Stoned (The Stone Series) (44 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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Next we move on to the stimulation creams and lotions and we decide on a few different varieties. Damian explains that they will make me feel stimulated wherever they are rubbed. He wants to surprise me with a few other toys so he takes the lap top and adds some things that he won’t show me before sending the order to Megan. I suspect there are nipple clamps and other anal toys in that order.


By the time Damian completes our order I am spent and in need of a good night’s sleep. I start yawning and curl under the covers. Damian closes the lap top and curls around me. I feel him press his erection into me and I turn to kiss him.


“You look exhausted, it’s okay, let’s go to sleep. This can wait till the morning” he says as he smiles at me and shifts his erection in his boxers. Damian curls around me and inhales my hair before he whispers, “I love you.”




I am woken in the middle of the night with a raging hard on to Sydney screaming in her sleep. She
’s yelling, “Stop, please, no more, it hurts.” She’s crying and begging someone to help her, to believe her. I know I need to wake her slowly and gently or she’ll become more terrified. I wrap her in my arms tightly around her so she can’t hurt herself and I whisper into her ear, “Baby, wake up, it’s me. Honey, come on. You’re okay.” Sydney’s body is rigid and tense against mine, the opposite of the way I love to see her in subspace, and I can feel her sweating against my skin. When she finally wakes up she clings to me, grasping my chest in her hands. “You had a nightmare, baby. You’re covered in sweat.” I press a kiss to her lips.


“I want to feel your skin against mine. Hold me against you” she begs.


We lay pressed against each other skin to skin until Sydney plunges her hands into my hair and pulls me to her mouth. She kisses me hard and long, her tongue in a frantic search to find mine. “Are you sure you want to do this after your nightmare?” I ask before I begin to make love to her.


“I need you. I need to have you inside me. I hate these nightmares because they remind me what he felt like. I don’t want to remember what he felt like. I only want to know what it feels like to have you inside me.”


I am inside her before she’s done explaining, she’s tight and I struggle for access. We start to make love slowly at first without more than a soft moan escaping each of us but then we both grow frantic and our moans grow into cries as I pick up the pace and the depth of my thrusts causing Sydney to have her first orgasm. She claws my back and bites at my shoulder sending a building sensation to my balls. I suck her neck and nip her ear, lick the pulse beating on her neck. We are both covered in sweat by the time I gasp out my orgasm and Sydney thrashes under me with her second.


“Ahh, baby. That was good. Are you alright? Tell me about the nightmare, you know it’s better to talk about it.”


“I was here in your bed. I felt you inside me, you were moving slowly, and it was sweet. Then it got hard and rough but not like it is with us when we get like that. It changed, it felt different. I knew it wasn’t you, it was him. I looked up and saw his face over me but your parents were standing there off to the side. I begged them to help me but they didn’t believe me. I know it’s because of what happened with them tonight. I’ll be fine. I’m okay. Go back to sleep, you have work in a few hours” she says as she tries to get out of bed. I pull her back down into my arms, she’s not going anywhere. I finally ease her tension by rubbing her back and stroking her eyebrows. Once I’ve lulled her back to sleep I lay awake seething over my parents. The alarm sounds and I open my eyes that I just closed to find the bed empty, I must have dozed off and slept longer than I thought.


I hear my shower running and when I walk into the bathroom I find Sydney under the water looking wet and sexy as hell. I join her in the shower where she soaps my hair and body then after rinsing me off she gives me a mind numbing blow job. She licks her lips and falls to her knees in front of me like she did the day I met her. “Sydney” is all I can manage knowing the pleasures that lie ahead for me. I tangle my hands in her wet hair and brace myself against the shower wall. My chest begins to beat with heavy breaths, and even under the water I begin to sweat. She parts her lips slightly, her mouth watering for the taste of my cock; she engulfs me by the engorged tip. She fists me at the base of my erection and beats me off into her mouth, now taking me from root to tip. I help her by moving my hips, sliding my dick in and out of her greedy little mouth. She moans with delight and begins to suck harder creating a suction that’s taking me quickly to the edge. “Uh, I’m close already, baby. I don’t want to hold it, I want to come in your mouth” I moan.


When she grabs me by my right hip with one hand and cups my balls with the other she makes me come so hard I actually fall to my knees on the shower floor. Sydney is very flexible, I remain on my knees and prop her right foot up on the inset shelf that holds our products. Before I start to work her with my tongue I make eye contact with her and ask, “Are you ready?” “Ahh” is all she offers.


I reach up and grasp her right hip and am rewarded with her moan of pleasure. I start to slowly flick just the tip of my tongue along her outer lips then I very slowly ease them open with my fingers. As I do I feel how wet she is inside her tight folds. Sydney’s body starts to subtly shake as I open her fully up to me and examine her. She continues to watch me making the experience even more erotic for both of us. I nuzzle my mouth against her pussy before I begin sucking on each of her lips one at a time, tugging gently. This is obviously causing excitement to rush through her body in fast darts of pleasure because her heart rate is increasing as is her breathing. Her mouth is slightly open and her head is hanging back against the wall. She’s sinking into her subbie world perfectly. Her hands have found their way into my hair and she’s pulling me into her as she grinds her hips into my face. I thrust my tongue in and out of her making her whimper with desire for a release. I feel her growing close to her orgasm, I taste it on her, sweat and salty, delicious and all Sydney. I change pace to hold her off just a little bit longer now letting only the very tip of my tongue circle around her entrance, just lightly flicking, making her squirm with need. She feels swollen and hot and I know it won’t take more than a flick or lick of my tongue directly on her clit to push her into an orgasm, allowing her to release onto my tongue.


I have grown to crave her orgasms as much as she has. I suck on her juices, pull away so she can watch me lick her off of my lips before I continue. I use my finger to expose her clit to the air and she almost buckles at the anticipation of what’s to come. I gently blow on her hard and filled clit before I circle it with my tongue then I take it between my lips and suck on it until she crashes into her orgasm yelling my name and collapsing to the floor in a heap on my lap.


I slowly lay down on the floor and pull her on top of me. I raise her hips and slide inside of her in one thrust. Her hair hangs into my face and I inhale her smell. I hold her hips and move her up and down on my once again swollen cock. She’s tight and wet, her body grasping and pulling me in further. She throws her head back and rocks her hips in motion with my thrusting and when I am about to come, the pressure and pleasure overwhelming, I beg her to come with me. “Sydney, I need to come now. Come with me, baby.”


We find our pleasure together then clean off again in the shower, dry off and head to my room to get dressed.


Sydney looks adorable today, still a little dazed from our shower sex. She has decided to put her hair up in these cute pigtail balls on both sides of the back of her head. She always wears her makeup light and natural and today her lips look more suckable than usual, glossed over with a glittery shine, still swollen from my kisses in the shower. She follows me into the closet and allows me to pick her outfit. I decide on a light pink baby doll dress and flats that complement the look she chose for her hair. She agrees and as she gets dressed, I myself do the same. I put on my standard three piece suit, black pants, vest and jacket with a crisp grey shirt and matching tie.


I kiss Sydney good-bye and make her promise that she will stay with Mac at all times throughout the day. Dominick and I head out with me promising to meet Sydney back here at six-thirty. I head to my parent’s with Dominick so he can install the phone taps and so I can rip them apart and set them straight about Ryan and Sydney.


We pull up in front of their building on Madison Ave.; I jump out and walk through the revolving doors. I give our names at the front desk and wait for permission to head up. When the door opens my mother throws her arms around me and starts crying. My father comes walking out from his home office at the commotion and refuses to make eye contact or acknowledge my presence.


“We need to talk so can you two please sit down and don’t talk until I’m done. You have no idea what you’ve done and I won’t tolerate you speaking to Sydney like that again” I begin. My father tries to interrupt me but I hold up my hand and he stops talking. This is a first; he’s relinquishing control to me. “First of all” I continue, “Sydney and I have been together for about a month. I was going to ask you to come to dinner with us so you could meet her but we have a situation on our hands now that I need to resolve first. If you had called me instead of barging into my home uninvited and making accusations that you know nothing about this could have been avoided.”


“Damian we’re just looking out for your best interest” my mother claims.


“With all due respect mother, past experience makes that kind of hard to believe. Let me finish what I have to say about Ryan and Sydney.”


I walk further into the living room and sit down on their sofa, motioning for them to do the same. My mother sits without thought but my father lingers for just a second, trying to hold on to whatever control he can.


“Sydney is not a gold digger and she is not pregnant. Not that it is any of your business but I do understand how to avoid, I believe the term you used dad was “knocking her up”. Sydney is an interior designer who graduated top in her class and was hired by Alex at S&S. She is estranged from her mother because she choose to not tell her that her step brother, the wonderful Ryan Westcott started raping her in her own bed when she was thirteen years old. She still suffers from nightmares and until she met me had never been with a man.”


My father again tries to interrupt and I once again silence him. “I’m not finished” I snarl out. “Don’t even try to tell me that she’s lying to me to get my money. I did a background check on her when we first met and she never spent the money that Richard gave her four years ago to shut her up. She took the money and put it in an account. She left for New York and only lets her mother know of her well-being through her father. She’s so afraid of Ryan that she hasn’t spoken to her own mother in over four years; her own mother doesn’t know where she lives or how to reach her directly.”


I explain about Mark without telling them about The Society, about Ryan and the girl who approached Sydney at my gym. I finally think my parents understand that maybe I know what I’m talking about and that Richard Westcott is as big a douche as his son is.


“Damian, we know, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. When we got home last night Ryan Westcott was waiting for us. He was clearly drunk and being belligerent. He threatened to go to the press with the pictures he has of Sydney. I asked to see them expecting to find the two of them in a consensual compromising position that could have harmed you but what I saw was clearly a very young and very scared Sydney being force to have sex with a younger Ryan Westcott. I refused to give him a dime and he turned and left before I was able to call the police. He did tell me I would be sorry, I told him to fuck himself” my dad reports.


I explain the case to my parents and they allow Dominick to install the phone taps on their home and cell phones and to call one in for my dad’s office. Dominick also calls in for security on both of my parents. They apologize for their behavior and ask if they can meet Sydney again and apologize to her themselves. I promise to ask her and if she agrees we’ll do dinner after this Ryan situation is resolved.


“If I were her”, I warn, “I would never want to see either of you again. She had a nightmare last night about Ryan and the fact that she was always afraid that no one would believe her because of you. I’m having trouble even looking at you myself right now. I have to go; I have a meeting in a few minutes. Do whatever the security team tells you and don’t fuck this up for me with her, I know this will come as a shock to you but I am in love with her and I won’t let you, anyone or anything come between us.”




By the time I make it to S&S I am doubled over in pain from cramps. I run into the office bathroom and sure enough I have started my period. I take care of matters and return to my desk to send Damian a text…
Safe @ work & safe w/ PG…got period


He replies back…
Glad safe sucks about period, we’ll find other ways! saw mom & dad they r sorry I think it was inexcusable but u make up own mind…c how not controlling i can b?


I reply…
Can’t deal now maybe soon. Need 2 work will try 2 text in ½ hr...i like u controlling


His reply is…
Love u


I spend the morning working on ordering the pool table for Damian’s room and working out some details with the artist doing the paintings for the walls. I speak to Megan and schedule an appointment with her for the following day. By lunch time I am starving, I always get like this when I have my period. Thankfully lunch is provided again today by my man and he even sends a special chocolate dessert for us all with a note for me.

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