Read Souls ReAligned Online

Authors: Tricia Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Souls ReAligned (17 page)

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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As the sun starts to set, Rick tries to take the kids in to get ready for bed. In protest, little Leila clings to Ethan’s legs. Reaching down, he runs his fingers through her curls. Slowly raising his gaze to Olivia’s, something passes between them. Olivia can’t put a label on this strong emotional response she has to seeing him with Leila. From the look on his face, he’s experiencing the same. Whatever it is, it’s very powerful and moving.

Ethan lifts Leila up into his arms. “Is it okay if I take her in?” he asks Rick.

“Sure, if you don’t mind. I’m kind of surprised, she’s usually pretty shy, that one.”

Ethan looks at Olivia and shrugs, as Leila wraps her arms around his neck, laying her head against his chest. Yawning, her heavy eyes start to close. Ethan gently lowers her to the bed. Olivia watches from the doorway as he kisses her on the forehead, tucking her in safely.

As he turns to leave the room, her tiny little hand reaches out and grabs his. He stops, turning to see her sparkling blue eyes wide open and watching him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he talks to her in a quiet, settling tone. Olivia can hear the weight of his Irish accent in his voice and it makes her smile. The only other time she’s heard it so thick and pronounced is when he’s angry. What a complete contrast to the gentle whisper he’s using now.

Leila’s eyes get wide and she nods her agreement. Ethan leans over and picks up a small child’s guitar out of the toy box. Strumming the strings, he winces at the screechy sound it makes, but it will have to do. Settling Leila back in, he sings her an Irish lullaby, one that he used to sing to his sisters. Within minutes, her eyes are closed and she’s sound asleep. Quietly returning the guitar to the toy box, he turns off the lamp and tries to tip toe out of the room.

He stops and smiles when he sees Olivia watching him from the doorway with love in her eyes. Giving her a tender kiss, he takes her by the hand and gently guides her down the hall and back downstairs to join Rick and Megan.

Looking at his watch, he knows Olivia isn’t going to be happy. “It’s getting late, I should probably get going.”

“What?” Megan and Olivia ask in unison. Rick rolls his eyes and laughs.

“I thought you two would like one last night together. I can arrange for a car to take you to the airport in the morning.

Megan promptly turns to Olivia, “You’re not going to let him go without you, are you?”

Olivia looks over at Ethan then back to Megan, “You wouldn’t be disappointed if I left?”

“Disappointed? Do you know how thin the walls are in this house? I couldn’t handle another three hours of listening to your side of phone sex again tonight. Please GO!”

Rick laughs out loud, “Hey, wait now! I didn’t mind hearing that at all. She can stay if she wants.” Looking over at Ethan, he nods his approval. “Lucky bastard, you got the dirty sister.”

Olivia gasps, hiding her face in her hands, as they chuckle like frat boys.

“Indeed, I did,” Ethan agrees, enjoying the adorable look of absolute embarrassment that washes over her.

Giving Rick the death glare, Megan crosses her arms in front of her angrily. Looking over at her, he stops laughing, and quickly clears his expression. “Oh Shit!” he says to Ethan. “There’s going to be hell to pay for that.”

Olivia finally gets over her humiliation and uncovers her face. “I’ll go get my things; I’m going with you to Halifax tonight.”

Ethan nods, and then winks at Megan, trying to lighten her mood and get Rick out of trouble. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work and she grunts as she stomps into the house, letting the door slam behind her.

Rick is right on her heels knowing he needs to make amends and fast, “Aw, Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Don’t be mad at me.”

Chapter Fifteen

Pulling out on to the dark highway, Ethan follows the GPS, which takes them around the bottom of the Bay of Fundy.

Olivia tries to enjoy the scenery, but Halifax is an hour away and her thoughts are elsewhere. All day long, she’s felt a strong connection with Ethan. Much stronger than usual. Every glance her way, every gentle brush of his body against her made her body tingle and yearn. It was like an all-day game of foreplay. Her desire yields to a smoldering fever that won’t be erased by romantic gestures and gentle lovemaking. No, she needs something with a little less finesse. Somewhat of a
hand. He’s held back from taking her there but she knows that he desires it, too. If he denies it to her tonight, she thinks she might just explode. She’s going to tell him what she wants.
He isn’t going to like it. She knows that there’s a huge possibility that he’ll refuse.

“I can’t wait to get you back to the hotel,” she says biting at her lip.

He smirks at her, acknowledging her need. “What’s your hurry?” he teases.

“You, in those military clothes. The thought of me… tied to your bed.”

Startled by her words, he glances at her, trying to gauge her seriousness. Joking or not, she’s just made it very difficult for him to concentrate on driving.

“Me, helpless against your advances; unable to move,” she continues. Squirming in her seat, she undresses him with her eyes and thinks about the hard lines of his body. She envisions every bump along his abdomen and that dip that trails from his hip down to his groin.

Looking like there’s something that he’d like to say, Ethan’s jaw clenches. Instead, he breathes deeply, his nostrils flaring as he purses his lips together.

Olivia continues, watching his Adam’s apple move as he swallows hard, “I’m going to struggle, but you’re not going to stop,” she adds, drawing him in further.

“Olivia,” he says concerned, stopping her from saying anything further. “You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to go there for me.” It’s too much considering her past. He’s always feared that if he takes her there, he may lose control and push her too far.

Olivia looks straight into his eyes, “I’m not doing it for you… I’m doing it for me. It’s what I want. I want you to take me until I’m exhausted and can’t fight you anymore.”

Looking physically uncomfortable, Ethan tries to adjust the way he’s sitting and curses, “Don’t talk anymore or I’m going to come all over the inside of my pants. We’ll be done before we even get to the hotel.”

Sitting in silence for a moment, the only sound she hears is the thunderous beat of her heart and the shallow panting of his breath. Adjusting her position in the seat, she turns to look straight ahead,
“Drive faster, Ireland.”


On the way up to the hotel room in the elevator, there’s so much sexual tension between them that Olivia is having a hard time thinking. Ethan watches her expression, nervously. Moving toward her, he wraps his arms around her middle and pulls her against him. Pressing his lips to the top of her head, he asks for her confirmation, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Olivia closes her eyes and breathes him in, “Yes, I’ve had this fantasy for a long time.”

Placing his finger under her chin, he lifts it with gentle pressure until their eyes meet, “You look terrified.”

“I want this. I’m already wet just thinking about it,” she reassures him.

Ethan struggles with the decision; concerned that if he unleashes those desires, he risks losing control. Walking in silence to the door, he stops her outside before entering, “If we’re going to do this, you need to promise me that you’ll put a stop to it if anything happens that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

Olivia nods her head; frustrating him, “Say it. I need to know you’ll stop me. Once I’m in that head space…”

“You won’t hurt me, I trust you. You’ve always known before, even when I didn’t know what was going on.” Running her hands down his chest, her gaze follows the buttons to the waist of his pants. “I promise, Ethan. I’ll stop you, if anything doesn’t feel right to me.”

Reluctantly, he nods his head. Is he really considering doing this, risk pushing her too far in a fantasy of false resistance? “Normally NO or STOP is good enough for me, but I won’t recognize those words during this kind of play. Do you have a particular safe word you want to use?”


“Then we’ll use the standard
for stop.”

She nods her head. Butterflies now turn into angry killer bees inside her stomach. “Red for stop,” she repeats it, knowing that he needs to hear it.

“Kiss me first, so I know that you’re with me, Baby. Once I open that door...”

She raises her hand to his cheek and brushes her fingers across it gently. When he lowers his mouth to hers, she opens her lips, her warm tongue slipping inside with sensual demand. He meets each stroke of her tongue with his own, awakening her need, rousing her
– fueling her desire.

Moving against her body, he forces her against the door and tries to claim her lips again. Closing them tightly, she turns her head, beginning her false resistance. His body starts to twitch with an aching desire as she protests his command of her. Glancing up at him from under her eyelashes, she hears his heavy intake of breath as his chest expands. Pinning her against the door, he presses heavily against her already sensitive breasts.

“Do you think you’re going to stop me from kissing you once we get inside?” he says, in a low questioning voice, almost amused. He runs the key card through the lock making the door spring open. “I don’t think so. In fact,” he says, turning her face with his hand so that she has to look at him. “I think you’re going to let me do whatever I want. On the other side of this door, your body is for my pleasure alone.”

Pushing against the door, he advances, forcing her to walk backwards into the room. She tries to move away quickly, but he captures her, banding his arms around her middle, and stopping her from moving, “Not so fast, I want another kiss.” Lowering his chin, he roughly claims her lips, smashing against them with an insatiable hunger.

Struggling to pull away from his kiss, she places her hands against his chest. She tries to push herself away, but can’t break his powerful hold. He smirks at her attempts, when her muscles finally go lax, giving up the fight. Twisting his hands in the back of her hair, he holds her where he wants her, still hungry for her mouth. She leans away, panting for air, her lips feeling swollen and bruised. As he predicted, she’s completely at his mercy. The rough way he takes command stokes her desire a notch higher.

Releasing her, he traces his fingers down her neck, across her throat, then down further toward the buttons. He quickly undoes the first two, eager to expose her skin and get his hands on her bare breasts.

Olivia’s heart races with excitement as she toys with the limits of his control; stepping away from him, she folds her arms across her chest, trying to prevent him from going any further.

Cursing he stalks toward her like a predator, until she backs up against the end of the bed. Roughly gripping her wrists, he pulls them away from her chest, and then grasps both sides of the cotton blouse. Forcefully yanking the edges apart, he makes the remaining buttons pop, more than a few breaking under the force and launching around the room. He grins wickedly at her, proud of himself. His gaze drops to the open front of her top. Moving the edges of fabric aside, he exposes her breasts to his sight. What a beautiful vision they are. He can’t wait to get his mouth on one of those soft, pink nipples.

When Ethan reaches up to touch one of the soft swells of flesh, she quickly puts up her hand to stop him, intent on fully playing her part. His spine stiffens as he grabs her wrist and squeezes it. His muscles tense as he leans into her ear. He whispers in a heavy hot breath, soaked in masculine desire and vibrating with his Irish accent, “You won’t stop me from having what I want.”

His words make her body keen against him, as the heat in her core spreads like a flash fire. She takes a deep breath in and holds it. Letting go of her wrist, he quickly works on the button of her pants; ignoring her protest as he pulls them down and drops them to the floor. Slowly sliding her top off her shoulders, he leaves her in nothing but her bra and panties.

Barely holding on to what’s left of his control, he growls and steps back. Stripping off his shirt, his expression becomes dangerous as he reveals his heavily muscled chest. Completely immersed in the scene, his body vibrates with need like an unharnessed energy source.

She feels her inner submissive cheer, as she watches the last of his control dissolve. A shiver pulses through her body, making her painfully aware of her wicked dark side that needs him to wield power over her. Her body burns hotter at the thought. She feels it now: his fingerprints on her soul, marking her for eternity as his own.

Reaching behind her, he unhooks her bra. Sliding it off her shoulders, he tosses it to the side. The look in his eyes is raw and savage. He reaches up and roughly pinches her sensitive nipple, making her yelp and wince. Leaning away from the pain, she finds herself with no place left to go and stumbles back onto the bed.

Flirting with danger, she tries to break away from him and escape over the side, but he’s too quick for her. Grabbing for her and pulling her back, he traps her between the bed and his hard body. “Where do you think you’re going? Did you have somewhere to go?” he asks in a low growl, mocking her for trying to escape. He slides his hand down underneath her panties and across her swollen wet pussy. “Because it seems to me that you’re rather enjoying yourself.”

Trying desperately to stay in the scene, she tries to hide a smile. If he only knew how much she was enjoying herself. She wants this; she’s ready.

“Bind my hands,” she begs him, making him look up at her.

Ethan shakes his head, “No. We don’t need to go there,” he says, determined to hold on to that last strand of control. Rolling his body to the side, he grasps her panties on both sides, slowly sliding them down. Her breathing hitches, as his fingertips skim along sensitive nerves.

Determined to make him bind her, she quickly grasps at the material. Holding the waistband, she tries to prevent him from removing them. Impatiently, he grabs her wrist and pulls it over her head, then the other, holding them both in one of his large hands.

“Please,” she begs. “Bind them. I want you to.” She struggles as he tightens his grip around her wrists in a silent warning.

“Don’t move them!” he demands, ignoring her request again. Letting go of her wrists, he tries again to rid her of her panties. Challenging his authority, she reaches down and tries to stop him again.

Cursing he sits up, throwing his leg over top of her, so that he’s on his knees straddling her hips. His weight presses her down into the mattress with his powerful thighs.

His nostrils flaring, he looks at her. “Olivia,” he says softly.

She nods, “I’m okay. Do it. Please.”

Ethan’s cock swells painfully in his pants. Taking a deep breath, he prays that giving in to her demand is the right choice. He wants this, too. He’s dreamed about it a thousand times. Desire thrums through his veins, heightening his arousal. She gives him a slight smile as he nods his head once, and finally gives in.

“I guess we’re going to do this the hard way,” he warns with his tone as he starts to undo his belt. “You’re earlier request left me unprepared. Luckily, as I’ve mentioned before… I’m very resourceful.” Slowly tugging at the end of the fabric belt, he eases it through the belt loops. When he has the entire length of it completely undone and in his hand, she throbs and dampens, realizing that he means to bind her hands with it.

“I’d give you another chance to keep them still above your head, but I don’t believe you’ll do it.” Threading the end of the belt through the buckle, he forms a loop and then snares it around her wrists pulling it tight. Checking to make sure that he’s not cut off her circulation, he secures the other end to the headboard; testing to make sure she can’t pull it free.

His erection strains against the fabric of his pants, desperately aching for release. Surging to his feet, he strips them off. Turning to look at her, bound to his bed, he fights to calm his thundering pulse. Peeling down his boxers, he reveals his heavy cock, surging upwards and pulsing.

The wall of muscle standing in front of her makes her squeeze her thighs together, trying to alleviate the fever that burns there. Her small moans of pleasure rev up his desire, tightening his already aching balls.

Climbing back into the bed beside her, he checks once again that she’s properly restrained. His lips brush fire across her skin. He kisses his way down her neck to her breast, tormenting her with hard pulls and nipping teeth until she’s almost whimpering.

“Please,” she doesn’t mean to beg. She’s supposed to resist him, but she’s almost beyond her ability to focus anymore and she needs relief.

Finally, he strips down her panties and pulls them free. Tossing them to the floor he kisses his way down her stomach. Pressing his hands between her thighs, he pulls them apart. “Spread yourself wide for me!” he commands, his voice dark and edgy, vibrating over her skin. She quivers in anticipation as she spreads herself, making room for him. Hands bound, she completely submits to him. He moves to kneel between her legs but he’s still not happy with her effort. “Wider!” he says, as he uses his knees to push them further apart.

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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