Star Warrior: A SciFi Alien Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Star Warrior: A SciFi Alien Romance
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“I lie? What the hell are you talking about, sparkly?”

“Sparkly. You’ve used that word several times now. Almost I think that’s an insult.”

“Almost I think you’ve managed to spark two neurons together in that strange alien brain of yours,” she said.

I couldn’t take it any longer. The insolence. Her refusal to back down when she was cornered. The way she looked in that dress. It all combined to overwhelm me. The civilized part of me broke down and I reached down and lifted her, marveling at how light she was in my arms. The last time we were this close she’d been in heavily weighted power armor that made it somewhat more difficult to lift her like this.

She looked down at me in surprise, but after a moment it was my turn to be surprised. There was conflict on her face for a moment, and then it disappeared into another one of those smiles, though this time the smile was decidedly less threatening than just moments ago.

“Oh fuck it,” she whispered. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but there was no mistaking the tone of her voice. That was the sound of a woman who was aroused. A woman who needed me. I felt a stirring between my legs and she moaned in appreciating as she pressed down against me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head at the contact and I let out another groan.

It had been so long. Too long. Fitting that it would be the woman who caused that dry spell who ultimately brought it to an end. I carried her over to a wall and touched it, causing it to become translucent and giving me a view of the Imperial City sprawling off into the distance. I put her down and wheeled her around, pressed her between my body and the window.

“Do you see that human?” I whispered, still grinding against her and enjoying the subtle pleasures of her body while growling in her ear. I allowed myself a moment of indulgence and nibbled at her ear which earned another pleasured moan. Odd how a pleasure response from an alien could be so singularly alluring. It was nothing like the screams and roars of a Livisk woman, but it was new and different and exotic and I couldn’t get enough of it.

“What’s the point?” she asked. “So you have a city. We have cities on earth.”

“That is the might of the Livisk Ascendency. The civilization that will grind yours into dust.”

I moved a hand up to her neck. Marveled in the feel of her smooth skin that was so different from a Livisk woman which was tougher and more leathery. Again, it was exotic and intoxicating.

Talia turned and looked up at me. She smiled that thin smile once more and grabbed my head. Pulled me down until my lips met hers. I pressed her against the wall and reveled in the feel of her lips pressing against mine. Her tongue entered into my mouth, exploring firmly with no hesitation just like a true Livisk woman, and I marveled at the feel. Maybe it was because it had been so long since I’d felt this, but something told me it was this woman that was inspiring me to such heights of arousal.

I felt her hand move down between my legs and I was overcome. It had been so long since I’d had any contact other than taking care of that business on my own. I was used to long stretches of no contact with a female as part of my work, but this last stretch had been longer and more frustrating than any I’d ever endured before while working in deep space.

She pulled away from the kiss and for a moment she looked almost sad. Again, I wasn’t the best at reading human emotions since I usually saw them on the other side of a viewscreen right before I blew them from the space between the stars, but we were all trained on the enemy extensively.

I wondered what could cause that sadness when I felt something pressing against my flesh down below. Something that was less welcome than the feeling of her body pressing against me and causing me to do things with a human that I swore I would never do.

I looked down and bit back several choice curses that came to mind. I’d done it again. I wondered how much of that seductive game we’d just played was because she truly was overwhelmed with lust for a moment, and how much of it was because she was looking for an opportunity to get close to me.

Because down below, between my legs where I thought she might be giving in to her desire, I saw instead a moderately sharp cutting implement that was used to tear through some human food since they didn’t tear chunks off with their teeth like civilized people would. And that sharp implement was right up against my manhood.

She grinned. “Three out of four. So do we maybe want to discuss who’s in charge of the situation now?”







11: Escape?




Control. What I needed was control. The last thing I needed was to lose myself so completely and utterly making out with my captor on a world that was light years from any hope of rescue from any human forces. I needed to be cunning an I needed to be crafty if I was going to make it out of this situation with my hide intact.

And yet all I could think about was how sinfully delicious it felt having Jorav pressed up against me. I hadn’t been able to get the alien’s shimmering blue skin out of my mind since the first time I made contact with him on that ill-fated voyage where we’d destroyed one another’s lives, and finally getting a taste of the reality of some of those fantasies was almost too much.

It was almost enough to make me forget all about the whole “trying to escape the alien homeworld” plan I’d been working on. For that matter I still didn’t know how I was going to go from threatening this most intriguing bit of his anatomy to escaping from the world with most of my crew. It’s not like I could hold a blade to his alien manhood forever.

Though the idea of being up close and personal with his most precious piece of anatomy for an extended period of time did have me blushing.

Jorav stared into my eyes. His gaze was hypnotic. It was almost enough to bring me under his sway. Almost enough to make me want to drop the blade. Then he laughed. A deep bass rumble that started in his chest and rolled over my body as he regarded me as an annoyed parent might regard a wayward child who was misbehaving. I bristled at that treatment.

“You wouldn’t do it,” he said.

I licked my lips. If he wanted to call my bluff then he had another thing coming. I pressed the blade forward which caused my hand to brush against his cock and that in turn set off a firestorm of emotion inside me. It had been a long time. Too damn long. The most action I’d gotten since losing the Alemeraine, unless getting hit on by dirty old admirals who were in desperate need of an attitude adjustment counted.

Damn that was distracting. Without thinking I moved a hand out to run it along the contours of his cock. Even through his pants I could tell that this was something I wouldn’t mind getting to know better if we were under different circumstances. Heck, even standing here being held captive I wanted to get to know him better. It was a damn shame that I had to threaten him like this to break free, because otherwise we could have one hell of a good time.

“Do it,” he said.

“I’m serious,” I replied. “Don’t think I’m not.”

“Then do it. Maim me. Finish the ruin that you brought upon me that day. Rob me of my manhood. Tell me you don’t want it by taking it from me,” he said, nearly spitting out the words.

I’d give him this. The guy certainly was brave. I don’t know if I’d act the same way if I had someone threatening me like that. Then again I kept all of my vitals inside rather than swinging in the breeze where someone could use it as leverage in a fight, so I’d never truly know the terror of what he must be feeling and covering up in that moment.

My hand shook. I needed to do it. It wouldn’t do a damn bit of good. It was obvious he had no intention of letting me escape even if I did hurt him. I could at least make him regret taking me captive.

And yet I couldn’t do it. I never was going to do it, if I’m being completely honest with myself. It was a bluff, and he’d called it. I sighed and deflated under his captivating stare.

I pulled the knife away from his more sensitive regions. I wanted to scream in frustration that I was giving up my only chance of escape, but at the end of the day I had no idea where I would be escaping to. I was stuck on a strange world with no way of getting out. I couldn’t read their strange alphabet all that well even if I was pretty good with the spoken language. I was screwed.

Maybe in more ways than one. No sooner had I pulled the knife away from his most sensitive region than he was pulling me up and pressing that against me. His mouth descended on my neck and his tongue moved out to probe at my skin which was red hot wherever his tongue ran. His tongue was coarse, like a cat’s tongue, but the only thing I could think as it ran around the front of my neck and his lips pressed against mine was how wonderful something like that would feel between my legs.

I had other things to worry about between my legs, though. His cock felt massive and he was grinding it against me. Grinding against me with such force that I worried he might press hard enough to dislodge this window we were up against and send both of us hurtling to the city floor thousands of feet below.

That would be an explosive end to what was quickly becoming one of the hottest sessions of my life. His hands roamed all over me. They were so big. He was so powerful. So eager.

I’d always known that something like this was possible. That the Livisk were hot for human women. Hot enough to occasionally abduct a human crew. There were entire liners that had gone missing in the depths of space over the years and it was speculated that they were the victim of Livisk raiding crews out looking for more human women to put to work.

I’d always known this sort of thing could happen to me and I always thought I would be more repulsed than I felt in the moment. Because as his hands roamed my body, one thumb working at my nipples while the other moved between my legs and pressed me up against that window with surprising force, all I could think about was how much I wanted this. How much I needed his touch.

How long it had been since I’d felt the touch of another. Command was lonely. No less so when you were stuck on a ship where everyone was an idiot and didn’t want anything to do with you on top of the usual loneliness of command.

Part of me was screaming that I should’ve held onto the only weapon I’d been able to find. The other part of me, the one that was quickly asserting control as he moved down and cupped my ass and pulled me against that fantastic alien member threatening to split me in two, was screaming that this was so much better than anything I’d felt with a human. That it was almost worth having my ship blown out from under me and being taken captive by an enemy combatant if that enemy combatant was as skilled in the bedroom as he was with strategy and tactics.


His mouth moved lower. Down to the tops of my breasts which were pressing up and begging for his touch. He didn’t disappoint. That coarse alien tongue ran along the tops of my breasts and I felt like I was going to explode. Maybe I was going to explode. His fingers hadn’t stopped their expert manipulations down below. Sure my uniform was still in between us, it’s not like he was touching me directly, but fuck if that didn’t feel like it was going to be enough if he kept this up.

Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh dear god that most of humanity didn’t believe in these days but it was still really fucking useful to call out when you were on the cusp of orgasmic pleasure. His finger pressed against me again, expertly manipulating me with a skill that told me Jorav was one excellent lover even if he wasn’t entirely familiar with the intricacies of human female anatomy.

I squeezed my legs around him and pushed against him even as he kept me pressed against the wall. The sights of the Livisk capital city moved on beyond that transparent view, unconcerned that a high general of the Livisk was taking a human woman on the other side. Or if anyone was aware they weren’t coming down to gawk at us.

He pressed against me one final time and it happened. It was all too much. The pent up feelings that had been bottled inside me for so long. The feel of his eagerness as he explored me. The promise of that massive cock he’d pressed against me. I squeezed my legs around his waist and pressed my mouth into his shoulder biting down with everything I was worth as I opened my mouth and sang the song of that incredible feeling he’d given me.

Jorav paused, but he didn’t stop his manipulations between my legs. Good boy. I’d been with too many men who decided the game was up as soon as I started screaming. They never seemed to realize that they needed to see things through to the very end if they were going to do a proper job of it.

And talk about a proper job with this massive hunk of alien hunkiness! Over and over I screamed. Over and over I felt an impossible pleasure arcing through my body from my scalp which tingled down to the tips of my toes which were curling under his ministrations.

Finally I came up for air and I realized with a start that I’d actually managed to leave a small bruise on the sparkly blue skin of his shoulder. Sure it wasn’t much, just a spot that was slightly darker than the rest of his skin, but that was still a surprise considering they had skin that was armored enough to stand up to regular human blasters. Damn. I must’ve been really fucking turned on!

I pulled away and looked up at him for a moment, and then reality came crashing down around me. This was an enemy general. This was the man who’d taken my crew captive. Who’d destroyed my ship out from under me. This was the man who’d taken me to the Livisk homeworld where I’d likely be a captive for the rest of my natural life, which would probably be unnaturally shortened because the outlook wasn’t supposed to be that great for Livisk captives.

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