Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

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was born in Swanmore, Hampshire, England, in 1869. When he was six his family emigrated to Canada, settling on a farm near Sutton, Ontario, south of Lake Simcoe. Leacock was educated at Upper Canada College and the University of Toronto. He received a Ph.D. in political economy from the University of Chicago in 1903, and thereafter became a professor of economics and political science at McGill University in Montreal, where he would teach until his retirement. In 1900 he married Beatrix Hamilton, an aspiring actress; their son, Stephen Lushington, was born in 1915. Leacock’s first book,
Elements of Political Science
, became a standard university text and was his bestselling book during his lifetime. He wrote several books on economics, politics, and history, among which are
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Injustice
Canada: The Foundations of Its Future
, and
While There Is Time: The Case Against Social Catastrophe
. He also wrote biographies of Mark Twain and Charles Dickens. But Leacock’s lasting fame would come from his comic writings. His first,
Literary Lapses
, is a compilation of magazine pieces; it was a great success and paved the way for the many books that followed, including
Nonsense Novels
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich
Frenzied Fiction
Winsome Winnie and Other New Nonsense Novels
My Discovery of England
, and
Too Much College
. The work for which he is best known,
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town,
was published in 1912. Leacock, one of Canada’s most prolific writers, was also a charismatic public speaker, touring widely giving lectures and readings from his work. Leacock died in 1944 in Toronto.


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Sunshine Sketches,
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Suggested Further Reading

A Note on the Text


I The Hostelry of Mr. Smith

II The Speculations of Jefferson Thorpe

III The Marine Excursions of the Knights of Pythias

IV The Ministrations of the Rev. Mr. Drone

V The Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa

VI The Beacon on the Hill

VII The Extraordinary Entanglement of Mr. Pupkin

VIII The Fore-Ordained Attachment of Zena Pepperleigh and Peter Pupkin

IX The Mariposa Bank Mystery

X The Great Election in Missinaba County

XI The Candidacy of Mr. Smith

XII L’Envoi. The Train to Mariposa


Stephen Butler Leacock is born on December 30 in Swanmore, Hampshire, England, the third of an eventual eleven children.

The Leacock family moves to Canada and settles on a farm near the south shore of Lake Simcoe, Ontario.

Leacock enrolls in Toronto’s Upper Canada College.

His father, Peter, abandons the family. Leacock enters the University of Toronto, where he studies literature and modern and classical languages. He completes two years in one.

Leacock is obliged to leave university for financial reasons, and goes on to obtain a teacher’s certificate at Strathroy Collegiate Institute in Western Ontario. He begins teaching modern languages at Uxbridge High School.

Becomes language master at Upper Canada College, where he’ll teach for ten years, until July 1899. Meanwhile, he returns to university to study part time.

Receives his honours B.A. from the University of Toronto.

His first comic writing is published in
a Toronto humour magazine.

Begins graduate work at the University of Chicago in economics and political science, studying under Thorstein Veblen.

Appointed sessional lecturer in political science at McGill University. On August 7 he marries Beatrix Hamilton in New York City.

Receives a Ph.D. in political economy, and is appointed a full-time assistant professor in economics and political science at McGill.

Publication of his first book,
Elements of Political Science

Leacock embarks on a speaking tour of the British Empire to promote imperial unity. His book
Baldwin, Lafontaine, Hincks: Responsible Government
is published.

Buys thirty-three acres of waterfront property on Lake Couchiching near Orillia, Ontario, which he dubs Old Brewery Bay. Appointed William Dow Professor of Political Economy and chairman of the Department of Economics and Political Science at McGill University—a position he’ll hold until his retirement almost thirty years later.

Self-publishes his first book of humour,
Literary Lapses,
a collection of pieces previously published in magazines.

Nonsense Novels
is published. In the run-up to the Dominion election, Leacock campaigns for Conservative candidates and speaks out against free trade with the United States. The Liberal government of Wilfrid Laurier goes down to defeat over the issue of reciprocity.

Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
is first published serially in the
Montreal Star,
then in book form.

Publication of
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich

Beginning in February and continuing throughout World War I, Leacock gives readings from his humorous work in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. His only child, Stephen Lushington Leacock, is born on August 19. In October,
Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy
is published.

Publication of
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice

He goes on a lecture and reading tour of Great Britain. The Canadian Authors’ Association is established, with Leacock as a founding member.

Leacock’s wife, Beatrix, dies of breast cancer on December 14.

The new and much larger house is built on Old Brewery Bay.

Mark Twain,
his biography of Mark Twain, is published.

Publication of his biography of Charles Dickens,
Charles Dickens: His Life and Work

Leacock is given the Mark Twain Medal. Publication of
Humor: Its Theory and Technique

Reluctantly takes compulsory retirement from teaching at McGill. Embarks on last speaking tour of western Canada.

My Discovery of the West: A Discussion of East and West in Canada
is published and goes on to win the Governor General’s Award.

Stephen Leacock Jr. graduates with a B.A. from McGill University.

My Remarkable Uncle and Other Sketches
is published.

Leacock dies of throat cancer on March 28 in Toronto.

Posthumous publication of
Last Leaves
and of
While There Is Time: The Case Against Social Catastrophe

The Boy I Left Behind Me,
Leacock’s unfinished autobiography, is published. The Leacock Society establishes an annual award, known as the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour, for the best book of humour published in Canada.


Anderson, Allan.
Remembering Leacock: An Oral History
. Ottawa: Deneau Publishers, 1983.

Cameron, Donald.
Faces of Leacock
. Toronto: Ryerson, 1967.

Curry, Ralph I.
Stephen Leacock: Humorist and Humanist
. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959.

Davies, Robertson.
Stephen Leacock
. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1970. Canadian Writers, no. 7.

Doyle, James.
Stephen Leacock: The Sage of Orillia
. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992.

Legate, David.
Stephen Leacock: A Biography
. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1978.

Lynch, Gerald.
Stephen Leacock: Humour and Humanity
. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1988.

McGarvey, James A. “Pete,” and Daphne Mainprize.
The Stephen Leacock Picture Book
. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1998.

Spadoni, Carl.
A Bibliography of Stephen Leacock
. Toronto: ECW Press, 1998.

Staines, David, ed.
Stephen Leacock: A Reappraisal
. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1986.


Adventures of the Far North: A Chronicle of the Frozen Seas
. Toronto: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.

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