Speed Dating (14 page)

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Authors: Natalie Standiford

BOOK: Speed Dating
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  1. The most important quality your underwear should have is:
    sex appeal
    style, fashionability
    good, flattering fit
  2. The movie heroine you most identify with is:
    Julia Roberts in
    Erin Brockovich
    Nicole Kidman in
    Lindsay Lohan in
    Herbie: Fully Loaded
    Lindsay Lohan in
    Mean Girts
    Julia Stiles in
    Mona Lisa Smile
    Jessica Simpson in
    The Dukes of Hazard
    Hilary Swank in
    Million Dollar Baby
    Angelina Jolie in
    Lara Croft Tomb Raider
    Hilary Duff in
    The Lizzie McGuire Movie
    Rente Zellweger in
    Bridget Jones’s Diary

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