
Read Sparky! Online

Authors: Jenny Offill

BOOK: Sparky!
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Text copyright © 2014 by Jenny Offill
Jacket art and interior illustrations copyright © 2014 by Chris Appelhans
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Schwartz & Wade Books, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House LLC, A Penguin Random House Company, New York.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Offill, Jenny.
Sparky / by Jenny Offill ; illustrated by Chris Appelhans.—First edition.
pages cm
Summary: A child takes a sloth named Sparky as a pet.
ISBN 978-0-375-87023-1 (trade) — ISBN 978-0-375-97023-8 (glb) — ISBN 978-0-375-98859-2 (ebook)
[1. Sloths as pets. 2. Pets—Fiction.] I. Appelhans, Chris, illustrator. II. Title.
PZ7.O3277Sp 2013

The illustrations in this book were rendered in watercolor and pencil.

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For my parents, with thanks for a happy childhood —J.O.
For Liberty Bell —C.A.

Title Page



First Page

About the Author and Illustrator

wanted a pet.

A bird or a bunny or a trained seal.

My mother said no to the bird.

No to the bunny.

No, no, no to the trained seal.

I asked her every day for a month, until she finally said, “You can have any pet you want as long as it doesn’t need to be walked or bathed or fed.”

I made her promise.

Then I went to see the school librarian.

Mrs. Kinklebaum (who knows everything in the world) pointed me to Volume S of the Animal Encyclopedia.

This is what I found:

My sloth arrived by Express Mail.

He was about the size of a mediumish dog, with a flat nose and a monkey face.

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