Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series)
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"I love you, Farrah Rue. You have opened my heart and
mind during these past few days. You are perfect for me, and I'm perfect for
you." He kissed her lips. "In due time, you will see."

Farrah shook her head. "I can't allow you to do this
to Rebecca, Austin. I can't come between you—"

"I'm a grown man who knows exactly what he

He rested his forehead against hers.

"I can't be responsible for you guys," she said
before Austin's lips touched hers.

Austin kissed Farrah; she moaned and wrapped her arms
around his neck. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Their dinner
was long forgotten as they stripped off each other's clothes.

Farrah ran her hands over Austin's broad shoulders, flat
abs, and narrow hips. He kissed her as her hands drifted to his large dick. She
rubbed his thick pink head. She smiled when he held his breath.

"Enough," Austin said as he pinned Farrah's hands
above her head.

She moaned when she felt him rub the head against her clit.
He slowly plunged, inch by inch, into her. She screamed when he pushed in and
out quickly. Austin couldn't get enough of Farrah. Her moans and screaming were
making him lose it.

He groaned as he moved in and out of her. He loved the way
their bodies looked as his pale dick slid in and out of her brown pussy. Farrah
was his, in every way.

Farrah lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Austin's big,
strong hands gripped her hips as he thrust harder and deeper inside her. His
lips devoured hers. Farrah moaned against his lips as she reached an
earth-shattering climax. Austin pushed in and out harder before he exploded
into her pussy. He groaned as Farrah milked him for all he was worth.

Farrah lay in Austin's arms. He kissed her gently. "I
love you, Farrah."

"I love you too, Austin." She turned in his arms
and looked at him. "But we can't continue doing this. I never slept with
another woman's man until you. I feel horrible about it."

"I'm sorry. I never wanted you to feel that way."
He stroked her hair. "I'm going to end it with Rebecca. I knew it wasn't
going to work. Before my momma died, she told me not to marry Rebecca."


"Maybe a mother's intuition." Austin caressed
Farrah's breasts.

"Your mom didn't want you to marry Rebecca?" she
asked. "No," he answered truthfully.

Farrah nodded. "Let's go finish cooking,
McBride." Farrah grabbed Austin's red button-up shirt and walked out of
the room.




The two sat at the table in the kitchen, eating steak,
garden salad, and roasted potatoes. They both were enjoying each other's
company until Austin asked a question that made Farrah freeze up.

"Tell me about your family?" he asked.

Farrah sipped some Pinot Noir. "My father killed my
mother when I was seventeen, while I slept in my bed. I woke up hearing my mom
scream for help."

"Farrah, honey, I'm sorry." He pulled her into
his arms and hugged her. "You don't have to talk about it."

"It's okay." She looked into his eyes. "My
parents fought a lot; I was always the referee with them. This time, I was too
late. I held my momma as she took her last breath."

Austin didn't interrupt her. He listened to her talk as he
rubbed her back.

"He left me holding her in my arms. Even though I hate
him, he was still my father and a part of me. I loved him, but another part of
me will always hate him for taking my mom away from me. You know what they say,
Austin? Domestic abuse is a cycle, and it follows the women in my family. My grandmother
was beaten up by a man she fell in love with after my granddaddy died. My
mother was killed by my father…"

"I would never put my hands on you." He kissed
her hands.

"I experienced domestic abuse prior to moving
here." Farrah saw Austin clench his hands. "I fell in love with Frederick
Wright. I thought he was the man for me. I had just finished culinary school in
New York and moved back home with big dreams. Anyway, during our first
argument, he punched me in my face. He said he was sorry, but I made him so
mad. I blamed myself for making him mad. The next time it happened, we were in
the car on our way home on I-10. Do you know he got mad at me because a man
told me 'hi' at a freaking gas station? I was driving on the interstate when he
punched me repeatedly until we strayed from the road. When I was unconscious, my
mother came to me and begged me not to end up like her."

Austin wiped her tears. "He will never hurt you
again." He hugged her so tight he could feel her body trembling against

"Thank you for listening." She kissed him.

"I will always listen to you." He kissed her
tears. She sat in his lap as they took turns feeding each other.

Austin couldn't ask for a better day or a better woman. All
he had ever wanted was for someone to love him for who he was and not because
he was famous or had money. He could sit here forever with Farrah and just

After dinner, they washed the dishes like a normal couple
and sat on the sofa drinking wine and eating popcorn. He watched TV shows that
he would never have watched on his own, but he realized with Farrah that it was
all about the small things. She didn't want the glitz and fame, and that was
why he cared about her.

Chapter Seven


Farrah inhaled the scent of the earth and the animals
around her. She walked along the stable and came to the stall of a beautiful
white horse. Farrah held her hand out for the horse to come near her. She
laughed when the horse came near her and licked her hand.

"Hey, girl," she whispered to the horse. "I
have been searching for someone true, and I think I found him," she said
as she thought about Austin.

"You must be Farrah," someone said from behind

Farrah turned around abruptly; she came face-to-face with a
tall, built man who had the most alluring deep blue eyes. "You're
Hank." She smiled, extending her hand towards him.

Hank laughed. "How did you know my name?" he
said, shaking her hand.

"Austin," she said simply and went back to petting
the horse. "She's a beauty."

"Yes, she is," Hank said, looking at Farrah.

"What's her name?" she asked.

"Snowflake," Hank said and stepped closer to
Farrah. "Do you ride?"

"No." She backed up from the stall.

"Why don't I saddle Snowflake up for you?" he
said, walking to get a saddle for the horse.

"No, I shouldn't. I have to get back to checking on my
staff in the kitchen," she said.

"Ten minutes," he promised.

"Okay." Farrah looked down at her attire; she
wore a white sleeveless dress that fell above her knees and the brown cowgirl
boots Austin purchased for her that she immediately fell in love with,
especially with the detail stitching of the hot pink rose on the boots.

"Now don't go looking at her ass," a voice said
from behind them.

Farrah would know that voice anywhere. Farrah smiled at
Ranger Shane, looking as dashing as the first day she met him.
"Shane." She smiled and gave him a hug.

"Farrah, it's a pleasure seeing you again," he
said, kissing her cheek.

"I'm about to take the lovely woman out on
Snowflake." Hank gave her instructions on how to mount the horse.

Farrah followed his instructions to a T, put her foot in
the stirrups, and pulled herself up. "I did it," she laughed.

"Good job," both men said at the same time.

"Hank, I'm going to saddle Scout and take him out with
Farrah," Shane said as he walked away.

Hank taught Farrah a few commands on how to get Snowflake
to go and to stop.

"You're a quick learner," Shane said as he took
off his black cowboy hat and placed it on her head.

"Come on, let's ride around the ranch!" She
giggled as they took off.




Austin was walking around the ranch with Rebecca and her
mother in tow. He didn't know how long he could take listening to the two women
complain about everything from the house decorations to the menu for tonight's
dinner. He was in a sour mood, but it had a lot to do with the fact that he
wanted to see Farrah.

"Who is that riding on your mother's horse?"
Rebecca asked. "Farrah," Austin replied, not taking his eyes off

"I thought Snowflake didn't allow anyone to ride her
since Charlene died?"

Austin ignored Rebecca as he watched Farrah ride alongside
Shane. Excitement rushed through him as he watched the woman he loved ride the
horse that his mother had loved and cared for.

"She doesn't," Austin finally said as he walked
over to where Farrah was, leaving Rebecca gawking at them.

"He likes her," Gwen said as they watched Austin
walk over to Farrah.

"She is not his type," Rebecca said and started
to walk after Austin.

"Rebecca, wake up." Gwen grabbed Rebecca's arm.
"Look at his face, the way he watches her and smiles. He never smiles or
looks up at you like that. You're delusional if you think that Farrah Rue's
color is going to keep Austin away from her. It didn't stop your father."

"I'm not going to lose Austin to her," Rebecca

"You better not, because your father won the battle
with the pre-nuptial agreement. I get nothing."

"Mother, I know what is at stake." Rebecca pulled
away from Gwen.

"Good. Because, as I see it, you need to get married
and have babies."

Rebecca stopped and turned back. "What did you just

"Marry him and have a baby," Gwen repeated.

"Mother, you just gave me an idea." Rebecca
kissed her mother before going in Austin's direction.




"You look good up there, Farrah," Austin said.

Farrah turned to see Austin standing against the wooden

"Thanks, McBride." Looking at her watch, she
said, "I need to go check on the food."

Austin climbed across the fence before Shane could dismount
and help Farrah down. He took the second of being close to her to inhale her
sweet scent.

"Ms. Rue, it's a pleasure to see you again,"
Rebecca said as she approached them.

Farrah moved away from Austin and stood near Shane. "Hi,

"It's Mrs. McBride." Rebecca wrapped her arm
around Austin's waist.

Austin was taken aback by Rebecca's rudeness toward Farrah.

"Rebecca, you're not a McBride yet," Shane

"I'm practicing." She smiled.

"Thanks for the ride, Shane." Farrah took off
Shane's hat and handed it to him.

"You can hold it for me, sugar."

"Shouldn't you get back to the kitchen?" Rebecca
asked. "I don't want my guests to be served late."

Austin opened his mouth to tell Rebecca to lay off Farrah.

"I can assure you that I run a very efficient
business. Your guests will not be served late." Farrah started towards the

"I'll walk you back to the kitchen," Shane said
as he walked in step with Farrah.

Austin's blood started to boil as he watched Shane put his
hand on Farrah's back. He looked at Rebecca, who sported a devious smile.

"Why are you being mean to her?" Austin asked.

"We're paying her to cook and cater these parties, not
to flirt or ride a dumb horse," Rebecca snapped as she pointed her finger
in Farrah's direction.

"That's enough!" Austin shouted, causing some
nearby workers to stare at them. "I've had enough of your mouth and

Rebecca stood in silence as Austin left her. She huffed and
puffed as Austin's cousin Hank stared at her with a smile on his face. She
wasn't a blind woman. Actually, she saw the way that Austin watched Farrah. The
way he smiled at Farrah made her realize that not once had Austin ever smiled
at her that way. Rebecca watched as Austin disappeared into the house. She
didn't need to be a psychic to know that he was going after




"My cousin is in love with you," Shane said.

"Your cousin is getting married," Farrah replied.

"He needs a little push in the right direction. My
uncle raised him to be a gentleman," Shane said as he nudged her arm.

Farrah stood and looked at Shane. "I love your cousin,
but each and every day I realize that I'm not the woman for him. He has his
life with Rebecca and I have mine."

"Is it easy for you to walk away from the man you
love?" he asked.

Farrah took a deep breath. "I can't destroy someone's
happiness for mine. Rebecca deserves to love Austin and to have the wedding
she's been dreaming about. She doesn't need me coming into Austin's life and
ruining everything that they worked so hard for."

"Do you know Snowflake was my Aunt Charlene's horse?
Since she died, that stubborn horse wouldn't let anyone come close to her or
ride her, but Snowflake let you. I believe if my aunt was here she would want
you to be with Austin," Shane said, ignoring Farrah's last statement.

"That's your opinion," Farrah said as she
disappeared into the sanctuary of the bathroom. She washed her hands and her

Stepping out of the bathroom, she was pushed back in there
by Austin. "What do you want?" she whispered.

Austin pushed Farrah until her back was against the cold
wall and then devoured her lips until she moaned and rubbed her body against

Reality hit Farrah like a ton of bricks; this was the wrong
place and time. "We can't."

"Why?" he asked as he kissed her neck.

Farrah closed her eyes as Austin's tongue nibbled on her
ear. Damn! She couldn't concentrate as his hands pushed her dress up.

"Austin, this is dangerous," she moaned as he
sucked on her neck. She knew she would get a hickey.

"Live a little," he whispered roughly against her
ear as he slid a finger into her wet core.

The tiny bit of control Farrah had went out the window as
Austin slipped two fingers into her pussy.

Fumbling with his belt buckle, she unzipped his pants, and
his massive cock sprang out. Farrah sucked in her breath as Austin's warm mouth
found her nipples. She moaned aloud when his tongue flicked back and forth,
nearly sending her to heaven as he rubbed her clit. Austin tugged and teased
her clit as Farrah spread her legs wider. She watched as Austin kneeled down
and lifted her legs on his shoulders. He feasted on her as he expertly slurped
and licked her pussy.

Farrah cried out in pleasure.

Austin stood and turned Farrah to the wall. "I heard
you talking to Shane, and I want you to know that I know you. You're the love
of my life and my soul mate," Austin's deep voice whispered in her ear.

Her pussy became wetter as his warm breath made her

Austin rubbed his dick against Farrah's pussy lips, side to
side as he plunged deep into her pussy, sending shivers down her body with each
stroke. Farrah gripped the cold wall as her legs trembled and threatened to betray
her. Austin covered Farrah's mouth with his hand to keep her from screaming as
he slid his shaft in and out slowly. Farrah moved her hips to his rhythm.

Austin wrapped his free arm around Farrah as he felt her
body become weak. He increased the tempo of his thrusts.

Farrah tilted her head back as Austin pumped harder into
her. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. The slapping of flesh to flesh
filled the bathroom. He pressed her breasts against the cold wall as he went
deeper, as if he were drilling for oil.

Austin grunted as his pumps became frenzied. His thick,
strong hands squeezed her hips. He could feel Farrah's tears rolling down his
hand. As her body went limp in his arms, he thrust one last time before he came
inside her pussy.

Farrah moved away from Austin. She was trying to catch her
breath. "I love you, Austin, but this can't happen anymore, and we can't
be reckless."

"Farrah, I'm going to tell Rebecca that I don't love
her. After I tell her, I want us to be together."

"Austin, you make it sound all good and gravy but it's
not." Farrah fixed her clothes and splashed water on her flushed face.

"I'm still not going to marry Rebecca." He pulled
her to him. "Even if I'm not with you, Farrah, I cannot marry and will not
marry Rebecca."


Farrah looked at Austin one last time before walking out of
the bathroom and making her way to the kitchen.

What Farrah and Austin didn't notice on their exit from the
bathroom was Gwen standing down the hall looking at them.




Austin looked at the table at all the different kinds of
food that Southern Rose had prepared for the evening. His stomach growled just
getting a whiff of the root beer baked beans, bacon potato salad, and smoked
corn. He watched as Farrah carried a platter of baby back ribs from the grill.
He stood up and started to help her, but stopped in his tracks as Ranger Shane
came along and plucked the platter from her.

"I'd like to say a few words," Austin said,
clinking his fork against his glass. "I appreciate each and every one of
you guys who spends time on the road, the ranch, and in the recording studio
with me. If it wasn't for you guys, there would be no number one hit single or
Grammys. To friends, brothers, and people we love," he said, looking at

He was getting madder by the minute as Shane talked to
Farrah. What pissed him off even more was that Shane knew it.

"Everyone, I want you to meet Farrah Rue; she is the
owner of Southern Rose and the chef who prepared this delicious meal you are
about to eat. Also, she is my plus one for tonight," Shane said as he
stood up.

"I can't be," Farrah said, looking at Shane.
"That would be inappropriate." Austin was about to sigh in relief
when Rebecca opened her mouth.

"Farrah, I insist that you join us," she said,
looking at Farrah.

Austin noticed that Farrah looked like a deer in the
headlights. He could see that she was mulling over the decision to sit at the

"Okay," Farrah said reluctantly.

"Shane, I'm thrilled you and Farrah are hitting it off
so well," Rebecca said as she eyed Farrah and Shane sitting on the
opposite side of the table.

Austin lost his appetite as he watched Shane whisper into
Farrah's ear and make her smile. He wanted to be the only one to make her
smile. Austin tried to pay attention to Rebecca as she talked about shopping,
but he'd had enough of Shane's flirting.

"Ms. Rue, can you please see if there's any more grilled

"Austin, that's why there are waiters." Shane
shook his head and grabbed the dish.

"No, Shane." Farrah took the dish from Shane and
whispered something in his ear.

Austin kicked himself when he saw Farrah walk away from the
table; he kicked himself even more when she didn't come out of the kitchen for
the rest of the evening and left without telling him goodbye.

"I think it's fair to say that you are smitten with
Farrah," Shane said after the dinner party was over.

Austin didn't want to hear it. All he wanted to do was sit
in the saloon on the ranch and nurse his sorrows.

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