Strength (Mark of Nexus #1) (42 page)

BOOK: Strength (Mark of Nexus #1)
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“Discuss what?” Cole was interested now, tilting his head back as he drove. “What happened?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” Wallace admitted. “Rena has always had this…
on me.”

“Yeah, it’s called an erection, jackass. What does she mean by the freaky glow thing?”

“Nicholas!” Clara’s sharp reprimand had him sitting up straighter, paying attention to the road. “I don’t care how tired we all are. You do not speak that way in the presence of women.”


“What I meant was…” Wallace’s tone held the slightest edge as he continued, “Since the day we met, she’s been augmenting my power.”

“What?” I leaned back. “You never said anything.”

“It was something I figured out last night.” He lifted his shoulder in a shrug behind me. “I mean, look at what a hard time I’ve had controlling myself around you…and how quickly I became attuned to your feelings. Something about you strengthens my abilities.”

“Oh, great,” I muttered. “Strength. Just what you need.”

“Just what any of us need,” Cole chimed in, casting another glance over his shoulder. “I figured I was imagining it, but things slow down around you. I’m faster. I can feel it.”

I ran a hand through my hair and grabbed a fistful at the end. “So, what does this mean? I have a weird effect on everyone in your bloodline?”

“It’s possible,” Clara began in a soft voice, her brows drawing together. “I noticed a subtle shift in atmosphere when you showed up on my porch the other night, but you were already so overwhelmed…”

Cole grunted. “Okay, this is all very fascinating, but what does Rena being a supercharger have to do with the freaky glow thing? I still want to hear about that.”

“Nothing, apparently,” Wallace mumbled. “I thought it was the reason she was able to project my power.”

Clara froze. “Rena tapped into your abilities?”

Wallace nodded. “When I was lying there, trying to stay awake, I felt this pull. It was cold, like a wave crashing from me to her. Everything was bright.”

He paused, and then shook his head. “I’ve never even attempted what she did. She just, sort of, threw whatever she’d gathered at Faye. It forced some kind of connection.”

“That’s when I started to sense her feelings,” I finished for him, trying to make sense of it all. “That’s why her own smoke attacked her. You were evoking her dark emotions.”

“You were,” he corrected, rubbing his jaw. “Through me…somehow.”

I stared into the darkness surrounding our feet and swallowed. “Maybe the Nexus…?”

“The same thought crossed my mind,” Clara said, turning back to face the front. “And it would explain why my sister seemed so obsessed with studying your bond.”

Cole nodded, but oddly enough, didn’t have anything to add.

“So, where are we going?” I changed the subject, too uncomfortable to dwell on what’d transpired with everyone in the car. Wallace had been right—too right—when he’d said the bond would change me.
was I now?

“We figured it was too late to drive back, so we’re going to spend the night in a hotel,” Wallace explained. “We’ll ride back and get the cars in the morning.”

I felt my brows pull tight. “But what if they’re there, waiting to jump us or something?”

Cole gave a snort of laughter from the front seat. “I doubt it.”

“Why?” I asked him, feeling like I’d missed something.

“Well, apparently Faye devised that whole mess at the end, after she saw your mark. She said she wanted to test the ‘bond forged of legend’ or some dumb shit like that. Of course, the two little minions started gloating about their success and Wallace got pissed, so he threw their car.”

“Language,” Clara muttered, rubbing her forehead.

I blinked. “He what?”

“He freakin’ marched over to their car, reached under the bumper, and flipped the damn thing over.” Cole barely edged the words out through his laughter, whipping into the hotel parking lot. “It was hilarious. You would’ve died.”

“Where was I?” I asked.

“He’d already laid you in the backseat.”

I turned to Wallace, raising one eyebrow. “You threw their cars?”

Even in the darkness, I saw a blush stain his cheeks as he looked away. “Just one of them. I was…frustrated.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The notion was ridiculous, and he looked adorable trying to play it off. “Geez. Now I feel lucky you only dented mine.”

He winced and stole a glance at me out of the corner of his eye. “Sorry.”

Cole swung into a parking space, still trying to get a grip on his laughter. “I told you she’d see it!”

We were all tired and in various stages of slap-happiness; it seemed understandable.

As we got out and made our way inside, I noticed something. Actually, it was the absence of something—anxiety. It felt so natural to be in their company, despite the fact that they were supernatural beings, and I was...well, me.

Cole covered the arrangements, and I didn’t argue—neither did the lone ten dollar bill in my pocket. I didn’t want to sleep in the SUV.

Soon, we were checked in and sweeping down a long hallway that smelled like chlorine. “I don’t suspect it will be all that bad, you know,” Clara whispered, sidling up beside me. “Faye said she wants to note the changes your body undergoes as a result of the Nexus. That’s the only study you’ve agreed to. Remember that.”

I tried, in vain, to straighten my damp, blood-soaked jacket. “Oh, um, thanks.”

“And I’ll be there with you,” a low voice muttered overhead. I could practically feel Wallace’s presence behind me as we came to a stop beside two rooms. A chill shot up my spine and I shuddered, praying Clara hadn’t noticed.

“Grandma, which room do you and Rena want?” Cole asked.

Clara snatched the keycard from his hand and gave it to Wallace. “Don’t be silly. We can’t separate them, after everything they’ve been through.”

Oh God.
The woman was getting that look in her eye again. Mrs. Claus meets Yente the Matchmaker.

“Besides, we wouldn’t want anyone”—she shot Wallace a pointed stare—“worrying and coming through the door in the middle of the night.”

Wallace turned eighteen shades of red and crammed the card into the slot. “That’s fine.” When the light turned green, he twisted the handle and bumped the door open with his hip. “Cole, I’ll settle up with you tomorrow."

His humiliation poured out in waves, but I did my best to keep a static expression.

“That’s cool.” Cole heaved a sigh and opened the door to the room he would share with his grandmother. Sure, there were twin beds, but that was still going to be hella awkward. I almost felt bad for him.

“Hey, um…” I paused in the hallway, as they made their way inside. “Thanks, you guys. I, uh…” What was I doing? Making a speech? “Never mind. Just thanks.” I smiled, and Clara winked at me.

“We’ll see you in the morning, dear.”
That was code, wasn’t it?

Cole reached out and mussed my already-messy hair. “Night, sis.”

I shook my head and followed Wallace into our room. “Night.”

Chapter Fifty-One


I practically floated across the room, lost in a hazy cloud of rose-scented steam. My hair was clean, my legs were soft and, for a moment, I forgot I was clad in nothing but a big, fluffy towel.

Our clothes were hung over the curtain bar, dangling overtop the heater. It was on full blast, but it didn’t seem to be doing much in the way of drying. We’d just have to hope they’d be done by morning. Until then, we had no choice but to make do with what we had.

I adjusted my towel and padded across the carpet.

Wallace was lying on his back with his eyes closed and his arms tucked behind his head. The worry lines had faded from his brow, softening his features. In the dim light, he could almost pass for vulnerable.

Crisp, white sheets were bunched at his waist, making me wonder if he’d even bothered with the towel. I’d never been artistically inclined, but the sight of him lying there shirtless was enough to give a girl inspiration. In more ways than one.

I shifted from one foot to the other, nervously hovering between our beds. It was the first time we’d really been alone together since the dust had settled. After everything that’d happened, I didn’t know how to act.

“Hey,” I whispered, bending down. “Are you asleep?”

He didn’t stir. “Yes.”

“Oh.” I started to pull away and froze when I realized what he was saying. “Shut up.”

A beautiful grin curved his lips and he reached out, blindly pulling me onto the bed. My body didn’t have a chance to react to his
urging. I sprawled out across his chest, barely keeping my towel together. “Wallace!”

He laughed, and I relaxed against him. It seemed like it’d been forever since I’d heard such a comforting sound.

“What?” He opened his eyes.

“Don’t scare me like that,” I mumbled, moving to his side. We both leaned in, posed like gossiping teenagers at a slumber party. “I thought you were asleep.”

“Yes, because I always sleep so well when you’re anxious.” He raised an accusing eyebrow and rested his hand on my hip. “Are you still worried about them coming after us or something? I can—”

I shook my head. “No, I was just thinking.”

“About what?” He shifted to lean on one arm, looking into my eyes. “Did something happen?” The intensity crept back into his gaze as he studied me. “When I was captured—”

“Nothing happened,” I assured him, smoothing a hand up his chest. “I was just…” I wanted to laugh at myself for how stupid I felt. “I was just embarrassed that I gave in like that, at the end.”

As expected, his brows furrowed at my words.

“What could you do at that point? If you hadn’t made that deal, I wouldn’t be here.
probably wouldn’t be here. How could you feel bad about that?”

My towel rode up, and I felt a bruise kneading into the small of my back as he tried to comfort me. Progress, at least.

“I know you’re right, but…” I trailed off as my stomach twisted into knots. Could I really say it out loud this time? “I feel like we’re in some kind of race against the clock now, trying to stop this thing with Faye before it starts, and I’m just slowing you guys down. There’s no way I’ll ever be able to keep up with you. Any of you. That power tonight was borrowed.” I took a deep breath, feeling better and worse at the same time. “I guess it’s just hard for me to find my place in all of this.”

“Rena…” His concern blanketed me in sympathetic warmth, and I looked away. How could I stare down such a helpless reflection in his eyes? We were both in a fragile state of exhaustion, and I’d let it get to me. Of course he pitied me for my limitations. I didn’t need to bring it up again.

“Hey,” he whispered, softening his voice as he bent to meet my gaze. “Your place is with me. That’s all that matters.”

“So, I’m just supposed to let you protect me forever?” I asked, letting the injustice well up inside me. It wasn’t fair that I had to depend on him for everything, because of what I’d been born into. Or, in this case, what I hadn’t been born into.

With a look of sheer incredulity, he laid his arm down and sank onto his pillow. “Are you serious? I’ll be lucky to keep up with you trying to protect me.”


“Who took out Gail and Maverick tonight?” he asked, as if patiently awaiting my understanding.

I let out a slow breath. “I get what you’re trying to say, but that wasn’t anything compared to what you guys can do, and you know it.”

I couldn’t believe he was forcing me to admit it aloud. It felt like I was rubbing salt into my own wounds.

“Oh, so it wasn’t impressive because you used your fists and knees, instead of some big display of power?” His lips formed a thin line. “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to listen to you pity yourself for being human.”

I recoiled. Did he have to say it like that? It was mortifying.

“You’re the strongest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Rena.” He spoke each word with reverence and careful articulation. “You don’t need to feel inferior to anyone. Ever. Okay? I don’t care if you borrow my power or use your own. Just watch my back, and I’ll watch yours. That’s all we need to get through this.”

Tears burned my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. God, what had I done to deserve his understanding? He was right. I was being ridiculous and insecure. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s the truth.” He visibly relaxed, the corner of his mouth twitching upward. “Though, you’re welcome to thank me in any way you see fit.”

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “Thank you.”

He looked thoughtful at that, tensing in concentration.


“I’m trying to think of something else I can say, for you to thank me.”

I smacked his arm. He was worse than Cole. “Try focusing on something important, like what we should do.”

“About what?”

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