Star Raiders (28 page)

Read Star Raiders Online

Authors: Elysa Hendricks

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Life on Other Planets, #General

BOOK: Star Raiders
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Greyson clamped a hand on Carter’s arm. “No. You need to stay with the ship.

If Shyanne and I aren’t back in twenty-five minutes, get the hel out of here. No reason for you to risk your life needlessly. Coming along was gesture enough.”


“There’s no time to debate this. I’m going. You’re staying.” Greyson grabbed the portable tracking unit. His UTD stil broadcast its emergency signal. Without waiting for Carter’s agreement he strode out the hatch.

“Keep your com open, so I can track you,” Carter shouted after him.

Greyson nodded, but he didn’t look back. With his first breath of the thin, frigid air, his lungs clenched. He quickened his pace. Deprived of oxygen as he would be, the D-5 would burn itself out even quicker.

Shy raised no objection as her guards led her to a nicely appointed chamber and told her to bathe and change into the clothing provided. The continued luxury made no impact on her. Considering the icy rage in her heart, she barely felt the warmth of the fire blazing in the room’s large hearth or noticed the rich wal hangings that kept it free of any drafts. The elegant furnishings, the soft fur rugs beneath her feet and the lavish spread of food on the table were equal y ignored.

Impervious to her guards’ leering and crude comments, she stripped and washed away the sweat, blood and grime of the last few days and forced herself to don the revealing dress Dempster had provided. When the guards left, she fought to suppress her true thoughts, to smother the grief threatening to swamp her, and to harden her determination.

For what was to come she needed her strength. Because of the hunger gnawing her bel y, she compel ed herself to eat a bit of cheese and bread, but only that, and had difficulty swal owing past the knot in her dry throat. Afraid the wine might be drugged, she ignored her intense thirst. Before she lay down on the room’s big bed to rest and wait, she scoured the room for a weapon. There was nothing, not even a butter knife.

Time crept by as she waited for Simon Dempster’s arrival. It was time enough for her numbness to wear off. Time to think. Time for the pain and grief to sink deep into her soul. She wanted to cry. To scream. To rage. But she knew if she succumbed to those needs, she’d lose her chance to avenge the deaths of her loved ones.

Final y she heard the click of a lock and the door swung open. She rose from the bed and waited as Dempster strode into the room.

The man carried his years wel . Tight black trousers and a white silk shirt emphasized his lean build and complemented his pale complexion and black hair.

Aside from the scar twisting the side of his face, a mark she’d given him the last time they’d met, Dempster would be considered an attractive man, if perhaps an effeminate one. But she knew wel enough the strength in that trim body. And his mind was bril iant though deranged.

Perhaps he’d been a human being once, a boy who loved and was loved. Now nothing but evil burned in those black, soul ess eyes. Her gaze homed in on the sidearm he wore, a laser pistol.

When he glanced at the barely touched food and stil corked wine he raised an eyebrow. “Not hungry? Thirsty?”

She kept her face impassive and made no response.

He chuckled. The sound made her legs tremble, and regret at her foolishness stabbed her. She should have eaten more, built up more strength. After four days of no food and little water, she had no stamina, no reserves to cal on. Hatred alone kept her upright.

His cool, calculating gaze sent a new sliver of fear rippling through her—fear for not what might happen to her, but that through weakness she might not succeed in her goal. She
kil him before ELF forces arrived. The pleasure of his death must be hers alone.

“Let me pour you a drink,” he said.

She watched him uncork the wine, pour a glass and hold it out. She didn’t take it, and he sighed.

“I assure you it’s not poisoned or drugged.” He took a sip. He held it out again.

As if hypnotized, she accepted the fragile stemware and its tempting elixir.

Sparkling red liquid sloshed in the glass as she lifted it in shaking hands to dry lips.

Sweet and crisp, the wine flowed into her parched mouth. She fought to keep from gulping.

Like lightning, energy sizzled through her, but like lightning the burst faded as fast as it arrived, leaving her weaker than before.

“As I said, no drugs.” He leaned closer. “I want you completely aware when I take you to my bed.”

She choked on the image. “Never!” She tossed the wine at him. It splattered like blood across his face and shirt, and his features twisted into rage.


She lunged for his pistol, but as her fingers touched the grip, his fist hit the side of her head. Staggering beneath the dizzying pain and blurred vision, she tried to remain upright, to protect herself as he continued to rain blows down upon her. She had no strength left of body or of mind. She’d failed. Fight drained away as she accepted, even welcomed the inevitability of death. If there was an afterlife, she’d soon be with those she loved. If not, at least the pain would end. She crumbled and lay gasping for breath.

He knelt above her. She flinched as he ripped her dress from neckline to hem, leaving her exposed. Anticipation gleamed in his eyes. With no strength to struggle, she closed her eyes and attempted to shut her mind to the coming horror.

His weight lifted off her. Cool air swirled over her naked flesh. She shivered.

His clothing rustled. She tried to summon her strength to fight or flee, but her limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, her mind disconnected from her body.

Then he was over her. Like burning brands, his hands gripped her breasts.

Her eyes flew open. She tried to claw his face. Smiling, he grabbed her flailing arms and pinned them above her head. He forced apart her thighs and lowered himself onto her. Bile rose in the back of her throat. She gagged and bucked, but couldn’t dislodge his weight.

“Relax,” he crooned into her ear. The ice in his voice froze her blood. “Enjoy. I wil . I’ve waited a long time for this, to have you in this room, at my mercy, though I find my mercy along with my patience has long since gone. But have you I wil .

Again and again.”

An explosion rocked the room. Plaster and stone rained down upon them.

Dempster shrieked in pain as a large chunk hit his shoulder. Blood splattered everywhere.

He jumped to his feet. Free of his weight, Shy sat upright. Her head spun as she tried to stand. She crouched on the floor, shaking her head to clear it.

Amid a series of explosions that shook the room and fil ed it with a cloud of plaster dust, the door burst open. She looked up as Greyson barreled in. He was alive! Her heart soared in joy. Why had she believed Dempster’s lies? The man was the prince of falsehoods.

His gaze reflecting her own relief, Greyson headed directly toward her. His expression changed as he saw the state of her attire, becoming one of rage, and he didn’t see Dempster sneaking up behind him, a rock clutched in his bloody hands as he appeared out of the cloud of plaster.

“Look out!” Shy screamed.

Too late, Greyson whirled. Dempster brought the rock down. It grazed Greyson’s temple and impacted against his shoulder with an ominous crack. His arm went limp. His pistol flew out of his hand and he staggered to his knees. Over the sound of explosions and distant laser fire, Dempster’s laughter rang out. He raised the rock again, this time to smash Greyson’s head. It descended and—

Sizzle! Pop!

Dempster’s eyes widened. He looked down at the blackened hole in his chest, then at Shy in disbelief. Holding Greyson’s laser pistol, which she’d snatched up, she watched the bastard’s eyes lose focus. The rock slipped from his hands.

Dempster crumpled to the floor, dead.

Dropping the pistol, Shy crawled across the rubble-strewn floor to where Greyson lay motionless. The pal or of his skin frightened her. Surely Dempster’s blow hadn’t kil ed him! She pul ed his head into her lap and stroked his cheek with trembling fingers.

“Greyson? Talk to me.”

His eyes opened and he smiled, looking dazed. “Shy. Did he hurt you?” She shook her head, surprised to find tears streaming down her cheeks. “No.

He’s dead.”

Greyson lifted his uninjured arm to wipe them away. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I said terrible things. I thought—”

She stopped him. “I know. Dempster told me the truth. Funny, I think deep down I always knew Kedar wasn’t my father. As a child I had strange memories of another man and woman, as wel as horrible nightmares of abandonment, death and destruction.” She gave a slightly pained laugh.

“I never forgot you, Anna,” he replied.

Shock rippled through her at the sound of her real name. Everything fel into place. And yet…“No, I’m no longer Anna. In al the ways that count, Anna died. I’m Shyanne.”

Eyes solemn in understanding, Greyson nodded. “Anna, Shyanne, it doesn’t matter. You’re the woman I love, the only woman I’ve ever loved or ever wil love.”

“I love you, too, Greyson. I’ve loved you since I was that child we both mourn.” She leaned down and pressed her mouth to his. Though his lips were cold and dry, warmth flooded through her, banishing the frigid emptiness inside Dempster’s lies had created.

The room shook, the explosions continuing everywhere. She bent over Greyson to protect him from the plaster and stone that rained down. She could hear shouting, screams and laser fire growing closer. Somewhere nearby, they heard the beginnings of an inferno. Dust and smoke clogged her lungs. She coughed.

He gripped her hand. “You have to get out of here.
Lady Hawk
is close. You have to get to her.” He gave her the coordinates and shoved a smal tracking unit into her hand.

She helped him sit upright and brace his back against the wal . “I can’t leave you.”

“You have to get to
. Get her out of here. Earth troops wil arrive in minutes, if they haven’t already. They’l blast her out of the sky. Rian is aboard.”

“Is he…?” She couldn’t finish the question.

“Good as new.” He gave her a crooked grin. “He’s tough like his old man. But you have to get him out of here.”

She took in Greyson’s drawn, pale features and cold, damp skin. Blood matted his hair. Through the tear in his shirt she could see a bruise darkening his colorless skin. But it was the dark crimson stain spreading below his rib cage that frightened her. “You don’t look so tough right now.”

“I’m fine. Earth troops wil expect to find me here. It’s my UTD that’s broadcasting. If I…” He paused, then continued. “But you’l be considered a hostile.

It might be months before I can get you released. Go. Our son needs you. I’l fol ow as soon as I can.”

Something was wrong. She hesitated. The need to see her son fought with her need to remain with Greyson. “I can’t leave you. We brought down Dempster and his operation. What about the pardons for me and my crew? Can’t we just contact your friends and let them know what’s going on…?” Before he spoke she saw the truth and the guilt in his eyes. “There are no pardons. There never were, were there?” He’d lied to her. Again.

He shook his head. “Shyanne, I’m sorry for everything. I love you.” He reached out to touch her face.

She jerked back. His hand dropped, and the look on his face tore at her resolve. Somehow his hurt at her rejection pained her more than his betrayal. Al along she’d known in her heart something was wrong, but she’d desperately wanted to believe in him, to trust him, to have his love again.

She felt him take a deep breath. He touched her hand where it rested in her lap, and his fingers felt icy against her skin. “I know I’ve broken your trust in me, but I wil do everything I can to honor my promise of pardons for you and your crew. It wasn’t something I could give you before or I would have. I real y do love you. I always have.”

Her shoulders sagged. “I know.” She did know. His actions were consistent with the man she knew him to be. He’d lied to her, but she’d lied to herself. He loved her, but he loved duty and honor more. As before, his foremost loyalty lay with Earth, with ASP. In that, he’d never lied to her. Of course, that truth didn’t ease the hurt of never coming first in anyone’s life.

“Can you forgive me for lying to you, for not trusting you with the truth?” he asked. “I could have told you everything, should have trusted you, but I was afraid you wouldn’t help. It had been ten years since I saw you. You could have changed from the idealistic young girl I fel in love with. With you being a smuggler, always working against the law…I just didn’t know how you’d react. I should have.” The sorrow in his eyes nearly undid her. She loved and understood him, but could she forgive him? Her jumbled emotions kept her answer locked in her throat.

“I don’t know.” He’d played with her life and the lives of her crewmates, not trusting them to do the right thing. Of course, she hadn’t trusted him to do the right thing with Rian, either. What was fair?

“There’s one last thing you need to know,” he continued, his voice losing strength. “If something happens, if I…if you’re picked up by any Earth troops, contact my foster father, Chalmer Dane. He’l help you.”

“Why should he?” She looked at him in confusion. Because of her, Greyson was dy—was badly injured.

Greyson held her gaze. “Because he’s your father.” Shock held her rigid. “My father?”

Someone cleared his throat. Shy froze and looked up to find a man in the doorway. She started to dive for Greyson’s pistol, but he grabbed her arm.

“Easy. It’s just Carter—Carter Kincaid, commander of the outpost where we left the children.” Greyson eyed the man and coughed. “Thought I told you to wait.” Carter shrugged. “Never was much good at taking orders. Good thing, too.

Looks like you could use a bit of help.”

He gave Shyanne an assessing look. She scowled in return. He grinned.

“Take out the UTD and get her out of here. Back to the
,” Greyson told him. This time when he cupped her cheek in his palm, she didn’t pul away. “Please, Shyanne.” His voice rasped with the effort of speaking. “Carter’l see you safely away, then bring
Lady Hawk
back. That way, there’s no proof you’ve been here. Remember what I told you. Leave now while there’s stil time. For Uta. For
and her crew. For Rian. My people wil take care of me.” He sagged. His hand dropped and his eyelids fel shut.

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