Swans Are Fat Too (30 page)

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Authors: Michelle Granas

Tags: #Eastern European, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #World Literature, #literary, #Contemporary Fiction, #women's fiction

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* Goebbels and pitch…Jonathan Tennenbaum, 'Revolution in Music: A Brief History of Musical Tuning,' reprinted on the website of the Schiller Institute, from
magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, Winter, 1991-1992.

* Erasmus on John a Lasco, from
Studies in the Book of Common Prayer
, Herbert Mortimer Luckock, 1833-1909 (Longmans, Green, and Co.: n.p., 1900), p. 38.

* 'the peasant is not your slave...'; 'songs'...Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski,
On the Improvement of the Commonwealth.

*On the lot of the peasants, quoted by A. Ernt-Świetlicka and C.Świetlicki in '
Folwark. Szlachecki i Chlopi w Polsce XVI Wieku
,' at www. republika.pl, (accessed August 2006).

* On Lafayette, from
, Harlow Giles Unger (John Wiley & Sons Inc.: Hoboken, N.J., 2002) pp. 177-9.

Chapter 6:

* The papal nuncio Julius Ruggieri on Zygmunt August, quoted in Jasienica,
Polska Jagiellonów
(PIW: Warsaw, 1983) p. 379.

Chapter 7:

* Archbishop Tillotson quoted in Walerjan Krasinski,
Zarys Dziejów Reformacji w Polsce
, vol. II (Zwiastuń Ewangelicznego: Warsaw, 1905) p. 36.

* Text of the
Konfederacja Generala Warszawska
on the website of the Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych

Chapter 8:

* Henri III's stay in Poland and flight from Cracow described in
Les Reines de France au temps des Valois, 2. Les Annees sanglantes
, Simone Bertiere, (Editions de Fallois: Paris, 1994) p. 261-262.

* Adam Mickiewicz,
Pan Tadeusz
, translated by Kenneth R. Mackenzie (The Polish Cultural Foundation: London, 1990) p. 120.

*On Bathory's supposed madness, Krasinski, op. cit., footnote on p

*Accounts of the Czaplinski Affair vary. Execution: Kuropas, Myron B., Saga of Ukraine, The Age of Heroism, Vol. 2, MUN Enterprise, Chicago, 1961, p. 34.

Chapter 10:

* Stanisław Leszcyznski's last days and quotes from Simone Bertiere,
Les Reines de France au temps des Bourbons
Le Reine et la favorite
, (Editions de Fallois: Paris, 2000) p. 602.

Chapter 11:

* Figures for Second World War deaths vary widely.

* Wacek Matysiak...mentioned in Ilona Flutsztejn-Gruda,
Byłam Wtedy Dzieckiem
(Norbertinum: Lublin, 2004) p.135.

Chapter 12:

* Cock-fighting and caning, Adam Zamoyski,
The Last King of Poland
(Jonathan Cape: Great Britain, 1992) p. 49 (from
Mémoires secret et inédits de Stanislas Auguste
); self-portrait, from
Mémoires secret
quoted by Zamoyski, op. cit., p. 58.

Chapter 15:

*Polish colonies in Africa, Maciej Ząbek, 'Colonial Aspirations in the Second Republic and the Imperial Culture of Inter-War Europe' in
The State and Development in Africa and Other Regions: Past and Present, Studies and Essays in Honor of Professor Jan J. Milewski
, (Warsaw, 2007).

*A certain 18
-century visitor…letter of 1750 of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams to Henry Fox, quoted in Zamoyski, op. cit., after the Earl of Ilchester and Mrs Langford-Brooke,
The Life of Sir Charles HanburyWilliams
(Thorton-Butterworth: London, 1929).

Chapter 16:

*Jan III Sobieski,
Listy do Marysienka
, letter of 9 June 1665, in the Virtual Library of Polish Literature, UNESCO.





Table of Contents


Notes and Disclaimers:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


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