Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series)
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Chapter Five


Farrah groaned as the knocking on the door grew louder.
Rolling over, she glanced at the alarm clock; it was only four o'clock in the
morning. Throwing the blankets off of her, Farrah stormed out of the bedroom
and stomped towards the front door.

"Who the fuck wakes a normal person out of their bed
at four a.m.!" she yelled as she opened the door and came face-to-face
with Austin McBride.

Austin's eyes traveled up and down Farrah's delectable
body. She wore striped boy shorts and a tank top. Her black hair, which he was
used to seeing in a ponytail, flowed wildly over her shoulders.

"You forgot about our fishing trip."

"Crap." Farrah knew she didn't forget the fishing
trip. She had prepared her employees for her absence in the restaurant and
everything. "I didn't forget." She yawned. "I just overslept.
Why so early?" She pouted.

"You know what they say, the early bird catches the

Austin held a paper cup of coffee in his hand. Farrah
reached for it and took a sip.

"Is that what they say?"

Austin nodded his head as he stepped further into Farrah's
townhouse. Her house smelled like tropical fruit that took him to paradise. The
house was decorated in a safari theme with dark colors. "Have you ever been
to Africa?"

"You think I've been to Africa just because I'm

Austin's face turned pale. "I didn't mean anything by
it. Your house is decorated nicely."

Farrah laughed at Austin's rambling. "Austin, chill;
it was a joke. Now give me ten minutes and I'll be ready for our fishing

"Only ten?" Austin was used to Rebecca taking
forever getting dressed; sometimes they would be over an hour late for an
event. He looked around Farrah's house. Even though her house was beautifully
decorated, it was devoid of pictures of her family. There were a few pictures
of her with Southern Rose employees, but that was it.

"I'm ready." Farrah ran out of her bedroom
wearing jean shorts that showed off her shapely thighs and a white tank top
that emphasized her breasts.

"Flip flops," he said, looking at her
well-manicured toe nails.

"I'm taking tennis shoes too." She showed him the
shoes in her hand. "Let's go, but we must grab food on the way; if not, I
can be a B-I-T-C-H."

"Duly noted."




Farrah sat quietly next to Austin as he drove down I-35
East. The sun was just beginning to rise as they crossed the bridge. She peeked
over her sunglasses at Austin; he was devilishly handsome with his white cowboy
hat. Farrah wondered if Austin ever wore anything that didn't consist of blue
jeans and cowboy boots.

"Do you see something you like?" Austin looked
over at Farrah.

"I was wondering if you wear anything besides cowboy
boots and blue jeans," she said as she adjusted her sunglasses.

"I can wear a Speedo if you like." He winked at

"No thanks. I actually think you're sexy in a pair of
jeans." She smiled and averted her eyes to the scenery outside the window.

"You think I'm sexy or that my clothes are sexy?"
he asked.

"Let's steer this conversation to something more
appropriate." Farrah exhaled the breath she was holding; this fishing trip
was a bad idea.

"Tell me about Farrah," he said as he turned the
music down in the truck.

"Such as?" Farrah touched the necklace around her
neck that served as a coping mechanism.

"I know you grew up in New Orleans, then moved to
Dallas where you opened Southern Rose. Ms. Rue, you already told me that you're
waiting for your soul mate, and by the way, I've noticed you don't have any

"What's your question?" she said, looking at him.
She was starting to wish that she had canceled this fishing trip.

"Where do you see yourself five years from now?"
he asked.

"I want to have a fabulous, loving, respectful, honest
husband and two kids and make Southern Rose successful." Farrah turned in
her seat and looked at him. "How many kids do you and Rebecca want?"

Austin squirmed in his seat. "Truthfully, I want a
house full of kids, but I'm not sure what Rebecca wants anymore." He
laughed nervously. "We used to say we would have four kids, but now
everything is changing."

"Love only comes around once in a while. Marriage is a
big decision, Austin. Maybe you guys should talk to someone."

"I know," he said softly as he pulled into the
parking lot of Cracker Barrel. "I don't want you to become cranky, so we
should eat right now." He winked at Farrah before jumping out of the truck
and walking to the passenger side.

"Thanks," Farrah said as Austin opened the door
for her.

Austin held onto Farrah's waist as he helped her get out of
his truck. For one moment, the world stood still as they stared into each
other's eyes. Austin wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words.

"Come, Austin, let's eat," Farrah said as she
moved out of Austin's arms. It was getting hard to fight these feelings; it was
hard to breathe when he was near her.

Austin continued looking at Farrah. "All right, chow

As soon as they stepped inside the crowded restaurant,
Farrah noticed Austin's celebrity status when a group of young college girls
recognized him and swarmed around him like bees towards a hive. She stepped
away from him as he posed for pictures and signed autographs. A waitress guided
her to a booth where she sat and watched

Austin. His laughter from across the room warmed her heart;
she liked the way his eyes twinkled when he laughed. Austin McBride was
definitely breaking all the barriers that she had put up since Fredrick. Farrah
wished that she could turn off her emotions so she wouldn't feel what she was

When he signed the last autograph, she waved to him from
across the restaurant. A waitress was delivering the food she had ordered for
them. He gave her a smile that melted her heart when he approached the table.

"I'm sorry for the interruption," he said as he
sat down across from her.

Farrah waved him off. "It's not a problem," she
replied. "Let's eat."




This was new to Austin. Normally Rebecca would huff and
puff when a fan asked for an autograph. He shook his head as he remembered
Rebecca standing there, tapping her foot impatiently. But Farrah was different.
She'd stepped aside for him and went to the table to order their food.

Throughout breakfast, they laughed and talked like old
friends. "Let's play a game," he said.

"How old are we again?" Farrah smiled.

"Come on, Farrah, this game would be fun." He
gave her his signature puppy dog eyes that he knew would make it hard for her
to say no.

"Fine," she said.

"Describe yourself in a single word," he said.

"Let me think." Farrah sat back in the booth,
putting her finger to her chin. He could tell she was racking her brain as she
tried to answer his question. He had to admit she was cute as she sat there in
silence. "Only one word?" she asked.

"Fine, three words to describe yourself." He

"Vivacious, passionate, candid." She paused and
smiled slowly. "Three words to describe yourself?" she turned the
question back at him.

"Creative, visionary, daring," he said. He took
another bite of his pancake before he tossed his second question at her.
"Describe me," he said in between chews.

"Ugh. I just saw what you're eating." Farrah
smiled. "Answer the question." He sipped his hot coffee.

"May I?" she asked when she took his cup of
coffee and took a sip.

"I can order you one," he said. Austin didn't
mind her drinking his coffee. He thought it was cute. Rebecca never drank after
him from the same cup.

"No, I can't drink a lot of coffee," she said and
put his cup down.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?" She looked at him confusedly.

Austin couldn't help but laugh. He knew she was toying with
him. "Why can't you drink a lot of coffee?"

"I would be on the toilet all day," she
whispered. "Oh, and I think you're charismatic, determined, and

"Really?" He blushed. "You think I'm
sexy?" he said as he cleared his throat.

"Please don't get conceited," she said.

"Oh, honey, I won't," he said as he continued to
smile and drank his coffee.

"Yeah right." She laughed. "Shouldn't we be
leaving for our fishing trip?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said and waved over the




Austin tried to keep his eyes glued to the road, but he
kept looking over at Farrah as she was changing to a radio station where a
familiar R&B song she knew started to play. He laughed as she snapped her
fingers and started to sing the song.

"Do you know this song?" she asked him.

"You think because I'm a country singer that I don't
listen to R&B." He laughed. This was the most fun he'd had in years,
and they hadn't even made it the boat yet.

If you like it, you should put a ring on it
Farrah sang.

Austin hooted and hollered with laughter as Farrah danced
in her seat. "Can you dance?" he asked.

"Yeah." She smiled. "Can you?"

"Better than you, sweetie!" he shouted over the




Farrah turned her attention to the road and off of Austin.
The way he looked at her made her freaking heart flutter with joy and
This is going to be the longest day of my life.

"We're here," Austin said.

Farrah rolled down her window. "Is this your
house?" Farrah stepped out of the truck and looked around.

The beautiful old farm house with the lake as a marvelous
backdrop was breathtaking.

"Been in the family for years. This is where my mother
was born and raised."

"It's peaceful and serene." She looked around the
estate that was nestled around oak trees. Farrah followed Austin around the
house, but she stopped in her tracks as she gazed at the spectacular view of
Lake Lewisville.

"I haven't been here in years," Austin said

Farrah went to Austin and gave him a hug. "I know the
pain you're feeling. I promise it will get better." She pulled away from
him and stared into his eyes.

Their faces slowly descended towards one another.

Farrah's mouth was inches away from Austin's when she
snapped out of it. "We should be fishing," she stuttered.

Austin ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah, I want
you to meet
." He took hold of Farrah's hand to pull her
down to the dock.

Farrah pulled her hand away from Austin's. She opened her
mouth to say something, but decided not to make this day any more awkward. She
knew they were both fighting the attraction, but nothing good could come from
their crossing any boundaries.

"Farrah, meet
!" he said as they
walked down the dock. They stood in front of a luxury blue and white speedboat.

"Named after your mother?" she asked.

He nodded his head yes.

"You know, you keep surprising me." Austin helped
Farrah board the boat and passed her the cooler.

"Maggie, the cook, packed us some lunch and a few

"That's sweet." Farrah placed the cooler on a
leather chair, while Austin got the boat ready to set sail. Farrah explored the
boat. She understood why Austin loved to be out on the open water. His boat was
everything that any man could ever possibly want. Opening the door, she went
inside the cabin below. It was a snug fit, but overall it was really nice and
comfortable. A flat screen TV hung on the wall, and there was even a small
bathroom; they could even sleep on the boat if needed.

"What do you think?" Austin said from behind.

"It's nice."

"I have another boat. Maybe I could show it to you one
day," he said as he stood behind her.

"Let's start fishing." She squeezed past him and
went upstairs. If she had turned back, she would have seen Austin staring at
her with longing in his grey eyes.




"I caught something!" Farrah screamed when she
felt something tug on her line.

Austin couldn't help but laugh; all day he had been patient
with Farrah as he taught her how to fish. The best thing about it was that he
sincerely enjoyed spending time with her. He didn't mind the endless questions
she asked or the fact that she let three fish they caught go because she didn't
want them to die. He was falling for her.

"Reel it in slowly, like I taught you," he said
from behind.

Her body went stiff when his hands touched her. He helped
her reel in the line slowly. He felt her breathing change. Being close was
doing something to the both of them, and he knew it. "Focus," he said
softly in her ear.

"Here," she said, thrusting the fishing rod into
Austin's hand and walking to the other side of the boat.

"Farrah, we need to talk," Austin said after he
had reeled the large bass into the boat. He unhooked the fish and looked at

"No, we don't." She refused to look at him.

"I feel anxious around you. I am starting to develop
these feelings." He walked towards her and stroked the side of her face,
which made Farrah step backwards.

Farrah misjudged her step; Austin tried to reach for her,
but it was too late. Farrah went overboard and splashed into the cold lake.

"Farrah!" he yelled before jumping in.




Farrah had never learned how to swim. When she hit the
water, she panicked as she sank into the lake.

Within seconds, she felt someone grab her and pull her to
the surface. She gasped for air while spitting out water.

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