Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time) (33 page)

BOOK: Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time)
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There was a pause and she heard over the wall speaker, “The ship would explode into a blast hotter than the core of a star.”

“What area would the blast cover?”

“More than two hundred miles in diameter.” Angel nodded and continued to stare at the monitor showing the approaching fleet.

Detforth heard Angel’s question and the computer’s answer. He thought about why she would want that information and then he knew. The fact that she wasn’t doing anything with it showed she was not going to act on it. He lifted his communicator and started speaking.

• • •

Angel didn’t know what to do. She thought about what she would do if she was in the enemy Commander’s place and she knew she would take the fleet and attack every civilized planet in this galaxy. She didn’t have enough warships to stop him from doing it. “Sir.”

Angel turned and looked at Detforth, “The fleet has taken a vote and we’ve decided to exercise the overload initiative.”

Angel’s head tilted, “You’ve what?”

“Sir, our duty is to protect the Union. Earth is gone but the other planets are still alive. If we allow this enemy fleet to escape, it will go after the rest of the Union’s planets. We’ve done a study on what would happen if all of our ships overloaded our reactors inside the ranks of that fleet. We wouldn’t kill them all…but there wouldn’t be enough survivors to break through a planet’s force field. Every ship has voted to do this.”

Angel shook her head, “We could escape to the colonies and live out our lives.”

Detforth shook his head, “Our lives were on Earth. My family is gone and I choose to kill the bastards that murdered them.”

Angel stared at Detforth and said, “Are you sure about the vote being unanimous?”

“Yes Sir.”

Angel saw the fleet moving closer to normal space and she sighed. She didn’t know if Bret was on Earth when it died but he probably was. Her family was dead; killed by these monsters. Detforth was right. Her father’s last order was to make their lives count. This was the way to do it. She activated her visor and said, “All ships form the can on the Wellington. Move your ships hull to hull and once we’re in formation, we’ll accelerate at maximum speed behind a forward barrage. All ships will fire barrages from their ships as we move into the center of their formation. Once there, we’ll scatter and overload our reactors. I’m proud of you. Let’s do this for Earth.”

• • •

Every planet in the Union was receiving the feed from the advanced probes following the Believer Fleet. They watched as the surviving white battleships formed a tight cylinder and suddenly accelerated at an incredible speed toward the giant globe of rust colored warships. The cylinder disappeared as it struck the outer ranks of the oncoming fleet. A few moments later, a massive black colored light flashed inside the giant sphere and a shockwave blew through the giant globe of Rust Warships. The light blinded the probes for a moment and then the Union Planets saw burning hulks of Rust Warships being blown out on the wake of the expanding shockwave. More than five billions warships were in the globe. Less than three million survived the blast and a third of them were severely damaged. Only the ships on the outer edge of the formation that were blown away by the pressure of the blast survived. The undamaged ships flew to the damaged vessels and moved the crews out. They flew out of disrupted space and jumped away. The Union was safe.

• • •

The Union mourned the loss of Earth and the heroes that had given their lives to protect them. The legends of the heroes grew over time and the one whose name was the largest was Angel Arvolo. A viewing facility was built on Earth’s moon for a thankful civilization to come and view the site of the Galaxy’s most horrific war. Earth would never support life again. Its crust and atmosphere were blown away by the billions of nuclear explosions leaving a cratered rock orbiting the sun. The humans in the Colonies came and assisted the surviving planets in the Union to form a new government to lead them. They were told that Humans would not come back to the Milky Way. Earth had been destroyed twice and now it was time to move on. They promised to assist the Union in building its defenses and in a hundred years, the Union was able to protect itself from any aggressor.

Union historians told the story of Earth’s sacrifice and over the centuries the Union wished that mankind would one day return to the galaxy of its birth. They never did. The huge black beings called Matadors did return on holy pilgrimages to thank and mourn for the ones that had given them back their lives. They would never forget the gift they were given.

Chapter Twenty

hat are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure.”

“The Union has survived.”

“Yes, but Earth didn’t.”

“Are you willing to jeopardize the outcome?”

“We don’t know if we can. I’m not going to tie myself up in knots trying to figure that one out.”

“So you’re going to do it?”

He looked at her and smiled, “Yes, I am. I would hope that you agree with my choice.”

“I do.”

• • •

Kune slowly shook his head and said, “Admiral Arvolo, build something special here. I can see you’re on the right path to make it happen.” He turned to Dizzy, “Make me proud.”

Dizzy fought hard to prevent her tears but her eyes were moist, “You know I will, Sir.”

Kune walked toward the door and Angel said “Attennnshun!” The three officers stood and saluted. Kune returned their salute and left for his Rover in the landing bay.

Dizzy sat down and sighed, “I hated every moment.”

Angel put her hand on Dizzy’s shoulder, “It’s the only way to show him, Commodore. Plan to meet with the entire Senior Staff in three hours.” Angel turned to Bret, “Leave immediately for Fleet Headquarters and get Commodore Banks copies of the personnel folders on the ships in her command.” Angel looked at the helmsman, “Plan to move the ship back to our formation as soon as Commodore Young jumps away and clears the area.”

“Yes Sir.”

Angel left the room and Dizzy looked at Bret, “I can see why you love her.” Bret’s eyes went wide. “Yes it’s obvious. You made an excellent choice, Bret.”

“Thanks Dizzy. I also made a good choice picking you.” Bret left the room for a Rover and it took Dizzy a few moments to see that he was talking about her being selected to join Angel’s team. Dizzy smiled; Angel came out pretty good as well. Bret was a keeper.

• • •

Dizzy saw the Rover leave the Wellington’s landing bay and looked at the helmsman to jump the Wellington back to the fleet. She saw he was staring at his panel as he pressed a button, “Admiral, I’m picking up something on the scanners that’s unusual.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know, Sir. There is some kind of green energy field that is forming about ten miles out.”

“Go to battle stations; I’ll be right there.”

Dizzy looked at the wall monitor and saw a hazy green energy field forming in open space. Angel rushed on the bridge and sat down in her command chair. She stared at the field and looked at the Sensor Officer, “What is it?”

“I don’t know, Sir. I don’t have anything in my databanks that matches up to it.” Suddenly a large white ship came through the green field. The Sensor Officer said, “It appears to be a Jukebox, Sir. However, it doesn’t match any of the ships in our fleet.”

“What’s its name?”

“Europe is written on the bow, Sir.”

The wall speaker activated and they heard, “Admiral, Arvolo. I need to have a short meeting with you. Will you please come to my ship?”

Angel stared at the speaker and pressed her communicator, “Identify yourself.”

There was a pause and they heard, “You know who I am. Please trust yourself and come here now.”

Angel stared at the ship on the monitor and turned to Dizzy, “You are in command until I return.”

“Sir, is this wise?”

Angel smiled, “He’s right. I don’t know what’s going on but I do know who he is.” Angel rushed off the bridge and Dizzy sat down in the command chair. She looked at the Sensor Officer who could only shrug.

• • •

Angel arrived in the landing bay and boarded a shuttle. She went through the landing bay’s protective force field and turned the Rover toward the Jukebox. As she moved closer she saw that the thrusters on the ship were different from any she had seen. It appeared the thrusters running the length of the ship were as large as the rear thrusters. She saw the landing bay door opening and she flew the Rover inside. She landed and stepped out to find an Officer wearing the uniform of a Jukebox Captain waiting for her. He smiled, “Please follow me.” She entered the high speed chute and arrived just outside the bridge where the Captain took her to the ship’s conference room. He nodded and she entered the door. She saw Bret standing at the viewport staring at the Wellington.

She shook her head, “How did you get on this ship so quickly?”

Bret turned around and Angel’s eyes narrowed. He looked different. “Angel, the Bret you sent to gather fleet personnel records is still on Earth.” Angel stared at Bret and her confusion was obvious. Bret walked over and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. She heard him whisper, “Thank God; for one last time.”

She leaned back and said, “Bret, what’s going on?”

“Angel, I’ve just come here from the future. I don’t have much time so I need you to lay down on this transfer table and allow me to transfer information on all that has happened. Once you have it, I’ll answer your questions.” Angel started shaking her head and Bret said, “The Earth is a blasted rock and you along with everyone in your family is dead. I’m here to try and stop that from happening. Now lay down on the couch and help me.”

Angel saw his anguish and she sat down on the couch. He lifted the transfer cap and put it on her head. She started to question him again but he started the transfer and her eyes closed. He caught her and laid her gently on the couch. He looked at his wrist unit and saw the high speed transfer would be over shortly. He sat beside her and gently rubber her cheek. He was unable to stop his tears.

• • •

The Sensor Operator looked at Dizzy, “Should we contact fleet?”

Dizzy stared at the ship on the monitor and shook her head, “No. We’ll give her some time.”

• • •

Angel’s eyes opened and she looked up at Bret. She quickly sat up and pulled him into her arms, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright. You did what you had to do.”

Angel leaned back, “But I was wrong to do it.” Bret looked in her eyes and then nodded. “You watched me die?”

“I did. I should have been there with you.” Bret stood and walked over to the conference table and picked up two high speed transfer chips, “Take these along with the one you just absorbed and make the transfer with me. You need to act quickly.”

Angel took the chips and shook her head, “Bret, do you love me?”

Bret’s smile was soft, “That’s why I’m here.”

Angel reached up and kissed him and then left the room. Bret hung his head and fought to control his emotions. He walked out of the conference room and entered the bridge. He saw Patterson staring at the Wellington. Bret sighed, “I know what you’re feeling but we can’t stay here.”

“Why not?”

“Are you going to take the place of the one here?” Patterson looked at Bret and then shook his head. Bret saw the Rover leave and head toward the Wellington, “Take us back through, Captain.”

“Yes Sir.”

• • •

Dizzy saw the Rover leave the strange ship, watched as it started moving and then disappear through the green energy field, which immediately vanished.

• • •

Angel arrived on the Wellington’s bridge and she lifted her wrist unit, “Bret, where are you?”

“I’ve just arrived at Fleet personnel.”

“Get back to your Rover and join me immediately.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Just follow your orders!”

“Yes Sir, on my way.”

Angel entered another frequency, “Grest.”

“Yes Angel.”

“I am leaving you in command until I can return.”

“Where are you going?”

“Bret and I have an issue to resolve. I should be back shortly.”

“Yes Sir.”

Angel put on her combat helmet and pulled up the computer’s database. She found the last hour’s recordings and erased them. She saw Dizzy watching her, “Commodore Banks, you will stay with the Wellington until your Flagship arrives. You will command the ship during that time.”

“Yes Sir.” Angel turned and ran off the bridge.

• • •

Bret jumped away from Earth and arrived at the Wellington. He lined up on the giant landing bay and was once again amazed at the flight activity taking place. Rovers, shuttles, repair ships, and couriers were constantly coming and going when the Wellington stopped and held a position in space.

He lined up the route he had been assigned and wondered why Angel hadn’t taken her flagship back to the fleet. She usually answered his questions; but not this time. Something was going on. He brought the Rover in to a Military landing pad and heard, “Open the port, Bret.” He looked at his external monitor and saw Angel waiting beside the ship. He activated the port and Angel rushed in to the small bridge. “Slide over!” Bret moved out of the command chair and went to the co-pilot’s position. “What’s going on, Angel?”

“I’ll fill you in when I get time. Hang on.”

Bret’s heart went into his throat as Angel whipped the Rover around and flashed out of the landing bay violating every fleet regulation dealing with ship safety. Bret closed his eyes as Angel flew the ship under a repair tender and over another Rover. Once clear of the Wellington, Angel skipped the Rover away.

• • •

Dizzy watched Angel exit the ship and she stood up and left the bridge. She went to the ship’s library and began asking the computer questions. It took her more than a day to find the answers to her inquires. She struggled with what to do next. After eight hours she decided that she would have to trust the young woman she chose to follow. She went back to the bridge and sat in the command chair. It wasn’t going to be much longer.

• • •

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