Swallow the Moon (28 page)

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Authors: K A Jordan

BOOK: Swallow the Moon
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Jake grabbed the key in Eric's hand.

Eric swore at the freezing touch. The blood on his hands froze – his heart pounded in his frostbitten fingers. Every throb was agony. Cora swiped at Eric's face, leaving a stinging brand of cold. He popped the gas cap, pulled the key out. There was a faint sloshing from inside.

Eric grabbed the handlebars and flipped the kickstand up; he eased the bike to its side. Gasoline splashed from the tank, onto the pavement. Good thing he didn't need much.

He upended the bike, so it balanced on the handle bars, wheels up like a caricature of a dead animal. Both ghosts grabbed his bare arms as he put the key back in the ignition. The cold bit deep in his flesh, turning it white.

"God help me!" Eric prayed between clenched teeth. "Come on, just – this – one – time!"

The key slid home in the switch.

"Damn you both!" Eric hit the starter.

The battery cables sparked.

The gas caught fire with the force of an explosion.

Eric reeled backward to land on the pavement. Jake grabbed Eric by the throat. The world spun as Jake pitted his will against Eric's. Eric felt himself losing the battle as his air was cut off.

You're coming with us, you son of a bitch!

We'll both take him.
Cora appeared beside Jake.
Then we go for her.

Eric didn't have the strength to fight them both.



When the gas exploded, June shrieked, Eric went down next to the burning motorcycle. He clutched his throat, thrashing as Jack and Cora choked him.

The outer edge of flames wove a thin line, slowly forming a huge star and circle pattern, with Eric and the burning bike in the center. The smoke that billowed up was sulfurous and foul with the taint of rotting meat. June heard a thousand voices, chanting, screaming and laughing under the roar of fire.

It was a gateway into Hell.

June ran to Eric, forgetting her shield of light.

"Come on!" She tugged at his wrist, intent on getting him out before the circle closed.

He sat up, caught her arms. She realized her mistake, too late.

That was easy.

"No!" June threw herself backwards, unable to break the punishing grip. June could see the flames reflected in his eyes. One of his hands slid from her arm to her throat. His thumb traced her cheekbone, a soft, gentle caress that scared her more than violence.

"Let me go."

They were almost completely surrounded by the circle of fire. The flames in the center licked the motorcycle tires; they deflated with a shriek.

Now! Do it now!

Eric closed his hands on her throat, cutting off her air. June's knees buckled under her even as she fought to get free. The world darkened. Eric forced her on her back. With the last of her strength, June pressed the red stone heart against Eric's chest and called the light.

The moon inside her flared bright and strong.

She heard Eric scream as Cora and Jake were blasted from his body. His hands relaxed their deadly grip to cup her face. June shuddered as she gasped for air.

Eric kissed her, a swift, hard press of his lips to hers.

It was a stupid time to kiss, while the Gate to Hell itself opened around them.

The fog parted overhead, a sliver of moonlight found them.

The line of fire flickered, the pattern stopped spreading.

Cold shadows flew around them, come to take two fools who had thought to cheat the devil of his due.

Cora and Jake screamed as the shadows took them through the Gate.



Chapter Eighteen


It was like waking up in the middle of a firefight. One minute he was fighting Jake and Cora, the next he was choking June to death. He kissed her, silently praying for the magic to heal her. He felt it, cool and sweet as it flowed between them.

Jake and Cora's screaming faded. The flames surged higher and hotter, black smoke enveloped them. Eric heaved June over his shoulder as he surged to his feet. He staggered, looking for a way out. There was fire all around them, only a narrow corridor remained.

Eric stumbled through the flames, across the highway. He set June down on a patch of grass near the bridge. She sank to her knees, gasping for air. He eased himself behind her, letting her lean on him.

"It's all right," he told her. "I've got you."

"The bike – I'm sorry."

Eric winced; there wasn't much left of the bike. The plastic parts, faring and all, was melting slag that dripped and sizzled in flaming drops. Black smoke billowed into the air – the stench of sulfur, rotting meat and smoldering asphalt made his eyes burn.

Apparently the road to Hell
paved with good intentions.

"It was just a motorcycle." Eric dismissed the un-holy mess.

June laughed, threw her arms around him and squeezed until his sore ribs threatened to break.

"Easy, baby, I've got a cracked rib."

A semi-truck was rumbling to a stop under the bridge, breaks hissing and groaning. Through the open window, they heard the driver report the burning motorcycle.

"The cops are on their way," Eric said softly. "Want me to flag this guy down?"

"I want to go home," June whispered.

"That's not in the cards for a long time."

"HEY, you all right?" The truck driver waved at them.

"Yeah." Eric shouted back.

"What happened?"

"The bike caught fire." He got up and helped June to her feet. She clung to him, unable to stand on her own.

"Is she all right?"

"Just scared."

"Cops are on the way. You need an ambulance?"

"Nah." Eric smiled. "We're fine."

"How about a fire extinguisher?"

"Too late now." Eric shrugged. "The bike is slag."

The driver nodded, then shifted the semi into gear.

The state police came in with sirens, the fire department on their heels. The fire department used a fire extinguisher to finish off the flames.

While the policemen asked their questions, Eric kept one arm around June, only half listening. It felt so surreal – like a bad dream that wouldn't end.

The questioning went on for hours while the mess was cleaned up. June refused to go to the hospital. The EMT's wrapped her in a blanket before they left for the wrecked SUV. The cop gave them a ride back to June's house.

June leaned heavily on Eric as they went into the house. She leaned on the kitchen counter, looking dazed, while Eric helped her take the leather jacket off.

"How are you doing?" He washed his hands in the kitchen sink before he offered her something to drink. She drained the glass. "More?"

"No. I just want to lie down."

They went upstairs together.

"You want to get cleaned up?" He asked outside the bathroom door.

"No," she said. "I just want to sleep."

"Same here."

So they went into her bedroom. When Eric sat down, he felt the last of his adrenaline fade. He kicked off his boots. June shed her shoes. She pulled the quilt over them. She snuggled against Eric, heaving a sigh of relief.

They were fast asleep in seconds.




June awoke, not sure where she was. She stank, that was for sure. She got out of bed slowly. She was in a lot of pain; there seemed to be burns and bruises all over her body. She shuffled into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took a double dose of Advil for the pain. While the bathtub filled with steaming hot water, she got her filthy clothes off.

She eased into the filling tub with a groan. Then she leaned back, adjusted the water with her toes. Maybe she would drown and be done with it. About the time the hot water gave out, there was a knock at the door.

"Go away. There is a bathroom downstairs."

"That's no fun." Eric opened the door.

"Don't even!"

"I'll wash your back."


"I'll wash your feet."

While she thought about that one, he came in. He was stripped down to sweats that rode so low on his hips they seemed ready to slither off. He sat on the floor by the tub, so their eyes were about even.

"I knew the feet would change your mind." He picked up the soap, grinning like a loon as he lathered his hands. "Give me your foot."

June brought her leg out of the water. He was very good, soaping her foot, then rubbing all the aches from her arch.

"That is incredible." She sighed, slipping a little deeper in the water.

"I'm great with my hands." Eric kept rubbing until she was ready to purr. He massaged the bottom of her foot, then worked his way to her ankle.

June's eyes rolled back in her head as he caressed her ankle, then her calf. She lay limply in the water as his soft touch worked magic. When he pressed a kiss to her ankle, she opened one eye.

"Other foot." He winked at her. "I've got a thing about your feet." He massaged her other foot and started to run his fingers over her calf as he pressed kisses to her ankle and to her toes.

Kinky, June thought but let him go for it. He seemed to be enjoying it Next thing she knew, he was bathing her legs, her stomach; her breasts got a lot of attention next. By the time he kissed her lips, she was ready and willing. He slipped into the tub behind her, slopping water on the tile floor but she didn't care. They let some water out and ran more hot water while she used his hard body for a pillow. His hands traveled from her shoulders down to her breasts. He teased her until she was moaning and mindless, then slid his hands between her thighs to finish pleasuring her. She shuddered, clutching the side of the tub, her voice rising from a moan to a near shriek.

When she was back to reality, she could feel him, hard and in need, pressed against her back. June rolled over so she faced him, straddled him. She kissed him, deliberately teasing him for several long minutes with her hands. When he was nearly begging, she took possession of his magnificent body. They slopped water everywhere as they made love in the hot water.

They hit the peak together, then lay panting.

Then she scrubbed him down, which he enjoyed so much they made love again. But this time the water was cold, so they dried off and went to her room. There they made love yet again, slowly working up to a frenzy that ended in another explosive orgasm.

They curled together, sated and dozing.




Near midnight, Eric got up to get something to drink. Before he went back upstairs, he checked his email. There was good news. There was a letter of intent and a schedule for training. He could start work in Lexington next week. All he had to do was answer the email.

Damn it – the timing sucked!

He drank the milk, not tasting it. This job was too good to pass up. Moving wouldn't be a problem for him. The only thing holding him back was the beautiful witch sleeping upstairs. He wasn't going anywhere without her.

Convincing her was going to be tough. She'd been used and lied to; her feelings would be raw. She wasn't the kind of woman you could uproot. She needed to be transplanted carefully. He would have to take his time to convince her.

Eric grinned. He was going to enjoy the challenge.

He broke the news when he got back into bed. He pulled her close before he told her about the job offer. She looked stricken, which was a point for his side.

"Are you going to come back?" June had her head on his shoulder.

"When I can, but I won't have time off for six months," Eric said. "But you can come to see me."

"I can't afford to fly."

"It's a seven hour drive." Eric took her hand, kissing her fingers.

"My car wouldn't make a round trip." She shook her head.

"Then make it one way." Eric rubbed his cheek against her palm. "Come live with me, in Lexington. You can find a job anywhere."

June shook her head. "This is my home."

"Home is where you hang your hat."

"Home is where the heart is."

"Then it's settled." He kissed her very gently. "You'll come live with me."

"No, I couldn't – It wouldn't be right."

"Why not?" Eric studied her. She'd given him her trust and she'd given him her body. She'd stayed with him through hell and back. But she wouldn't leave a hard life in an impoverished city for him? The very idea set off alarms in his head. He was offering his heart. Not just a place to crash; didn't she understand that?

"It won't work," June's eyes filled with tears. "I – just don't think it can work."

"This is a good job. I can take care of you. Until you get on your feet or always. This is…" He was nearly proposing to her, but she was looking at him like her heart was breaking.

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