Still (15 page)

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Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Long Slow Tease, #Book 1, #Adult

BOOK: Still
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Keeping his back to her, he pulled down a random book with a tree on the front cover. “So no straight sex for you, ever? Don’t you ever want to make love?”

“Of course I do. Sometimes I even like a man to take charge, but very rarely. I don’t fit into any category and I don’t want to. I am who I am and I refuse to be unhappy because people don’t like things they can’t understand. I’m not weird or a freak and I can make regular vanilla love and enjoy the hell out of it with the right man.”

The hint of sadness at the last part had him at her side, hugging her in less than a heartbeat. “Of course you aren’t. You are a beautiful, confusing, and fascinating woman. Why would I want someone simple when I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure you out?” He internally winced at the rest of his life comment and tried to ignore the fact that he meant it. “So you can do whatever you want to me and I promise I won’t call you a freak. I might call you a pervert, but never a freak.”

She laughed and pushed at his chest, her chin once again held high. “I really need to get this work done, Wyatt.”

“Fine, fine.”

Turning around, he went back to the bookshelf and began to actually read the titles. Lots of autobiographies, craft and hobby books, and a huge science fiction collection mixed with various genres. As far as he could tell there was no rhyme or reason to how she had them arranged so he spent a good deal of time browsing, learning more about the woman who fascinated him.

He grabbed a biography on Winston Churchill and went to an oversized couch near the window. The sun-warmed reddish-brown leather felt good against his skin as he sat down and he placed a pillow behind his head. Opening the book, he began to read and let a contentment that he’d never felt before take him over. He belonged here and he prayed with every ounce of his soul that his PTSD would stay under control.



Chapter 7



The warm late afternoon sun combined with a hell of an orgasm soon led to Wyatt dozing on the couch. He listened with half an ear as Michelle conducted her business, making brief phone calls where her voice became nothing more than a background song to his heartbeat. The couch was wide enough that he could lie on his back without having half his body hang off the edge and long enough to equip even his six-foot-two frame.

In other words, he was in heaven.

“Wyatt? I hate to wake you up, but I need to ask you a question.”

He tried to force his eyes open, but all that resulted in was his eyebrows rising up while his eyes stayed shut. “’Sup?”

“You said you did woodworking for your father, right?”


“Are you any good?”

That question cleared the sleep from his mind and he sat up, leaning on one elbow and looking over at her desk. “Why?”

“Just answer the damn question.”

“Well, I’m not like a master carpenter like my Pops, but I can hold my own.”

“If I asked you to build something, described it to you and drew some pictures, would you be able to build it?”

“What is it?”

“A piece of furniture…of sorts.”

“Probably. But if you wanted it padded or covered in fabric you’d have to take it to someone else. I could do a passable job at it, but nothing I’d want to sell anyone.”

“Hmm.” She looked back down at her computer, chewing distractedly on her lower lip.

“Do you have a reason for your question or can I go back to sleep?”

Without taking her eyes off the screen she said, “Stand up and get naked.”


“I said stand up and take that towel off. I don’t want anything hiding that fantastic body of yours from my sight. Looking at you brings me pleasure.” She smiled at him and he swore that Eve must have looked the same way when offering Adam a taste of the forbidden fruit.

He would have thought that after the blow job earlier he’d be sated, but one smile from her and his cock was once again filling and pressing against the towel. After stretching the kinks out from his nap he stood and dropped the towel, waiting for her to look at him. He wanted to see the desire in her eyes, to know that his body aroused her. He felt a little odd walking around with a hard-on but he was more determined than ever to fuck her into oblivion. If that meant playing her game, well, fuck, it wasn’t like he wasn’t enjoying the hell out of it.

A minute, then another passed and he began to feel silly standing here. “Forget about me, Doc?”

She looked up from the screen. “What did you call me?”

“Umm, Domina.”

“Hmph. No, I did not forget about you, but maybe you need something to remind you whom you serve. Come here.”

He approached her, curiosity mixing with his desire. When he reached her side she reached out and clasped her hand around his cock, rubbing her thumb over the slit. “You have a beautiful dick and I want it adorned.”

A lazy groan spilled out of him as she squeezed a small drop of pre-cum out and licked it off her thumb. She then opened a drawer on her desk and rooted around inside. From where he stood he couldn’t really see much and wondered if she was going to shackle him to the desk. When she pulled out what looked like three connecting large gold rings he gave her a questioning glance.

“Have you ever seen these while you were researching?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“This large ring goes over the base of your cock and your balls so that it presses against your pelvis, this smaller one snugs down over the top of your balls right below your erection, and this ring goes over your shaft.”

He gave the device a wary look. “I think my dick is too thick.”

“Don’t worry, they adjust.” She licked her lips and he hoped she would lick his dick instead. “I’ll leave it comfortable for now, but if you piss me off, I’m tightening it.”

“What happens when you tighten it?”

“I could fuck you for hours and hours and you wouldn’t be able to come. It would trap the blood in your erection and leave you unable to spurt your seed into my mouth.”

He grunted and took a step back. “No thanks.”

She crooked her finger at him with a playful smile and he hesitantly came closer. She set the rings down and he let out a sigh of relief. She picked up a small bottle of hand lotion sitting next to a potted plant on her desk and shook some out onto her palm. Rubbing her palms together, she wheeled her chair closer to his pelvis.

“Hands behind your head.”

He complied, enjoying the way her breath hitched as she gave his torso a leisurely exam. While he was as green as could be with the BDSM stuff, having a woman paying almost constant sexual attention to him like this was energizing. It seemed like the more she wanted him, the more he wanted her until he found himself in a state of constant arousal.

Warm lotion coated his cock as she began to massage him. Helpless against the arousal she so easily called forth from his body, he closed his eyes and gave himself over to the sensation of her hands. When she loosely circled her hand over his cock he thrust his hips forward.

“Be still.”

For fucks sake, he was becoming Pavlov’s dog about those words. As soon as she said 'be still' he became even more cranked up. By forcing him to not move she opened his mind completely to the sensations of her touching him. He wanted to run his hands through her hair, to rock his cock in and out of her clever fingers. She took her time, making sure he was thoroughly slicked up and almost shaking with the need to come. When she was finished he looked down, swinging between apprehension and need as she picked up the rings.

Here came the pain, the point where he found out that it was his misery that made her come, that she wouldn’t be able orgasm without causing him agony. It was gonna hurt and he would have to decide if he could take the pain for the promise of her pleasure. Steeling himself, he held his breath until spots danced before his eyes. She slid her hand along his shaft and his breath came out in a gasp of pleasure at the sensation of her skilled touch.

“Easy,” she whispered as she leaned against his hip, licking a trail over the protruding bone. Leaning back with a wicked smile, she cupped his balls, rolling them gently in her palm. After releasing him, leaving him straining for her touch, she opened the rings and maneuvered his dick and balls into their grip, tugging his sensitive skin through. The first big ring enveloped both his erection and testicles then pressed against his pelvis. The second ring was secured around the base of his dick, and the third ring snugged around his sac at the very top. They were tight, making him aware of their presence, but they didn’t hurt.

In fact, it felt kinda good.

He fidgeted and she slapped his flank like a skittish horse. “Close your eyes.”

That part was harder, and he tensed when she grasped his cock and began to move the rings around. The one around his sac tightened, an entirely pleasurable burn shot through his pelvis. When she stroked her fingers over his testicles he couldn’t help a rough groan. A second later her laughter rubbed over his skin. “There, done.”

Stunned, he looked down. Sure enough a gold ring now circled his cock, pressing up against his dark pubic hair. Relief filled him that he wouldn’t have to be in constant pain to please her, that she really didn’t want to torture him. A stupid idea now that he thought about it, but, fuck, for a second there he’d been worried about how dark her sexual tastes ran. He started to reach for himself, then stopped. “Can I touch it, Domina?”

She held her hands out. “Be my guest.”

The metal of the ring rapidly warmed against his skin and he traced the smooth circle. Then he cupped his balls and the jolt of pleasure almost knocked him back a step.

“What the fuck?”

She sat back in her chair with a contented smile. “Congratulations, you’re one of the lucky men whose balls get sensitized by being constricted.”

He gave his sack another rub and groaned. “Fuuuuuuck.”

She stood and brushed past him, her perfume trailing behind her. “Follow me.”

He took one step, then another, getting used to the feeling of having his dick and balls constantly gripped. They left her office and he looked around, glad to see they were alone. He followed her to the stairs and got an eyeful of her tight ass as she climbed the steps before him in her almost transparent pants. The sassy sway to her hips led him to believe she was more aroused than she let on, and when he got a look at her chest, her nipples stood out like pencil erasers.

They reached the top and instead of heading left to her bedroom, they went to the right where plastic sheets hung, protecting the rest of the house from the unfinished wing. She brushed aside the sheet and he followed her, conscious of how good the edge of the plastic rubbing over his dick felt. Man, she must have some kind of magic because he’d never been this aware of his body. He usually had an itch and scratched but this…this was different.


They passed what looked like two guest rooms before reaching the door at the end of the hall. On the opposite end of the house lay the butterfly room and he wondered what was behind this door. Unlike the worn wood doors of the rest of the house, this door was made of a dark ebony wood that shone in the sunlight coming through the skylight overhead. She turned the silver door handle and stepped inside.

At first he couldn’t see in the darkness, but then she hit a light switch and overhead recessed lighting bathed the large, empty room with golden light. The floors were covered with a lush, thick black carpet that felt like fur beneath his feet. Here and there were squares of black marble, and a black rubber mat, but other than that there was no decoration of any kind in the room.

She stepped closer and trailed a hand over his hip, her belly brushing his straining cock. “Someday, this is going to be my dungeon.”

He tried to smile, but his mind was so focused on not reaching out and grabbing her that all he could manage was a bare curve of the lips. “Going to put in some iron maidens and the rack?”

She grinned and shook her head. “No…nothing like that.” For a moment she looked uncertain. “I was, well, I was actually wondering if you’d build the equipment for me. I’ll pay you, of course.”

“Okay, hold on a second. What kind of equipment? And forget about paying me, I won’t take it.”

She glared at him. “I could order you to take the money.”

“And I’d only find some way to give it back to you.” He brushed his hand over her hair. “Shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to touch without permission.”

She sighed. “Wyatt, that felt lovely. Would you do it again?”

He did, slower this time and she turned into his touch with a faint smile. Her body relaxed against his and he soon found himself holding her in his arms, cuddling a very content woman against him. While his dick still wanted some action, his heart drank up her affection. He could almost feel the subtle shift from woman to Domina in his arms, like her energy had shifted and become harder, stronger.

She nuzzled her face against his chest hair. “After you build each piece of equipment, I will use it on you.”


“Hush and listen to me. I want you to be the first to use the art that you will make, and I know you’ll make something good and solid…just like you.” Her clever tongue flicked over his pierced nipple. “I want to have your sweat and seed on the wood, to have your essence soaked into it so anytime I enter this room and I can smell your musk in the air.”

Shit, when she put it that way he was ready to pound the nails with his dick. “When do you want me to start?”

“You’ll do it?”

“Doc, you know I’d do anything for you.”

Her bright smile made him feel ten feet tall and God, how he’d missed this feeling. He liked being someone people could depend on, and damned if she didn’t need him in some way he didn’t understand. In fact, despite her being in the Dominant position, he’d never felt more like he was protecting someone in his life.

“Wyatt, what are you thinking about?”

“Well, it occurred to me that you need me.”

“Duh.” She tickled his ribs and he held her hands.

“I mean, you need me as much as I need you.”

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