Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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“Come on now, let’s get to school.”



fter dropping the kids off I parted ways with Grace, and not the way I intended to this morning. Storming into the gym I head straight for the locker room with my bag in hand, ignoring everyone’s stares and greetings, my blood still on fire.

I slam open my locker and intend to throw my bag in but end up taking my aggression out on it. My fist crushes the metal over and over, the jarring impact doing nothing to lessen the rage pumping through me.

By the time I’m done with it the door barely hangs on by its hinges. “Fuck!” Ripping it off, I throw it to the other side of the room and see Sarge standing there, watching me.

He looks down at where the crushed locker door sits then back at me, taking a bite of his breakfast burrito. “Everything okay?”

Before I can respond, Jaxson and Cade come walking in to see my destruction.

Sarge points at me. “He did it.”

“What the fuck is your problem?” Jaxson asks.

“Nothing,” I grumble and go pick up the wrecked door to throw it out.

“Yeah, nothin’,” Sarge mocks. “Haven’t ya ever seen someone beat the shit out of a locker for the hell of it?”

I glare at him, not appreciating his smart-ass comment.

“What’s going on, Evans?” Cade asks.

“That motherfucker had the balls to come to
house and ask
wife to jeopardize her fucking life for his daughter.”

Jaxson straightens. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Usually, I’d keep something like this private but they’re family. Reining in my fury, I tell them the whole story, right from the moment the bastard showed up to when I kicked him out and fought with Grace.

“Jesus, who the fuck does he think he is, risking one daughter’s life for another?” Jaxson says, sounding as pissed as me.

“Exactly! You know he doesn’t give a shit about Grace, he never has.”

“What did Grace say?” Cade asks.

“Nothing. She just stood there in shock, and was probably pretty fucking hurt.”

Then I went and added to it.

No, I refuse to go there. I put my foot down because I know her. She would consider it. She has the biggest heart out of anyone I know, but there’s no fucking way I’m risking her. Just the thought has my lungs constricting painfully.

“You know this is her decision, right? You can’t tell her no,” Cade says, knocking me from my thoughts.

“The hell I can’t. Don’t you tell me you’d let Faith do this.”

“I wouldn’t want her to. I’d try to talk her out of it, but in the end it’s not my decision just like it’s not yours.”

wife and the mother of
children. You’re damn right I have a say, and I fucking say no!”

“I’m with him,” Jaxson says, backing me up. “No way would I let Julia risk herself. I feel sorry for the girl going through this, and I hope they find someone to help her, but it’s not fair to ask this of Grace.”

“I’m not saying it’s fair. I’m saying he can’t decide for her.”

“I agree with the big guy here.” Sarge jerks his thumb at Cade before taking another bite of his burrito.

“Too late, I already did, and I’m not backing down. She isn’t doing this.”

I won’t risk losing her.


And if that bastard ever comes near her again, it will be the last thing he does.



’m telling you, Grace, I think my boy has a crush on your girl,” Kayla says with a smile while I wipe down the counter she’s sitting at. “He told me all about his first day of school, and how he did not like that some other boy was talking with Hope, asking her to play with him at recess. Apparently he and Parker shut that down fast,” she adds with a chuckle. “I think back to how stressed he was about what to buy her for a birthday gift and now this… Yep, no doubt, my boy has a crush.”

Hearing that brings the first genuine smile to my face and warmth to my heart since the disaster yesterday morning. “That’s adorable, and here she wonders why he’s always pickin’ on her with Parker.”

“Exactly, it’s because he likes her. That’s how boys show it at this age.” She shrugs. “All in all it seems yesterday was a good day for them. I’m glad the three of them got into the same class.”

“Yeah, me, too. The kids said they had a great day. I just wish our morning started out better,” I say, trying to find a way to lead into telling her about my father because I need someone to talk to.

She immediately senses my turmoil and straightens. “What happened?”

Looking around at the few patrons sitting in booths, I lean in closer and tell her all about my father’s unexpected visit. The expression on her face would be comical if there were anything funny about this situation, but there’s not.

“What a bastard. He’s got some nerve,” she seethes quietly.

“I’m trying so hard not to be hurt. I knew he didn’t love me, but for him to ask me to risk myself for his other daughter…it really stings, Kayla.”

Reaching over, she lays her hand on mine. “I’m sorry.”

“You know what’s the saddest part of all?” I whisper sadly, trying to keep my emotions in check.


“That a seventeen-year-old girl is dying and I may be her only hope.”

She immediately shakes her head. “No. Grace, listen to me. My heart hurts for this girl too, and I pray they are able to help her, but you cannot take this on as your responsibility.” I remain quiet because I’m not so sure I agree. “What did Sawyer have to say?”

I scoff but feel my heart ache all over again. We haven’t spoken since and I hate it, hate the tension surrounding us, especially when I need him now more than ever.

“Uh oh, that bad?”

“Yeah. He was so angry and we got into a horrible argument. He got all bossy and told me that I won’t be considerin’ it.”

“Sounds like him,” she says, knowing my husband all too well. “As much as that man can be a hothead just remember he loves you and he’s scared.”

“I know. Hard to remember that though when we’re both still mad and not talkin’ to each other.”

“Well maybe that’s the problem. Maybe you should talk to him. Tell him how hurt you are with how he reacted. Get it off your chest.”

I nod. “Yeah, you’re right.”

She glances down at her phone before looking at me regretfully. “I’m so sorry, I gotta run. I have an appointment in twenty minutes then I need to pick Ella up from preschool. You going to be okay?”

I wave her away. “Yes, yes. You know me, I’m always okay.”

She comes around the counter and gives me a hug. “Stay strong, Grace. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll call you this evening and we’ll talk more.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” Stepping back, she grabs her purse and heads for the door. “Bye.”

“Bye,” I say softly.

The booth of teenage girls leave after her, giving me a small wave that I return. It leaves only Mr. and Mrs. Atkins. With a smile I go refill their coffee mugs then get things ready for the lunch rush. The bell over the door jingles while I’m putting out more slices of pie in the display case.

“Just a moment please,” I say, quickly arranging the slices. I look up to greet the person with a smile that diminishes when I see who it is. The sad woman is someone I recognize but have never met. Even if I hadn’t seen pictures of her back when I first looked up my father years ago I’d know who she was by the devastation in her eyes.

“Grace Evans?” she asks, pain as thick in her voice as it is on her face.

“Yes, I’m Grace,” I whisper, managing to get the words out past my dry throat.

“I’m Barbara Weston.”

“I know who you are.”

She watches me for a moment, her lips quivering. “I’m sorry that I didn’t know who you were until three days ago.”

I shrug and give her a sad smile, unsure of what to say. I figured his daughters never knew about me but I wasn’t sure about her. Feeling my hands beginnin’ to tremble, I clasp them tightly in front of me.

“I’m sorry to bother you at work but I was hoping I could have a few minutes of your time?”

I remain silent, my heart racing at the thought. I can’t be breakin’ down at work.

“Please. Just a few minutes. I know you’re busy.”

Her desperate plea has me unable to deny her. Glancing at the clock I see Mac will be back in half an hour to help with the lunch rush.

“Yeah, okay.” I gesture for her to take a seat at the booth closest to us. “Can I get ya anythin’? A coffee or slice of pie?”

“No, but thank you.” Taking a seat, she glances around the bakery, her eyes locking on the enlarged picture of Mama and me behind the counter. “Is that your mother?”

“Yes,” I reply softly.

“She’s beautiful.” Her words are genuine, her expression soft as she stares at the photo.

“Yes, she was. Inside and out.”

Barbara looks the opposite of my mother. She’s beautiful too but in a more sophisticated way. My mother had long, wavy blonde hair and warm brown eyes that you would feel all the way to your soul when looking into them. Barbara has short brown hair that’s styled into a bob and blue eyes that are most probably usually bright but at the moment are sad and dim.

“I know this must be uncomfortable for you, and I’m so sorry for that. John didn’t want me coming but I had to.” Reaching into her purse, she pulls out a picture and passes it to me, her hand trembling as badly as mine. “This is my Lucy, the one John told you is sick,” she explains as I take the photo from her. “It was taken just a few months ago.”

The teenage girl in the picture has dirty blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and a vibrant smile that instantly brings one of my own. She looks so happy and full of life, kinda how I remember myself before Mama passed away.

“Do you have children, Grace?”

The question has my gaze snapping to hers. “Yes. I have six-year-old twins. Parker and Hope.”

“Twins. How wonderful.” She smiles but it’s halfhearted, the stark pain in her eyes overshadowing it. “Then I’m sure you can understand where I’m coming from.” She swallows thickly, her breath hitching. “I know you must hate him, and I don’t blame you. I’m pretty angry at him myself right now, but…please don’t let that influence your decision about whether or not to help my baby.”

Tears begin rushing down her face, the sight of her agony striking me deeply.

“I hate to even ask this of you, after knowing everything my husband put you through, but we’re running out of time and right now you’re my only hope.” A sob tears from her at the last of her words and it has one shattering my own chest. She reaches over and grips my hand in hers. “I’m begging you, please, will you at least get tested to see if you could even be a possibility for her? I can’t survive without her. If she dies, I’ll die with her.”

With hot tears tracking down my face, I stare at the girl in the picture again. A girl who still has so much to live for and experience.

“Yes,” I whisper, swiping at my cheeks. “I can’t promise that I’ll do it. I have my own family to think about too, but I will get tested to see if I’m even an option for her.”

A relieved breath escapes her. “Thank you. That’s all I’m asking for right now.” Grabbing a card from her purse, she hands it to me. “This is Dr. Schaefer, she is Lucy’s doctor. She will be able to explain everything and get you in for the testing. Results can take some time to get back, even on a rush, so the sooner you can come in, the better.”

Taking the card from her, I stand. “I’ll call her right away and get in as soon as possible.”

She slides out of the booth and throws her arms around me, another sob fleeing her. As uncomfortable as it is, I hug her back because well, if anyone needs one right now it’s this woman.

“Thank you. You have no idea what it means to me that you will even think about this.”

Actually, I do, because this woman’s desperation to save her daughter has me thinking about everything I would do to save mine.


I work through the lunch rush in a complete fog, my mind racing and heart aching. Once the last of the customers leave, Mac pulls me in for a hug. I squeeze him back tightly and soak in the comfort his arms bring me.

“Talk to me, darlin’, I don’t like seein’ you like this.”

Stepping back I look up at him, his concerned brown eyes has me tellin’ him about my visit with Barbara. I told him yesterday morning about my father.

“That woman came here?” he seethes. “Damn it. What the hell is wrong with these people?”

“She’s just trying to save her daughter, somethin’ I can understand.”

He immediately knows where my head is. “Darlin’, we talked about this. This isn’t on you.”

“But it is, Mac. I’m the only hope right now for this young girl’s life.”

It’s clear by his expression he disagrees. “You know that husband of yours isn’t going to like this.”

“I know. I’m not going to tell him anything yet. I’ve only agreed to getting tested to see if I can even be considered for her. There’s no sense in getting him upset and fightin’ even more about it if I can’t help her anyway. Once I get the results back then I’ll tell him and we’ll go from there.”

He expels a weary breath and pulls me back in his arms. “All right. I don’t like it, but all right. You just let me know what you need from me.”

My heart warms at his willingness to help me even though he’s not happy about me doing this. “Can you be here with Amber tomorrow, late in the afternoon?” I ask, referring to the young girl who I have helping after school. “The doctor can see me then.”

“Of course. I’ll be here. I’ll always be here for you, whenever you need me.”

“Thanks, Mac. I love you,” I whisper, hugging him a little tighter. I don’t know what I’d ever do without this man; he’s the father I wish I always had.

“I love ya too, darlin’. Always.”



hen are we leaving?” Parker grumbles, hitting one of the punching bags while I pack up for the day.


“I still don’t know why Mom didn’t pick us up from school.” He doesn’t make eye contact with me and begins hitting the bag harder.

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