. Just a few years ago, Mom Brewster would have served her a dose of manners applied to her backside with a long wooden spoon.

“Forgive me. Yes, I would like to understand what you said to me.” It wasn’t the thought of her foster mother’s swift discipline that had her scrambling to apologize. Even as she heard her placating words, she marveled that a disapproving look from this man had her changing her attitude, striving to please him.

Glendevtorvas narrowed his eyes as he assessed the reactions from his future consort. She was proving to be a feisty
, but he liked that about her. It would not do for his queen to be a
easily led or controlled. Hers would be a supreme voice of power on two worlds, second only to his, and it was imperative she become accustomed to wielding authority.

It was easy for him to read Glennora’s guilt-fed irritation. He’d been informed of her negative reaction when her
had first suggested she learn
, how she had stubbornly refused, choosing instead, to continue nursing her resentment towards all things
. He also knew of her intense curiosity involving all things new and out-of-the-ordinary. Her father had informed him that Glennora instructed younglings and like her charges, had an insatiable hunger for information.

Now he wondered if she wished she had been more receptive to her father’s wishes. Not speaking the language would make communicating with her future subjects a difficult feat. Luckily, her sister, Dohsan, whom he knew had visited with Glennora numerous times during the last two earth cycles, spoke English like a native and would be an able translator. She had volunteered to accompany Glennora to
, and he had permitted this since he wanted his bride to settle quickly into her new life.

“Mere words cannot express your impact upon me. You are beautiful beyond my wildest dreams of womanhood, fully mature and ripe for mating. Even from across the room, the hot smell of your
flowering, your recent pleasuring, is drawing me to you—”


“The smell of your spilled juices is ripe upon the air. You danced alone in the cleaning cubicle for the last time. From this moment, I will be the one, now and always, to ease your need.”

Chapter Three

As the lyrical cadence of his accented English washed over Glennora in sensuous waves, her instincts for survival awoke, and she squinted in sudden suspicion.

Who the hell was this guy? How could he know she had masturbated earlier?
She wanted to sink into the floor from embarrassment, yet at the same time, knowing he knew of her actions and had expressed the desire to join her made her hotter and more aroused then she’d ever been in her life.

She should send him on his way; refuse to tolerate his intrusive, sexually threatening presence a moment longer. She should demand he leave, yet…she couldn’t bring herself to do so. Just the low rumble of his voice engendered a sensual trembling response in the pit of her stomach.

Even while she cursed her instant attraction for this luscious male eye-candy, cursed her ever rampant curiosity, she could not deny how desperately she wanted to know everything about this stranger. She found herself driven to find out what his uninvited male presence in her bedroom meant, to explore his reasons for being here, to find out if he were eligible! And if he were?

His words did wonderful things for her ego; still she well remembered how Ron—the only man who had ever complimented her so effusively—had done so with a hidden agenda. What was
man’s agenda? After all, she was a royal princess, in line to rule an entire planet, harsh and un-giving as it was. What were his intentions?

The insurrection that had caused the
to send away his vulnerable infant daughter had ended in defeat of the opposition two years ago. Yet, she knew, there remained a small number of rebels at large that refused to accept her father’s rule and had recently threatened to attack him at his weakest point—his family. The
, fearing for the safety of his children, insisted upon guarding all his children at all times. She’d balked at his attempt to surround her with bodyguards, certain she would be safe while away from Mars since she had never been bothered or approached before. She’d lost that one battle, and had since resigned herself to her new shadows—

Her guards! How could she have forgotten her guards? Where were they and how had this man gotten past them?

God, don’t let them be lying dead somewhere!

She slowly, deliberately took a step back from the man, meeting his eyes with a fearful, yet head-on gaze. “If you are not one of my father’s subjects, then you are truly a stranger. Who are you, and what do you want with me?”

One confident stride narrowed the distance between them, bringing the intruder into her personal space. His air of unconscious command managed to set her teeth on edge even while it prodded the drowsing beast of her sexual need.

“Again, I must apologize, Princess. Your beauty froze my words, else I would have made known myself, right away.”

“Fine. Who the heck
you and how did you get past my guards?”

The man executed a bow that was elegant and practiced. “I am Prince Glendevtorvas abri’
Quasharel, ruler of both
and—since the ending of a two hundred years’ war—also the planet
. Your
gave me a writ of passage. Your guards have been ordered home.”

The elevated position of her visitor startled her. His name bore the Glen-syllable proclaiming his first-born status as heir like her own. This man ruled the home planet! The planet her father still spoke of with reverence mixed with greed. She had never heard of that second planet.

At least that answered one of her questions. She had nothing this man didn’t already possess. Her status might equal his but she could never outrank him.

She struggled to keep her eyes on the intruder’s face, resisting the urge to sneak another peek at the impressive bulge stretching the taut fabric of the man’s jeans. A good long look tempted her more than gathering information, but, hell. Duty called.

“Welcome to Earth, Prince Glendevtorvas. I am sure my father is pleased you made this journey, but what are you doing
…in my bedroom?”

The prince spoke a rapid sentence in
before he caught himself and switched to English. “I have come for
, Nnora.”

His stark words hit her like a speeding train. She was no superwoman to sustain such a blow. Her heart tripped, threatening to pound its way out of her chest.

“Ex—excuse me. What did you say?”

Glendevtorvas chuckled, the sensuous rumble sounding downright dangerous to an already frazzled Nnora.

“I have placed my claim upon you. Already have your father-
and mine written our mating contracts—”

mating contracts?” The fine hairs on her shoulders rose up, the question growled between her grinding teeth.

The prince ignored her less than flattering reaction and continued. “I can allow but a few minutes for you to choose things to bring. Or not.” He shrugged. “As my queen, have you the choice from the bounty of ten worlds—”

The prince’s words sank in. She was shocked. She didn’t know whether to scream or laugh. Surely this was a monumental joke. She refused to believe her father had meant to use her as marriage bait.
Please, God,
she silently begged,
don’t let this trip I have looked forward to so much be just a political ploy on my father’s part.

“Prince Glendevtorvas, you are out of your egotistical mind if you believe I will just pack up and go anywhere with you. I don’t know you from… I don’t know you at all.

“I don’t know how the females on
are treated, and I’m not really sure about the status of those on Mars, but I do know one thing—I make my own decisions. I won’t allow any man, and that includes my father, that kind of power over my life. I—”

should do as you are told!” Glendevtorvas frowned down at her, crossing his arms, an emotion that looked a lot like exasperation deepening the striking orange of his eyes.

She mocked him, frowning back, barely resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Shockingly, he gave her an approving smile when she did not back down from his intimidating glare.

“Your spirit pleases me. While your surliness does not, I overlook this time. No doubt, your being in second
—and unmated—has unsettled you.”

“Oh, so now this is about
? I have PMS
so you will humor me? Please.

She mumbled under her breath, insulted. Why was it all the good-lookers ended up being jerks?
She let her growing anger spill over into her tones. “Do me a favor, Prince—
do me any favors.”

“Yes, favor! Great favor have I done you. I am ruling Prince,” he began, his words laced with growing agitation. “Total power and authority have I on two worlds. Women of ten worlds would fight and swoon with pride as my chosen

“Get over yourself.” She snorted with laughter at his arrogant statements. “You are too conceited for words.”

“And you are… I know not the Earth words,” the prince shook his clenched fists at the ceiling, an impatient growl rumbling in his throat.

She wondered if the growl signaled impatience at his own less-than-proficient use of her language or his disapproval of her refusal to be instantly impressed. Whatever the reason, anger looked good on him. Despite her irritation at his highhandedness, she savored the thrill of watching his impressive chest expand with his deep, agitated breaths.

Speaking slowly, Glendevtorvas began again. “I know you were lost as infant. Took years, your father did…to find you. Now is he eager to fulfill his responsibility. To establish you in proper mating—
mating! Think you, that you are the only one
He paused, clearly searching for a word more to his meaning. “…softly forced?”

“Compelled? Coerced…nudged in a direction you don’t wish to go?

she offered, her years of teaching making her insertion and amplification automatic.

“Yes, that is the word. Coerced to duty. I, too, am under a father’s rule. This duty, it pleases me…
. You are very beautiful—though very tiny and fragile. Yet was I prepared to accept you at my father’s command, whatever your look. But, you! You give no thanks, show no joy! You are not…proper, are not—

She snickered when he cut his sentence short with what sounded like a curse and turned his back. She found it hard to hide her smile. As a ruling prince, he probably didn’t have very many people opposing his will.

“Am I ugly in your sight?” The prince turned back to ask.

His face betrayed his agitation and she somehow knew he would be more upset if he knew she was reading him so easily. All at once, she was not so happy to cause him such discomfort. “Oh, you definitely are not ugly in my sight. I am sure you know just how attractive you are,” she hastened to respond, her own embarrassment spiking when she noticed the direction of the prince’s wandering gaze.

Although she lived alone in her one-room apartment, Lori, who still lived at home, was a frequent visitor. Out of respect for their parents’ old-fashioned beliefs, Lori—though older than Nnora and sexually active for years now—kept her affairs from her parent’s notice. Nnora’s apartment happened to be a convenient trysting place and an even more convenient cover to use when she was elsewhere. All Lori’s sexual toys and supplies sprawled across her side of the dresser. Sitting prominently at the fore was the emergency box of extra-large “horse” condoms.

Cheeks growing hot, she watched as the prince—whose muscular build, sweetly taut buttocks and firm thighs had her wayward pussy creaming in tortured anticipation—idly toyed with the items littering the dresser. She prayed he wouldn’t notice or at least wouldn’t comment on Lori’s emergency stash. Of course, because she wished the opposite so desperately, the box was the next item he picked up.

Even with his back still to her, she could almost feel his eyebrows rising as he studied the suggestive pictures printed on the compact box. She huffed and expelled an exasperated sigh when he opened the box and pulled out one of the foil-wrapped packets. He turned to face her, the condom held on his outstretched palm, one raised eyebrow asking a question.

She refused to be embarrassed. This was
bedroom and
was the uninvited intruder here.

“They’re called condoms. Human males use them to prevent pregnancies.”

“Not yours, then.” He chuckled, dropping the thing back onto the dresser.

She bristled, peeved by his statement. “What does that mean? I am so unattractive no man would want—” She broke off, appalled to hear herself blurting out her insecurities. Now it was her turn to swing about, hiding her mortification from his interested gaze. She gasped, forcing back a sob, feeling stripped bare and naked, vulnerable.

The sound of his laughter cut her fragile self-esteem to shreds. Nnora’s fists clenched and a hot wash of shame heated her cheeks. She fought agitated affront, injured pride and the beginning of tears. “Get the hell out of my bedroom! I don’t give a flying…
what you think, anyway. For your information—”

, why are you angry?” Glendevtorvas’ brows drew together. “Surely, your anger cannot be over my laughter? How could you not expect me to be amused by such a joke?”

He moved close behind her, using the bulk of his body to
cradle her without actually touching her with his hands.

“You are beyond attractive, as you well know,” he told her softly, as if he meant to soothe her irritated nerves, which she did not believe for one second.

“Stop making fun of me!” She snarled, pivoting on her heels to face him, her ire rising anew at his continued efforts to ridicule her.

Raising both hands in surrender, the prince backed a step. “My laughter was
you, not
you!” he quickly said, obviously attempting to stave off another verbal attack. “All males must desire you. All my men and I would worship you. Any human male…how could they not lust for you? But, these things—” he indicated the discarded condom “—what use have you of them? No human male can impregnate you.”

Her brow furrowed at the matter-of-fact way in which he spoke the last sentence. “How could you possibly know that, for sure? Our scientists are still debating the issue. It has never been conclusively decided that inter-mixing among our two species is impossible.”

“When the answer is obvious, still scientists debate,” Glendevtorvas said, shaking his head. “It is matter of simple dimensions.

“You are a tiny thing compared to
.” His eyes burned a path down her torso, lingering on the delta of her towel-covered thighs.

“Already you are in second
, untouched, untaught!” He tsk’ed his tongue in seeming displeasure and continued, “I fear it difficult to mate you without much pain, yet I doubt you could even feel a human, no matter how well endowed they think themselves to be—”

The prince lifted his molten gaze to hers, and her nipples sprang to attention under the heated, ravenous look. No one had ever wanted her like he seemed to, as if she were the banquet at the end of a forty day fast. As if he would starve without her essence to nourish him.

She stifled a moan as the muscles of her pussy contracted, trying to milk a nonexistent cock.
, she told herself drolly, eyeing the long thick ridge that seemed to be growing behind the tight jeans material,
it does, in fact, exist. It simply isn’t where I need it to be.
She shook herself and had to put forth a determined effort to understand the Prince’s continued conversation.

“—no human male could fill you, and never could one expand the walls of your sweet
. Yet will I fill your—”

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