Sweet Addiction (22 page)

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Authors: Jessica Daniels

BOOK: Sweet Addiction
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As we drive in silence
to his building, the night I just endured is the last thing on my mind. Right
now, with my duffle bag packed full of clothes sitting behind me in the back
seat, the
thing on my mind is that I’ll be having another sleepover
with Reese. And I can’t help but tense in my seat at the anticipation of it.


He’s quiet, too quiet
as he walks into his condo and places my bag on the floor next to the couch. He
hasn’t said two words to me since we left the bakery and it’s making my skin
crawl. I plop down onto the couch and kick my shoes off, bringing them
underneath my body as I hear him banging around in the kitchen.

“Here.” He hands me a
bottled water and I take it, seeing him walk around the couch and sit on the
far end, way the hell away from me. He begins flipping through the channels and
stops on some basketball game that I couldn’t care less about.
What the fuck
is this?
He comes to my rescue and I know damn well I heard him call me
love which means he can’t hate me, asks me, no, tells me that I’m coming to
spend the night with him, and now he’s barely acknowledging that I’m even here.
I turn my head and stare at him and his perfect profile as it remains impassive
but interested in the game he’s watching. He’s in running shorts and a navy
blue T-shirt that has some emblem on the front that I can’t make out. Several
long minutes go by as his eyes remain on the television, not once flicking
towards me.
Jesus, is this how it’s going to be all night?
Fine then.
If I’m sleeping over, I’m at least going to get comfortable.
I stand up and
quickly shimmy out of my jeans, tossing them on top of my duffle and reach up
and slip my T-shirt off. Turning around so I know he can see me, I drop it on
the couch and remove my bra. I make quick eye contact with him as I slip my bra
down my arms, his eyes lingering briefly, really fucking briefly on my chest
before flicking back towards the game. I grunt and grab his t-shirt and slip it
back on before I snatch the remote out of his hands and turn the television

“What the fuck?”

“What the fuck is
right. What’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird.”

He reaches forward and
plucks the remote out of my hand, turning the game back on. “How am I supposed
to be acting?” His eyes go back to the game and I no longer want to be here.
Picking up my duffle, I quickly but my pants back on and throw my bra inside as
I slip on my shoes and turn towards the door. “Where the hell are you going?”

“Like you give a shit.
Thanks for making sure I didn’t get murdered.” I’m almost out the door when his
arms grab my waist and pull me back inside, locking the door behind us.

“You’re not going
anywhere.” I’m picked up, carried in his usual caveman style manner and taken
back over towards the couch, my duffle dropped by the edge and me dropped on
the cushion.

“You don’t want me
here, obviously, so why should I stay?” I yell up into his stare. His hands
come around me, bracing himself on the cushion behind me and bringing his face
inches from mine.

“What the fuck makes you
think I don’t want you here? I always want you here.”

“You haven’t called or
texted me since Friday afternoon, I get topless in front of you and you barely
react, and you’re not looking at me the way
look at me. You don’t
even want me anymore. You just want your stupid game.” Tears fill my eyes and
I’m not sure if it’s from the night I’ve endured or the Reese style rejection
that’s knocking the wind out of me. His hand drops and grabs mine, forcing it
against the massive bulge in his pants that I hadn’t noticed.
Oh wow.

His face inches closer.
want you.” And then it happens. His mouth, his hands, his
everything is on me in seconds, ripping my remaining clothes off as I
frantically try and keep up with the removal of his.

“Tell me
want me,” he grunts as he flips me onto my hands and knees and positions
himself behind me. Before I can answer the obvious response, he rams into me
and I cry out at the force.

“REESE.” I grip the
leather with my fingers, scratching into it with my nails as he pounds hard
then harder into me. 

“Answer me, Dylan,” he
grunts and I yell out between cries.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll always
want you.” He’s fucking me harder than he ever has and I know it’s because I
challenged him and he’s proving himself to me. That or he’s making damn sure I
don’t question it again. Either way, I’m letting him handle it. His hands grip
my hips, pulling me back to meet him and if I wasn’t so turned on, so hot for
him all the time I might not be able to handle his power. I’m moaning, crying
out with each thrust and he’s right there with me. “Oh God. Harder.”

“Shit. You want
harder?” His thighs crash against mine and my elbows give out. “This hard
enough for you, love?”

“Yes.” I scream,
needing him to give me this right now. I push back against him and feel his one
hand grip my shoulder while the other digs into my hip the way I like.

He groans loudly, his
sounds filling the condo. “You drive me fucking crazy. Fuck, Dylan.”

“Touch me.” His hand
wraps around my stomach and drops between my legs. I whimper as his fingers rub
my clit while his other hand grips harder on my shoulder. He’s so forceful that
he’s knocking the air out of my lungs. “I’m gonna come.” I manage to get out
through a faint breath.

“Not yet. Wait for me.”

I reach down to remove
his fingers but he tightens against me, moving them in his perfect rhythm. “I
can’t. Please.”

He rams into me harder
and I cry out, hearing his loud throaty growl. “Now, love.” And I let it go,
all of it. The pain of the past several days without him, the anger from the
pictures, the terror of the hooded figure. I let it go and feel him, just him.
I’m panting, barely able to take in a full breath as my upper body collapses
down onto my forearms and I feel his head drop to my back.

Hot breath warms my
spine and I loosen my grip on the leather. “Hold on.” He pulls out of me and I
wince a bit in pain, which has never happened with him before. Of course, I’ve
never been fucked like that before, so hard that my teeth chatter with each
push. I roll onto my side, facing the cushions and curl into a ball. That was
intense, really intense and I’m actually a bit sore after that Reese style
fucking. He returns moments later holding a washcloth. “Lie on your back.” I
obey and keep my eyes on him as he wipes me clean, gently after he notices my
scrunched up face. “I hurt you.”

“I’m okay, it doesn’t
hurt that much.” He bends down, planting a gentle kiss between my legs before
he scoops me up into his arms. I quickly bury my face in his neck and nuzzle
the shit out of him. “Mmm, this is my favorite spot, right here.” I inhale
deeply and let out a soft moan.

“I know, you seek it
out often.” He carries me into his bedroom and places me gently on the bed. I
pull the covers around me and scoot over to allow him some space.

“Now that I’ve fucked
some sense into you, let me be perfectly clear about something.” I’ve already
settled on his chest, my leg draped over his and my hand wrapped around his
waist as my eyes slowly glance up at him. “I haven’t called or texted you since
Friday because
told me that you needed time to think. And I don’t
know what the fuck that means because no woman has ever told me that before but
I assumed it meant that you didn’t want to hear from me.” His fingers gently
stroke my back, trailing across my skin and I moan softly.


“And just because I
don’t jump on your breasts the moment you whip them out doesn’t fucking mean I
don’t want to. I didn’t know where we stood so I wasn’t going to push my luck.”
I bite my lip to hold in my smile. He looks rightly irritated with having to
explain himself but the explanation is needed. “Dylan, I’m really sorry about
those photos.”

“I don’t want to talk
about it. I’m done talking and thinking about it. Between Friday night with
Joey and Juls and all day yesterday and today, I’m done.” My arm wraps tighter
around him. “Nothing’s changed between us. It didn’t change anything.”

He lifts my chin up to
meet his face and I see the tension in his jaw. He looks unsure and that look
sends a panic through me.
Nothing’s changed for me, but has it for him?
sit up quickly and move to lie next to him when his hands grab my waist and
pull me back down, only this time I’m flipped around, straddling him. The
movement’s so quick I barely have time to register it. “Don’t,” he states.

I take a second to
study his features in my new position, given the fact that we’re now eye to
eye. Crazy mess of hair that I’m noticing makes him look younger than he is,
green eyes that are narrowed in on mine, and stubble? A lot of stubble. I reach
out and brush my hand along his chin and can’t contain my smile.
Oh man.
Reese with a day or two worth of facial hair is sexy beyond belief.
did you just try to move away from me?”

I shake my head

Oh Mister

“Nothing’s changed for
me but has it changed for you?” I ask quickly, getting out the question I
feared the answer to before I can think myself out of it.

“No,” he answers

“So you still want

He drops his head and
it hits the headboard with a loud thump. “Yes, whatever the fuck this is, I
still want it. You’re in control here, Dylan. You have all the fucking
control.” His eyes are burning into mine with the same intensity they’ve always
shown for me.
I’m in control? Of what? Of us?
I decide not to probe
because I’m not sure I want to know the answer. He lets out a forceful breath
that warms my face. “If something would have happened to you tonight…” His eyes
close tight and the crease in his brow appears.
Oh Reese.
The man’s mood
swings are enough to give me permanent whip lash.

“Nothing happened. I’m
okay. I called you and you came for me.” I reach out and stroke his face as his
eyes pop back open, green and blazing. His tenseness softens a bit.

“I tried locating
Heather and sorting this shit out with her but I didn’t find her. All fucking
weekend I’ve been looking.” He grits his teeth. “She wasn’t at her house and
she’s not answering my calls.”  I swallow loudly and he shakes his head.
“I’m fucking dealing with it I just wanted you to be prepared. Fred didn’t
deliver that package so just don’t open any that aren’t from him. Okay?” I nod.
Jesus. I really don’t want to have to deal with this again.
But if Reese
is dealing with it then I’m sure it will be dealt with, in a very Reese like
manner no less. “But after tonight, Dylan, I don’t want you there by yourself.”
His hands grip my waist and pull me closer to him, our foreheads falling

“I don’t want to be
there by myself either, but I want to keep an eye on my shop. It’s important to
me. It’s mine and I’ve worked hard for it.” His hand reaches up and pulls my
bun loose, letting my hair fall down my back. “I’m going to have a door
installed at the top of the stairs. I’ll call about getting it done along with
the window repair and a security system tomorrow. I can’t believe I never
thought about having some type of system in place already.” He nods at me but I
know that isn’t what he wants to hear. I lean in and kiss him gently. “I’ll be fine,
I’ve lived there on my own for three years. Plus, I have you and you’re only
five minutes away if something happens.”

His hands brush lightly
down my back, playing with the ends of my hair. “It will never take me five
minutes to get to you. I think I made it there in two tonight.” I giggle
slightly and see his lips curl up. “I might be getting a few red light camera
notifications in the mail.”

“Worth it?” I ask,
running my hands through his hair.

“Worth it. You hungry?”

I nod frantically and
he laughs, the infectious sound pulling me in with him. “Sit tight.” I’m slid
off as he hops out of bed, disappearing down the hallway as I watch his
glorious backside stride away. Laughing quietly at the realization that he
asks me if I’m hungry after sex, I grab one of his pillows and press it to my
face, inhaling deeply as his voice comes down the hallway.

“Do you like your pizza
cold or heated up?

pizza and a sleepover with Reese? Yes please
. Glancing around the room, I
spot his iPad on his dresser. I scramble out of bed and grab it, flipping it
open and turning it on. I have some googling of a certain CPA to do. The screen
comes to life.
Oh. Oh my.
The wallpaper is a picture of me, in this bed.
I’m sleeping, curled up on my side with the sheets covering me up to show only
a tiny bit of cleavage. My hair is a mess of blond waves that are spilling down
my right shoulder and my lips are parted. The camera is mainly focused on my
face and I look to be in a deep sleep. I look up and see Reese staring at me,
stopped in the doorway carrying our food.

“Umm, you found my iPad
I see.” He moves towards the bed and puts the plates down on his nightstand,
his eyes only momentarily leaving mine. “Nobody sees that. I would never show
that to anybody.”

Placing it down on the
bed, I get up on my knees and crawl to the edge where he’s standing, pulling
him towards me and wrapping my arms around his neck. After a moment’s
hesitation, he wraps his arms around me and relaxes against my body. “You’re
not mad? I can take it off.”

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