Sunset to Sunrise (2 page)

Read Sunset to Sunrise Online

Authors: Trina M. Lee

Tags: #PNR, #Supernaturals, #UF, #Kale Sinclair, #novella, #indie

BOOK: Sunset to Sunrise
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“Alexa will be fine. It might be good for her. She needs a break from this city. And from Shya.” Willow’s tone conveyed more, but he had the grace to leave the rest unsaid.

“And from me,” I filled in for him.

“That goes both ways, you know,” he replied, his expression perfectly neutral, lacking condemnation. It was easy to see why Alexa felt so comfortable with him.

A tall, leggy knockout with bright blue hair caught my eye. Tattooed and pierced, she exuded a wild child vibe. I was interested in a taste of that.

“All the time in the world wouldn’t be enough,” I muttered.

I followed the blue haired temptress with my eyes, watching her sidle up to a vampire with a seductive smile. If I didn’t make my move she’d end up in his bed and that would be a real shame. Of course, with my room currently occupied I’d have to take her to Harley’s old room at the end of the hall. At Alexa’s command, that room was off limits to all but her. And in her absence, me.

“Have a good night, Willow.” I gave him a friendly clap on the back and rose to leave.

He stopped me with a hand on my arm and a strange glint in his green eyes. “Can I talk to you for a minute? I’m sure it’s nothing, but I overheard something a while ago. Maybe you’re not the person I should tell, but I’m not sure I should tell Alexa. Not yet.”

My curiosity piqued. I sat back down, the girl with the wild hair almost forgotten. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Willow slid a sidelong glance at those seated nearby. Satisfied that they were human and unlikely to hear or care, he continued. “I heard a couple of vampires talking about Arys. I’m pretty sure they were plotting to kill him.”

There were several ways I could have reacted to that. My initial reaction was to laugh. Any vampire that thought they could simply kill Arys Knight was an idiot that would get his ass handed to him. My next reaction was merely a calm, quiet voice whispering in my mind,
What if?

“Who was it?” Many a newbie vampire had gotten it into their head that by killing the most powerful one in the city, they would then be something to be feared. Unfortunately for them, it never worked that way.

Willow surveyed the bar. Then he gestured subtly to a table in the corner where two vampires sat with a human between them. “The one on the left, with the scar.”

I sized up the vampire in question. He was unfamiliar to me. If he was a powerhouse of any kind, I’d already know who he was. So this vampire thought he could take a shot at Arys and get away with it. That should be comical.

“Did they say anything else?” I asked.

“Nope. That’s all I heard.” Willow had turned his attention back to the tequila bottle sitting before him on the bar. He carefully poured another shot, and I wondered why he didn’t just swig right out of the bottle.

“That’s interesting. Of course, it will never happen. No sense mentioning it to Alexa. She has enough to worry about.”

Willow nodded, tossing back a shot. “That’s what I thought too. I just wanted to mention it to somebody who may stand a better chance of getting more info than me. I mean, you’re one of them.”

The way he said that struck a chord in me. I was suddenly sure the angel was testing me. He wasn’t wrong to think whatever it was he was thinking. I was sure he assumed I would take advantage of any scenario that might result in the end of Arys Knight.

And who could blame me if I did? Well, Alexa, perhaps. I couldn’t deny my deep loathing for the vampire she was bound to. Seeing them separated was a fantasy of mine that I’d accepted would never come true. Or could it?

“Yeah, I’ll see what I can dig up. More than likely it’s just a guy with a big mouth and a small dick.” Again I rose, this time my attention on the guy in question. “I’ll take care of it.”

Willow gave a half-assed wave, spilling his shot in the process. I hid a smile and excused myself. Whatever it was that caused a fallen angel to drink himself stupid every night, I didn’t want to know. As wrong as it might have been, I found comfort in knowing that I was not the only one who suffered.

For just a moment, I considered going after the fox with the blue hair. However, curiosity won out. Not for a second did I really think any vampire in this city had a hope in hell of taking Arys out. Still, as one with no love lost for the guy, I needed to know how serious this plot was.

I advanced on the table with the two vamps, fully aware of Willow’s watchful gaze. What harm was there in watching someone else take a shot at the reigning monarch of the city? It’s not as if I was considering it myself.

Intrigue kept me moving when a sliver of guilt tried to redirect my path. Without waiting for an invitation, I slid into the booth across from the vampires and their human friend.

They both looked at me with alarm. My reputation wasn’t so great these days. Most people were quick to avert their gazes and stay out of my way.

I didn’t give them a chance to speak. “So, tell me about your plan to kill Arys Knight. And don’t leave anything out.”

Chapter Two



They stared at me, dumbfounded. Then the one with a scar slashing across his lower jaw sneered. “What the fuck are you talking about?” His glower was good, but it wasn’t convincing.

A metaphysical touch of his energy informed me that he had little real power and was likely less than a century old. I didn’t need to throw my power around to prove that I was not one to be trifled with. If he didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear, he’d be dust before he ever got a chance to try for Arys.

“You know what the fuck I’m talking about. Now start yapping before I kick your ass all over this place.” Just a little pulse of power, a squeeze if you will, and I settled back in my seat with a grin. That was usually all it took. Though I wasn’t one to brag, next to Arys and Alexa, I was the most powerful vampire in this city.

The two vampires exchanged a look before dismissing their victim. The human fled the table with relief plastered across her features.

“How did you hear about that?” Scar asked me, his upper lip lifting in a strange grimace due to his slight facial deformity. When I continued to wait in silence, he huffed and swore. “That’s privileged information. Only those in our group are privy to that info.”

“Your group? Like a band of merry men? Like Robin Hood?” I snickered. “Seriously. Stop wasting my time.”

That remark got Scar huffy, but he was smart enough to restrain his irritation. We shared a long look, and whatever he saw in my eyes was enough to convince him that I was worthy to know of his secret society.

“It’s a small but steadily growing rebellion. We believe Arys Knight is a dictator that must be stopped before his woman turns and amps up his power. That motherfucker has been putting the pressure on us, going all out to make sure we all know who rules this city.” Scar followed up with a bout of curse words. It was a poor attempt at playing the tough guy.

“So? What’s wrong with that?” I asked. “He wouldn’t be the first power player to enforce his status.”

“Yeah, well maybe we don’t want to be governed by some asshole on a power trip. Maybe we just want to do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want. Knight’s been doing that demon’s dirty work, killing for him. Killing our kind.”

That gave me pause. No vampire worked closer with Shya than I did. If Arys was moving behind the scenes for him, it wasn’t common knowledge. I’d be willing to bet that Alexa didn’t even know.

“I’m pretty sure there’s more to it than that.” And I was. Arys wasn’t the kind of guy to fall in line no matter who was giving the orders. “How big is this so called rebellion?”

“Big enough. A dozen or so for now, but that’s only because everyone else is scared shitless of him.”

“As you should be.” I couldn’t resist saying it. This was disappointing so far. I’d hoped to hear something good.

“Fuck that. We have a plan. It may not be the best plan, but it should work. We’ve got to try something.” Scar ran a hand through thin hair, caught himself performing the nervous gesture, and crossed his arms tightly against his chest.

“And this plan would be?” I held up a hand, waiting for him to tell me what I wanted to hear. As far as assassination attempts go, most of them failed and pretty much all of them were made by guys totally out of their league. Of course, some of them did succeed.

Scar made a sound of annoyance. “Why should I tell you anything? What’s it to you?”

I cast a glance back at the bar to find Willow watching us with veiled interest. The bar was loud, and though I knew he couldn’t hear me, I felt uneasy anyway.

“I promise you, nobody wants Arys Knight dead more than I do.” Hearing myself say it, to strangers of all things, disturbed me.

“Oh?” Scar’s interest was piqued. “And why is that?”

The moment of truth. I never considered telling a lie. “Because I’m in love with his wolf.”

Both vampires laughed as if they thought I was bullshitting them. When I maintained a serious expression, their laughter faltered.

“Seriously?” Scar asked in disbelief. “Man that is the wrong woman to fall for. I’d face the sun with a smile on my face before I’d get anywhere near that crazy bitch.”

The power went out from me, commanded by emotion rather than conscious intent. It slammed both vampires back against the booth seat, crushing them from the inside out.

“I don’t give a good goddamn what you think of Arys, but you will always respect Alexa. She is your queen whether you like it or not. I will not hesitate to kill anyone who fucks with her in any way. Are we clear?” I smiled, a promise of pain in that small act.

“Take it easy, dude. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ll never even mention that chick again.”

I released my hold on them but only because I wanted to know what they planned. I wasn’t convinced that these clowns could be a threat to anyone other than an unsuspecting human.

“Talk,” I commanded. “You must have a plan. Let’s hear it.”

Scar was reluctant. He looked around the nightclub as if seeking an escape. Finally he gave in and accepted that he was a small fish in a very big pond.

“We’re going to lure him into a trap. We’ll use someone he cares about if we have to. It’s not the most elaborate plan, but I think it’ll work.” There was uncertainty in Scar’s eyes. He shrugged. “Maybe it won’t, and he’ll kill us all. But we have to try.”

“That’s stupid, and it will never work. You need to think bigger. Be more creative. This vampire has lived much longer than you. And he’s not an idiot.” I shook my head, disappointed with their plan. It lacked much in the way of finesse and genius.

“Will you help us then?” Scar’s tough guy demeanor vanished, exposing the run of the mill monster beneath. “Maybe you can lure him.”

Now that was almost tempting. Arys would never trust me though he would likely come after me if I gave him reason to. That wouldn’t be hard. All I’d have to do is take another run at Alexa. Maybe get her alone and backed into a corner. Arys would be livid.

I chuckled to myself at the thought. Oh yes, it was very tempting. It would be too easy. And yet? Something kept me from jumping at this opportunity.

Instead of giving a direct response, I answered with another question. “When do you plan to do this?”

“Sometime after he’s back in town. We figured it would be best to take advantage of him being away to put it all into place.”

Overall I didn’t believe Scar’s rebel crew posed much threat to Arys. Of course, all it took was that one slip up, that one mistake in judgment. I wasn’t fool enough to assume it would work. But if it did? I couldn’t bring myself to entertain that line of thinking. It was too dangerous. I wanted it too badly.

The fact that they knew Arys had just left town meant they were watching very closely. Surely he had to know this.

I imagined what it would do to Alexa if something happened to Arys. They were bonded. She would feel his death. Maybe even die herself, leaving her turned and alone, without him. As much as I loathed him, I wasn’t sure I could ever do that to her.

A dark cloud formed, raining down the harsh truths of reality. Hurting anyone Alexa loved would break her heart. I had meant what I said the night I told her I would find a way to make her so crazy she would stake me. But were there limits on how far I was willing to go?

“So, are you with us?” Scar asked, smiling as if certain he had me. “We would be happy to have you.”

“Yeah, I’m with you. But if you breathe a word of this to anyone, not only will I deny it, I’ll hunt you down and take you apart piece by piece.”


* * * *


“Kill them all.” Shya’s opinion came as no surprise. “Useless, good for nothing whelps. Find out who they are, each and every one of them.”

I sat on the pristine white sofa in Shya’s ridiculously white modern house. After dumping the body from my room into the river, I’d gone straight to the demon. I wanted to know more about the claims that Arys was putting pressure on the local vampire community.

“They believe Arys is a threat. Is he killing for you?” There was no casual way to ask this question. I met the demon’s inky red eyes, unflinching. He was a supreme asshole that I hated almost as much as I hated Arys. But I’d learned how to deal with him. He no longer intimidated me.

Shya sat perched on the arm of the couch. Dressed to kill, as always, in a pricey suit, he maintained a perfectly groomed appearance. His black wings were absent. It was all fake of course. He was a demon. The Japanese human form he wore was all illusion. I had no desire to see his real face. This one conveyed his evil just fine.

His snake-like pupils dilated as he stared at me. He appeared to be contemplating something.

“Arys doesn’t do anything for anyone. If he’s killed, it’s entirely his choice.” Vague and elusive. A typical Shya response. “I may have mentioned a few vampires to him who were exhibiting signs of potential trouble. Whatever he did with that information was out of my hands.”

So Arys was up to something. Evidently Shya was as well. I nodded, knowing when it was worth pursuing a matter further with Shya and when it wasn’t. In most cases, it wasn’t.

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