Star Raiders (23 page)

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Authors: Elysa Hendricks

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Life on Other Planets, #General

BOOK: Star Raiders
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Though he itched to be out tracking Dempster, Greyson couldn’t regret the hours subsequently spent with Shyanne. That time sped by. The two of them flew for hours, over prairies, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas of both water and lava.

As she flew, he explained his ship’s features: her stealth mode, how she could fly undetected by any known radar. He delighted in watching Shyanne’s excitement as she tested the ship’s maneuverability and speed, implementing stomach-lurching dives and rol s and trying out her weapons against innocent boulders.

At her insistence, he showed her the intricacies of flying in stealth. In that mode, the pilot of this craft needed to sense, adjust and adapt to stimuli using pure instinct. It had taken him months in a simulator to manage not to crash three out of five times. She accomplished the first task he set her with amazing ease—on her first attempt. He prayed he’d never have to outfly her.

They also talked as they flew, about their lives, past and present. He told her about his mother. About his life working with her aboard various cargo and cruise ships, and how it had al changed when she died and Chalmer Dane adopted him.

He talked about his position with ASP, the satisfactions and frustrations of trying to police and protect the vast areas of Earth’s space. He refrained from mentioning the corruption and mismanagement under the current director. If al went wel , soon enough he’d reach his goal and things in the agency would change for the better.

And if things went wrong…Wel , little would matter then.

She recounted stories of her smuggling operations, at times making him laugh but mostly making him want to berate her for the risks she took. Time seemed to rol back as they repeated age-old arguments about the politics of C.O.I.L., ELF

and ASP. Despite al the time that had passed, neither could completely sway the other.

When hunger overtook them, Shyanne landed on a broad mountain plateau and brought out a picnic lunch she’d had Matha prepare. They ate and talked some more, and a short while later, they were replete with crispy fried chicken, honey-slathered rol s, creamy potato salad and a sweet, mel ow wine.

Greyson groaned and leaned back on his elbows while Shyanne packed up what little remained of the food. Uta’s two visible suns stood high in the sky, bathing them in light and in warmth despite their high altitude. A smattering of fluffy clouds drifted through a powder-blue sky. Birds twittered in the trees.

He gazed out over the view. Mountains rose al around them. Some were stil scarred by volcanic activity; others were green and covered with lush vegetation. A thin grayish blue ribbon of a river ran a twisted path through a deep canyon below.

If he strained, he could hear the rush of water over rocks above the steady drone of insects.

Two predatory birds circled the canyon, likely keeping their eyes peeled for any movement. Greyson watched as one wheeled around and dove out of sight. A minute later, it rose back up, a much larger but limp form clutched in its talons. The other bird let out a keening cry, and together they disappeared into the trees.

“Mountain hawks.” Shyanne answered his unasked question. “Mates.”

“What did it catch? That thing in its talons looked twice its size!”

“They live on snips, fish and insects. They’re fast, strong, smart little birds.

Though the male is larger, the female does most of the hunting. Unless you’re a cat or a mountain hawk, snips are tough to catch. Rian’s been trying to find a hawk nestling to raise and train for that very purpose.” Greyson jumped on the name. He’d heard it before. “Who’s Rian?” At his question, Shyanne froze. The color drained from her face. “No one. Just a friend,” she mumbled. Before he could ask anything more, she snatched up the food and shot to her feet. “Bring the blanket. Time to get back.” Shyanne responded to his questions and comments during the return flight with curt replies and grunts, and final y Greyson fel quiet, taking the message. They settled into an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the trip. He missed the easy camaraderie of the morning, but he wanted to press her about this Rian. He also knew she wasn’t about to reveal more. Who was the man? He must live on Uta, but he couldn’t be her husband. No one had objected when he claimed that honor. So, was Rian her lover? Maybe. But if so, why was she keeping him a secret? And if she loved this Rian, why make love with him?

A possible answer to that question ripped a hole in Greyson’s heart.

Now’s your chance
, Shy’s conscience urged.
Tell him about Rian.
She knew she had to tel Greyson eventual y, but she couldn’t force the words past her dry lips.

Even if they captured Dempster and she was pardoned, once Greyson learned the truth, he’d never forgive her. She’d lose him.

He knew something was wrong. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t recapture the easy flow of conversation between them. She answered his questions about Uta with one-word answers and grunts until he fel quiet.

By the time they reached town, she’d regained control and made a decision: She’d tel Greyson about Rian tomorrow. He deserved to know his son, and Rian deserved to know his father. However, even though she didn’t deserve it, she wanted one more day, just a few more hours with Greyson before her hopeless dream came to an end.

The ship touched down on the landing pad with an almost imperceptible thump.

Shy patted the console with a shaking hand. “Don’t you think this little bird deserves a name?” She was proud of how even she kept her voice.

Greyson shot her a puzzled frown, but he responded in an equal y measured tone. “Why don’t you name her?”

“Real y?” She couldn’t keep the eagerness out of her voice. Naming a thing made it yours, if only in spirit.

The scowl on Greyson’s face eased, and he nodded.

“Hawk. Her name is Hawk. She’s smal and fast and smart. Like the hawk we saw on the way back here.”

“No,” Greyson responded.

She swiveled in her seat to glare at him. “What do you mean, no? You said I could name her!”

“Hawk isn’t quite right. She’s more a
Hawk. The hunter.”

“Lady Hawk she is, then.”

Shy’s grin had started in her heart and spread across her face. Greyson smiled back, and the truce between them was reestablished, at least for a bit. But the look in his eyes promised that soon enough he’d demand some explanations.

Uta’s setting first sun splashed pinkish color across the horizon, and her second sun was beginning its own slow descent as the two of them left the smal spaceport and headed back toward town. Greyson kept pace with Shyanne. After their brief discussion on naming his ship, conversation had died away again, but now the silence was companionable.

Her thoughts were clearly distracted, for she stumbled over a rough patch of pavement. Greyson slipped his arm around her waist to steady her. She didn’t object to his nearness.

The smel of her sun-warmed body tantalized Greyson. He glanced down at her. Despite her relaxed facade, a tiny frown marred the serenity of her composed features. Against his side he felt the subtle tension coursing through her. Al he wanted was to ease away her pain.

How he loved this woman. Whatever her crimes, whatever her secrets, whatever the future might bring, he loved her. He’d loved her since the first moment he saw her, running across campus, young, beautiful and innocent, laughing, her long hair flying behind her, the object of his investigation. He’d loved her when he’d believed her a party to her father’s crimes, loved her even as he betrayed her trust.

He’d loved her through the years, jeopardized his career by directing interest away from her criminal activities, loved her enough to risk his life to save her. The knowledge stopped him in his tracks.

She turned toward him, her mouth opening to question his abrupt stop. Before she could speak, he gripped her arms, jerked her hard against him and pressed his mouth over hers in a kiss of possession. Instead of objecting and trying to pul free, she molded her body to his. Her lips softened and parted.

Sweetness exploded on his tongue, the sweetness of desire fulfil ed. With a groan of surrender he ravaged her mouth, feeding his need for her. She answered with demands of her own. Her hands slipped up under his shirt to stroke his back.

He shuddered. He wanted to touch her, to taste her, but couldn’t while pressed together from shoulders to hips.

“Shyanne!” a familiar voice cal ed. Greyson couldn’t imagine worse timing.

Reason returned to Shy’s muzzy brain as if she’d been doused by a bucket of icy water, and she jerked free of Greyson’s hold. Part of her mourned the loss of his warmth, part thanked the unknown cal er. Another few minutes and they’d have been naked.

“Shyanne, I—” Greyson started.

She cut him off. “Don’t say anything. Straighten your clothes. Try to look like we’re being respectable. Please.” She smoothed her hair and tucked in her shirt, but couldn’t do anything about her swol en lips or the heat burning in her cheeks.

Matha, her face twisted in distress, hurried down the path toward them. Shy touched her arm. “What’s wrong?”

“I tried to stop them,” Matha wheezed.

“Stop who? From what?” Sudden fear curled inside Shy. “Is Rian al right?” She felt Greyson stiffen.

“He’s fine. Stil out with Tomas.”

“But it’s the others.” Matha gasped between every word, trying to catch her breath. “What they’ve done. The tower told me you landed. I wanted to warn you before—”

“What’s going on? What have they done? Spit it out!” Shy urged.

Greyson stood behind her, and she could feel his tension growing along with hers. Had the townspeople discovered his true identity? If so, she had to get him off planet immediately. Their regard for her might not be enough to save an ASP


Matha clutched her palms to her ample chest. “A moment. Let me catch my breath. Please.”

“Warn me of
?” Shy gave the woman a smal shake.

Matha inhaled deeply and sighed. “A party. They’ve planned a party for you and”—she shot a disapproving glance at Greyson—“your new husband. To celebrate your nuptials.”

Greyson gave a shout of laughter.

Shy’s heart rate slowed. Relief washed through her. “A party? That’s al ?” She let go of Matha’s arm. “You scared the stars out of me. I thought we were under attack.”

“Wel , forgive me for being concerned.” Matha took a step back and sniffed. “I thought you might like to know before you walked in unprepared. Everyone brought food. They even decorated the square.” Her head high, back stiff, the woman turned and stomped toward town.

“Matha, wait! I’m sorry,” Shy cal ed after her.

The woman didn’t stop, but she did wave her hand over her head, a gesture Shy knew from experience indicated she accepted the apology.

When Greyson gave a chuckle, she whirled on him. “Don’t laugh. It’s not funny!”

“Of course it is.” He held out his arms.

She stepped into his embrace with a groan and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I should have known something like this would happen. Life on Uta is good but hard. They don’t need much excuse to celebrate.” Under her cheek, his chest rumbled with laughter.

As she spoke, his hands stroked the length of her back, melting the icy fear Matha’s warning had engendered, replacing it with a different kind of tension. Heat curled low in her bel y. She nuzzled the hol ow of his throat. Her tongue traced its way up his neck, tasting the salt on his skin. His laughter stil ed.

With a suddenness that left her wobbling, he gripped her shoulders and stepped back. She looked at him in surprise. He said, “We’d better go get cleaned up and join the party, before someone else comes looking for us.” If not for the tremor in his voice and the heated look in his eyes, she would have thought him unaffected. Stil , his rejection, no matter how appropriate to the moment, stung. She straightened and said, “Of course.” As she started to walk away, he swung her back into his arms and kissed her.

His kiss offered everything she wanted, and when he let her go, she staggered.

“Later,” he promised, and strode off.

Chapter Sixteen

Greyson stood by the window, staring off into the dark night. The moon had set and it was hours from sunrise. Only the twinkle of stars lit the blackness. Though short in duration, the night seemed to drag. Many things weighed on his mind.

A soft breeze stirred the hair on his arms, and he breathed deep. The sweet smel of night-blooming flowers carried on the wind couldn’t compete with the heady aroma of sex that lingered in the warm room. He turned to eye the woman sprawled across the bed in slumber. As with everything in her life, Shyanne dominated that space, made it hers. She was always in charge, and yet she was adaptable, too.

He knew if he joined her she’d adjust, make room for him in her bed, in her life. The question was: Could he give up his goal of directing ASP? Could he alter
life for

He gave a humorless laugh. What life? After his mother and Anna’s murders, he’d built no life. Working for ASP fil ed his time, took his energy and left his heart empty. He hadn’t started truly living until he met Shyanne. She’d given him her love and her trust, il uminated the darkness in his soul. And what had he done? He’d betrayed her. His life had ended once more.

But…now she offered him a second chance. As before, he was betraying her.

Even if they succeeded in bringing down Dempster, even if he convinced ASP to grant her the pardon he’d promised, she could have no place on Earth, in Earth space or in his life as an ASP agent. Assuming he could convince her to live under C.O.I.L. rule, which was doubtful, her presence in his life would end his career.

She stirred in her sleep, rol ing onto her back. Her eyes flickered half open and she smiled. “Come back to bed,” she cal ed. Her drowsy voice seduced him.

Could he turn his back on everything he’d worked and strived for? Abandon ASP? Join her merry band of smugglers and live out the rest of his life as an outlaw? His heart knew the answer, but his mind rebel ed. He started toward the bed.

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