Read Stripped Bare Online

Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

Stripped Bare (27 page)

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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His boyfriend nodded. “I tracked her down and told her what had happened. She was great. She’d heard about your dad’s death. Mona was scared of Walter and even more scared of Roy. Apparently Roy had contacted her just before your dad died and told her she’d better not do anything against Debussy. She was still going to go ahead anyway with an assault charge. She trusted your father. Then,” his voice grew quieter, “your father died and she knew she couldn’t do it on her own. She decided to go stay with friends in Mexico.”

“Christ, Shay, is there anything you can’t bloody do?” Matthew’s voice was awed. “That’s an incredible feat to manage.” His eyes glanced at his lover. “Is she all right? Mona? Did she understand I didn’t get the letter so I couldn’t finish what my dad had started?”

Shane nodded. “Yes, I told her about you only finding the letter now. She understood but I got the impression she never expected you to take up the mantle, Matty. You didn’t disappoint her or anything like that, so don’t worry.” He reached over and caressed Matthew’s hand as it rested on the steering wheel.

“You guys are the best friends ever.” David’s quiet voice echoed in the back of the car. “You both put a lot at stake to help me and I really appreciate it. But Shane, Roy really hates you. Please promise me you’ll be careful and not go looking for any more trouble with him.”

Matthew frowned. “I agree. Those last words he spoke to you, Shay, didn’t sound encouraging. I think he twigged that you were the person that put that gay porn on his phone. He might be an arsehole, but he’s not stupid. He saw how you handled the whole phone thing with Walter and I think he put two and two together.”

“I’ll be careful. No more messing with Roy.” Shane promised. “Now do you think we can go and get some food? I’m bloody starving.”

Slow dancing and secrets

Shane sat back with a sigh, his eyes smarting from the latest project he was working on for a very large and prestigious customer. He’d just managed to find half a dozen flaws in their security network, and he had the feeling they’d be very pleased with the results. He was certainly earning his rather large fee on this one though. It had been a bit of a bitch.

Things had gotten back to normal in the last month. David had his trust fund back and was now living in an apartment of his own not too far from Shane’s in St. James’s. He was still living the jet-set lifestyle and working as a consultant on the stockbroking side. He seemed fairly content, and even had a new boyfriend, an older and rather dapper Italian man called Marco. Shane was happy for him. The man deserved some bit of happiness after what he’d been through and the ever-attentive and very self-assured Marco seemed to be doing him a lot of good.

But the best part was that things between Shane and Matthew were definitely good. The sex was still mind-blowing, the relationship even closer that it had been, and Matthew was definitely letting his guard down more. Something had changed between them since the showdown with Walter, although Shane couldn’t quite pinpoint when and why. But his lover was definitely less reserved. Shane still hadn’t told Matthew he loved him although it had been on the tip of his tongue to blurt out many a time. He was biding his time, waiting for the really right moment. He didn’t want to spoil anything they had by moving too fast. It had only been just over three months, after all.

Shane stood up, stretched and picked up his jacket. It was time to get over to Matthew’s house. They were meeting David and his new boyfriend Marco at a new gay supper club in the city and he didn’t want to be late.

Almost an hour and a half later he sat with his lover in the dimly lit boudoir of a rather elegant nightclub. He looked around him as Matthew gazed out at the dance floor at David and Marco jazzing it up.

“Hell, Matty, this place is really something,” Shane said in awe. “Very posh and so sophisticated. Not like the usual all-noise-and-lights places I go to.”

Matthew nodded. “It is rather swanky, isn’t it? I have to say I prefer this to the nightclubs. At least here you can have a conversation and people can hear you talk,” he said wryly.

Shane poked his arm. “Listen to you,” he said with a grin. “Better be careful, Mr. Langer, or I’ll be booking you into an old-age home.” He chuckled at the look at Matthew’s face and looked out at the dance floor, his face wistful. “Look at those two,” he said with a smile. David and Marco were definitely forces to be reckoned with on the dance floor, their routine looking polished and professional as the two men danced to the light jazz tunes echoing through the room.

“David seems to have picked himself a winner with Marco. He seems all right. And boy, can he dance,” said Shane enviously. He glanced over at Matthew who was studiously ignoring his hints to dance with him. He’d been making them all night, but so far Matthew hadn’t bitten.

“It’s fine when I’m on a club dance floor surrounded by hundreds of people and I’m anonymous,” he’d muttered. “No one can see me make a twit of myself. I’m not the greatest dancer. It’s another thing altogether when the dance floor is fairly small, secluded and everyone can see you.”

Shane sighed now and took a sip of his drink. David and Marco came back to the table, slightly sweaty, looking very pleased with themselves.

“You two were great out there,” Shane said, smiling at the two dance partners. “You know how to move, Marco. I’m very impressed.”

The tall, thin Italian man grinned, showing white teeth in a swarthy face. He was in his late thirties, smartly dressed and great company. “It is easy when you have a partner like David,” he said, fondly looking at the other man. “He is so easy to dance with and he follows my lead.” He looked at Shane. “If you like, I can take you onto the dance floor, show you a few moves?”

Shane saw Matthew shift beside him and he grinned. If Matthew wasn’t going to dance with him, perhaps he should take Marco up on his offer. Matthew would have to put up with Marco “showing him a few moves.”

“Maybe in a bit. Let me finish my drink.” He was aware of Matthew’s eyes appraising him coolly and he chuckled. “Babe, I like to dance and if you’re not going to do it, I’ll just have to find someone who will.”

Matthew looked at him over his wine glass. “Shane, baby, carry on. I can get all hot and bothered sitting here watching you. I can have my very own floor show.” He raised his glass to Marco and the older man smiled.

Shane felt put out at his boyfriend’s reaction. He hadn’t expected Matthew to take it so lightly, him possibly banging his crotch and hips against another man’s while they gyrated to the music. It took the fun out of agreeing to go up there with Marco in the first place. He took a deep gulp of his drink, his face moody.

Matthew leaned over and his breath tickled Shane’s ear as he whispered. “Trying to make me jealous?” His tongue slid lightly into Shane’s ear, making him gasp. “Remember you go home with me at the end of the evening. You’re mine, Templar. Every inch of you.”

He moved away with a husky chuckle, leaving Shane in a state of turmoil at those whispered words. His dick was already straining against his black, tailored chinos, simply dying to come out and meet the contender for his affections. Matthew raised his glass at his lover with a lazy grin and Shane scowled.

David and Marco had been watching the exchange with amusement. David chuckled. “Matthew, you have to take Shane on the dance floor at least once tonight. Perhaps the next slow one? I know you like those.” He cocked his head, his eyes alight with mischief as the next song started. “I happen to know this is one of your favourites, Matty. ‘Smooth Operator’ by Sade. You could never resist it. Take your man on the floor, you useless bugger, and show him a good time.”

Shane raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend and Matthew sighed.

“Fine, if it will stop you all nagging, a slow one it is. I
like this song.” He stood up and held out his hand to Shane who took it. They made their way onto the floor, and Matthew pulled Shane into him with a flourish. The other couples on the dance floor were also moving closer as the strains of Sade’s soft, dulcet tones wafted across the room. Matthew held Shane’s hips loosely as Shane slid his hands onto Matthew’s waist. Matthew stared down at him, his eyes soft.

“I haven’t done this in a while. It feels good.” They swayed slowly together to the sounds of the music, hips nearly touching. Shane thought he had never felt anything so right as standing here with this man, the scent of his aftershave and the distinct smell of Matthew in his nostrils, the closeness of his body a complete turn-on. Matthew pulled him closer, his breath deepening as their groins touched, their mutual hardness making them both smile.

“I have a burning desire to take you home right now,” Shane whispered as his lips kissed Matthew’s cheek softly. “In fact, I think I might just kiss you right here, right now…”

His lips sought out his lover’s, finding them with a soft sigh, as lips parted and tongues slid slowly, slick and wet. The music played, but neither man heard anything, so caught up with each other’s mouths and bodies as they danced. Finally, they pulled apart, and Shane nestled his head into Matthew’s shoulder.

“We should definitely do this more often, Matty. I love dancing with you like this.”

“I agree,” Matthew murmured softly as the final strains of the song faded and people began to move off the dance floor. “You feel good in my arms.” He leaned down and whispered into Shane’s ear, his breath warm, tickling Shane’s skin. “
Ich liebe tanzen mit dir.
” He moved away, leaving Shane completely horny and wanting nothing more than to rip Matthew’s clothes off and take him on the dance floor. He took a deep breath and had to grin as his boyfriend tried to hide his hard-on by pulling his shirt out of his trousers, letting it fall over his groin casually. Shane had one, too, but he didn’t really care if anyone saw it. Let them see just how much he wanted this man. Let them be envious of who he’d danced with. They made their way back to the table, to a grinning Marco and David. David waved his hands around in excitement.

“God, you two looked sexy up there together. The cutest couple on the floor, apart from Marco and I of course.”

Matthew glanced softly over at Shane. “Impossible, DD. No one could look as good as us on a dance floor. Look who I was partnered with.” He leaned over and kissed Shane’s chin softly. Shane’s whole being resonated with pride at Matthew’s words.

“You are too smooth, Langer. Honestly.” He ruffled Matthew’s hair. Marco smiled.

“He knows exactly what to say. David, you could take a branch out of his book.”

“Leaf, Marco,” chuckled Shane. “A leaf out of his book.”

Marco shrugged his elegant shoulders. “I will never understand this English language.” He smirked. “I prefer to speak Italian to David in
situations anyway. It drives him crazy.”

Matthew nodded. “I have to say I have the same thing with Shane and speaking German. It really turns him on.” He looked at Shane with mischief in his eyes and waggled his eyebrows. Shane inclined his head.

“You have me there. I can’t deny that one.”

“Unsere Männer sind einfach anzutörnen.”
Marco said wickedly to Matthew, who laughed as he looked at Marco with surprise.
These men of ours are easy to arouse.

“Ich wusste gar nicht, dass du Deutsch sprichst. Ja, es ist ganz einfach, Shane mit Deutsch sprechen anzutörnen.”
I didn’t know you spoke German. Yes, it’s easy to drive Shane wild just by speaking German.

“It’s bloody rude, you two, to speak in a language not everyone understands,” Shane said indignantly. “I heard my name mentioned; what the hell did you say?”

David was leaning in trying to listen to what was going on. Matthew and Marco laughed.

“Just that it’s easy to get you going, Shay, babe, with a well-chosen German phrase. The words ‘pocket rocket’ spring immediately to mind.”

Shane scowled. “You think you’re so funny, Matthew.” But he to admit he was definitely even more aroused than he’d been earlier dancing with his boyfriend. He moved on his seat, trying to get more comfortable. The rest of the evening passed in more conversation and drinks. Shane even managed to get Matthew back onto the dance floor for another slow round. It was just as good as the first time. By the time the soft tones of Lionel Ritchie’s “Hello” had faded, his lips were bruised from Matthew’s kisses and he wanted nothing more than to get home and make love to his man.

It was almost midnight when they finally got home but they decided to have one last drink before going to bed. Shane was sitting with Matthew at the dining room table, enjoying his glass of red wine. Jazz music drifted through the air, the lights were low, the room was warm in the cold, early-December build-up to the crazy Christmas season, and in Shane’s eyes, everything was just perfect. Matthew sat across from him with a very come-hither look in his eyes which had been driving Shane crazy all evening, the dancing making it that much more intense.

“If you look at me like that for much longer, Matty, I am going to sweep everything off this table and fuck you over it.”

Matthew raised a lazy eyebrow, contributing further to Shane’s hardened cock. “Oh really?” His voice was teasing. “I’d like to see you try.” He raised his glass with a grin as he took a sip. Shane eyed him out, wanting to rise to the challenge, which certainly wasn’t a problem giving what had been going on below his waistline all night, but he had a great respect for Matthew’s wiry strength and thought he might well be the one ending up being fucked. It didn’t matter either way, really, but it was an ego thing.

He continued sipping his drink as Matthew watched him lazily. The air was positively reeking with sexual tension. Matthew’s phone rang somewhere in the house, suddenly disturbing the silence.

“Shit, who can that be at this time? It had better not be David getting into more trouble.” Matthew stood up, and Shane noticed with satisfaction that the bulge in his trousers was definitely very well developed. He watched his lover make his way to the small study and disappear. Ten minutes later Matthew still hadn’t come back and Shane frowned. He was feeling rather unloved. He stood up and made his way to the study to see Matthew still talking on the phone and scrabbling through a myriad of papers on his desk.

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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