Spring Training (7 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Spring Training
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“No. But unless she’s walking away from the relationship, she’ll be punished. This disappearing act is killing me.”

His friend chuckled, dropping to the ground to do the next set of stretches. “You look like shit.”

“Thanks for noticing.”

“What are friends for?”

He hadn’t seen Mistress Lola since parting ways with her in front of the diner on Saturday evening. Or was it Sunday morning? Time didn’t mean much when he didn’t have Brooke to look forward to. One day was pretty much like the others—play some baseball, act like everything was right in his world, go home to an empty condo. He checked with Frank every night, just in case his slave had decided to return home.

He appreciated Jason’s offer of support, but he didn’t feel completely comfortable discussing his dysfunctional Master/slave relationship with a co-worker. Jace was relatively new to the lifestyle anyway, and what he knew about a twenty-four/seven living arrangement would fit in small jockstrap.

However, there was one person who would understand.




The moment Mistress Lola held the hood up for him to see, he knew he should have stayed at home. “Frank told you about that?”

“He said you think he pushed your slave too far.”

“She wasn’t ready for that level of sensory deprivation or the electric play. Especially not the two combined.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“You don’t think that’s why she’s gone into hiding?”

She put her hand inside the hood, examining it closely. There didn’t appear to be much in the way of air holes as best he could tell from where he was strapped to a padded table.

“No. I don’t think that’s the reason. I saw the videos. She was shaken, but she dealt with the scene well enough. Whatever happened to set her off occurred later.”

“What makes you think so?”

“Did you watch the aftercare videos?”

“Some of them. Why?”

“She knows you’re seeing someone in Arizona.”

He jerked against his restraints. “What the fuck? What are you talking about?”

“Frank told her.”

He jerked against his restraints, might have even growled. “I’ll kill him.”

“Calm down. He didn’t tell her
, just hinted that what you did was none of her concern—as your slave.”

“I didn’t tell her because I was embarrassed to need the help, not because I needed a woman to fuck.”

She stepped closer. “Let’s see how you do with the sensory deprivation.” After pushing a gag into his mouth, she worked the hood over his head, fastening it securely around his neck. Unlike the one Brooke had worn, this one didn’t have any openings, save two air holes for his nose.

“Breathe for me, slave.” Her words were muffled by the heavy fabric, but he heard well enough. He inhaled deeply then let it out slow.

“If you’re in distress, make a fist with your right hand. Otherwise, I’ll assume all is well. Rest assured I won’t leave you alone at any time. Nod if you understand.”

He nodded. She explained about the headphones, identical to the ones Frank used on Brooke—noise canceling, but via a wireless connection, Mistress Lola would be able to speak to him.

“No forced orgasm tonight,” she assured him through the headphones. He flinched when she attached the first electrode pad to his nipple. “Some men can come from electrical stimulation. Others can’t.”

When she strapped something around his cock then placed more electrodes on his balls and thighs, his concern mounted.

“You wanted to know what Brooke experienced. I’m going to give you the short version since you have to be on the field tomorrow.”

The first sensations were mild, a warm tingle, but it wasn’t long before he was screaming against the gag for her to stop, but never once did he make the fist required to end the scene. His cock grew hard under the constant barrage of electrical current. The need to come was more painful than the charge running through him.

Oh, Brooke. You are an incredible woman. Is this what it was like for you? And I wasn’t there to fuck you over the edge? I’m so sorry, babe. So very sorry.

His fingers twitched as he fought with himself over ending the scene. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended. He breathed a sigh of relief, congratulating himself for hanging in there. He told himself to remain calm. It would take Mistress Lola a few minutes to release him.

She began with his cock, gently unfastening the bands at the base and just beneath the head. But instead of moving on to other parts of his anatomy, she slipped something wet and warm over his shaft.

“Go on, slave. Fuck the pussy. You’re still mine. No hand jobs when you get home.”

Mortification overtook him. Why, he didn’t know. Just a few days ago, this woman had forced him to come. Fucking an artificial pussy was infinitely better. At least he retained some control over his own body. Needing to come overrode his embarrassment. Bucking his hips, he worked his cock in and out.

“That’s it, slave. Fuck it. Fuck it hard.”

The orgasm felt like a fireball ripping through his guts. Hot semen flooded the deep chamber, coating his cock as he rocked into it until the last spasm eased. Breathing hard, he collapsed against the table. Mistress Lola bathed him clean, then, beginning with his ankles, she released him.

He could hardly stand, much less walk. Promising to call her when he got home, he dressed and left. He had no desire to talk to her about the scene. Tomorrow would be soon enough to contemplate the helpless feeling of being a sub. Maybe by then, he’d have a clue how to address the mixed up thoughts in his head.

All he knew for sure was that Brooke was stronger than him. She’d known enough to run.




Brooke checked the time on her cell phone. Midnight. She’d been freezing on Todd’s Phoenix doorstep for nearly four hours, waiting for him to come home so she could beg his forgiveness. But the longer she waited, the less sure she was of the decision she’d made.

Where are you? Who are you with?

He’d always maintained she had no reason to be jealous because he wanted only her, but the last week had played hell on her insecurities. Frank’s slip up, cautioning her not to question Todd’s activities while he was away, had sparked the green fire to life. Four days of trying to screw her head on right and she’d finally put her fears to rest. Todd loved her. He wouldn’t dishonor their commitment to each other while he was out of town.

You’re a fool, Brooke Adams.

A sleek SUV pulled into the parking spot reserved for Todd’s condo. Straightening, she raised a hand to shield her eyes from the bright lights. The driver’s side door opened, and a familiar silhouette climbed out. Two steps brought him even with the front bumper where he stopped to lean against the fender, arms crossed. She didn’t need to see his face to know he was pissed.

Well, two could play at that game. “Where have you been?” she asked.

The timed headlights blinked off, allowing her a better view of the man she had come to see. Pissed wasn’t even close to describing the look on his face.

Crossing her arms, she cocked one hip, mirroring his stance. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

He straightened. Even furious, he was sexy in tight, faded jeans and a button down shirt beneath a leather jacket. Sliding his fingertips into his front pockets, he moved, reducing the distance between them by half before stopping. His laser-sharp gaze sent shivers down her spine. Brooke tightened her arms around her middle to control the shaking inside.

been waiting. I haven’t heard from you in four days. I called your parents.” He was close enough she could see the tick of anger in his clenched jaw.

“I called them. They know I’m safe.”

“You think you’re safe?”

“You won’t hurt me.” She raised her chin, confident she knew him well enough to make that statement.

“Why are you here?”

Why? Wasn’t that the million-dollar question?
“I came to apologize, but I’m not sure I have anything to apologize for anymore.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I want to know where you were tonight. You owe me an explanation.” The walkway lighting was weak, making it difficult to see, but she could have sworn his lips twitched up on one corner. “That amuses you?”

He came closer. She stepped aside, so he could open the door. Heat rushed out, beckoning her in behind him.

“Shut the door.” He tossed his keys on the breakfast bar separating the tiny living room from the even smaller kitchen. “Lock it.”

Her fingers shook as she turned the deadbolt, sealing them inside. She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply then let it out before turning around. He ditched the leather jacket over the back of one of the two chairs at the dinette set occupying one end of the galley kitchen. He toed off his shoes, leaving them under the table. She’d imagined his living space larger, more luxurious. He could certainly afford better than dated furnishings and barely enough room to turn around.

“Want something to drink?” he asked.

Her gaze snapped to the kitchen, where he stood with the refrigerator door open. She shook her head, another chill racing through her body.

“I have coffee and tea if you want something hot.”

“Tea, please.” Back pressed to the door, she watched him fill a plain ceramic mug at the sink. He placed it in the microwave then pulled a small box from the cabinet.

“This stuff doesn’t go bad, does it?” He studied the container.

She shrugged. “Who knows? I don’t care. Why are you being so nice?”

Todd went through the motions, selecting a teabag, dunking it in the hot water. He set the mug on the counter then leaned against the edge, putting as much distance between them as possible. “Drink your tea. Then we’ll talk.”

Brooke sat on the single barstool. Wrapping her cold fingers around the mug, she absorbed its warmth without taking her eyes off the formidable man watching her like she might spring across the bar at any moment.


“No. I have coffee, tea, and beer.” He raised the brown bottle he’d taken from the refrigerator for himself. “I don’t eat here.”

“Is that where you were? Out to dinner?”


Her gaze dropped to her hands. She lifted the cup to her lips. The bitter brew helped thaw her numb brain. Right or wrong, she’d come to Phoenix to see what, if anything, could be salvaged from their relationship. “As your slave, it might not be my place to ask, but as the woman who loves you, I think I have a right to know. Were you with another woman?”

Todd sighed then drank the contents of the bottle in one long pull. He set the empty container on the counter behind him with exaggerated care. His fingers curling around the countertop on either side of his hips, he looked up at her, stone-faced. “Yes.”

It wasn’t green she saw, but red. “How dare you?”

“I would dare anything to keep you, Brooke.”

“To keep me? You leave me in the hands of a sadist while you’re fucking another woman.” She wished she hadn’t drunk the tea as it churned in her otherwise empty stomach. “How exactly do you think that was supposed to help you keep me?”

“I didn’t fuck her.”

“You expect me to believe it’s not a sexual relationship?”

“No. But it isn’t what you think.”

“Then tell me, Todd. What kind of relationship do you have with this woman? Or is it women?”






For reasons he couldn’t explain, he was ridiculously happy to see Brooke pissed off at him, but she didn’t need to know that. She’d scared the life out of him, running off to God knows where for days, leaving him to imagine all kinds of horrible scenarios where she ended up dead—or worse. But now that he could see for himself she was alive and well and still loved him, he knew he needed to tell her everything or risk losing her.

Letting her go wasn’t an option.

That didn’t mean he would let her off scot-free for her behavior. It took every bit of self-control he could muster not to throw her over the hood of his car, bare her ass, and paddle the livin’ daylights out of her. Then she’d raised her chin, challenging him like the old Brooke, the one he fell in love with. Most of his anger had melted away, seeing the return of her spirit, but if she was to remain in his life, slave, sub, or lover, she needed to know her disappearing act had consequences. Still, he owed her the truth.

“Woman. Singular. Her name is Mistress Lola. She’s a Dominatrix. I’ve been her sub since the day I got here.” The Brooke he knew and loved was rarely at a loss for words, but he’d stunned her into silence. He reached for another beer, waiting for her to find her voice.

“You submit. To a woman.” She wasn’t asking, only processing the information.

“Believe me, you aren’t any more surprised than I am.”

“Why, Todd?” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“It made sense when I decided to do it.” He pushed off the counter. “Can we sit? I’m exhausted.” The adrenaline rush from seeing her on his doorstep was fading, the day’s activities catching up to him again. If he’d known Brooke was coming, he would have stayed home instead of trying to forget his misery with Mistress Lola.

He rounded the bar separating the two rooms and collapsed onto the sofa. Brooke spun on the stool then cautiously sat in the lone chair placed catty-corner from the opposite end of the couch. She was as far from him as she could get and still be in the same space.

“I’ve made so many mistakes, Brooke, I don’t even know where to start. But, if you’re inclined to listen, I’ll answer all your questions.”

“You look tired.”

“Such a mild word for what I feel. I’m too old for this shit.”


“Maybe. I’m thirty-five, practically a senior citizen in the League, but that’s only a small part of it. The daily workouts are certainly more challenging than they were ten years ago, but I’m in pretty good shape…for an old guy.”

“You aren’t old.”

He smiled at her show of support. “Yeah, I am. When my contract is up in a two years, I’m done. No one else will sign me, and I’d say no if they offered. Retirement is,
, looking good. I could see it, Brooke. You. Me. Some kids, maybe. When you asked to be my slave, said you wanted that kind of commitment, I was flattered. I knew little about that kind of arrangement, but I figured, ‘how hard could it be?’ We were good together at the club, so I agreed. Even then, I would have done anything to make you happy.”

She placed her mug on the end table.

“More tea?”

“No. I’m fine.”

“Look, for the next few minutes, can you just be Brooke? Not my slave or even my sub? Let me wait on you for a change?”

She nodded. “Okay. But I don’t want any more tea.” Her hand went to her stomach.

Todd cursed under his breath. “You’re hungry. Why didn’t you say so?” He stood, searching for his cell phone.

“You said you don’t eat here. I assumed that meant you don’t have any food.”

He found his phone in his jacket pocket. He kept most of the delivery places on speed dial. “Pizza?”

“That would be nice.”

After placing the order, he turned the thermostat up then returned to his seat. “Half an hour. I turned the heat up. I think the term heat pump was coined because it allows heat to build up during the day then it pumps it all out at night.”

The slight lift of her lips warmed him more than any forced air system ever could. “As I was saying, I screwed up, Brooke. I wanted you in my house so bad, I agreed to something neither one of us were ready for. Because of my poor judgment, we both were in over our heads. I could see you becoming more and more unhappy, and I knew I needed to do something to fix the mess I’d gotten us into.”

“I wasn’t unhappy.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t lie to me, babe. We’re going to be truthful tonight.”

“Okay. Maybe I wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be. But I wasn’t

“That’s some consolation, at least. Anyway, I contacted Frank because I needed someone to talk to about our situation. I told you the truth. He’s considered one of the best slave trainers in the lifestyle. I brought him in to scene with us a few months back, remember?”

“Yes. I didn’t think much of it since we’d done that before. You know I like to perform for you.”

“I love to watch you. That’s one of the reasons I thought his plan might work.” He brought his near-forgotten beer to his lips then thought better of it. He set it back down, spinning it on the end table, watching the sweat rings expand. “He was convinced you had yet to come to terms with being a slave. You knew all the moves, and your heart was in the right place, but your head hadn’t caught up with the program. He thought, with the right scenes, the truth in your heart would override the resistance in your brain.”

The doorbell interrupted his explanation. Todd sprang up to collect their late dinner. Brooke moved to sit beside him on the sofa, the pizza box open on the coffee table between their knees. It felt wonderful to have her so close, even if he didn’t dare touch her. Until he knew she was still on board with their living arrangement, he’d take his cues from her.

When the pizza was gone, she returned to her seat across from him. In a way, it was better. He could see her expression. Her face always gave her away, even on that day when she found him at the club and offered herself up for the punishment of stealing an orgasm she had no right to take. When he took her up on the offer, she’d been surprised—even more so when he followed through. He missed the woman who saw what she wanted and went after it—no matter the cost to her bottom.

“Where were we?” he asked.

“My problems were all in my head.” He didn’t miss the scorn in her voice.

“Our problems,” he corrected. “And I had a few of my own. I knew how to satisfy you within the walls of the club, and I thought I was doing a good job at home, too. But I didn’t know what to do with you the rest of the time. It wasn’t your fault. You made mistakes, mostly because I hadn’t trained you properly, but I began to suspect you made some of them on purpose as a way to force me to do something—anything. I hated punishing you, so I was inconsistent, which only led to more confusion on your part. Frank’s solution was to hire a Dominatrix for me. He thought if I had a better understanding of your motivations, I’d be more effective handling you. Spring Training was coming up. We both thought it would be the perfect time to learn some discipline. You as a slave. Me as a sub.”

“I can’t imagine you on your knees.”

Grateful for her belief in his domineering personality, he smiled, remembering the night he realized he couldn’t crawl another step and hope to play ball the next day. “It didn’t last long. On the second night, I stood up and refused to do it again. As I said, I’m too old for this shit.”

“Were you punished?”

“Severely. I couldn’t sit for days, but I could run. There isn’t much sitting during Spring Training but there’s lots of running.”

Her smile lit the room. Lit him, too.

He shifted so she wouldn’t see the bulge in his pants. “I explained later when she gave me a chance to. I haven’t been on my knees since.”

“But you still submitted?”

“Oh, yeah.” Scenes flashed through his brain like a newsreel in a centrifuge—dizzying. “I have to say I admire you more than any person I know, Brooke. I haven’t been put through anywhere near the things you’ve endured. I don’t think I could survive.”

“I wasn’t strong enough to stay.”

“Yes, you were. Why don’t you tell me why you really left?”

“Can I have a beer?”

“Sure.” He rose to get her one. “I can’t believe you drank lukewarm tea with pizza.”


As he handed off the cold bottle, their fingers brushed. His erection, having wilted thinking about his time with Mistress Lola, came roaring back. He took the empty pizza box back to the kitchen, using the time to wrestle his libido under control.

“So why did you leave?” he asked, resuming his seat across from her.

“Frank said something that led me to believe you were with another woman. I intended to come here to tell you it was over, that I wanted out. But after taking a few days to get up the courage to end it, I decided if you were with someone else, it was my fault, and I should at least try to fix things.” She lowered her gaze to her lap.

“You were jealous?”

“Horribly.” She glanced up at him, reminding him of countless times she’d tried to sneak peeks when he’d ordered her not to. She had always been a challenging sub.

“You have nothing to be jealous about.” His phone vibrated, clattering against the wooden coffee table. Picking it up, he glanced at the caller ID. “Shit.”

“What?” She jerked upright, all meekness gone.

“It’s her. I told her I would call her when I got home.” He felt his skin flush and rushed to explain. “I wasn’t all that steady on my feet when I left.”

“You’d better answer, then. Let her know you’re all right.”

Yeah. Like you answered all my calls the last few days to let me know you were okay.
He slid his finger across the screen, answering the call. “I’m sorry, Mistress. Something came up, and I forgot to call.” He held Brooke’s gaze, letting her know he had nothing else to hide.

“You’ll pay for making me worry.”

“I’m aware of that. Brooke’s here. I wouldn’t have forgotten for anything less important.”

“She’s okay?”

“Yes. We’re talking.”

“You told her about me?”

“I did.”

“Don’t think this gets you out of your contract. You’re mine for the next few weeks.”

He closed his eyes, accepting that he needed to finish what he’d started for his and Brooke’s sake. He needed to understand his sub. “I haven’t forgotten. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bring her with you. You shouldn’t be the one to punish her for what she put you through, all the worry. You’re too close to the situation.”

He snapped his gaze back to Brooke. It wasn’t a bad idea. “Can I get back to you on that?”

“It wasn’t an order, just a suggestion. Seeing you punished for not following a direct order will only add weight to her punishment.”

It would, and perhaps Brooke could learn a thing or two from a woman who understood both sides of the power exchange. “Thank you.”

“You won’t thank me when I’m finished with you tomorrow night.”

“Then it’s good I’m doing it now.”

She disconnected, leaving her wicked laugh as a promise of things to come. Silence filled the room. Brooke’s gaze was steady, not even a hint of submission. Had he lost her completely? God, he hoped not. Life without her would be unbearable.

“Are you still mine, Brooke?”

“Do you want me to be?”

“More than anything.”

“Then, yes.”

When she dropped her gaze to her lap, his heart soared.




Todd’s intense gaze made her squirm in her seat. He still wanted her. She hated to think of him with another woman, but if what he said was true, then he’d done the unthinkable, submitting to a woman—for her. She couldn’t imagine what that was like for a man with a dominant nature. But then again, she’d seen the change in him since they’d taken their relationship outside the club.

He was right, he’d struggled to establish the rules she would live by, and her confusion had led her to act out in unacceptable ways.

“Were my instructions unclear when I left the other day? Did I not tell you to serve Frank as if he were me?”

“Yes. Your instructions were clear.”

“Did I give you permission to abandon him?”

“No, Sir.”

“Did I give you permission to travel unaccompanied?”

“No, Sir.”

“I understand your reasons for doing these things, but I also believe you could have prevented us from worrying ourselves sick over your safety by talking to me. Perhaps you wouldn’t have found it necessary to disappear for days.”

She could practically feel his anger reaching across the room. She resisted the urge to cringe. He had every right to be mad. She’d made decisions with no thought to how they would affect others, especially the man who loved her.

“Why didn’t you call me? I had the whole goddamned house wired with video and audio capabilities, for Christ-sake. All you had to do was look into a camera and ask to speak to me. You have to know I wouldn’t have ignored your request.”

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