Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time) (38 page)

BOOK: Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time)
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Bret stared at his panel, “Some are grey, others white, and the ones appearing now are tinted green.”

Angel looked at Dat and saw he was also confused at what was happening. The oncoming wave of Blue Ships suddenly disappeared and Bret said, “I have a message coming in, Sir.”

“Put it on the monitor.”

A light brown colored being with a nose that looked like a trunk appeared. They knew it was the same creature as the Chosen, “I don’t know if you understand what I’m saying but I want to thank you for distracting the Evil Ones.”

Dat had the Chosen’s language transferred with the chip he assimilated, “I understand you.”

“I’m surprised you do; however, I want to thank you for distracting the Yellow Creatures long enough for us to destroy their home world. We thought they would recall their forces but it appears there is no one left in authority to do it. We decided that we should send half of our ships to support you against them.”

Dat said, “Half of your ships?”

“My Allies said that we should come and help you.” The being paused and said, “I suspect when we attacked they attempted to contact their leaders and discovered we are destroying their planet.”

Dat looked at his visor and saw the millions of ships that had appeared to save them were jumping away, “What are you going to do now?”

“We’re jumping back to their galaxy to attempt to destroy their fleets.”

“Perhaps we can assist you in making that happen.”

The being’s nose went straight up and it smiled, “Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.”

“We’ll be there momentarily.” The display went dark and Dat looked at Angel and smiled. She smiled with him; something had radically changed. “All ships will form up on the Wellington and jump to the coordinate I just sent you on my mark. We will spread out and assist the ships that are currently attacking the Blue Battleships. Ready…MARK!” The millions of Jukebox Battleships disappeared.

• • •

The battle continued for ten days before the last Blue Warship was destroyed. The forces arrayed against them were more than they could handle. The Chosen’s Ships along with their Allies would distract the Pumgas Ships while the Jukeboxes would jump in and deliver the coup de gras. Within another three days, the Pumgas were just a foot note in history. The worlds they had conquered found they no longer needed the Yellow Beings for their prosperity and the celebrations started almost immediately after their liberation.

• • •

Dat sent the fleets back to the Union but held the Strike Fleet in the Pumgas Galaxy. Only eight thousand ships in the Strike Fleet had survived the fight. Union forces did not land on the conquered planets to remove the Pumgas; the Chosen’s Believers and their allies handled that by dropping millions of hunters on the conquered planets as their huge transports jumped in. Dat, Angel, and Bret noticed that the only ones being killed were the Pumgas and none of the inhabitants were being bullied into accepting the Chosen’s teachings.

• • •

After the last planet was liberated, the Believer appeared on the Wellington’s monitor again. “Thank you for your assistance. You prevented the loss of millions of our warships.”

“We were glad to be of assistance.”

“We will be leaving now to go back to our homes.”

“Perhaps we can assist you in future struggles against civilizations that feed on other civilizations.”

The Believer looked at Dat, “That is how we acquired our allies; all of them had been preyed on by the Evil Carnivores and they asked to help us in our quest. We would welcome your assistance. The Chosen will be delighted by your offer.”

Angel looked at the Believer on the monitor and said, “Would it be possible for me to meet your Chosen?”

The Believer looked at Angel and everyone saw something change in his expression. He took a deep breath and said, “Would you please remove the covering on your head?”

Angel’s eyes narrowed and she turned and looked at Dat who could only shrug. She looked at Bret who nodded to her. She reached up and took the combat helmet off her head and her blonde hair spilled out. The Believer fell back in his chair, “What is your name!?!”

Angel wondered what was going on. She shook her head, “What’s the matter?”

“What is your name!?!”

Angel said, “Admiral Arvolo.”

The Believer almost relaxed but it thought for a moment and said, “Is that your complete name?”

Angel hesitated and said, “My complete name is Angel Cyanna Arvolo.”

The Believer’s eyes flew wide open and his nose jerked back and forth on his face. His eyes filled with tears and he lowered his head and said, “Thank you. Thank you for letting me be the one chosen.”

Angel said, “You have no reason to thank me for anything.”

“I wasn’t thanking you; I was thanking the Deity for allowing me to be here at this moment.” The Believer leaned to the side and Angel saw a set of coordinates appear on her panel. “The Chosen is expecting you and those coordinates will take you to him. I’ve notified the Temple to expect your arrival. Thank you!”

The monitor went dark and Bret said, “There are millions of messages being sent between their ships that you have been found.”

Angel’s expression showed her dismay. She looked at Dat and he smiled, “You shouldn’t keep him waiting.”

Angel continued to shake her head and Bret said, “I’ll go with you.” Bret looked at Dat and he nodded. He stood up and walked over to Angel and offered his hand, “Your father is right; you shouldn’t keep him waiting.” Angel sighed and took his hand. He pulled her up and led her off the bridge.

• • •

Bret flew the Rover to the Believer’s Holy Planet and saw the giant rose colored Temple from above the planet’s atmosphere. He looked at Angel and smiled, “Are you ready?”

Angel sighed heavily and said, “I guess so.”

Bret reached over and took her hand, “Angel, after this is over, I’m hoping that when we go back home that you will marry me.”

Angel’s eyes went wide and she stood up and wrapped her arms around Bret’s neck and kissed him. She finally broke the kiss and Bret said, “Is that a yes?”

Angel kissed him again and smiled as they parted, “It is. I love you so much, Bret.”

Bret held her close and said, “Let’s get this over with. I want to have some alone time with you.”

Angel hugged him and went back to her chair. She reached over and kept her hand on Bret’s arm as he moved the Rover into the planet’s atmosphere and spiraled down toward the giant Temple. A voice said over the Rover’s wall speaker, “There is a landing pad beside the main entrance that has been built for your arrival.”

Bret flew in over the temple and saw the giant gate in the Temple’s main building. He brought the view in closer and smiled, “It is the exact length of a Rover, Angel.” Bret brought the Rover in and landed it on the landing pad. Angel pulled his arm and Bret said, “He’s expecting you; not me.”


“Go and find your destiny, Angel. I’ll be waiting here for you.”

Angel looked into his eyes and then walked off the small bridge for the exit port. She opened the port and saw two of the Chosen’s species dressed in long flowing rose colored robes waiting for her. They lowered their head and turned toward the sixty foot high doors. They each grabbed a ring on one of the two giant panels and pulled; the two huge panels moved and they nodded toward the opening. Angel walked through leaving the two Believers at the door. She walked a hundred yards through a corridor and then saw the small rose colored structure she had seen when she had landed more than a hundred thousand years earlier. It had not changed at all; everything looked identical. She saw the Chosen standing outside the structure and he waved her forward.

She walked up and the light brown being lowered his head, “Welcome. I’ve been hoping you would come while I am tending the Herd.”

Angel shook her head slightly, “I’m confused by all this. Why were you expecting me?”

“Because the first Chosen said you would be coming during this millennium. His instructions to all of those that followed was that during the thousand years after a hundred and twenty six thousand years would be the time of your appearance. He gave us a message to hold for the time of your arrival.”

“But how do you know I’m the one you’ve been waiting for?”

“The Chosen’s instructions were quite clear. He said the one would have white hair on her head. She would come in a white ship that was the exact length of the landing pad he had built for you. He said your name would be Angel and you would ask to come and communicate with his successor.” Angel shook her head and smiled. The being looked at her and said, “Did you come and speak with the first Chosen?”

Angel stared at him and after a moment said, “Yes, I did.”

The Chosen pulled a packet out of his robe and said, “He left this for you.”

Angel looked at the packet and blew out a breath, “Will you read it to me?”

The Chosen’s eyes turned moist, “You would give me that honor?” Angel nodded. The Chosen took a small knife out of his robe and cut the top of the packet. He turned the packet so Angel could see the rose colored seal on it. “The Chosen made this seal with one of his fingers. I can’t bring myself to break it.”

“I understand.” The Chosen pulled the contents of the package out and looked at the writings. He started smiling. Angel said, “What?”

“The stories about our First Chosen say that he had a quick wit and sense of humor. This confirms that history.” He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his robe and began reading, “If you’re here hearing this then I have one thing to say to you; ‘What do you think about my message now? Can I teach a lesson or what?’” Angel chuckled and the current Chosen continued reading. “I made sure that there would never be any misunderstandings about what the Deity has communicated to me. It appears my message was not changed. If it did, you wouldn’t be here now.”

“After you left, I stayed at the Deity’s Holy House and thought about what you told me. I pondered on this issue for quite a long time and it eventually became clear that you and I coming together at the exact moment I emerged from the Holy House with the Deity’s communication was not an accident. I was given a lesson to teach to all that would listen. I was quite the teacher. You were also sent to teach a lesson; only in your case, you had just one pupil…me. You were also an excellent teacher.

“Thank you for coming. You were sent to prevent me from causing the Deity’s message to be corrupted thus bringing a worse evil into the universe than the Evil Carnivores. The Deity was not going to allow his only direct intervention to lead to a universe that was worse as a result. Both of us were chosen and both of us carried out our duties to the best of our abilities. I’m truly sorry for all the pain and anguish your civilization had to endure to prepare you to teach me. However, I do hope all that has changed. Your humble student wishes you and your people long life and joy.”

Angel’s tears fell and she didn’t care who saw them. She could still see the shock on the first Chosen’s face when she told him what he had caused. She turned and walked over toward the Deity’s Holy House and stopped in front of the doorway. She stared at the door for a long moment and then said, “You chose well. He really was the right one at the right time.”

The current Chosen was standing behind her and he said, “He also made a good choice with you. Thank you for all that you’ve done.” He lifted the message and held it out to Angel.

Angel shook her head, “I think you should keep that message and share it with your believers. It will prove to them that this was the plan of the one they worship.”

The Chosen shook his head in amazement and clutched the document to his chest, “What you are offering is beyond value.”

“It’s what he would want done.” She turned to leave but stopped long enough to give the Chosen a hug. The Chosen was not allowed to be touched by anyone but he returned her embrace. Angel wiped her eyes and walked toward the huge doors. They opened and the two priests bowed as she walked out and stopped to look up at a beautiful sky. She had so many things she didn’t understand about what happened…but somehow, she felt at peace. She smiled and entered the Rover’s port. Bret was waiting for her and she rushed into his arms. There was so much to do…a wedding had to be planned. Now the Union was at peace and its warriors could take time to live and see what they had fought to preserve. She briefly thought about the future Bret and Jillian and hoped they would be alright. She held Bret’s hand as the Rover rose into the sky and disappeared.


ret stood on the Ninja and turned off the engines. Jillian shut down the time systems and looked at Bret, “Do you think it worked?”

Bret sighed, “I really don’t know.”

Jillian started weeping and Bret stood up and went to her. He wrapped his arms around her and said, “We have to hope we were successful.”

Jillian continued to cry, “How would we know if it worked?”

Bret blew out a breath and said, “If it caused an alternate universe to exist when we jumped back to Angel, we won’t know. This universe will continue as it is now.”

Jillian looked up into Bret’s eyes, “And if a new universe didn’t come into existence at that moment?”

Bret stared at her and finally said, “Then you, I, and everything around us will just vanish. Their universe will continue.”

“I don’t want to go on existing without Mark.” Bret nodded. He felt the same way about losing Angel. Jillian continued crying and said, “I just can’t live without knowing if it worked. Can we go back and see?”

Bret took a deep breath and shook his head, “No, we can only go back in time in this universe. We can’t go to an alternate universe. There’s no way for us to know.” Bret looked at the wall monitor. The Europe was hanging in space over the moon where the Ninja was hidden. Suddenly, it winked out of existence. Bret smiled, lowered his head, and whispered to Jillian, “It worked.” She looked up at him and saw him nod. She smiled a moment before they vanished.

The End

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