Stripped - Complete Series (12 page)

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For how long, she wasn’t sure. She still couldn’t decide the level she wanted to take this. She’d go on as planned and make this week about reaching a decision. That was, if Alec and Tristan still thought she fit the bill. Would they still want more, or would the weekend sate their curiosity and interest in Rebecca?

Now wasn’t the time to worry
, she told herself. Even though she knew she was far from an experienced sub and wasn’t into the ‘lifestyle’ as they seemed to be - but she would like to think she’d reached the pass mark with them for the few days she spent as their submissive.

Rebecca hid her twinge of turmoil behind her gay laughs and conversation with Diane as they strayed into other topics, thankfully. She really didn’t feel comfortable discussing her “threeway” involvement with Alec and Tristan – not even with her best pal who also happened to have been instrumental to Rebecca hooking up with the two hunks.

Even after a whole weekend of monumentally awesome sex, she was already looking forward to the next time with them. She should be locked up and the key thrown into the Bermuda Triangle for her perverse wishes. Why did she feel so confused?


It was Wednesday around noon when Rebecca received the call from Alec, requesting she meet them again.

Of course she said yes.

After that it was impossible for her to concentrate on anything important. She counted the hours till she could close from the advertising agency where she worked, and rush home to change from her conservative business suit and prepare for the evening. Alec had said a taxi would be picking her up from her place at seven pm. She didn’t want to be late.

In the past few days Rebecca had been careful not to bog herself down with information overload, what with doing some internet search on the whole BDSM-submissive regime…thing. Much as she liked the idea of being more knowledgeable on the subject, she also preferred to take the brothers’ suggestion and let them simply put her through whatever she needed to learn.

She had enough to go on already. She understood that the whole lifestyle was based on consensual activity; with as many ways to play the game as were the parties who played it. It involved people just like her as well as Alec and Tristan who played roles where the level of virtual control was imbalanced by choice.

She was able to discover that there was a whole community out there, with different views on what was acceptable or what was not. Like finding about how some were willing to engage in play scenes without safe words, or to exist in a lifestyle not based on scenes of a fixed duration, like her times with the brothers, but in an ongoing, 24/7, master/slave liaison.

But it wasn’t just the BDSM aspect she was interested in when it came to the brothers.

Embarrassed as she was to do it she searched up them. They were quite known in the financial field, with several articles in Forbes as well as the Wall Street Journal about the Lloyd brothers’ seemingly infallible instinct for investment.

Rebecca was impressed to note that the brothers had a commendable reputation thanks to how they handled their clients so fiducially; ready to risk personal financial loss than jeopardize a client’s interest. Much as it was clear to Rebecca that she’d have no qualms trusting such a duo with her retirement funds – yet it was something more valuable she was thinking about trusting them with.

When it came to their private lives, there was a shortage of details though she found a couple of reports from an ex or two declining to comment on their past relationship with one brother or the other. No gossip channel had ever, it seemed, got to find a past lover ready to tell all, at least none that made the internet. Yet Rebecca was aware that apart from Diane, it was no secret among the brothers’ private circle that Alec and Tristan Lloyd had a unique outlook on sex and relationships.

All in all, Rebecca was cheered by her initial findings. The men she was attracted to and wished to entrust her safety did have a reputation of protecting those who did trust them, albeit in financial issues. Yet she had no doubt that in the less public part of their lives, they practiced their dominant tendencies in an unimpeachable manner. Still…she was hungry to know more about this private side of them and that was what this trial week was all about.

Now the time had come to meet them again. As she got ready she grew restless and increasingly horny.
Holy hell.
She’d been resisting the urge to pleasure herself or get some relief since that mind-combusting weekend. Since then there had lingered an empty feeling inside her that nothing could fill the void. She was waist deep in constant lust for her pussy to be rampaged hard once again, twice over by her two insatiable lovers.

Hopefully before the night was through, she’d have the satisfaction she craved with such shameful enthusiasm. She could hardly wait…


There was a delicious ache in her muscles when Rebecca stretched herself awake that morning. Well well. Her body felt like it had been put through a ringer – and those two sexy devils Alec and Tristan were to blame.

Luckily, it exactly the kind of discomfort she liked; the kind that reminded her of all the pleasure she’d earned from taking her punishments like a good girl.

Hauling her sore frame to the bathroom Rebecca filled the tub with all her favorite things and then sank naked into the scented water, sighing contentedly.

Had to be said; getting tortured and rampantly fucked every weekend had its perks. And had it really been only one month? How time flew, they say, when you’re having fun.

Her only fear was the mounting realization that she may no longer enjoy sex without the domination. How was she going to go back to normal after this, when it was through and the brothers walked away?

Rebecca didn’t want to think about that. She felt a sudden pang imagining the moment when she’d hear the words ‘
it’s over, we’ve had our fun. Your services are no longer required

Rebecca shuddered. She knew it wasn’t so cold-blooded as that. If and when it ended, she knew Alec and Tristan would let it happen with more finesse and consideration.

But why did that eventuality scare her more than fear itself?

Her first week of initially finding out about what it entailed being their submissive had been a turning point. The excitement and confusion, the misgivings and fears of the unknown…Had been stepping stones on her journey of sensual enlightenment.

When the first week ended and she’d told the brothers she was happy to keep going with their arrangement, they’d been more than pleased. And since then, they’d done nothing to give her cause to regret her decision.

Now she could never look back. Rebecca told herself that even once it was over with Alec and Tristan Lloyd, she’d keep up her interest in the lifestyle. She’d had a taste and already it was all she’d become.

And yet…would it ever be the same without the two men who’d pioneered her pilgrimage into the dark hollows of her submission?

Rebecca had a feeling she’d never find a safer Dominant – or more demanding ones than Alec and Tristan. They pushed her to the ends of her limits and beyond. A few times they’d even taken her to private bdsm clubs, another exciting experience where she got to witness the bondage scene on a wider scale. The brothers told her that coming to such clubs and gatherings were great for a change of scene and also get new ideas. She’d enjoyed every moment of it, especially getting to use the back rooms fitted with all sorts of props with which the brothers took her on a pleasure/pain ride.

She’d never dreamed this kind of lifestyle would be for her. Yet here she was.

The only drawback was her hidden twinges of worry for the future. This was a new kind of fear that didn’t seem ready to go away so easily…

Even favorite toys could be easily discarded

The water she was soaking in had grown as tepid as her exuberance. Sighing, Rebecca finished in the bathroom and belted into a robe. When she got back to the bedroom she heard the beep of the answering machine indicating she must have missed an incoming message.

Her heart lurched with sudden excitement when she thought it might be Alec or Tristan calling. She pressed the playback key hurriedly and deflated when she heard the sound of the male voice that was nothing like the brothers’.

“Rebecca, hoped to get to speak to you tonight – just in case you’d like to come out with me for dinner or a drink,” Jason’s voice said. “Please pick up. Or if you could call be back as soon as you can. We need to talk.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes, turning to throw on some clothes.
. He just couldn’t seem to get the message – literally.

Just a week ago, they’d bumped into each other at the bar where Rebecca and Diane were hanging out. It had been embarrassing to realize he’d shown up purposely because he’d known that was a bar the girls both frequented after work. Rebecca had been cordial but hadn’t done anything to give him any ideas. Thankfully her cellphone had rung in that moment and she’d used that pretext to excuse herself from the vicinity, taking the call outside the bar. Then she’d taken a cab home, ringing up Diane who was still inside, to tell her that something had come up and she had to go.

Rebecca simply didn’t know what to do. She could tell Jason was interested in her but it just wasn’t mutual. Besides, she had this…thing with Alec and Tristan. She knew it wasn’t a real relationship going anywhere, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything right now. Even if Jason wanted her in a romantic capacity, she just wasn’t down with that. And she didn’t want to lead him on. So how could she let him off gently?

It told a lot about her mindset that she was willing to continue things with the brothers than consider a different path with more romance. She could be out there meeting other people, finding the one who’d want her for more than just fun and games.

But a sinking sensation settled in her belly like lead. She didn’t want to meet other people. Or be with anyone else but Alec and Tristan. And yet…how long could she keep living her perfect fantasy? How long before it all burned out and she was left with ashes?


Something in the air around them told Rebecca tonight would be different.

After three months she’d come to read the brothers a lot better and she could sense the tension that in turn increased her usual excitement in being with them.

They’d done some dinner prep before she showed up; they simply gave her instructions and let her finish preparing the meal while they watched. They helped set the table with her placed in the center, Alec on her right and Tristan on her left on the intimately set table just big enough for three. Then they lit some candles.

Rebecca knew to wait table for them and plate the food. After she had served, she followed the customary pattern of taking off her top and releasing her C-cup breasts from her bra, draping the items over the back of her chair before settling in her chair. Her Masters liked to admire her firm, rosy-tipped breasts while they all ate.

Even after three months she still blushed a little but more in excitement than embarrassment to be sitting there topless, the pink flush of her skin spreading in the romantic candlelight. She knew her nipples would grow hard with humiliation and arousal each time Alec and Tristan would brush their knuckles casually over her nipples while they talked and ate. Having to dine with her tits and abdomen on display aroused her beyond description despite her discomposure. Sometimes, either Alec or Tristan would reach underneath the table and draw her thighs apart, sliding a proprietary finger or two into her pussy, all the while talking as if nothing was going on. Or they could pull her hand beneath the table to let her feel their stiffness. Rebecca could never really go through a meal with them without soaked panties and a tight coil of lust in her exposed belly.

Once dessert was eaten, Rebecca cleared the table and finished with washing up, all in a state of blistering arousal. She kept seeing images of the brothers ploughing her cunt and whispering lewd, dominant words in her ear.

By this time her every pussy fold was twitching, the bald lips engorged and soppy. The brothers had required every single genital follicle waxed off to oblivion, which made her extra sensitive and aware of her privates even when not being touched, and just with the feel of her sexy panties against her smooth flesh.

Rebecca knew better than to take any sexual gratification for granted; she knew she might not get her aching needs fulfilled much too soon. Alec and Tristan were definitely into orgasm control through delay or denial; and so was she. Her release was that much phenomenal when she had to wait for it;

“Remember that room in the house you didn’t get to see the inside the first time you visited here?” Alec asked conversationally when she returned to the living room. Rebecca’s heartbeat accelerated just from the atmosphere and the way Alec’s words seemed to portend fearsome excitement to come.

“Yes,” she replied, aware that the room had been getting some work done on it, though she’d known exactly what, only that it took place while she wasn’t at the town house.

“You may or may not have guessed what the room is for, but you’ll be glad to know it’s to be our very own playroom,” Tristan said, breaking into that teasing smile that melted her inside.

“But there’s something we have to get out of the way first,” Alec said, and drew her down unto his lap. Rebecca sat quite still, knowing it was important that she pay attention to the conversation, in as much as her nipples, pussy and heart felt triggered by electricity.

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