Stormy Passion (20 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

Tags: #romance, #love loss, #love romance, #contemporary adult, #box set, #sweet love story, #sexy beach reads, #sexy banker, #sexy billionaire, #beach read romance

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Like shopping.

He rarely took a day off and habitually
worked into the wee hours of morning. Today he'd planned to simply
say hello to Dani, then dismiss her as he usually did the other
women in his life. But when he found he couldn't, it scared the
shit out of him.

So that's what you're
doing in New York?”

Dani nodded. “I presented a proposal to your
friend. I was hoping to meet with the President, but he wasn't
available. I've heard tell he's a cold fish over a business deal,
so it's probably just as well that I got the Vice President.”

Who said such a thing?”
Adrian demanded, then decided he’d better tone his voice down. “I
like the guy, myself.”

You know him?” Dani turned
to Adrian. “How did you meet?”

We’re at Macys,” Adrian
said, rushing her across Broadway avoiding the dangerous topic she
wanted to discuss. “No more business talk, I've some serious
Christmas shopping to do.”

This place looks like
Santa's workshop,” Dani said upon entering the door. The big window
displays were full of sugarplums and fairies, and would be any
child’s dream come true.

They went through the glass revolving doors
and were greeted by security who gave them a curt nod before they
entered the store. Inside there were festive holiday swags

Try Mr. Macy's workshop,”
Adrian whispered. “First on the list is Mom. I've been thinking of
getting her a piece of jewelry. I could use a woman's opinion.” He
guided Dani over to one of many glass counters.

What does your mother want
for Christmas?”

Adrian chuckled. “She said something about a
grandchild, but she'll have to settle on jewelry for now.”

Dani flinched, but Adrian didn’t notice. The
woman could receive her wish, a little late, maybe, but Dani didn’t
want Adrian feeling sorry for her. That wouldn't be any way to
start a marriage. Besides, who was to say he’d marry her, anyway?
He’d already made his opinion of marriage perfectly clear.

No. The baby was her responsibility, Dani
reminded herself. At least, the child would be good looking if he
looked anything like his dad. Dani couldn't help wondering what
kind of a Father Adrian would be.

Dani. Are you all

Huh. Oh--yes, just
daydreaming.” Dani tried to give him a reassuring smile. “What are
you going to get her?”

Don't have a clue. She's
not into rings, and it can't be anything fancy.”

A clerk approached them. “May I help

Adrian explained what he was looking for.

May I suggest a pin or a
necklace. Maybe a locket? Over this way,” the woman said, waving
her hand.

But Dani turned another way looking at all
the lovely pens. “Look at this,” Dani called Adrian over to her
side of the counter. She pointed to a beautiful hummingbird pin
done with red and green stones. “Would she like something like

Perfect. Have you met my
mother?” Adrian asked softly. “Mom loves birds. She has feeders
everywhere, especially outside her kitchen window.” He squeezed
Dani around the waist. “I knew it was a good idea to bring you.
I'll take it.”

Shouldn't you ask how
much?” Dani whispered, hoping those were not real emeralds and
rubies. She watched him pull out his wallet.

Not when it’s Mom.” He
handed the clerk his Visa card.

At least he had some income, Dani thought a
moment before she realized the Visa was platinum. Something about
Adrian didn't add up, but she was determined not to spoil the day
by asking him a lot of questions. He'd probably refuse to answer
any of them, anyway. Besides, it really wasn't any of her business.
Since she wasn't marrying the guy.

They bought gifts for brothers and sisters
and by the time they walked out, Dani found herself truly in the
Christmas spirit, something she hadn’t had before. Her problems
seemed a million miles away, and that was a good feeling for

Look it's snowing,” Dani
said with delight as she peeked around a stack of boxes looking for
the limo. “I don’t see much of this back home.”

Adrian opened the limo door, and after
placing his packages on the seat he took hers and ushered her in.
“I know a perfect way to enjoy the snow. Henry, take us to
Rockefeller Center.”

Dani couldn’t help noticing that he snapped
instructions to the driver very freely. After all, Adrian was just
riding along. Henry was
driver for the day. Maybe she
should point that fact out to him, she thought, smiling.

Snow had begun to cling to the lamp poles as
they made their way to Rockefeller Center. She was surprised that
it wasn't just a rink as she’d assumed. Businesses lined a small
mall, The Associated Press, McGraw Hill, Simon & Schuster and
each one had been decorated for the season. The massive Christmas
tree at the end of the rink looked beautiful, bringing the spirit
of the season into focus.

They found a bench next to the rink, and
Adrian suggested that he get them some skates. “I don't think I
should do this,” Dani said. “I don't know how to ice skate. It
doesn’t get cold enough to skate in Texas.”

Where is my spunky girl
who dares to take a chance?”

I'm not
And before I didn't have a crowd watching me make a fool out of

You'll be fine. Trust

I've heard that line
before. And look at the trouble it got me into the last time I
listened to you.”

It's Christmas, Dani. Be
nice,” Adrian teased. “What size shoe do you where.”

Six and a

Be right back.”

Dani watched the charming scoundrel walk away
from her. It would be so easy to give in and forgive him for not
calling her . . . to make excuses for him just like she had with
Steven. But she'd been that route before, and she was finished with
being a Wendy. She was never going to make excuses for a man

Adrian returned with two pairs of ice skates
and sat down beside her on the bench. After he had his skates
laced, he brushed her hands out of the way and tied hers for

I'm not helpless, you
know.” Dani realized she never had anyone treat her like Adrian
did, and it puzzled her.

I know you’re not
helpless, but these skates have to be good and tight so that you
don't twist your ankle.” He finished lacing them and stood, holding
out his hand. “O.K. Let's go.”

You've forgetting on
thing.” Dani reminded him again. “I don't know how to skate.” She
stood and her ankles immediately gave way. “See.”

He pulled her onto the ice. “You'll be

Before she could say another word of protest,
he grasped her around the waist and began gliding her around the
rink, backwards. She felt like she was waltzing. It was wonderful,
glorious. She started to look down, but Adrian stopped her.

Don't. Just gaze into my
eyes and relax. I won't let you fall.”

Dani obeyed and before long she'd completely
forgotten about her feet. She forgot about the huge snowflakes that
caught in her hair and the frigid temperature that had kissed her
cheeks. And she forgot they were in the middle of New York

With Adrian’s arms around her, she felt so
safe and secure, and it was easy to put the world away from her.
His warm brown eyes held her. As he smiled, those sexy dimples in
his cheeks captivated her. Dani could almost feel Adrian’s lips on
hers as she well remembered the way he made her feel.

See how well you're doing.
I'm a good teacher.”

And modest, too,” Dani
replied wryly. “I like that.”

Are you looking forward to

Sort of,” Dani hedged,
dreading the fact that she was going to have to tell her parents
about the baby. She could picture the disappointment in their eyes
now. Unsure of exactly how she would handle the subject, Dani
decided she'd think about that when the time came.

H--Hello--you in

I think so.” Dani blinked.
“Sorry, I guess I have a lot on my mind today. With the
presentation and all. A lot could be riding on it.”

Adrian didn’t like the sad look that crossed
her face, and he wondered what she wasn't telling him. She looked
troubled. Could the amphitheater job be that important to her? Now
he wondered if she was really doing all right.

Are you in New York for
the ad agency?”

I'm in New York for
advertising agency.” She smiled.

Of course he knew all the answers, but he had
to play dumb. “I'm proud of you. You finally took a chance and
branched out on your own.”

I've taken a lot of chances since I've met
That is what she wanted to say, but instead she said, “In
the last few months, I've discovered quite a bit about myself.”

Her foot slipped and Adrian tightened his
hold. “I'm a little tired,” Dani admitted reluctantly. “Let's go
sit down.”

As he glided her over to where they had left
their things, Adrian asked, “What have you found out?”

One thing, I've learned to
walk on my own two feet.” She glanced down and laughed at the
skates. “Well, almost. Skates excluded.”

I never had any doubts,”
Adrian admitted.

Is that why you never
bothered to call?”

He didn't say anything for a few minutes. His
eyes were dark, impassive. “To be truthful, I'm not sure why I
didn't call you.” He picked up her hand. “It's not that . . . I
didn't want to. It's just that you scare the hell out of me.”

I don't believe

I don't expect you too.
But you're different, Dani. I haven't been able to dismiss you like
I have the other women. Yet, I don't want to rush into anything
either. I’ve made too many mistakes.”

I wouldn't exactly call
three months rushing.”

Adrian laughed. “I guess you're right.”

Chapter Twelve



Dani stood in front of the bathroom counter
brushing her hair until it shown like golden honey. With a sweeping
flick of her wrist she pulled her hair up and tucked it into a
French twist, leaving small whips of hair escaping around her face.
Her face glowed. In spite of her best reservations, she found
herself looking forward to tonight. Wanting to look her best, she
chose a short black crepe dress that was simple yet elegant.

Satisfied with her appearance, she rode the
glass elevator down to the lobby to meet Adrian. When she stepped
off the elevator she realized she was a little early, and she
wasn't sure Adrian would even be here. Not wanting to appear too
eager, she turned and walked to her right, giving the Atrium a
quick once over.

Oh, he was there all right. And what she saw
took her breath away. Dressed in a black tux and looking extremely
debonair, he stood talking to a beautiful blonde who seemed to be
flirting with him. His head was tilted toward the woman as she
spoke, and Dani felt a twinge of jealousy.

Dani must say she couldn't blame the woman.
Who wouldn't flirt with him? But Dani didn't like it either. She
realized she'd never felt jealous over Steven. Oh, she'd been
disappointed, even disgusted when Steven had flirted with other
women, but she'd never felt this painful stab in the pit of her
stomach. It definitely wasn't an emotion she liked.

She now knew something she'd expected over
the last two months. She'd never really loved Steven at all. He had
been an obsession with her and nothing more. She never wanted to be
in that kind of a relationship again.

She glanced at Adrian. He was different. And
so were her feelings.

She realized that she loved him, and with
that knowledge, came the fact that he
hurt her. What a
scary thought. She didn't want or need any complications like that
at the moment. She really didn't know what she wanted, or what she
expected, but now that she was face to face with her feelings, she
had to make a decision. Her steady-as-you-go road now had several
speed bumps and slowly she would learn to deal with each one on her
own terms.

Walking up behind Adrian she asked, “Have you
been waiting long?” She nodded to the woman.

He swung toward her. “You're right on time,”
he said, his eyes wide. “And absolutely beautiful.”

Thank you.” Dani felt her
cheeks heat with pleasure.

Dani, I'd like you to meet

Paula smiled, but not a smile that she meant.
It never reached her eyes. “My replacement, Adrian?” Paula
addressed Adrian as if Dani weren't even there. “I must run along.
It was good seeing you,” Paula reached up and kissed him on the
cheek. “Merry Christmas, darling.” Then as if an afterthought hit
her, she looked at Dani. “I hope you can keep him, dear, since the
rest of us haven't managed to.”

I don't want him,” Dani

That's my girl.” Adrian
slipped his arm around her waist.

Well, Adrian. Maybe there
woman you've not completely charmed off her feet.
Remember, you know my phone number.” And with a flounce of silk,
Paula was on her way.

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