Storm of Shadows

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Authors: Christina Dodd

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BOOK: Storm of Shadows
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Christina Dodd
Into the Flame
“This fourth book in the interesting and unique Darkness Chosen series is as alluring and intriguing as the others.”—Fresh Fiction “The climax of the Darkness Chosen series arrives with all of Dodd’s customary sizzling sensuality and dark emotions. A book by Dodd is always worth reading, but here’s hoping she ventures into the paranormal again.”—
Romantic Times
“[A]n explosive page-turner. This book truly does justice to the series for all of us who have been fans from the very first page of
Scent of Darkness
. . . . I would recommend this book to all readers of paranormal romances.”—Eye on Romance
“Once again Christina Dodd weaves her spell . . . real and sexy . . . full of suspense and adventure. . . . It’s very rare I find a series that makes me want to keep it around on my shelves.”—Fallen Angel Reviews
“Loyalty, love, and strength resonate on every page. Truly, this is the best of the series.”—Huntress Book Reviews
“[E]njoyable and easy to get caught up in.”—Road to Romance
“[A]ddictive. . . . We’re excited to finally have Firebird’s story.”

“[A] stunning tale of love, of sin and redemption, of exciting adventure.” —Romance Reviews Today
Into the Shadow
“[T]he action [is] brisk and immediate. Adrik’s story is as intense as that of his brothers, and Karen is a tough, worthy sparring partner. . . . The cliff-hanger ending is sure to whet appetites.”—
Publishers Weekly
“Ms. Dodd has once again created an amazing novel.”
—Eye on Romance
“Dodd builds believable characters which draw you in quickly.”
—Road to Romance
“Creating a character that is dangerous, violent, almost out of control and yet still redeemable is quite a trick—but Dodd pulls it off superbly. This is another stellar book from a most talented author!”

Romantic Times
“[F]antastic. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat . . . wonderfully conceived and executed. . . . Dodd conveys a tremendous sense of place . . . all in all a gorgeous book.”—Errant Dreams Reviews
“Sexy and tormented, the men of the Darkness Chosen are darkly appealing.”—
“[A] fantastic read with a mysterious, darkly seductive hero, an independent and admirable heroine, and a sexy, fast-paced plot.”
—Romance Roundtable
“[A] powerful book, sensual, even erotic, but also otherworldly and mystical. . . . I enthusiastically award a Perfect 10 to Christina Dodd’s
Into the Shadow
.”—Romance Reviews Today
“The action is nonstop, the sex is primal, the race for survival compelling in its intensity . . . an emotionally powerful story.”
—Romance Novel TV
Thigh High
“Making this damaged and obsessive hero likable despite his arrogance demonstrates Dodd’s wonderful gift for characterization. The offbeat characters and undeniable charm of New Orleans make this romp a joy to experience!”—
Romantic Times
(top pick, 4½ stars)
“[C]harming and likable characters . . . make this an enjoyable read. . . . You get a real taste and feel for this wonderful city.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Christina Dodd is a master. She can quickly sketch a minor character to make him or her unforgettable. . . . She pours both humor and passion into the relationship between Nessa and Mac. . . .
Thigh High
is a winner I highly recommend.”—Romance Reviews Today
“Dodd has penned another terrific story with a hero and heroine you’ll fall in love with and littered with wonderful secondary characters and enough fast-moving twists and turns and sizzling-hot sensuality to keep you turning pages until the final word.”
—Romance Novel TV
Touch of Darkness
“A sweeping saga of good and evil, the series chronicles the adventures of four siblings who try to redeem their family from a pact an ancestor made with the devil a thousand years earlier. This latest promises to be one of her best to date.”—
Library Journal
“Enthralling, intense.”—
The State
(Columbia, SC)
“Filled with action and adventure . . . a must read.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Christina Dodd demonstrates why she is such a popular writer, in any genre. The characters are boldly drawn, with action on all sides. Readers will be riveted until the final page.”—A Romance Review
Scent of Darkness
“The first in a devilishly clever, scintillatingly sexy new paranormal series by Christina Dodd.”—
Chicago Tribune
“[A] satisfying series kickoff . . . [a] fast-paced, well-written paranormal with a full, engaging mythology and a handful of memorable characters. ”—
Publishers Weekly
“Dodd kicks off her new Darkness Chosen series with a bang. A multilayered heroine and a sizzling-hot hero give readers plenty of emotional—and physical—action, and the relentless game of hunter and prey adds an adrenaline ride for good measure.”—
“Multigenre genius Dodd dives headfirst into the paranormal realm with . . . a scintillating and superb novel!”

Romantic Times
(top pick, 4½ stars)
. . . and Her Other Novels
“Dodd delivers a high-octane, blowout finale. . . . This romantic suspense novel is a delicious concoction that readers will be hard-pressed not to consume in one gulp.”—
Publishers Weekly
“Warm characterizations and caperlike plot make Dodd’s hot contemporary romance a delight, and the cliff-hanger ending will leave readers eager for the sequel.”—
“Dodd adds humor, sizzling sensuality, and a cast of truly delightful secondary characters to produce a story that will not disappoint.”

Library Journal
“Sexy and witty, daring and delightful.”
—Teresa Medeiros,
New York Times
bestselling author of
After Midnight
Other Books by Christina Dodd
Christina Dodd’s The Chosen Ones series
Storm of Visions
Storm of Shadows
Christina Dodd’s Darkness Chosen series
Scent of Darkness
Touch of Darkness
Into the Shadow
Into the Flame
Christina Dodd’s Romantic Suspense
Trouble in High Heels
Tongue in Chic
Thigh High
Danger in a Red Dress
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First published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library,
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First Printing, September 2009
Copyright © Christina Dodd, 2009
eISBN : 978-1-101-13611-9
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