Sultry Summer Nights (5 page)

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Authors: Té Russ

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Romance

BOOK: Sultry Summer Nights
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Chapter 8


Saturday morning, Julie found herself lounging on the beach with Dottie.

, I don't think we should have closed the studio for the day," she said, apprehensively.

Aye, querida!
You need to relax more. It's Saturday, the weather is perfect and look at that beach. Sometimes you act more like an old lady than I am."

"Is Brent still coming?" Julie asked.

"Of course, he's bringing the food to barbecue."

Dottie held up her romance novel, effectively ending their conversation.

Julie sighed and flopped back on the recliner next to her grandmother.

She tried to just sit and enjoy everything around her, but she was too wound up.

Thoughts of Dylan filled her mind.

First it was that kiss. Then it was their waltz. The dance rattled her more than she cared to admit. Not because it made her uncomfortable. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Julie had enjoyed dancing with Dylan more than she could recall dancing with anyone in a long time. Even her old partner. That was the part that confused her. She had grown up dancing with Camden since she was a child, they'd bonded through dance, fallen in love through dance. Yet, the connection she had when she danced with Dylan was completely different.

It was...effortless. Once they began to move it felt like they were doing a routine that they'd spent countless hours creating and perfecting rather than something they were just making up as they went along. And it felt perfect....she felt free.

It made her question whether or not she'd ever truly been in love with Camden at all.

Not wanting to think about either man at the moment, Julie stood. "I'm going for a swim," she said to Dottie, as she unwrapped the sarong from around her waist.

"Have fun," Dottie murmured, as she turned the page of her book.

Julie jogged the short distance from the shore to the ocean. She didn't even wade in once her feet hit the water. Instead, she kept jogging and then dove in and began to swim. Each stroke relaxed her a little bit more. After she swam out a good distance, she turned and began to float on her back, letting the waves carry her around. Swimming in the ocean was one of the only other things that seemed to calm her when she felt like she was in turmoil. When she was in the ocean it felt like she was dancing with nature as the water swirled all around her body.

Her grandmother knew that as well, which was probably why she'd dragged Julie out here. She closed her eyes, let out a sigh, finally feeling content and smiled.
knew Julie better than she knew herself most of the time.

knows all and sees all," Julie murmured to the wind.

She opened her eyes and realized that she'd floated farther away than she intended, so she began swimming back to the shore. As she headed back to where they'd set up their seats, Julie heard Dottie's laughter float through the air.

She quickened her pace, figuring her brother had finally arrived.

She stopped when she realized Brent wasn't the only one with her grandmother.

"Jules, you're back! Look who Brent brought along!"

She tried to tamp down the little thrill that ran through her as he turned around to face her.

"Jules," he said, in that smooth tone of his.

"Hi, Dylan."

She watched as he stood from the seat that she'd vacated earlier when she took off for her swim.

He'd already removed his shirt, showing off amazing muscles that she'd only gotten a peek at when he'd been out for a jog and she was having car trouble. Now they were out on full display. Every gorgeous, taut caramel colored muscle in his arms, chest and abs. His swimming trunks hung low on his hips and she had the sudden urge to lick her lips.

"It's good to see you again."

Judging from the look in his eyes, he meant it was good to see her in more ways than one, especially since she was wearing a bikini and had just come out of the water. She felt nearly naked under his gaze.

Remembering they weren't alone, she finally spoke up.

"It's good to see you too. Although I wasn't aware that you were coming."

"Your brother said that your grandmother invited me. I couldn't turn down the opportunity for good food in great weather."

She had a feeling what he really meant was he couldn't turn down an opportunity to see her again. Something about that made her feel all warm inside.

"Hey, Dylan, come help me get this food ready," Brent shouted.

, big brother," Julie called out, feigning annoyance. "You can't speak?"

, little sister," Brent replied.

"I'm gonna go and see what I can do to help," Dylan said, taking a step back before turning to head over to Brent and the grill.

Julie sat back down in her seat and put her shades on.

why didn't you tell me you were inviting Dylan?
" Julie asked in Spanish.

Dottie sat her book in her lap and stared at Julie.

Do you have a problem with him being here?
" was her response, also in Spanish.

Julie sat in silence for a moment. Keeping her face impassive, she answered with, "No
, it's not a problem."


After Dottie picked her book back up and began to read again, a slow smile began to spread across Julie's lips.





"So, what's the deal between you and my sister?"

Dylan turned to Brent, who was staring at him as he let the grill top fall with a resounding thud.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked.

Brent's mouth tilted up slightly on the side.

"Look man, we may have not hung out for years, but I still know you. So don't play dumb with me."

Dylan followed Brent's gaze to Julie's direction. She was reclined in her beach chair next to Dottie, face covered in a large pair of shades.

"Besides, it's obvious my sister likes you. Even if she's too damn stubborn to admit it."

It seemed Brent had hit the nail on the head with that last statement. Deciding it was probably wise to just be upfront with his old friend, Dylan finally answered Brent's question.

"I don't know man. I think your sister is an interesting woman. I'd like to get to know her better, if she's up for it."

Brent nodded his head thoughtfully.

"You know you've always been like family to me," Brent started.

"No doubt."

my family. My blood. So if you do anything to hurt my baby siste

"Come on, Brent. You know me better than that."

"This still needs to be said, regardless," Brent said firmly, pointing the long tongs he was holding threateningly in Dylan's direction. "If you hurt my baby sister, I won't hesitate to kick your ass."

"Duly noted."

The two men clinked their bottles of beer together signifying their understanding with one another then took a sip.

told me you danced with her the other day."

Dylan laughed. "I don't know if you would call it dancing. It's been so long since I had to dance like that. I'm sure I looked awful."

"She said the two of you looked like you've been dancing together for years."

The odd thing about that, Dylan thought, was that was
how it felt.

"Brent," they heard Dottie call out. "Is the food ready yet,

"Almost, Gram."

"Hurry up.
is hungry."


, S


After a few more minutes passed, Dylan noticed Julie stand up and make her way toward them. She'd tied her sarong back around her waist, but it did nothing to hide her gorgeous curves; and the image of her coming out of the water in that sexy bikini was forever seared into his brain. He could picture whisking her off to some secluded area removing the sheer wrap and seeing how easy it would be to tug on the those tiny strings of her swimsuit.


The sound of Julie moaning nearly drove him mad. He looked away and took a sip of his beer.

"The food smells delicious," Julie said, stopping in front of them. "Dylan must have helped cook."

"Haha," Brent said, sarcastically. "You've got jokes, sis."

, wants her food."

"I was just getting done fixing her a plate. Here." Brent handed her a plate to take to their grandmother.

She locked eyes with Dylan for a brief moment, giving him a sweet smile, before turning and heading back over to her grandmother.

"I know you're digging my sister. But if you don't stop gawking at her like that, I'm going to have to go ahead and kick your ass, dude."

Dylan attempted to smother the grin on his face.

"Sorry man."

Dylan grabbed a plate and began to fill it with the food they'd prepared. He made his way over to the picnic table where Julie and Dottie were sitting.

Julie turned to Dylan and he held the plate out to her.

"For me?" she asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know what you liked so I got a bit of everything."

"This is way more than I can you want to share it?"

Dylan smiled at her offer. "Sure."

They sat down at the end of the picnic table, a small distance away from Dottie and Brent, who'd joined them.

Dylan watched with heated interest as Julie picked up a rib and bit into it. Just like when she'd smelled the food earlier, another moan slid past her lips. She didn't stop until she was licking sauce off of the bone, and Dylan found himself discreetly shifting in his seat.

She looked up as she pulled a finger, that had been covered in sauce, out of her mouth.

"What?" she asked, seeming to suddenly be aware of her action.

"Nothing," Dylan said grinning. "You just seem to be enjoy your ribs...a lot."

"They were amazing." She smiled as well. "I was joking earlier when I said you must have helped, but these," she held up a rib, "are
my brother's doing."

Dylan chuckled as he took the rib from her hands. "I may have assisted a little bit."

"I think you're being way too modest." She watched him as he took a bite of the rib.

"Is there anything you don't do?" she asked.

Dylan shrugged. "You know what they say, 'idle hands are the devil's workshop'. I like to keep busy."

He watched as Julie's gaze dropped to his hands and the pulse at the base of her neck sped up. She grabbed the beer she'd gotten for herself earlier and took a long swig.

After she sat the bottle down, he said, "You know...I'm not just good at cooking on the grill."

"Are you saying you know your way around the kitchen too?"

"What I'm saying is maybe you could come by my place sometime and be the judge yourself."

"Isn't that a little forward, you already inviting me over to your place? I mean, we haven't even gone on a real date yet," she teased.

"So then let's go on a real date."

She only hesitated briefly before asking, "When?"

"Friday night, I'll pick you up from the studio."

"I'll be ready."



Chapter 9


They'd spent all day at the beach. Julie couldn't remember having so much fun in a long time. Dottie had been right, she needed to unwind.

"Well," Brent said, standing up. "It's about time to call it a day. I need to get home and get cleaned up before heading to the club."

Julie, who was now resting on a beach towel in the sand next to Dylan, sat up when she saw Dottie standing as well. She was slightly disappointed because she loved being on the beach at dusk, but it had been a long day for them all and she figured her grandmother was ready to get home too.

As she began to stand and help pack everything away, Dottie stopped her. "You don't have to get up, Jules. Stay and watch the sunset, I know how much you love that."

I've got to take you home."

"I'm not going home tonight."

"You're not?" she asked, confused.

"I'm going with your brother. It's about time I checked out his club."

going to the club?" Julie asked, surprised.

"I certainly am," Dottie said, shoving her hand on her hip. "There's no age limit. And besides,
is no prude."

Julie heard Dylan snicker beside her, but ignored him.

"I guess I'll see you later then," she said to her grandmother. Dottie leaned down and kissed Julie on the cheek and then did the same with Dylan.

"You two enjoy the rest of the evening," she said, then she and Brent made their way away from the beach.

Once they were out of sight, Dylan's snicker from earlier turned into full blown laughter.

"Okay, what is so damn funny?" Julie asked, narrowing her eyes at Dylan.

"You sound
like your grandmother," he said, still laughing.


"'I'm no prude'," he said. "You said the same thing the other day before we went to my apartment so I could change."

When Julie remembered that she had, in fact, uttered the same words as her grandmother, she found herself joining in with Dylan's infectious laughter.

When they finally caught their breath, Julie said, "If I sound like my
, I will take that as a compliment. She is an amazing woman."

"I agree, she is an amazing woman. And I think you are too."

Julie rolled her eyes. "You barely know me, Dylan."

"But I know enough. And I'd like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character. There's just something about you that I find fascinating. That's why I would like to get to know you better."

Julie took in his words and smiled. "You're not too bad yourself."

"Why thank you," he said, poking his chest out a little, causing Julie to giggle again.

They sat in silence for a few minutes watching the waves crash against the shore.

"I was always surprised at how empty this beach gets," Dylan said in a reminiscent tone.

"Yeah," Julie agreed. "That's part of the reason I love coming out here around this time. It gets so peaceful. It makes me feel like all my troubles can get washed away."

"What was troubling you that night you were dancing in the studio?"

She didn't say anything for a long time, she just sat there staring out at the ocean as the sun sank. Julie never really considered herself to be a person who liked sharing her feelings. Not to say she disliked it per say, she just preferred to use other forms of outlets, like dancing or swimming in the ocean.

But once again, for reasons she couldn't quite fathom still, she found herself willing to share with him.

After letting out a deep sigh, Julie said, "I'd just arrived back from visiting my parents in Georgia. As usual it wasn't a trip that left me with warm and fuzzy feelings."

"You don't get along with your parents?" Dylan asked.

"Oh I get along with my mother just fine. My father..." She could feel his gaze on her, intently studying her.

"My father has never liked that I took up dance as a profession. Says I'm wasting my brain and life away."

She shifted slightly and felt her fingers brush against his. That small touch sent shivers racing up her arm. They intensified when he interlocked his fingers with hers. He gave her hand an encouraging squeeze and she continued.

"It was okay with him when I was a kid, just visiting Gram over the summers. But when I was a senior and I told him I wanted to go to college for dance and move down here with my
...well let's just say he didn't handle it well.
actually flew to Georgia and came to get me. I was shocked at the fight she and my father got into over me."

"Why do you think he's always been so adamant against you dancing?"

"I don't really know, but
always says that my father seems to have forgotten where he came from. She worked hard to move to America from the Dominican Republic. I don't think my father relates to that part of his heritage because he was born here. I just wish I could make him finally understand that dancing isn't just some...hobby for me. This is my life."

She was surprised when she felt a tear slide down her cheek, and she was even more surprised when she felt Dylan reach out and wipe the tear away and then pull her into his arms. She felt her body accept his embrace and she leaned into him, laying her head on his chest.

He didn't seem to have any words so he just sat there for a long time holding her.

"You know what you need right now?" he finally asked.

She shook her head against his chest.

"One last swim in the ocean."

Dylan stood, taking Julie's hand in his and tugged her to the water. Soon, Julie had tears in her eyes again, but they were from laughter this time as they ran around splashing water at each other.

"Race ya!" Julie shouted and dove in the water. Her arms sliced through the water as she swam as fast as she could. Finally, in need of a breath she came up for air. As she waded through the water, she spun around realizing Dylan was no where in sight. Suddenly, she felt a strong hand wrap around her ankle. She let out a squeal of laughter, then took a deep breath before getting pulled back under water.

Dylan wrapped his arms tightly around Julie's waist as they floated up to the surface. When they broke through the water, Julie's laughter rang out in the air.

She rested her hands on his shoulders as he pushed her hair out of her face and studied her.

"You should smile more," he murmured.

"Why?" she asked, feeling her heart begin to pound in her chest.

He gently cupped the back of her neck and tilted her head up, touching his forehead to hers.

"Because you're even more beautiful when you do. I don't know, Jules, your just does something to me."

Julie released a sigh against his mouth and pressed her lips against his. Dylan's arm tightened slightly around her waist and his tongue coaxed her mouth open. As he explored her mouth, something inside of her burst into flames. Her hands slid from his shoulders to around his neck, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Dylan groaned and Julie felt his hand slide down to the side of her bikini, his fingers toying with the strings.

Suddenly, she pulled away. She didn't know what had come over her, but for a moment she'd lost control in his arms. They gazed at each other, breathing heavily. He'd kissed her so thoroughly her bones felt like jelly. She was having a hard time staying afloat in the water.

"You are tempting beyond words," he said huskily.

She felt the same way about him.

Julie could never remember a time where she'd been as wanton as she'd just been with Dylan.

"We should...we should head back before it gets dark," she said, giving him a nervous smile.

She turned and began to swim back to shore.

"Are we still on for Friday?" Dylan asked as they dried off, once they were back on the beach.

"Definitely." Julie hoped she didn't sound too eager.

He nodded then grinned. "I'll help you take your things to your car," he offered.

He gathered up her beach chair then took the handle of her rolling cooler and they walked in silence away from the beach. Julie popped the trunk and Dylan put everything away for her.

"Thanks," she said, turning to face him.

"My pleasure."

She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him what was on her mind, but she did anyway. "I'm glad you came today."

He seemed slightly surprised by her words, but pleased as well. "So am I."

"I'll see you on Friday?"


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