Sunset to Sunrise (9 page)

Read Sunset to Sunrise Online

Authors: Trina M. Lee

Tags: #PNR, #Supernaturals, #UF, #Kale Sinclair, #novella, #indie

BOOK: Sunset to Sunrise
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I followed along, my curiosity growing. I continued to stare at him, making no attempt to hide my intrusive gawking. Willow put back three shooters before he turned his head to look at me.

“I know what you’re thinking. So just say it already.” He gestured to the empty stool at his side. “Have a seat. Let’s talk.”

“You’re here for Alexa. Aren’t you? Like a guardian or something.” I blurted it out, finding no tactful way to broach the subject. Taking the seat next to him, I waited patiently for his response.

It was slow in coming. Willow nodded once and silently downed two more shots of liquor before replying. “Yes. I was. Before I made the choice that caused me to fall from grace.”

“She has no idea,” I said. It wasn’t a question but an observance.

“No,” Willow agreed. “She suspects something, but she doesn’t really know. It’s better if she doesn’t know yet. For many reasons. Now that’s it’s too late and I’ve fallen, I could tell her. Maybe I should.”

“What happened?” I asked knowing full well it was none of my damn business. Still, I held out hope that he would share this with me.

Willow spun a lime wedge on the bar. He stared at it as if it held the secrets of the universe, lost in whatever he was seeing in his memory. “I fell in love with a human. It caused me to fall. And then Shya murdered her. It was his way of punishing me for refusing to join him. I lost my guardianship over Alexa, but I never left her. I couldn’t.” He looked at me then, self-loathing shining in his eyes. “I let her down, and she doesn’t even know. But I know. So do many others. Like Shya. So I’m here for her now in any way I can be. Because I can’t let him do to her what he did to the woman I loved.”

It took a lot to stun me into silence. That however, managed to do it. My mouth opened and closed. So many possible responses formed in my mind, but none of them seemed appropriate.

Alexa’s friendship with Willow made more sense now. She trusted him. For a woman who trusts very few people, me included, that said a lot. Subconsciously she must recognize him as her guardian but consciously she had no idea. How could that be?

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. The words sounded hollow and felt wrong on my tongue.

“Don’t be,” Willow said with a sad smile. “Shit happens. Right? I don’t want anyone’s pity. I just want to do all I can to help her.”

“Me too.” I heard myself say it, but it didn’t sound like me. “It’s too late for me though. I’ve wronged her in ways I can’t even stand to think about.”

It was my turn to avert my gaze. A memory rose up of Alexa struggling beneath me, fighting so hard to get away while I forced myself on her. The scent of her blood drove me, demanding I take what I wanted.

I pounded a fist on the bar. It was over, and it was too late to take it back. Reliving it would only drive me into a fit of maniacal hunger. Dear God, I was such a lost cause.

“You love her. The choice you made tonight proves that. And she loves you. You know this.” Willow studied me, his gaze heavy upon me.

He made it awfully hard to sit there and feel sorry for myself. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how deep his love for a human woman must have been that he would risk becoming fallen. However, he did make me feel less solitary in my pain.

Forbidden love is a bitch. It divides and conquers, leaving suffering in its path of destruction. The way Willow clung to the tequila was much like the way I clung to the peace I only knew in the grips of the kill. Though I wouldn’t have wished it on anyone, it was somehow reassuring to know this torment was not mine alone.

“Yeah, I know.” I sighed, trying to resist the urge to scan the crowd for a plaything. The lure of temporary escape was strong. “I could live a thousand lifetimes and still never deserve her. It’s hard.”

“Maybe it’s not about what you deserve. Maybe it’s about what you’re willing to give regardless of that.”

“Oh no you don’t,” I said with an awkward laugh. “Don’t get all deep and meaningful on me. I can’t handle that shit. I’ll be across the room with my face buried between some hottie’s legs before you can blink.”

Willow chuckled, a wry, bitter sound that echoed my own. “While you do that, I’ll sit here and count drinks.” He raised a shot glass and said, “One.”

We laughed together before descending into silence. Each lost in our own tortured thoughts, we shared a quiet moment that was almost nice.

The sound of shattering glass broke me from my thoughts. I emerged from a memory of warm summer rain and the scent of wolf. Of all the Alexa memories living inside me, that one was the best and the worst. I would never forget the one and only night we made love.

A fight ensued when another beer bottle was thrown. Human nonsense. It didn’t take long for the bouncers to break it up. Yet it had been enough to ruin the brief moment of calm.

“Hey, Kale.” Willow stopped me with a hand on my arm as I rose.

“I won’t tell her,” I said, sensing his request.

He hesitated as if there was more he wanted to say. Then he just smiled, a small, tight press of lips. “Thanks.”

I was halfway to the exit when the air moved unnaturally around me. The scent of sulfur preceded the demon. When Shya appeared before me, I was in no way surprised though I was disappointed. What now?

The demon stood there smirking at me, his red eyes glowing with malevolence. I glanced back toward the bar, but Willow was gone.

Chapter Six



“Shya,” I greeted him with a nod. Whatever had him here in my club, it had to be important. He rarely came in here, which was just the way Alexa and I preferred it.

“Kale.” He clapped me on the back a few times. “Can we talk? Outside perhaps.”

“Of course.”

I accompanied him out, noting the way his calculating gaze swept over the place. We passed a vampire who had his victim bent over a table while he banged her from behind. Shya’s eyebrows drew together in consideration as he watched them.

“Making a few changes while Alexa is away?” He snickered. “I like it. It’s a breeding ground for trouble though.”

I shrugged, unwilling to let on how easily the club had slipped out of my control. My eyes widened in shock when I noticed a busty blonde holding her phone up to record the vampire sex.

Plucking the device from her hand, I discharged the battery with little effort and placed the dead phone back into her palm. Such devices weren’t allowed in here. Patrons were to check them at the door, for obvious reasons.

Her angry shouts went ignored as Shya and I disappeared through the exit. I paused long enough to pull Justin aside.

“All back room activity needs to stay in the back room. That has to be enforced. Starting now. If Alexa finds out about this, it’ll be my balls she comes for first. But I’ll send her your way after she’s done with me.”

Justin nodded, solemn and disappointed. Couldn’t say I blamed him. I was enjoying the party too, but it was just too high risk. There was a reason the bloodletting and supernatural sex went on out of sight. That kind of thing needed to remain unseen by the general public.

“It’s fine. I’ve got it under control,” I said when Shya and I emerged in the parking lot. He didn’t look convinced. “Anyway, what would you like to talk about? I assume it’s not the club.”

Dressed in an expensive black suit, Shya appeared as human as he got. Wings unseen and blue-black hair slicked into place, only the red eyes betrayed him.

“Have you taken care of that little vampire problem? I want it dealt with before Alexa and Arys return home.”

That was interesting. I slid a sidelong glance his way, studying him as we walked through the parking lot. I hadn’t expected him to take Phillip this seriously.

“There’s no problem. I killed most of them tonight. I’ll find the leader and finish him off. No worries.”

Shya’s lips pressed together in a thin line that I’d come to associate with displeasure. “Find him tonight. Don’t put it off.”

I gave a scoffing bark of laughter. “You don’t really think there’s any true threat to Arys and Alexa, do you? I mean, come on. These guys are nothing. Arys could take them out in his sleep, I’m sure.”

Shya clasped his hands behind his back, staring straight ahead as we walked toward the busy street that ran in front of the nightclub. “I don’t doubt that. However, all threats must be treated the same. Seriously. Zero tolerance. It doesn’t take but a spark to start a rebellion, Kale. I’ve seen it.”

As had I, but I was in no mood to discuss this with him. In fact, I didn’t want to speak to him regarding Alexa in any way.

“It’s been dealt with,” I said, insistence heavy in my tone. “Look, Shya, I know why you’re so intent on keeping Alexa alive and safe. But you must forgive me if I refuse to have any part in that. I won’t protect her simply so that you can kill her when it best suits you.”

My voice was calm but my words rang with determination. I had made my place here, working to protect a secret, silencing those who threatened to expose it. But I would not play whipping boy to a demon.

Shya was unfazed. His lips twitched in a hint of amusement. “No, you will protect her because you love her. And because you belong to her. Regardless of my intents, you will always protect her.” His gaze locked on mine, and he shrugged. “I suppose you’ll even try to protect her on the day I do take her life. Pity. I hope I won’t have to kill you.”

I had nothing to say to that. It wasn’t often that the demon struck me speechless; I’d gotten used to his strange quips and warped point of view. This time though, I was at a loss for words.

It didn’t matter much because Shya enjoyed the sound of his own voice. He continued on as though my stunned silence was my contribution to the conversation.

“You do realize that once Alexa dies her mortal death she will be vampire. And no longer a creature of the light. Her bond with Arys will be tainted, possibly even destroyed. I find it fascinating that this doesn’t thrill you. It’s what you should want, isn’t it?” He stopped and turned to face me. Laying a hand on my arm, he nodded in feigned sympathy. “She bears my mark for you. If there were ever a time when you might have her as your own, it would be upon her mortal death.”

I knew what he was doing. Clever. Manipulative. Totally typical.

Pulling away, I leaned against a light post and crossed my arms. “I don’t want to talk about this. Is this why you came?”

Shya studied me. Anger sparked behind his eyes but just for a moment. “No, not really. I have a job for you. One that must be done quite soon. The sooner the better.”

“And? What is it?”

“I’d like you to follow a lead on something I’ve been looking for. I have reason to believe that it may be hidden in a place of worship. Unfortunately, I’m not able to enter all of them or I would do it myself.”

I nodded, only somewhat understanding. I didn’t know all of the ins and outs of the spiritual realm. In the past I had witnessed Shya stroll into some churches like he owned the place while at other times he couldn’t step foot on the property. I could enter all of them though.

“Fine. Send me the information. I’ll take care of it.”

Shya’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “I’ll be sending Brook with you. For security purposes, of course.”

“Right,” I said, suppressing a smirk. “Of course.”

Humoring Shya was often for the best. I didn’t for a minute think it fooled him. Sending a demon who couldn’t even cross the threshold was ultimately pointless, but if it made Shya feel better, who was I to argue?

Honestly, I was curious about this ancient scroll that Shya wanted so badly. It was hidden here in the city somewhere, protected by a supernatural seal. Breaking the seal involved a ritual of some sort, a ritual that required a sacrifice. Alexa would be that sacrifice. Shya and I both knew that I wouldn’t stand back and watch that happen. We would all cross that bridge our own way when we reached it.

“I’ll send you the address and instructions before dusk tomorrow. I’ll let you get back to your vampire hunt.” Shya paused, as if considering his next words. “It would be wise of you to make it well known among your kind that you are acting as Alexa’s second. Her enforcer, if you will.”

That struck a nerve. I bristled, unwilling to accept that without question. “And why would I do that?”

“Because you are.” He was flippant, pinning me with a fierce stare that dared me to challenge him. “She claimed you as her own, and you’re the most powerful vampire in this city next to her and Arys. I need her to help me secure this city. She’ll need people she can trust. Take your place in her empire.”

What the fuck? I wasn’t sure I’d heard him correctly. He didn’t bother to repeat himself. He left me standing there alone listening to the sound of passing traffic.

“Fucking empire,” I muttered, scowling down the street at a lone figure hurrying along in the distance.

For the most part my working relationship with Shya had been nothing but professional. We both got something out of it, and it never got personal. Until recently. The demon mark Alexa bore was bad enough. But this empire shit? No way. I had to draw the line somewhere.

It was no secret that Alexa was on her way to becoming the vampire queen of the whole damn country. There was no place for me in that. I couldn’t even be in the same room without wanting to do terrible things to her. Plus, she had more than enough admirers already. She didn’t need me.

I was still muttering obscenities to myself when I started tracking Phillip. It was either that or spend the night between the legs of some hot-blooded female. There would be time enough for womanizing after I wiped out the piece of crap.

If I could let him have Arys without consequence, I would. In a split second. It just wasn’t possible. So off I went to proclaim to the city that I had Alexa’s back whether she was here to see it or not.

One of my specialties, I tracked better than anyone I knew. Possibly a throwback to my wolf days, I could track energy like a dog tracking a scent. Requiring a lot of mental effort and concentration, tracking energy was most certainly not a trait all vampires possessed. I suspected that it was just another reason that Shya kept me around even as I focused on Phillip’s energy and followed it.

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