Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1 (21 page)

BOOK: Surrendering: A Regent Vampire Lords Novel, Book #1
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“Thanks, Erin. You’re a good friend.”

“No problem, Katie pie. Any time.”

Erin waited in the car as she ran inside to grab a few extra clothes.

When Kate opened the door to her house, she immediately knew something wasn’t right. The whooshing noise was back and it was so loud, it was almost debilitating.
Holy balls
. Somebody was in her house. Several somebody’s, in fact. Kate turned frantically to leave, but strong arms grabbed her arms from behind, stopping her forward movement.

“About time you got home, bitch.”

She screamed and the body behind her froze, his fingers digging into her tender flesh. Suddenly she heard the snapping of bones close to her ear and her attacker’s kung-fu grip was gone. Kate didn’t look back, instead running toward the door, escape the only thing on her mind. She stopped short when Dev unexpectedly appeared, blocking her getaway.

“What the—?”

She didn’t have time to finish her sentence or thought before he grabbed her and everything went black. Her body tingled and she felt like she was floating. As sudden as the dizzying feeling came, it was gone and they were back at Dev’s house.

Dev frantically scoured her face and body. “Are you okay?”

“I think so, yes.”

“Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?”

“No, no he just scared me. Dev, what the hell is happening here? How were you at my house and how are we back here? I don’t understand what’s going on at all!” She knew she sounded hysterical. Each word was shriller than the last. Tears pricked in her eyes. Emotional meltdown, begin.

Dev sighed, his voice softening. “I told you, Kate. I am vampire. I have many talents and flashing is one of them.”

“This is not real. This can’t really be happening. I—I need to sit down.” Her legs started buckling and Dev reached out to steady her, but she waved him off.

“Let’s go up to my bedroom, where you’ll be more comfortable, Kate. Please.”

He reached for her, but she stopped him. “Erin. What happened to Erin?”

“Ren’s taking care of her. Don’t worry. She’s safe and she won’t remember a thing. She’ll think she had a strange dream is all.”

Thank you God.
If anything happened to Erin because of her stupid, careless actions, she’d never forgive herself.

“Good. Good…thanks.”

He reached for her, but she held out her hand.

“I want to walk. No flashing.” He regarded her for a minute and nodded, reaching for her hand. She took it. She couldn’t deny that she wanted his touch. Needed it. Was already craving it like a drug addict. She was ready to come fucking unglued and he felt like the only thing that could ground her at this moment. And wasn’t that ironic, since from the moment she met him, her life started going to shit.

On unsteady legs, she made her way to his bedroom. She’d woken in there earlier, but hadn’t had a chance to look around and take it all in. It was much larger than hers with the massive mahogany sleigh bed in the middle of the room, complete with an off-white comforter and black, white and beige throw pillows. It was different than she expected, but somehow suited his personality perfectly. Massive matching furniture adorned the rest of the room, which was painted soft beige. It was homey. At every turn, he never ceased to amaze her.

He scooped her up and strode over to the plush bed, setting her down gently. He held her hand as he sat right beside her.

“Are you sure you’re unharmed?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.”

“Why did you leave, Kate? I specifically asked you to stay put.”

“You really want to scold me for leaving? That’s what you want to do right now? I don’t think so.
will ask the questions, Dev. And you will answer every single one truthfully or so help me god, you will feel my wrath.”

He dropped her hand and stared at her like she’d grown a pair. A pair of cojones
to be clear. Kate wasn’t a pushover by any means, but this was an aggressive side of her personality he hadn’t seen yet. Well, buckle up buddy, because she was just getting started.

She jumped off the bed, pacing. “I have so many questions I need a goddamn pen and paper to write them all down so I can keep track!” He was silent while she continued her rant.

“Let’s start with why I’m really in danger? Oh, and how about telling me who the fuck just tried to kidnap me right now? And how you just found me in the nick of time? Oh, oh…and why don’t you start explaining this whole ‘mate’ thing to me again, because I think I missed that during our first conversation about you being a goddamned vampire!”

He tried to speak, but she talked over him, raving until she was practically yelling, wildly waving her arms. The carpet matted beneath her feet as she paced back and forth. She was out of control, but didn’t give a shit.

“And next, maybe you would care to explain why I seem to be able to do inhuman things…like, oh…freeze people with just a thought; and hear things in my head, like you talking and whooshing, which I wasn’t able to do just a short two days ago before I came to this house.”

She stopped and looked at him, her face flush, chest heaving up and down, but at least her voice softened a bit. Unable to hold them back, tears brimmed in her eyes.

“Finally, maybe you could help me understand why every time I’m around you, I literally can’t think of
else besides getting you naked and inside my body. And when I’m
with you, why I have this inextricable pull to be with you. I am not that kind of person, Dev. It’s making me batshit crazy!”

Her legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor, sobbing. Dev was there in an instant, wrapping her in his arms. They sat on the floor for an unknown period of time. He whispered softly, stroking her back until she pulled herself together and the river of tears slowly dried.

“Feel better?”


He chuckled a bit. “So…you want me, huh?”

She pulled back in disbelief. “
what you remember? Out of everything I just said?” Shaking her head, she mumbled, “Typical male.”

This time he laughed harder and she rewarded him with a small smile in return. She couldn’t help herself. He made her happy, even though she was incredibly terrified and angry at this moment. He gently cupped her cheeks and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “Everything will be okay, love.”

“How did you know I was in trouble? How did you get me out of there?”

“I didn’t know you were in trouble until we arrived, but I knew you would be in danger by leaving.” At least he didn’t say
I told you so
. He probably wanted to. “As soon as we arrived, I could sense the enemy and then I heard you scream. When we flashed into the house, I disposed of your attacker and then I flashed you back home.”

“Who is ‘we’? Who else was there?”

“Ren, Manny, and Thane.”

“Are they okay? Did they get hurt?”

“Yes, they are fine, Kate. They are warriors and it will take far more than a few low level vamps to take them out. They’ve already returned home, unharmed.”

hapter 36


Kate was visibly relieved. Irrational jealousy reared its ugly head once again. Of course she’d fear for his men. His Kate has the kindest heart he had ever known and once again he fell deeper in love with her. That moment solidified she was everything he’d ever wanted and so much more. More importantly, he knew there would be a ‘they.’ She was strong and determined and she would make an exceptional mate. He only hoped he could measure up.

“Why am I in danger, Dev?”

It was his turn to get up and start pacing. He knew he had to tell her this part, about Xavier, but he was dreading it. In the short time he’d known her, she’d demonstrated how inquisitive and intuitive she was and she wouldn’t stop until she had the entire truth pulled from him, like a rotten tooth.

So instead, he said, “You haven’t asked many questions about my revelation earlier…of being a vampire.”

“No, I don’t suppose I have.”


She grinned, shaking her head. “Nice try, but I’m the one asking the questions, Dev.”

“Kate, I promise I will tell you everything, but I need to know why you haven’t pressed me for any answers relating to the biggest myth you’ve probably ever heard.”

She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“You know, when I dreamed about Sarah I knew I saw vampires and I tried to pretend they weren’t real. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. So, I suppose it’s because from the minute you told me, I…I knew it was true. Even when I told you I didn’t believe you, I did. It just clicked, I guess. It probably explains why I’m so drawn to you. You have some sort of vampire spell on me or something.”

That made him laugh. “No. I have no spell on you, my love. It’s the mating bond that calls to us both, drawing us together like a moth to a flame. You are the flame, my dear. A light so bright I’m blinded by your goodness. I can assure you, a vampire has no compulsion ability over their mate. I knew you were mine from the moment I laid eyes on you, but the fact that I couldn’t compel you only confirmed what I already knew.”

She frowned. “You tried to compel me? When?”

He simply stared at her, waiting for the pieces to fall in place. She whispered, “You tried at the station, didn’t you? I remember feeling a weird pressure in my head. What were you trying to get me to do?”

“Agree to come with me. It’s true that you are in danger Kate. For more than one reason, but I’ll get to that.”

That determined, stubborn look that he’d come to know so well emerged. “Tell me everything. Start first with why I’m in danger.” Her eyes pleaded. “Please. I have a right to know.”

He nodded. “You’re what’s called a dreamwalker—”


“Let me get this out before you ask questions, okay? I promise that you will know everything that I do when I’m finished.”

Her lips formed into a thin line, clearly displeased. She nodded anyway and he couldn’t help but grin. She was magnificent.

“As I was saying, you’re a dreamwalker, which is a special human female who can either enter another’s dreams or witness events that are happening in real time while in a dream state. Only human females can be dreamwalkers and they are very rare.”

Kate couldn’t help it…she interrupted anyway, raising her hand like a schoolchild, which earned her a big sigh from Dev.

“Olivia is a dreamwalker, isn’t she?”

“Yes. That’s why I had her come. There is much you can learn from her. You haven’t even begun to tap into the full capability of your gift, Kate.”

“Curse is more like it,” she mumbled. He ignored that comment, as it wouldn’t do any good to argue with her until she experienced the good her gift could do.

“As I said, dreamwalkers are very rare and, in the vampire world, they are revered and protected. In the human world, they are misunderstood and often labeled psychotic. Olivia is the bonded mate of one of my club’s general managers, Monti Morton. She’s had many, many years of experience honing her skills. As I said, she can teach you much.”

Interruption number two. “How many years of experience has she had?”

He thought for a moment. “I believe well over a hundred.”

Kate started laughing. “I think you need your eyes checked, Dev. She doesn’t look a day over twenty-seven. Thirty tops.”

“I’m sure she’ll be pleased you think so. But she has been bonded to Monti for over ninety years and I believe she wasn’t quite thirty when that happened.”

She blankly stared at him, her eyes blinking rapidly.

“If you’d let me finish without all of the interruptions, I’ll get to all of this.” She cocked her head to the side gifting him with a

“Vampires only bond with humans, not other vampires, especially since most vampires are male. Only bonded human female mates can carry a vampire babe. When vampires do bond, their human mate stops aging and will live the same longevity as their vampire mate.”

“And I’m
mate, like…your wife?”

Dev’s eyes were instantly glowing with desire. He no longer tried to hide his true nature or how much he wanted this woman. He answered thickly, “Yes, but a Moira is much more than just how humans define a wife or husband.”

Electricity cracked like lightning between the two of them. “How do you know I’m your Moira?”

“I already told you, a vampire knows when they’ve met their Moira. Instantaneously. You’re mine, make no mistake about that.”

“And how old are you?”

“Five-hundred and thirty-five years old.” He waited for her to freak out, to run screaming for the door. Instead, she continued to surprise him.

A slight smirk turned up the corner of her mouth. “Don’t you think you’re a little old for me? I mean, over five-hundred years is a pretty big age gap.”

He stalked toward her, grabbing her hand to pull her close as she squealed and tried, unsuccessfully, to scoot around him. Leaning down so their lips were inches apart, he whispered, “Ah, but I bring with me a wealth of experience, love.”

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