Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) (20 page)

Read Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) Online

Authors: Aneesa Price

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #werewolves, #fae, #voodoo, #paranormal erotica, #adult romance, #erotic paranormal, #paranormal series, #romance series, #adult paranormal romance, #coffin girls

BOOK: Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
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As excited pregnancy talk ensued, Sophie sat
back as she customarily did, and soaked up the feelings of love
that abounded. She was ecstatic for Anais, but it reminded her of
her unfulfilled promise to her maman. Arianna had told her recently
that empaths felt deeply and that when they fell in love, it
happened swiftly. Sophie thought that the warning came a bit too
late. She’d already fallen for the fae prince. She hoped that under
the many masks he wore, that love for her could find a way to his


Sylvain woke up to the sound of whimpering.
He looked at Sophie, splayed out in next to him. She was crying in
her sleep. He touched her gently, shaking her awake. “Sophie, wake
up. You’re having a nightmare.” When that didn’t result in any
change, he shook her more firmly, “Sophie,
ma chérie
, wake

Sophie’s eyes opened a fraction, her blues
swimming in tears and face streaked with red. It was odd waking up
from such a vivid memory of the past to look into Sylvain’s face.
His blonde hair was a bit mussed from their activity after their
date the previous evening. He had kept them up for a significant
part of the evening in the most pleasurable ways imaginable. His
blue eyes shone with concern and lines of worry marred his impishly
handsome face. It was a face that tugged at her heart and one she’d
come to look forward to seeing in such a short time. Wanting the
worry gone, she raised her hand to his cheek and ran it along the
stubble-covered surface – apparently, the Prince of Fae was not
immune to requiring a shave. Sophie smiled and reassured him,
“Don’t worry, cher, I’m okay.”

Tired and seeking oblivion, she closed her
eyes to drift off to sleep again, but was interrupted by Sylvain.
“Uh-uh,” he stated, “you don’t get out of this that easily. What
was that about? I thought you said the nightmares ended once you
got a hang of the skills Arianna was teaching you?”

By the determined set to his jaw, Sophie
sighed and sat up against the headboard, fluffing her pillow out
behind her – this was not going to be a short discussion. “They
did. I guess the events of the day brought this one up,” she

“What events of the day?” he inquired, both
concerned and curious. She’d been quiet since her visit to the

“Anais is pregnant,” Sophie blurted out.
Seeing no change in his expression, she questioned, “You knew?”

Sylvain nodded. “I gave my word that I would
not tell anyone and Anais probably wanted to tell you herself.”

Sophie considered that. “Okay, I can buy
that. We all knew as well. It must be the blood bond if your magick
couldn’t detect it although from what I understand, the pregnancy
is in the early stages.”

“Yes,” agreed Sylvain. “But that’s not what’s
bothering you.”

“No,” Sophie confirmed. Hesitating slightly,
she played with the sheets between her fingers. “I’ve been dreaming
of my maman lately. And well…” she stalled. “You know what happened
right? I mean, you were there and I remember telling you when you
rescued me.”

“I remember,” Sylvain verified.

“What you don’t know is that I made a promise
to my maman before the guards came to fetch her.” Sophie peeked at
him through lowered lids, knowing she had to be honest with him,
yet not wanting him to think that she was putting pressure on him.
“I promised her to find love and have a family, to give my children
the life and love of a mother that she could not give to me.”

Light dawned. “You had hopes that your
marriage would grow into love when you entered into it.”

“Yes,” agreed Sophie. “I feel as though I’ve
failed her.”

“Sophie,” Sylvain said, taking both hands in
his, “from what you’ve told me of your mother, she was a wonderful,
caring woman. Much like you. I doubt that, knowing the
circumstances. She would hold you to that promise as stringently as
you’ve taken it. But, I understand the honor of such a wish and the
need to fulfill it. What you maybe need to consider is that as a
vampire, you live for eternity and as such have the time to keep
your promise. As a witch too, you’ve now gotten proof that you can
conceive. Don’t be so hard on yourself,
ma chérie

Sylvain moved up against the headboard too,
the sheet that covered them sliding around his waist to rest just
above his crotch. Sophie watched the movement of the material with
fascination. His bare abdomen was ridged with muscles that called
for her to run her fingers along them. Sylvain caught her hungry
gaze and reacted accordingly, his shaft hardening and making the
sheet rise where it lay. Licking her lips, Sophie bent towards his
stomach, wanting to trail her tongue along the delicious muscles

“As desirable as what you’re intending is,
ma chérie
,” Sylvain interrupted her carnal fantasy, “this
conversation must take precedence.” He gently took her and pulled
her into his side then laid a kiss on top of her head. “I respect
your right to privacy, but your nightmares are still occurring and
you won’t tell me about them.” He saw the desire bank in her eyes,
overtaken by sadness.

“What events of the day have brought this
up?” Sylvain probed.

“I dreamt of my husband and maman,” Sophie
stated, ignoring his question.

“Late husband,” Sylvain corrected, surprised
by the harshness of his voice and the spurt of jealousy that
slammed into him. Goddess – she was a vampire and as such had a
past, but that reasoning didn’t stop him from wanting to wish the
man hadn’t existed.

“Yes,” Sophie agreed, “my late husband,

“Can you tell me about it?” Sylvain asked,
less demanding. “I admit to being curious as to why such a
beautiful woman with such a kind soul has remained a virgin for so
long. That and seeing you cry makes me want to hurt something. Your
ex-husband, for one.” Sylvain’s lips twisted, “A pity that he’s
dead. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the reason why a
widow is a virgin is because of her husband.”

His possessiveness warmed Sophie. It was a
distinct and welcome change from the insanity-tinged ownership
Pierre had shown her. He had made it clear that she had been a
commodity to him - nothing more. “Okay,” Sophie bobbed her head,
“I’ll spill.”

She described her past, telling him how she
had come to be in New Orleans and her horrific introduction to the
marital bed. Sylvain remained silent, but as her tale progressed,
the blue of his eyes became darker, angrier.

Sylvain kissed the top of her head again, and
then brought her in closer with the arm snaked around her. “What he
did to you was unnecessarily cruel. I understand his situation with
being homosexual during that time period, but he did not have to
objectify you in such a brutal manner. He could easily have
explained the situation to you, even allowed you to have affairs of
convenience – that was common enough between couples then,
particularly if one half of the marriage had other sexual
interests. He did not have to degrade you the way that he did. He
is lucky he is dead and that hell is a place the Seelie actively
avoid, or else I’d rip his intestines out and strangle him with
them before I make him perform oral sex on his own asshole.”

Sophie would’ve laughed if he weren't as
serious as he appeared to be. “You care about me that much?” She
asked. The question had slipped out, overcome by her curiosity and
bewilderment. “We’ve been together for a few days and have known
each other for just under a year. Plus, you’ve seen many injustices
– the ones the young witches we saved for example and this upsets
you more than that?”

Sylvain turned to her, “Sophie, I’ve fucked
and regularly. I’m fae and we’re a randy bunch. Being Fae Prince
does not calm down my libido. It is within my nature to sleep with
women and I have slept with many of the millennia. But I did not
fuck you – not in the cave and not since. I’m not sure what to call
it but it was more than getting it off for me.” Sylvain looked at
her, his eyes no longer silver gray, but shining intensely blue.
“You’re special. I appreciate you as a friend and have done so for
the past few months. Now, I appreciate you as a lover, an equal.
So, yeah, another man treating you like that pisses me off. We may
not be in love but that doesn’t mean that we need to treat each
other like pieces of ass.”

Sophie felt his words lash at her. At first,
she was happy by his admission but the last words cut. Correction
Sylvain, she thought, you may not be in love with me, but I am with
you. It hurt and pissed her off. It served her freaking right for
thinking this would come easy.

“You’re speaking as though we’re exclusive,”
she risked. “Is that how you see us? I thought that it’s in your
nature to sleep with other women?”

Sylvain rolled his eyes, “I didn’t say that.
I said that it is in my nature to fuck - to have sex. The fae race
is a sexually active one so we need to have sex as much as we need
to eat food. That doesn’t mean that we cannot have a faithful
relationship with someone as long as our needs are met.” Seeing
murder reflected in her now vamp red eyes, he quickly attempted to
get out of the grave he’d so effectively dug. “I have no intention
of fucking anyone while you and I are sleeping together. This is
exclusive.” He turned so that they faced each other. Sylvain felt
like a socially awkward adolescent asking his first girlfriend out,
not an experienced man.

Sophie’s lips curved, contemplation tinting
her expression. “I’m not so sure, Sylvain,” she said, feeling
guilty, but pissed enough to continue. “You are the first man I’ve
slept with and now that I know what I’ve been missing, I’m anxious
to discover what’s out there. You’ve awakened my own libido now and
vampires are a sexually active race too. I’m not sure that a
mutually exclusive relationship is a good idea.” Sophie couldn’t
believe she said it, but a hurt heart could be a spiteful,
vindictive one.

“Is that so?” Sylvain’s voice was laced with

“Oh, yes,” Sophie replied flippantly. “But I
have so enjoyed our trysts together, mon chérie. There is
absolutely no reason for us to stop. I just want to do a little
sexual sight-seeing while we’re at it. Maybe you can join me on an
adventure or two?”

The muscle in Sylvain’s neck twitched. Good!
Let him be jealous. Wanting his cake and being able to eat it. She
mentally screeched at him but, outwardly, she maintained a
seductive façade. “So, what do you say, mon chérie? I’m sure we’ll
have a wild ride, and after my conservative first centuries, I
think I’m due for a bit of fun. It would be so much more fun with
you along.”

Sylvain looked at her, a smile replacing the
dark look. “Sure,” he replied. “But let me help you with that
exploration. As I’ve stated, I’ve got a few lovers in my past and I
happen to remember who of those will help you ‘explore’
satisfactorily. In fact, I will be quite satisfied too with them.
Throw you in the mix and it’ll be the best sex of our lives.”

Sophie felt her magick stir, the vampire
magick, and it made her want to bite something. She’d heard
somewhere that a true test of whether or not there is hope for a
relationship is if you can stomach the idea of someone else
replacing you. “You bastard,” Sophie spat out, no longer teasing
him and forgetting the lesson she was trying to teach him. With
supernatural strength, she flipped him over and straddled him.

Sylvain looked up at Sophie, mischief
sparkling in his eyes and remained undeterred by the fang-bearing
angry she-vamp with her red eyes glaring down at him. He calmly
laced his hands behind his head and regarded her. “What? You asked
that I help you explore your sexuality and that we do so with
others. I comply and you get cross? What do you want?”

“I don’t want others, you idiot!” Sophie spat
out. “If you’re going sleep with, fuck, or whatever you wanna call
it with anyone, it will be me! No one else!”

“Right answer,” Sylvain responded before
flipping her over and pinning her arms above her head. Sylvain
settled his crotch against hers, the outside of his legs brushing
the inside of hers and lowered himself down so that her breasts
brushed against his chest. “Just so we’re clear,” Sylvain whispered
into her ear. “You’re mine and I don’t share well! I’m not your
late husband. I’ll be faithful to you and treat you well. I won’t
fuck other women as long as we sleep together and often. And unlike
your late husband, I will share my body with you and I will explore
sex with you in ways that will wipe thoughts of further discoveries
out of your mind. I will make you cum so often that you’ll beg me
simultaneously to carry on and stop. I’ll give you so much
pleasure, it will make you hurt. I will fuck you so hard and hot
that you will never,” Sylvain spat the word out, leveling her with
his again silver eyes, “you will never,” he repeated, “want another
lover again. Does that meet with your approval,
ma petite
?” Sylvain inquired.

Sophie gulped, but not from fear. The thrill
of anticipation from what he promised in his dangerously heated
glare spread from her middle to every cell in her body. She had
mostly experienced Sylvain as playful, fun, and a good friend to be
around. She'd had glimpses of the authoritative Sylvain when she
watched him as Fae Prince amongst his army or his subjects and
she’d seen Sylvain as the fighter, the warrior in the battles
they’d gone into together. But Sylvain as a lover was still new to
her. Sylvain as a possessive lover, however archaic, was a major
turn on. Using her strength to break her one arm free of his hold,
she reached between them and grabbed his cock firmly in her hands.
She placed the head of his cock against her soaked mound and rubbed
it along the slippery inside before putting the tip right at the
entrance to her core. “Does that answer you?” she asked without
shyness, meeting his gaze with earnestness.

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