Starfire (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #Romance, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Fiction, #General, #Paranormal, #Demonology, #Revenge, #Paranormal Romance Stories

BOOK: Starfire
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But Dawson appeared to have no violence in him. His palm was warm; his fingers warmer still. Selyn held very still, unsure what he wanted … what he intended.
Unsure of how she felt about his touch. It wasn’t unpleasant. Not at all like anything she’d ever experienced with a man. Nor was it like the comforting touch from one of the sisters of her soul. This was unique—almost a caress—and the more she thought about it, the more she decided she liked it.
She leaned against his palm, stared into his blue eyes, and wondered what he saw when he looked at her.
Suddenly he blinked, and his hand fell away from her face. The quickness of his movement startled her; the loss of contact surprised her. She missed the warmth, the sense of connection she’d felt when he held her face so carefully.
Definitely something she’d have to think about.
He stepped back and cleared his throat. “I’ll be away for just a few minutes. Don’t let anyone in, okay? BumperWillow, guard the house and protect Selyn.”
The dog yipped. The sprite was silent. So was Selyn as Dawson turned quickly away and left the house.
He’d almost kissed her. What the hell was he thinking? Poor kid had been beaten half to death just the night before last, and the last thing she needed was some idiot pawing her. So what did he do? Played with her hair, put his hand on her face without even thinking how it must appear to her.
He should apologize, at the very least. He would apologize, as soon as he got Alton and Ginny.
What the hell was he going to do about Selyn?
Nothing. You’re not going to do a damned thing. She’s off limits. Get over it.
Yeah. Right.
He laughed out loud as he pulled into the parking space at Red Rock Crossing where Alton and Ginny waited. Selyn was currently living in his home, sleeping across the hallway, eating at his table, and watching him with those beautiful blue eyes. Getting over Selyn was probably not going to happen anytime soon.
“Hey, Daws. How’s it going?”
Ginny leaned in through the open window and kissed his cheek. Then she crawled into the backseat while Alton rode shotgun.
“Going good. What’s that, Alton? Got a baby wrapped in that blanket?” He really needed to get his head screwed on straight. Ginny and Alton were the ones to help him do exactly that.
“Not quite.” Alton lifted a corner of the woven blanket back just enough for Dawson to see what looked like a solid gold hilt to a sword that was sheathed in a white leather scabbard.
“What the hell is that?” He glanced in the rearview mirror at Ginny’s big smile, and backed out of the parking space.
“It’s a crystal sword that spoke to Taron and said it belongs to Alton’s grandfather.” Ginny was practically bouncing in the backseat. “Isn’t that just cool?”
“Only he’s been dead for ten thousand or so years, which means we’ve got a bit of a conundrum.” Alton covered the sword once again. “How’s everyone doing?”
Dawson headed back toward his house. “Selyn’s great, your dad’s pissed, and Eddy and Dax have gone home to Evergreen to check on the portals there and make certain the ones to Abyss are still sealed. We’ve got BumperWillow. She thought she might be able to help drive the demon from your father.”
“Good.” Alton turned and glanced at Ginny in the backseat. She leaned forward and clasped his shoulder.
Dawson couldn’t help but notice the way they communicated without words. He knew Lemurians used telepathy, and even he could understand Willow, but there was more than that working between Ginny and Alton. They obviously understood one another on so many levels.
He wondered what it would be like to be so in tune with another person that her fears became yours, her desires, her needs, her interests—all shared because you were so tightly connected.
And he thought of Selyn, of the way she’d looked when he’d touched her hair and she’d reached for his hand, when he’d cupped her cheek in his palm. He wasn’t sure, but he thought she might have actually leaned into what could only be described as a caress. He didn’t think she’d pulled away, but that might be his wishful thinking.
She had definitely wrapped her fingers around his when he’d stroked her silky hair. Maybe she’d done that to stop him from doing more.
He pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. Selyn and BumperWillow stood in the doorway. “Everything okay?”
She nodded and stepped outside with the dog on her heels. Even in the old pair of his surgical scrubs, Selyn was absolutely breathtaking. She’d braided her hair while he’d been gone, pulling all of it back from her face into a single long braid that looped over her shoulder.
The tightly bound hair made her eyes look bigger, her cheekbones more pronounced, her lips fuller. He missed the soft curl of dark hair falling all the way to her hips. It softened her, somehow. Made her look more approachable.
She looked stronger with it tied back, though. More self-contained. Every inch the warrior woman. No way in hell could he see her as a slave when she looked this way. No, this woman was not a slave to any man.
His body didn’t seem to care. He was hard as a post and hoping like hell no one noticed. He cleared his throat and made a point of focusing on those deep blue eyes of hers. “How’s Artigos?”
Selyn smiled and rubbed the dog’s curly head. “I just peeked through the window on the door and checked on him. He sleeps, but his breakfast tray is empty. I think he likes your bacon and eggs.” She flashed a big grin at Ginny and Alton. “Hello. It’s good to see you. I’m glad to hear everything went so well.” She nodded and stepped aside.
“Hey, Selyn. I brought you something.” Ginny held up one of the cloth bags she carried. “Sandals. I think they’re your size. Dawson said you needed shoes.”
Selyn’s eyes lit up like a little kid’s at Christmas. “For me?” She took the bag from Ginny, tugged the drawstring to loosen it, and pulled out a beautiful pair of leather sandals.
Dawson stepped closer to see. “Wow. Those are gorgeous. Will they fit?”
Her eyes sparkled as she knelt to put them on. Dawson almost laughed aloud. Obviously shoes appealed to all women.
Selyn finished buckling the sandals and stood. “They’re perfect. I’ve never had anything like them. Thank you.”
“Wonderful.” Ginny leaned into Alton. “When you meet Gaia, Alton’s mom, you can thank her. She sent them.”
“Your mother?” Selyn’s eyes went big. “I thought they looked like something one of the aristocracy would wear. Are you sure it’s all right for me to …”
Alton seemed to understand what she was thinking. “Of course it’s all right. They’re a gift from my mother. She wanted you to have them. She sent a robe for you, too.”
Ginny held up the other bag, but she elbowed Alton.
Laughing, he added, “but Ginny thought you’d prefer pants.”
“I guess.” Selyn brushed her hand down her cotton-covered legs. “Like these?”
“No. Like these.” Ginny laughed and held up one jeans-clad leg. I’ve got some extras in our room, and we’re about the same size. C’mon.”
Dawson watched the women go inside his house and couldn’t quit grinning. When he’d bought this big place, it had originally been his intention to set up his clinic here, but he’d quickly discovered his patients wanted the convenience of a veterinarian in town rather than out in the country. Then he’d dreamed of filling it one day with a wife and children.
Never, not in his wildest dreams, had he imagined filling it with Lemurians and talking dogs. Luckily, it hadn’t been difficult at all to convince Ginny and Alton to give up their expensive casita. They’d been staying at that ritzy lodge north of town, but it felt right having everyone here, and he had more than enough room in the sprawling ranch-style house.
“Ginny and her clothes.” Alton was laughing softly as he followed Daws back inside. “She’s easily sidetracked! Let me show you the reason we’re here, besides trying to rid my father of his demon.” He carried the rolled up blanket into the kitchen and set the bundle on the counter. Carefully, without touching the contents, Alton unwrapped and then unsheathed an amazing ruby sword. Larger than the crystal blade he carried, it had what appeared to be a solid gold pommel. The crystalline blade glowed a deep blood red.
“Holy shit. Where’d that come from?” Dawson clenched his hands into fists to keep from touching the thing. Obviously, with the care Alton was showing, fondling someone else’s crystal sword wasn’t a good idea.
Alton sighed. “It’s one of the replicated swords. The others are all clear crystal, like mine. This one shocked the nine hells out of Taron, especially when it asked to be taken to my grandfather, who supposedly died when we made the move from Lemuria to Mount Shasta. This morning, HellFire and DarkFire both pledged allegiance to the sword, but it didn’t say anything. There was a lot of glowing and an aura of true power, so we both sensed they were communicating. Then DarkFire said one word: ‘Selyn.’”
“Selyn?” Dawson stared at the blade as if he might actually find answers there. Somehow. “Why would she say Selyn’s name?”
“I imagine as a place to begin our search for Artigos the Just. Wow! Selyn, you look hot!”
Dawson spun around.
Ginny laughed out loud. “Hot? Alton, when did you start sounding like me?”
Alton just laughed. Dawson didn’t really give a damn. The big guy was right. Selyn wore a pair of Ginny’s tight black jeans that looked like they’d been glued to her legs, with a bright blue halter top that sort of flowed around her waist and yet still managed to cling to all the right places. Dawson couldn’t have said a word if his life depended on it, but yeah, Selyn was definitely hot.
Hot enough to make his temperature rise a few notches.
“Do I look like a human woman in these pants? They feel so strange.” Selyn laughed and sort of held her arms out, as if she wanted to show off her outfit.
Dawson wanted to lock her in a dark room. Yeah, he’d seen her naked when she was all beat up and he’d been trying to heal her wounds, but for some reason she looked more naked to him now, covered in denim and silk, than she had without a stitch on. He shook his head, feeling absolutely dazed. “Selyn, I hate to tell you, but you don’t look human at all. There’s no human alive as beautiful as you.”
He caught a quick look at Ginny’s wide eyes and heard Alton chuckle, but he didn’t care what they thought. Not at all. All he cared about was the woman standing in his kitchen. Selyn was a combination of shy innocence and sex incarnate. She stared at him with a whole raft of expressions flitting across her face. He couldn’t read any of them, though she didn’t seem at all put off by his comment.
He hoped she didn’t mind that he thought she was too gorgeous to be human. Hoped she didn’t think it was an insult. He stepped closer, but a brilliant flash of red caught his eye.
He turned to look as Selyn stepped around him and stood in front of the counter. She stared, transfixed, at the ruby sword. It glowed as if someone had turned on a light switch. Dawson reached for Selyn and caught her hand before she could touch the crystal blade.
She shook her head. “No. Can’t you hear it? It wants me to touch it.”
He didn’t hear a thing. Daws glanced at Alton, who gave him a short, sharp negative shake of his head. He hadn’t heard it, either.
Selyn licked her lips and tentatively laid her fingers on the glowing blade. It pulsed blood red beneath her fingertips. Dawson, Alton, and Ginny all stayed back.
The sword wanted Selyn.
Another bright flash lit the room. A deep voice raised chills along Dawson’s spine. BumperWillow whimpered.
“You know of the one I seek, Selyn of Elda’s line, daughter of the DemonSlayer. Take me to Artigos the Just.”
The glow faded. Selyn stepped back and bowed her head, her respect obviously bordering on awe. When she turned, her excitement practically radiated from her shining eyes. While she looked at the three of them, Dawson was certain she spoke only to him. “I know where he is. We have to go back to the mines. He’s there. A prisoner locked away for millennia, kept apart from all of us, approached with fear by all the guards. I never knew his name. Now I do.”
She turned her attention to Alton. “Your grandfather Artigos the Just, the father of your father, is imprisoned deep within the mines of Lemuria.”
Chapter Seven
Alton didn’t say anything while he carefully wrapped the blanket around the sword and scabbard. Finally, when it was covered once again, he turned and leaned against the counter. Exhaustion was evident in every move he made, in the deep lines etched beside his mouth and the dark circles under his eyes.
Rubbing his forehead with one hand, he sighed. “Okay. Here’s where we stand. Roland said Taron’s almost got the swords ready to go. We need to meet with him down in the lower caves at some point so we can help deliver them to the Forgotten Ones. Once that’s done, I have to return as soon as I can and take up my position on the council. I’ve got to have a firm grasp of things before the Forgotten Ones make their presence known.”
He shook his head. “I’ve got the chancellor’s role for now, but my hold is tenuous. Today Ginny and I spotted a group of Lemurian guardsmen I’ve never seen before, which tells me that some of the council are up to something. I doubt it’s anything good.”
Ginny handed him a tall glass of water. Alton took a few swallows and set it aside. “Thing is, I can’t afford to be away for long, or what little hold I have on the chancellor’s seat will be lost. While we’re here, though, Ginny and I have to try to remove the demon from my father.”
He focused on Dawson. “I know you’re not familiar with Lemuria, but I may have to ask you to go into the mines with Selyn. Would you be willing to take this sword with you, to take it to the prisoner Selyn speaks of? That needs to be done as soon as possible. If my grandfather is still alive, his presence could change everything—in a good way.”
Dawson almost laughed out loud. Go to Lemuria? Was Alton kidding? He’d give anything for the chance to see that fabled world. “I’ll do whatever you need, Alton. You know that.”
Alton wrapped his arm around Ginny and tugged her close against his side, but his focus was on Dawson. “You’ve already done so much. You hardly know us, and yet you’ve opened your home and your heart to a cause that’s not even yours.”
Dawson shrugged. “But it is mine. Every bit as much as it’s yours, don’t you think? If demons threaten Earth, it had damned well better be my cause. I’ve got as big a stake in the outcome as any of you.”
“He’s right, you know.” Ginny smiled at Alton and snuggled close against his side. “This battle affects every single one of us.” Then, in a melodramatic whisper, she added, “Don’t scare the man off. He’s helping. We need him. He’s giving us a free place to stay with a really comfortable bed.” She kissed Alton’s cheek. “And he cooks. C’mon. Let’s go check on your father before you fold up on me and fall asleep on the floor.”
Alton yawned. Then he nodded to Dawson. “Don’t let her kid you. We really do appreciate everything you’re doing for us. I don’t know where we’d be without your help.”
“I think you’d be doing fine, but I mean what I say. Anything I can do, whatever I’ve got you can use; it’s yours.”
Without another word Alton pushed himself away from the counter as if it took every last bit of his strength. Dawson snapped his fingers, and BumperWillow followed them back to the suite of rooms where Artigos was being held.
Dawson glanced through the window on the door and saw Alton’s father stalking back and forth across the room like an angry lion. “You might want to have your swords out,” he said. “Your father’s pacing like he’s ready to kill someone.”
Alton shrugged. “He probably is. Probably a good thing we’re keeping his sword well away. I imagine he and his demon are less than thrilled with their situation about now.”
Dawson took the key from Selyn and unlocked the door as both Ginny and Alton drew their swords. Artigos stopped in mid-stride and glared at all of them as they entered the large room.
“Is my assassination next on your schedule, my beloved son?” Artigos wrapped his arms across his broad chest and sneered at Alton. “Are you so afraid of your father that you must approach him with your weapon drawn?”
“It’s pity more than fear I feel, Father. If I appear cautious, it’s not because of you. It’s the demon who rules your heart and mind that concerns me most. That and, whether you choose to believe me or not, your well-being.”
Artigos laughed. “Demon? Controlling me? I think not.” Without warning, he lunged at Alton, but Alton and Ginny were ready. Dawson grabbed the dog’s collar as BumperWillow leapt to their defense, but her enthusiastic barking let him know she was more than willing to fight.
As one, Ginny and Alton pointed their crystal blades at Artigos. Dark purple fire burst from Ginny’s blade. A brilliant blue glow shot from Alton’s and intersected with Ginny’s, catching Artigos in the crossfire of light.
He lurched to an immediate halt, held mid-step in the shimmering fire. Eyes wide and angry, Artigos struggled within the beam, but he couldn’t break free of the force holding him almost a foot off the ground.
BumperWillow stopped barking. Dawson let go of her collar, and she stepped away from him and stood in front of Artigos. She glanced back once at the small group, and then she concentrated on Artigos.
The man’s mouth was moving, and he was obviously cursing, but no sound escaped the shimmering field of swirling blue and purple light. With her head cocked to one side, the curly dog studied him for long moments, while Ginny and Alton held Artigos immobile with the power of their crystal blades.
After a good five minutes, BumperWillow stepped away and stood beside Dawson. He tangled his fingers in her curly hair. The dog sighed. Willow’s voice slipped into Dawson’s head, and he knew she spoke to all of them.
The demon’s possession is almost total. I fear it is beyond my ability to remove. What do DarkFire and HellFire think?
When DarkFire answered, Dawson wondered if he’d ever grow used to a talking sword. “The demon is too deeply entrenched. We could remove it, but Artigos the man would not survive. Killing the demon will end his life.”
Alton shook his head. “That’s not acceptable.” He lowered his sword, as did Ginny. Artigos crumpled to the ground, dazed but still conscious. Alton gently sheathed his sword and lifted his father in his arms as if the large man were a child. Carefully, he laid him on the bed.
Artigos stared up at his son. His forehead was wrinkled in a confused frown, and he blinked his eyes slowly. After a moment, his expression relaxed; he closed his eyes and drifted gently into sleep.
Alton rubbed the back of his neck and yawned. He looked absolutely discouraged. “We’ll need to try something else. I just wish I knew what.”
Ginny took hold of Alton’s hand. “Maybe your mother can help. I think it’s worth a try. Love is a powerful motivator.”
Alton’s tired smile spoke volumes. “You’ve proved that to me more than once.”
Ginny kissed him quickly. “I got some sleep last night. You didn’t get any. I want you to go and lie down while I go back to Lemuria for your mother.”
Alton rested both hands on her shoulders and shook his head. He was smiling, but it was more than obvious he didn’t like Ginny’s idea one bit. “I don’t want you going alone. It’s too dangerous.”
“I’ll be fine.” She glanced over her shoulder and caught Dawson’s eye. Hopefully, she said, “I’ll take Dawson. You and Selyn stay here with BumperWillow and keep an eye on your dad. You okay with that, Daws?”
He nodded. “Of course,” he said, but he was thinking, now? Just up and go to Lemuria, sort of like running down to the corner store?
Hell, yes!
The fact that Alton agreed so readily was proof just how exhausted the man was, but before he had the time to change his mind, Ginny had hustled them all out of Artigos’s room. She grabbed Alton’s hand and dragged him toward the guest room they’d moved into just down the hall, with BumperWillow trotting along behind.
“I’ll be ready in just a few minutes, Daws.” Laughing, she added, “I’m going to put my baby to bed, first.” Grumbling, Alton followed, but he looked as if he could barely put one foot in front of the next.
Dawson and Selyn were left standing outside Artigos’s locked room. Selyn pocketed the key and studied Daws with a soft smile on her lips. “You will get to see my world, just as I’m seeing yours.”
“Looks like it.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the kitchen. “Will you be okay here while I’m gone? You know how to work the remote, and there’s plenty on TV.”
She laughed. “I will be fine. I love watching that screen. Will you be okay, entering a strange world?”
He grinned. He couldn’t help himself. What they all treated as commonplace was something beyond his wildest dreams. “You’re kidding, right? I can’t wait!”
“It’s dangerous. Humans are not allowed in Lemuria, and if you are captured …”
He stopped and turned to face her. She really did look worried. He thought that was pretty cool, that she cared enough to at least worry a little. “I’ll be with Ginny, and she’s already achieving rock star status in Lemuria, according to Roland. The Lemurians love the fact she’s descended from royalty.”
He heard Ginny coming down the hallway with BumperWillow. “I need to go. You’re sure you’ll be okay?”
Selyn nodded. Then she surprised him by touching his beard with her fingertips. “Be very careful, Dawson Buck. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
He stared at her lips, heard the words, and yet it still took him a moment to absorb what she’d said. Once he managed to wrap his stunned brain around the content, there was only one way he could respond. Cupping Selyn’s face in both hands, he leaned close and gently kissed her lips. She didn’t pull away, though she didn’t kiss him back.
When he ended what was much too chaste a kiss for his own peace of mind, Dawson stared first at Selyn’s slightly parted, damp lips, and then at her sapphire blue eyes.
Ginny stepped into the kitchen. “I brought this for you, just in case. Ready to go, Daws… . Oops. Sorry.”
He glanced over at Ginny, slowly dropped his hands from Selyn’s face, and grinned. “Yeah, I’m ready. What have you got?”
“Pepper spray.” With a quick, curious glance at Selyn, she handed him a small can attached to a key chain. “Granted, it’s not a crystal sword, but if we need to get away from anyone in a hurry, it should help slow ’em down.”
“I’ll take it.” He clipped it to his belt loop. Like Ginny said, it wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. “How long do you think we’ll be?”
Ginny shrugged, grabbed the car keys to her rented Yukon off the table, and tossed them to Dawson. “Couple of hours, maybe. Hopefully less, definitely no longer. Selyn, if anyone comes, wake Alton, okay? It’s probably best that you not answer the door. BumperWillow will stay with you. Trust her instincts.”
Selyn nodded, but her gaze was locked on Dawson. It made it difficult for him to turn away, but he followed Ginny out to the car, torn by his desire to remain with Selyn, something he wanted as much as he wanted to see Lemuria for the first time. When he glanced at the house, Selyn stood in the doorway with BumperWillow beside her.
She waved. So did he, and then he got in the car with Ginny, and the two of them headed for the portal.
He’d watched as others disappeared into the solid rock wall at Red Rock Crossing, but he’d never imagined doing it himself. Now that he knew what to look for, how it felt, he realized he could use this passage at any time.
It was all dependent upon the way you saw the rock. Perception, in this case, created reality.
The concept totally boggled the mind. They passed through what appeared to be solid rock and entered a small cavern. Ginny stopped Dawson with a light touch to his arm.
“This vortex only powers two portals. The one we usually take moves us across Sedona to Bell Rock where there’s a large portal that opens directly into the main entry to Lemuria. This one.” She pointed to a glowing swirl of light on one wall.
Dawson stared at the portal, almost mesmerized by the sense of energy emanating from the light. Finally he forced himself to look away. “Why do I hear a ‘but’ in that statement?”
Ginny laughed. “Because you’re obviously paying attention. We’re going to take this one.” She pointed at a smaller swirling mass of light. Not as bright, not as filled with energy. “Alton and I were told it led directly to the council chambers for the Council of Nine. Once he was made temporary chancellor, we discovered this portal’s Lemurian gateway is actually in his father’s private office. It’s dangerous, because someone could be in there who doesn’t belong, but so is trying to sneak through the tunnels in Lemuria without getting caught. We can’t count on Roland to get us through. His schedule has been a mess lately.”
“Do you think anyone suspects he might be helping us?”
“I don’t know.” Ginny shook her head. “I hope that’s not it. He’s got a wife and child to worry about, and we need him if we’re going to carry this off. Anyway, this trip, we’re going to take the portal directly into Artigos’s office.” She unsheathed her sword and held DarkFire ready. “C’mon.”
Sword raised, Ginny slipped through the portal. Dawson followed, pepper spray in hand.
The man inside the office jumped away from the desk he was searching and raised his hands in the air. The glowing point of Ginny’s sword ensured he wouldn’t attack. Dawson held on to the can of pepper spray, just in case.

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