Strictly Business [Stud Service 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Strictly Business [Stud Service 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“So that way I can get every disease you have the second time if I didn’t get it the first time?” she snapped back in a cracked voice that revealed her true nervousness at his proposition.

His smile incapacitated her, and his confidence made her want to jump onto his lap. “No-strings-attached sex is the best kind, and about me—I’m clean. I don’t have any diseases or anything. I like long walks on the beach and sleeping in with my lover the next morning. I don’t just get up the next day and leave. I like to cuddle.”

“Very umm…attractive.” She giggled. She couldn’t help it. This conversation was insane, but it was working its purpose to distract her from the moving plane down the runway. “Favorite color? Any pets? Family history? Please go on.”

“I love bright colors, like red, and it reminds me of my home in the Caribbean. I own a chain of hotels, and this is a business trip to check up on the customer service incognito.”

She thought Vance sounded familiar. Vance Hotels were all over the world in popular tourist destinations from France to her hometown in Texas. They rivaled the Hilton with first-class service and outstanding quality. But nothing about him looked like a billionaire, from his worn-out blue jeans to his pocket T-shirt. He was just an average guy—better than average, but still just another guy. Maybe she was wrong. Out of curiosity she asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be part owner of the Vance Hotel chain, would you?”

“Not part—the owner.” His lips kicked up in a half smile.

“Oh, God.” She squealed as she felt the plane begin take off down the runway. The plane taxied at full speed, and the jet engines rumbled.

The terror mounted in her stomach. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists, nails biting into the palms of her hands. She tried to focus on one thing. She focused on the small things she could control in her body—keeping her breaths regular as her heart raced in her chest. But nothing really worked to take her mind off the fact she was about to take off in the airplane and she was wide awake and way too sober. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”

It was then Colt did the most amazing thing. He lifted her hand in his and kissed it. He carefully unraveling each finger from her fist and sucking on the tips until she relaxed. Erotic sensations travelled from the tips of her fingers to her toes. He caressed her hand and stroked her skin, leaving tiny goose bumps where his hands travelled.

“It’s okay, Susannah. Nothing will hurt you as long as I’m here next to you.”

“Keep talking,” she said, feeling her heart began to slow in her chest. Her breathing spaced out a bit and wasn’t quite as shallow as before.

“I promise you’ll be all right,” he said in a very sweet and sincere voice. She didn’t know how she could trust him, a complete stranger, but she did. And then she began to relax. Susannah felt like it really would be all right.

She felt her heartbeat begin to calm and the plane leveled off. His touch, his voice, his everything was intoxicating. She never felt this way before—and this was Colt Vance. If what he said was true, he was one of the few men in the country that had as much money as her family did. This was not just another fortune hunter, and as far as she knew, he didn’t know who she was, so he wasn’t after her money. Even if he did, he had money of his own, so he probably wouldn’t care.

But what she couldn’t get over was how sweet he was. He kissed her to distract her and calm her when the plane took off. Colt Vance was incredibly sexy. And today lady luck had put him in the seat directly next to hers.

Life was good.


* * * *


It was later in the day, and after many hours in the air and nothing but ocean to look at, most of the passengers were sleeping. She slipped to the bathroom at the front of the plane and locked it behind her.

Colt said he’d be a few minutes behind her, making sure no one would realize what they had plans for.

She spent a moment relieving her bladder and removing her panties so she’d be ready for him and some of the time worrying if he was really going to show up. She turned on the faucet and washed and dried her hands, using the remaining time to check her hair and makeup.

A quiet knock startled her, and she opened it quickly to see Colt was there, as promised. He slipped inside into her arms and kissed her. She managed to shut the door and slide the latch of the lock, securing them against any intruders.

His mouth fell on hers, hot and heavy. His body pressed against hers, his heat, his scent, his everything was hers. She had never done anything so dangerous, and combined with a stranger she might never see again. It was intoxicating. His tongue pushed through her lips into her mouth, seeking and destroying all resistance. His touch drugged her body, slowing her movements, and she relaxed against him.

He smelled so good, and the effects of his hands on her body lit her on fire. The flames of desire threatened to burn her from the inside out.

His hands worked the thin, white, cotton blouse over her head, freeing her breasts for his pleasure. He dipped down low and sucked the tip of her nipple into his mouth. She arched, pushing her breast in his face, holding him there. With his free hand, he kneaded her other breast, flipping his thumb casually across the sensitive nipple.

She noted with satisfaction that his breathing was heavy and he was not unaffected by the encounter, but every action was still controlled, and he enjoyed being in a position of power. A man like Colt wouldn’t be happy with anything less.

He pushed her skirt up high and ran his fingers over her hips and through the small amount of hair she had covering her pussy.

“Susannah, you naughty girl.” He chuckled, finding her panties had been removed and how wet she was for him.

“It’s fun being a bad girl.” She licked his neck, nipping at his earlobe as he dipped lower, tracing circles with his tongue around her belly button and straight to her most sensitive nub.

He went to town down there, sending her into a spasming pool of jelly. If it weren’t for him holding her up she would have fell to the ground of the lavatory.

“Oh, my God, Colt. This is too good. Don’t stop.” She pulled him close, using his shoulders to hang on. She couldn’t stop touching him. Her fingers combed through his hair, grabbing him closer, and pushing him away until her lust escalated into a powerful wave of emotion and power. She rode his tongue and screamed into her fist, trying to stop the cry short of anyone outside the lavatory hearing.

Panting, she leaned against his body. “I wanted to be fucked, but not by your tongue.”

He stood up and grinned at her. “I was just getting you warmed up, baby.”

It was good, but she wanted more.

“Fuck me or it won’t count for the mile-high club.” Happy to assist, he pulled out a condom.

“You won’t need that.” So much for her plan to get pregnant with a random stranger. “You’re clean, I’m clean, and there’s no worry about pregnancy with me.”

“Just the same, I always like to be on the safe side. You don’t want me to be your baby’s daddy, do you?” He quirked an eyebrow high.


She wanted to tell him the truth, but she was afraid he would stop if she did. He unbuttoned his pants and slid his boxers and pants down to his knees. His dick seemed to jut angrily from his pants, red and swollen. It was thick and long. A wet liquid dripped between her legs, lubricating her entrance. She watched him as the condom was opened and rolled over his pink tip and down the length of him, wondering how many other women he had practiced on before her. It didn’t seem as unplanned when he had been prepared with a condom.

“Just do it.” She sat back on the sink and raised her legs high, knocking her knees against the wall in the small cabin. He found her wet hole and pushed the tip inside and then more of him until he was balls-deep in her pussy. She clung to his body as he pressed into her silken heat over and over again. He was silk over steel and demanding her surrender.

Willingly, she bent to his will, answering each thrust with one of her own. There was no time for sweet nothings or words of love or commitment. She had never had anything so primal. He fucked her, hard, and demanded her total and absolute surrender. Between their bodies, his fingers stroked her clit as he slid in and out of her body with his dick, over and over again. She arched back, pressing against his hands, aiding his entry into her, allowing him deeper access to her bounty.

She came. Not like any old orgasm. She exploded. This was nothing like anything she had experienced before. The college boys she had practiced with were inexperienced and clumsy, but this man knew how to elicit a jaw-dropping orgasm from her. A rippling wave of physical sensation rocked her. She bit her lip, drawing blood to prevent from screaming out in her ecstasy.

She felt him give one last deep thrust inside of her, and the tip of his cock jumped. His balls and his buttocks tightened as he thrust inside of her, juggled a little, and released himself.

She wanted to ask him if it was always that good. Did he just feel the ground move beneath his feet? Yet despite her rousing curiosity, something stopped her from asking and finding out the answer. She didn’t want to hear about the other women right now as she pressed against him, enfolded in his arms. She listened until his breathing slowed to a near normal pace and felt him go limp inside of her and then pull out. He removed the condom and wrapped it in toilet paper before throwing it in the trash.

It was mind-blowing sex like she just had to make her understand why people had fuck buddies. This experience was addictive. Already she was wondering how she could repeat the process. It might be possible to get under his skin but could she make someone as controlled as Colt Vance forget the precaution of a condom so she could get pregnant? Or maybe he would agree to be the father to her baby. It wasn’t like she needed him to act like a daddy. She just needed a sperm donor. She could have the lawyers draw something up after it was all over. He would never have to pay a dime in child support, and that responsibility was usually what held most men back.

It wasn’t like she was trying to trap him. He would never have to see her again if he didn’t want to. Ever. This could be a one-time thing, and he would never even know he had a child.

“So, I’m guessing you don’t usually lack for a partner, despite being too busy for a girlfriend?” She felt sated, but probably a bit too curious about how many other women he made feel the same way.

“Not usually.” His smile went clear to the depths of his dark-brown eyes. She tried to act casual about picking up her shirt off the floor and dressing. After all, he had just fucked her senseless. It was okay if he saw her naked. He took it from her hands and helped ease it over her shoulders and down her body. After straightening his own clothes, he helped her with the rest of hers. “But if the right girl came along, I’d make time to see her.”

She had the feeling he was talking more than hypothetically.

A hundred butterflies flew up around her stomach. Was he insinuating she might be the right woman? Somehow she thought she might be overly hopeful, trying to believe that was what he just said.

He could be just making casual conversation. The type anyone would make to avoid making things awkward after having sex in the bathroom of an airplane.

She barely suppressed a giggle.

“What are you thinking right now?” he asked curiously.

“I was just thinking this is crazy. I never do anything like this, but I want to remember it. Do we get an award or something now that we are members of the mile-high club?”

“I think you should get an honorary set of wings. I’ll get you a pin as soon as we land.” He kissed her on the lips. Not as passionate or nearly as demanding as before, but soft and giving.

“Thank you, Colt. I think this has really helped me to forget some of my insecurities with flying. Just the distraction I needed.” She felt warm and secure in his arms.

“Ready?” He looked for her approval before unlocking the door and peering out to look both ways. Seeing no one there, he pulled her out of the lavatory and into the aisle.

“Next time, we won’t have to rush on my private jet.” His deep voice reassured her.

Next time?

She would take a boat. There was no way she would be taking a plane again anytime soon, even if Colt Vance did make the experience more fun.

She didn’t want to think about flying again. Not so soon, but she couldn’t suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her lips or the positively giddy feeling rising up from her stomach.

Colt Vance wanted to have a next time.

With her.

Mousy-haired Susannah Gibson.

Chapter Seven


Susannah slung her backpack over her right shoulder, repositioning its weight repeatedly. She watched all the passengers from her plane crowd around the luggage claim area and one by one they walked away with their bags.

Which only made Susannah more nervous—her bags were nowhere in sight, and the mechanical luggage rack had already stopped spitting out new bags. It was now just endlessly cycling in circles. Finally, the luggage belt came to rest at a complete stop. Three bags remained on the belt—none of them were Susannah’s. An airport employee dressed in blue walked up with a long-handled pull cart and loaded those on the metal platform.

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