Read Stripped Bare Online

Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

Stripped Bare (24 page)

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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Shane stared at him in amazement. Matthew’s eyes glinted. The man was a veritable tiger protecting his mate. Shane felt a surge of love so deep it made him feel faint.

David nodded. “You’re right. But I’d never have said anything to Roy anyway, Matty. We don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

He turned to Shane. “Let’s leave it at that.” He smiled and chucked his friend on the chin lightly. “Roy definitely got the worst of it. He had people calling him night and day asking him for various unsavoury acts to be performed. All his friends thought it was hilarious. He took a lot of ribbing from them and from some of his ex-military friends. He definitely wasn’t a happy bunny. I’ve never heard a man curse such a lot.”

“So that’s settled.” Matthew exhaled, looking relieved. He looked at David. “Are we agreed then we’re going to see your father tomorrow—Saturday?”

David nodded and picked up his wine glass, draining the contents.

“I’m going, too.” There was no way Shane was being left out of this. Matthew opened his mouth to speak and Shane forestalled him. “Don’t even try convince me otherwise, Matty. I’m not having you go on your own. David will be off getting his stuff hopefully, and there’s no way I’m letting you be alone with Walter and Roy in that house. Not after what they’ve done.”

Matthew regarded his lover with softened eyes. “Fine.” He giggled.

Shane looked at him in astonishment. He’d never heard Matty giggle before. It made his knees weak and his groin stir even more. This man of his was a definite puzzle.

“We’ll be the Gay Musketeers,” Matthew said slyly. “All for one and one for all.” He seemed to find this quite amusing for some reason as he snorted and laughed again. David shook his head with a knowing smile.

Shane went over to Matthew and patted his shoulder. “You’re losing it, lover,” he said kindly. “It’s the strain. I think you need another glass of wine.”

Matthew stopped chuckling at his own wit and caressed Shane’s cheek. His eyes virtually undressed Shane, who felt his dick tug in his trousers and heat flood his body.

“All I need is you,” Matthew said huskily.

Shane swallowed.

“Oh, Jesus. I’m going to bed if you two are going to fuck each other. Unless you want a threesome?” David said hopefully.

Both Shane and Matthew glared at him.

David shrugged. “Don’t say I didn’t offer.” He grinned and disappeared down to the spare bedroom.

At the sound of a door closing, Matthew turned to Shane. “Do you think he really meant that?” Matthew looked flabbergasted.

Given the fact he’d never thought of David that way, Shane imagined Matthew’s illusions about his friend had just been shattered.

He nodded, amused at the expression on his lover’s face. “He did, yes. It wouldn’t be the first time for him.”

“I can’t believe he actually asked that,” Matthew muttered. “The man has no bloody shame. He’s my friend for God’s sake!” He scowled fiercely. “And as if I’d share you with him anyway. The man’s a loony.”

Shane chortled as he pulled Matthew into him, sliding his tongue in past the willing lips, feeling the heat and wetness of Matthew’s mouth as he moaned and ground his groin against Shane’s.

Shane wanted to get inside this man, possess him in every way possible. His dick was reaching skywards and searching for the light. He pulled Matthew’s shirt out of his jeans, touching the man’s hot skin and frantically lifting the shirt above his head. Matty reached up as his shirt was removed, and Shane lunged forward, his teeth fastening on his lover’s nipple. Matthew winced in pain but pressed himself close into Shane’s mouth.

“We can’t bloody do this here,” he gasped. “We need to go into the bedroom. David might come out and see us.”

“He’d enjoy the show,” murmured Shane as he feasted on his lover’s other nipple, nibbling and teasing it with his tongue. Matthew was straining against him, his body tense and his breathing erratic.

“I’m not giving him a bloody floor show, Shay,” he gasped. “Come on.”

He took Shane’s hand and dragged him through to the bedroom, tossing him onto the bed and closing the door behind him. Matthew unzipped his own trousers, pulling them down with urgency, together with his underwear. He sprung free and Shane licked his lips at the sight. Matthew climbed onto the bed and unzipped Shane’s jeans.

“Lift yourself,” he growled and Shane lifted his arse as Matthew ripped everything below his waist off his body. The younger man chuckled.

“God, you’re bloody eager. Let me get my shirt off, you animal.”

“No. Leave the shirt on. I like it.” Matthew straddled Shane, sitting on his thighs. His erection jutted out toward Shane who just wanted to taste it. Shane grew even harder, like a periscope being launched. He moaned.

“God, Matty, you feel so good. Blow job first, then I want to feel myself inside you.”

Matthew shook his head. “Not yet. Patience, honey.” He reached over to his side of the bed and opened his side table.

Shane’s eyes widened at what he pulled out. It was a pair of handcuffs. His dick gave yet another enormous surge upwards, and it felt as if his skin would burst with the pressure.

“Fuck, Matty, you are a surprise.” He watched as his lover took one hand and cuffed it to the headboard, then took the other and did the same. Shane was now shackled to the metal frame, as Matthew slowly opened his shirt button by button. Both of them were breathing heavily, ready for the next play.

Shane watched his lover’s face as their eyes met. Shane had never experienced anything as erotic as this moment. Of all the things he’d done with men in his lifetime not one of them came close to the satisfaction and desire he felt for this man sitting on his thighs, slowly torturing him with everything he had. Matthew leaned down and licked Shane’s lips slowly, like a cat, and once again Shane knew why he always thought his lover had a feline air. The man was elegant, limber and at the moment, driving him crazy and out of control.

Matthew finished with the shirt and spread the two sides wide, his hands sliding over Shane’s chest, his fingers teasing his nipples. He bent and bit Shane’s stomach, drawing blood and leaving a bite mark. Shane yelped as his body bucked against the pain, and Matthew bent down and bit him again on the shoulder.

Shane hyperventilated, his breath coming so fast and shallow with the sheer sensations the other man was causing that he thought for a moment he was going to pass out.

“I didn’t know you were a biter,” he gasped.

Matthew’s eyes were dark, his pupils blown. His breathing was heavy, his breath warm against Shane’s skin. “Neither did I,” he whispered. “But it feels good. Tell me if it hurts too much.” He shifted back down Shane’s legs, bent his mouth again and nipped Shane on his hip.

“You have to be the sexiest man I’ve ever bitten,” Matthew murmured with a smile. “Actually, you’re the only man I’ve ever bitten.”

“I bring out the beast in you, obviously,” Shane gasped again as Matthew moved toward his groin.

Matthew looked up. “You do, lover.” His mouth enveloped Shane’s dick as his hands cupped and squeezed his balls.

Shane cried out, not caring if David heard. He was beyond caring what anyone thought, simply living in the moment, feeling his lover’s silky mouth sliding up and down him, teasing the tip with his tongue, tickling his slit until he thought he was going to erupt. He wanted to reach out and touch Matthew, feel the velvety smoothness of him in his hands, and the heat of his body, but he could do nothing but watch as his boyfriend’s mouth bobbed up and down on his straining and extremely sensitive member.

“Christ, you’re going to make me come. And I want to be inside you.” Matthew gave one final swirl with his tongue, licking Shane from shaft to tip in one long stroke, then moved up over his body, holding him tightly and positioning himself over him, ready to take him inside. His breathing was harsh, his lips swollen and wet with Shane’s fluids.

“Do you trust me, Shay? Enough to do this bareback when I say I’m clean? I want to feel you tonight.”

Shane’s heart skipped half a dozen beats at the thought of being inside Matthew with no barrier, just heat and silky skin. He nodded. “I trust you. And you know you can trust me, I’m good too. Do it, baby. Just like this.”

Matthew groaned and reached for the lube. He reached down and coated his entrance, slightly inserting his finger as Shane watched. Matthew’s eyes closed in pleasure at feeling his own digits inside himself.

Shane was in a state of total meltdown. Matthew put some lube in his hands and rubbed Shane’s dick with it. He moved across and slid down onto it lightly, wincing as his muscles tightened around Shane.

Shane gasped at the sensation of feeling just Matthew. This was how making love was supposed to feel. Matthew slid up and down on Shane, each time taking him deeper inside.

Shane pulled his hands against the handcuffs binding him, his wrists feeling chafed and sore already with his frantic movements. The sight of this controlled man of his, always in charge, with his swollen lips, a total look of concentration on his face as he rode Shane and stroked his own dick, were causing havoc in his groin and his heart. Matthew’s hands moved fiercely in cadence with his movements on Shane, moaning as he pleasured himself in two ways.

Shane pushed upward as Matthew came down, and soon the two of them developed a rhythm like a well-oiled machine, two people who knew well how to please each other.

Shane felt his climax building and he arched up on the bed. “Hell, Matty, just keep going.” He moaned as Matthew sank deeper. Shane felt the heat in his groin and the prickle in his backside and the enormous pressure that was building in his stomach. He shuddered and ejaculated.

Matthew tightened around him, heightening the sensation.

Shane lay back, gasping on the bed, annihilated and feeling as if he’d been put on fast spin in a washing machine. His body ached, his wrists hurt and he felt as if there was nothing left inside him at all.

Matthew continued his frantic stroking movements of his dick and Shane felt his lover’s body tauten and his buttocks clench against Shane’s hips. Matty shouted out Shane’s name as he came, thick ropes of come shooting onto Shane’s chest as he jerked and spasmed above him and finally slumped in sheer abandon across Shane.

Once again the two men were sandwiched by semen. The sounds of their panting and moans echoed in the room.

“Christ, that was incredible. I—” He hiccupped a breath as Matthew looked up, staring at him with intense eyes.

He moved gently off Shane and lay beside his lover. Then slowly, he began cleaning Shane’s chest with his tongue, licking the semen off with long, slow strokes that made Shane’s dick twitch again and start a slow upward trend. Matthew purred as he performed his act of pure decadence. All Shane could do was watch.

“You are definitely part cat,” Shane whispered when Matthew finished and came up to kiss him in a deep-tongued and tooth-clicking kiss that made his lips tender and sore.

“Could you take these handcuffs off me, please? I think my blood circulation has stopped.” Shane pulled at the cuffs.

Matthew looked as if he was considering it. “I’m not sure I want to. I like you all wanton and slutty like this. I can do what I want with you and you can’t stop me.”

He pressed his body close to Shane’s, his hips pressing into Shane’s own, as his hands reached down between Shane’s legs and cupped his balls, and slid down further to stroke his taint.

Shane’s body left the bed. Matthew grinned and did it again. His pupils were dark, almost black, and he was starting to get turned on again if the hardness of his cock was anything to go by. Shane knew he’d be a gibbering wreck if he kept this up. But it felt so good.

Matthew contemplated Shane’s body with lazy, hooded eyes. “I think I might just keep you like this for the night. That way, whenever I feel like it, I can take you, suck you and make love to you.” He grinned as he murmured sultrily,
“Ich kann dich einfach gefangen halten.”

I can make you my prisoner.

Shane was hyperventilating now both at the German and at the thought of being used like that. It excited him. He was also seeing another part of his lover that was quite frankly a real turn-on and at the same time rather scary. The man was a born dominant, but he supposed being a control freak, that wasn’t all that surprising.

He watched as Matthew considered him for a moment, then relented and reached for the handcuff key. He opened the cuffs.

Shane pulled his wrists free, wincing at the red livid lines on his skin.

Matthew’s expression turned to horror. “Jesus, you’re bleeding. God, I’m sorry.”

Despite Shane’s repeated entreaties that he was fine, Matthew bounded out of bed, all backside and bobbing bits and disappeared into the bathroom. He came out a minute later with a small medical aid kit.

“I need to clean those cuts and put some antiseptic on them.” He opened the small bag as Shane sighed in exasperation

“I’m fine, honestly. It’s just a scratch.”

Matthew shook his head stubbornly. “I need to clean them.” He poured some antiseptic fluid onto small swathes of cotton bandage and proceeded to wipe off the slight blood trails around Shane’s wrists, before applying some ointment to them and rubbing it in gently.

“There, that should do you. You should have said they were hurting, Shay.”

Shane pulled him in for a kiss. “I said it was okay. I enjoyed it, all of it. Even the biting. I hope I don’t need a tetanus shot.”

Matthew went rosy. “I’ve never done that before. You just drive me crazy.” He took a clean swab and dabbed at the bites on Shane’s body, his face tight as he saw the marks he’d left. When he’d finished, he kissed each bite one by one.

Shane kissed him back then pulled him down next to him as Matthew snuggled into his shoulder. The two men relaxed in silence for a while.


“Hmm?” His lover sounded half asleep.

“We did this bareback. That must mean something, right?” Shane desperately wanted to tell Matthew that he loved him, but he didn’t want to scare the man. He thought he’d test the waters first.

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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