Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series (18 page)

Read Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series Online

Authors: GA Hauser

Tags: #gay romance, #t

BOOK: Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series
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"What?" Billy stepped into the living room,
his phone to his ear.

Alex glanced up at him.

"What?" Billy yelled louder, looking more

Alex became concerned and put the script down
on his lap.

"Fuck!" Billy looked at Alex and did not
appear happy.

A twinge of terror filled Alex. No. Not the
part. No!

"Okay. Thanks, Mick…" Billy blew out a loud
breath and said into the phone, "I don't know. I really don't even
want to see it."

See it? Alex tossed the script onto the
coffee table and tugged at his long hair nervously.

Billy put one hand on his hip and stared at
Alex. "Okay. Sure. Okay…" He disconnected the call and looked at

"What happened?" Alex tried not to panic.

"That was Mickey. He said Blake called him to
tell him we're front page news on all the celebrity rags

Alex bit his bottom lip. "Uh…please say it's
because I got a big part in a movie and you got a promotion."

Billy gave him a look of exasperation and
left the room.

"Billy?" Alex scrambled after him and found
Billy holding his laptop. They sat together on the bed and before
Billy booted up the computer he said, "I really don't want to see

"Then don't."

"It's photos of me carrying you out of the
bar in WeHo."

Alex took the laptop off Billy's legs and set
it on the floor beside the bed. "That is so yesterday's news." Alex
snuggled against Billy, slipping his hand between Billy's legs.

"You don't think it will affect your role in
the film?"

"If you and Steve bullying Randy didn't?"
Alex made a silly face at him. "No!"

"You sure? I seem to be single-handedly
fucking up your career."

"You. Are. Not." Alex said, kissing Billy's
body, lower and lower as he did. Alex wriggled his way between
Billy's thighs and pressed his mouth against the bulge in Billy's
jeans. He chewed on it, peeking up at Billy.

Billy drew Alex's hair back into a ponytail,
caressing his cheek.

"We gotta get a lot of fucking in before I
leave for Rome." Alex felt Billy's cock engorge under the

"We do."

"Besides," Alex said, opening Billy's pants,
"Those Hollywood types love the PR. They don't give a shit if it's
good or bad."

"Ya think?"

"Yeah. Charlotte always says that. She just
wants us all in the news constantly."

"Didn't do much for some celebs breaking the

Alex exposed Billy's cock from his clothing.
"No. Not that kind of publicity. Those stars are just stupid." Alex
placed the head of Billy's cock into his mouth.

"Oh, yes." Billy sighed. "What do you want,

"Mm. You." Alex leaned up on his elbows to
get at a better angle to suck.

"Wanna fuck me?"

Alex smiled with Billy's cock in his mouth.
"Mm hmm." He glanced up at Billy, seeing Billy's blue eyes and
wild, sexy smile.

Billy took off his shirt and relaxed as Alex
gave him a blowjob. Alex held the shaft of Billy's cock under the
head, getting it wet with his saliva and squeezing and twisting it
gently as he sucked.

"Ohhhh…" Billy went limp on the bed and dug
his fingers into Alex's hair. "Baby…baby…"

Alex leaned up higher and began sucking
deeper and faster, meeting his lips with his hand as he jerked
Billy off, wanting his cum.

"Alex…yes…" Billy raised his hips off the
bed, clutching Alex's head through his hair.

Alex peeked at him, seeing Billy's eyes
closed and his head thrown back from the pleasure. Tasting Billy's
pre-cum, Alex moaned and pulled Billy's slick cock faster, sucking
harder and feeling Billy's length grow tight and engorge to its

Billy let out a low, masculine moan that sent
the hairs standing on Alex's skin. The climax hit his man and Alex
swallowed his cum down, squirming on Billy's legs, rubbing his own
hard cock against Billy's body.

He milked Billy gently, lapping at the slit
and then peeked at him again. Billy was staring at him, looking
satisfied and in love.

Alex crawled higher on Billy's body and
kissed him. "Now get naked, Captain Sharpe. That's an order."

"Yes, sir." Billy saluted him.

Alex laughed and hopped off, hauling Billy to
his feet. He slapped Billy's rump and said, "Prepare to be fucked
by a movie star."

Billy chuckled and began shedding his

Alex licked his lips at Billy's tight ass and
masculine build. "Fuck the tabloids. Life is good!" He pumped his
fist and leapt on top of his man.


Mark sat at his computer answering a few fan
emails, being lazy since he did not run because of the meeting with
Randy. Though it was only an hour spent with the star, it wore Mark
out. He heard Steve enter the room and didn't look up at him. Hands
touched his shoulders from behind and Steve nuzzled into his hair,
kissing his neck and earlobe.

"How much damage did you do to the bathroom?"
Mark asked.

"Just broke one marble wall tile."

"What am I going to do with you?" Mark tapped
keys, thanking a fan for their compliment on his last cologne

"I've already called someone to get it fixed.
It'll be repaired in a couple of days." Steve slid his hands down
Mark's chest to his thighs. "They love you." Steve was obviously
reading over Mark's shoulder.

"They love an image. They have no idea who I
am." Mark sent the email with 'x's and 'o's of affection.

"True." Steve tucked Mark's hair back and
chewed on his earlobe.

Chills washed over Mark. He shut down the
email box and the screen went to a default of news items. He
blinked and said, "No."

"Okay." Steve backed up.

"No. Not that." Mark grabbed Steve's arm and
drew him against him. "I'm looking at the article on the home
page." Mark clicked the picture and it enlarged to the entire

Steve made a noise, and then broke up with

Mark was annoyed at the terrible image of his
son being carried like a child having a tantrum, over Billy's
shoulder. But hearing Steve's hilarity broke the spell and Mark
began to laugh as well. "My God. Look at that. Do you believe

"I do! Oh God, that is so fucking funny!"
Steve hugged Mark from behind. "You know the makeup sex those two
must have had after that?"

Mark shut down the computer and looked back
at Steve. "I can imagine."

"Can you imagine our makeup sex?" Steve
nibbled Mark's neck and smoothed his hand under the neckline of
Mark's sweater to his nipple.

Mark smiled and reached up to hold Steve's
head through his hair. "Mm. I can."

"Can I make love to my husband?" Steve cupped
both of Mark's nipples under his shirt.

"Yes indeed." Mark stood and fell into
Steve's embrace. They kissed and Mark held Steve tight, feeling
Steve's cock throb against his as their tongues swirled gently
inside their mouths.

Steve picked Mark up off his feet and Mark
interlocked his ankles behind Steve's back. They stood kissing,
moaning and making little love-noises into each other's mouths.

Steve began simulating fucking Mark,
thrusting up as he held him. Mark gripped Steve tightly as his
powerful ex-cop manhandled him, showing Mark just how much he was

"Wanna fuck you, Richfield."

"Mmm." Mark kept Steve's mouth occupied as
Steve began to go a little mad, humping Mark in the den where he

"Like this…" Steve said between kisses, "in
front of a mirror."

"Purr!" Mark smiled against his lips.

Steve carried Mark out of the den, trying not
to slam them into walls in his haste. Mark, though Steve kept
trying to kiss him, made sure he guided Steve as Steve carried Mark
up to the second floor. Being held in the arms of a man as strong
as Steve certainly got Mark's motor revving.

They made it through the bedroom door and
Steve stopped, hoisting Mark higher in his arms and they continued
to kiss. Mark slid down Steve's legs to his feet and began

Steve stared at Mark as he did, tearing off
his own clothing, the hunger in his eyes made Mark's cock swell.
The minute they were both nude, Steve dove for him, picking him up
again, holding Mark the same way. Mark parted from Steve's amorous
kiss to say, "Lube?"

Steve carried Mark to the nightstand, holding
Mark tight. Mark reached for it in the top drawer and then
continued kissing Steve. Steve whimpered and made his way to the
master bathroom. Standing in front of the vanity mirror, Steve
stopped kissing Mark to stare at them in the reflection.

Mark felt Steve trying to get his cock
pressed against his ass so Mark held up the bottle playfully.

"Fuck." Steve sat Mark on the vanity and
coated his cock with the slick gel. Once he wiped his hands off he
said, "Come 'ere, you." Steve picked Mark up again, and Mark
reached behind himself, pointing Steve's cock at his rim.

"There you go, copper." Mark held onto
Steve's neck, locked his ankles again behind him and stared at his
handsome man.

Steve made a noise of excitement and began
thrusting up into Mark, staring at them in the mirror as he did.
"Oh, fuck yeah!" Steve licked his lips in excitement and made sure
he could see them fuck from all angles.

Mark smiled at his horny man and tried to
hold tight as the friction inside and feeling Steve's sweat and
tight abs on his cock were arousing him to a nice high state.

Mark looked at how muscular Steve was, his
ripped shoulders, big biceps and chest. Not as large as Jack the
gym junkie, but certainly built for the kill, like the powerful
ex-cop he was.

In the mirror's reflection, Mark noticed
Steve staring at his face. He turned towards his man and Steve
kissed him, fucking him harder, bouncing Mark up and down on him.
Against Mark's lips Steve grunted and Mark knew he was going into a
body rush of a climax.

"Ohh, God… Fuck!" Steve said while pressed to
Mark's mouth. Mark made sure their contact was good and tight,
squeezing Steve with his bottom muscles.

"Fuck, oh, fuck…" Steve closed his eyes and
his body went tense. Mark felt Steve's cock pulsating inside him
and his own became slick with pre-cum. Steve sat Mark down on the
vanity, pulled out, and sank between Mark's legs, sucking his cock
and using the lubrication to jerk him off, hard and fast.

Mark rested his head against the mirror and
his heels on the edge of the vanity. Steve was going wild on him,
massaging his balls, the root of his cock and jerking on his length
tight and fast.

"Ah!" Mark held onto Steve for dear life.

"Mmm!" Steve sucked harder, faster, rubbing
hot friction near Mark's rim.

"Ah! Ah!" Mark came and shivered, grasping
tightly to Steve. "Oh, my baby…baby…" Mark moaned and splayed his
legs out as Steve continued to prolong his orgasm, sucking him deep
as he softened and massaging his balls tenderly.

Steve came up for air and wiped his sweating
face on his forearm, then gazed up at Mark.

Mark blinked and gaped in exaggeration.
"Bloody hell!"

"Holy shit…" Steve shook his head. "That was
one of the best fucks we've ever had."

"Steven!" Mark was amazed at how intense the
session was. No bondage, no toys, no Jack or Adam.

Steve cupped Mark's jaw and drew him to his
mouth, kissing him with so much love and devotion, Mark felt as if
his heart would burst out of his chest from the connection.

They kissed…and kissed…and kissed…still
catching their breath. Steve held onto Mark, embracing him,
continuing to huff for air as he rested his chin on Mark's

"Steven…my Steven…" Mark squeezed him so
tightly he wanted to become one with him.

"Love you," Steve said, sobbing. "Love you so
fucking much."

Mark curled around him again, like they had
when they made love, his ankles locked behind Steve's back. "Love
you most in the world." Mark met his eyes and ran his tongue over
Steve's top lip, tasting his salty sweat.

Steve hugged him, picking him back up into
his arms and rocked Mark side to side.

Mark closed his eyes and squeezed Steve
closer. With a love like this? He could conquer any demon.

Chapter 12


Monday morning, Steve sat at his desk at
Parsons and Company, reading the mail his secretary, Mary, had left
for him. Using a letter opener, Steve removed contracts and read
them over, making sure they were signed properly before he gave
them to his boss, Harold Parsons.

A magazine hit his desk right in front of

Steve looked up at one of a set of identical
twins that worked with him and Mark at the advertising firm. Danny
Rothschild was smirking at him.

Steve looked down at the magazine. "Yeah. I
already saw that one." He nudged the image of Alex being carried by
Billy aside.

"Alex being a bad boy?"

"Nope. He's being a good boy. He just got
offered a part in a George Ford blockbuster feature film."

Danny gaped at Steve in amazement. "No!"

"Yes!" Steve answered with the same
inflection. "Now, get that piece of shit off my desk and let me

Danny picked up the magazine and flipped
through the pages, then left it on Steve's desk. "Why wouldn't that
be on the front page?"

"Because they love drama." Steve noticed
someone standing behind Danny.

Danny glanced over his shoulder and stepped
aside. "Hello, gorgeous."

"Daniel." Mark smiled and then walked around
the desk, giving his husband a kiss. "Ready for the meeting at Big
Club's Food Chain?"

Steve smiled, still tingling from the hot sex
they had last night. He shut his computer down and stood, buttoning
his suit jacket. Danny was giving him a dreamy look.

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